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Hiring and Workplace Trends for 2023

Tight labor supply will continue to impact hiring: The hiring difficulties seen today will continue
beyond the short-run impacts of the pandemic.

Remote work is here to stay: Many employers discovered that remote work worked.

● The great remote work mismatch: Many workers don’t miss the office, but many
employers do, which has led to numerous well-publicized conflicts between workers and

As workers seek higher pay, benefits can set employers apart.

Happiness and well-being matter: Employees are demanding greater well-being in their
experience at work, including increased levels of happiness, satisfaction,
purpose, and manageable stress.

The changing workforce is pushing diversity, equity, and inclusion to the forefront: younger
workers demand more when it comes to social justice.
The Evolution of Recruiting
Changes emerging in recruitment
● Generational change is already reshaping employee preferences: 7 out of 10 millennial
employees prefer to work remotely, and tend to leave the company if it does not provide
remote work.
● The workforce was becoming more mobile.
● The remote and hybrid workplace was gathering critical mass.
● A labour shortage, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic ripple effects,
has added additional difficulty to the recruitment process.
● Applicants are increasingly concerning matters of diversity, equity and inclusion: 70% of
job seekers want to work for a company that demonstrates a commitment to diversity
and inclusion
● Applicants value their work-life balance more than their salary.
● More applicants are indicating that they want the values held by a potential employer to
reflect their own personal values.
● New recruiting metrics can measure what happens before and after an applicant makes
a job application

What employers have done

● Many employers has used a digitally driven approach, based on consumer marketing
tactics, that strives to deliver a great applicant experience by placing a key focus on
applicant engagement: employer branding, maintaining and leveraging active and
passive talent pools, using HR analytics, and utilizing the most meaningful metrics to
measure recruiting activities and deploy tools.

10 things employers should do

● Build a strong employer brand.
● Highlight the organizational culture of good benefits and work-life balance.
● Improve the quality of job postings using candidate personas.
● Go to where target candidates are: e.g., social media and networking platforms.
● Get proactive: build a candidate pool before you need it.
● Hire the best available talent who has the best specific skill set for a specific role and can
bring “added-value” to the company.
● Involve employees in the recruitment process: recommend candidates, write articles and
entries in the company’s blog to promote the company, sit in on interviews, etc..
● Always factor-in hybrid/remote work and recruiting.
● Apply automation and new metrics to measure recruiting success.
● Employ a strong DEI element in the company’s recruitment strategy, and make sure that
the recruitment strategy is complemented by a sound DEI program for existing

Skills-First Hiring

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