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Joshua Nicholas Lindsey

Ms. Ali

Honors World Literature

28 3 23

Title: That Reflects Your Thesis

Nicholas woke up in his bed and began to stir as the morning sun shined through his big

glassy window. As he initiated his stretch which he did every single morning he noticed

something was not the same today. He no longer had sensation within his hands. He thought to

himself “How strange. What could be going on?” So Nicholas slowly opened his eyes to see the

problem and was bewildered to find that he did not have hands anymore but instead they had

seemed to become fur covered legs. He tried to move one of his four legs, but he could not no

matter how hard he tried. He came into the realization that he was no longer himself, and began

to panic. He whispered to himself “ Okay, calm down you can figure this out” He’s not familiar

with moving his newfound legs and can barely get them to twitch. He tried again and they moved

more eventually he was able to roll over and fell on the floor.

After some time, he managed to stand up. He yelled out and called for help but to no

avail there was nothing but in fact a series of barks and whimpers came out of his mouth.

Startled by the noise that came out of his mouth he got the courage to look in the mirror, and

what he saw was unimaginable. Nicholas was now a coyote, and he could not believe his eyes.

He looked around and saw his room from a completely different perspective. Everything was

bigger, and he could smell things he never noticed before like his dirty socks and rotten lunch

from the other day.

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Nicholas panicked at first, but as he started to explore his new body, he realized that he

could still think and understand things just as he did before. However, he also realized that he

had no grasp of an idea on how this had happened and if he would ever be able to turn back into

his original form as a human.

Nicholas began an intense search for his family. He went to his parents room first to try

and get help. Nicholas scratched on the door and cried out “Help! Help!” but only distressed

whimpers left his mouth.

His mother, hearing the scraping on her bed room door called out “Hello? Who’s there”.

Nicholas responded, “It’s just me” but it sounded like deep growling and barks, his

mother screamed waking his father. Nicholas heard his father’s heavy footsteps coming toward


“Get out, get out get out” his father shouted. Nicholas ran back to his room to ponder

about the event that just occurred. He did his best to shut the door and began to wonder what he

could do about his situation, and how he could go about letting his parents know what had

happened to his. He started to consider how he could possibly communicate with other people

now. Maybe he could try writing in a notebook, but he does not have any hands so how would

he hold the pen? He could make some kind of makeshift language, but how would he teach

anyone? Maybe morse code, but he is not sure anybody in his family besides him knows it. So,

oblivious, he continued to think about his problem and how he could manage to get help.

Then all of a sudden, a loud, crashing, bang brought him back to reality, then a second

bang with the sound of wood breaking accompanying it, then a third deafening crash and his

door came bursting down with a loud thud. He froze in terror as his family rushed into his room

trying to get him out. Striking him, they used any long implement as a weapon and beat him out
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of the house. Nicholas ran in horror, until he could no longer run anymore. As the adrenaline

started wearing off and he comes back to his senses, he feels a sharp pain in his ribs and right

front leg. It must have happened in the rush to escape. He slowly started observing his

surroundings to find that he was in a forest.

He remembers years ago when he would come to this very forest and hunt with his father.

Hunger began to set in he needed energy and began looking for food. Soon after his long search

for food he came to find only a dead carcass but had to keep looking as he could not stand the

smell of rotting flesh and limped away as fast as he could, which was admittedly very slow. He

continued on with his search until he was able to find a berry bush and it was not much and he

did not feel any better. So, he laid down on the dusty ground, his pain had become much worse

unbearable even. He started thinking about how and why this had happened to him. He retraced

steps in his life to and nothing came to mind. No horrible deeds, no strange artifacts, nothing. He

could think of nothing he had done to warrant this, to deserve this. "Why me?” he desperately

asked himself. He started thinking about his family. Did they know he was gone? Were they

going to look for him? At this point it would not matter anyway. He knew he was going to die

out in this forest, once a place of joy now his eternal resting place. He started to feel colder,

death, it seems it had come for him. He closed his eyes, succumbed by the darkness.

Author’s note

The metamorphosis in this story does not really reflect my personality because the theme is that

sometimes when things happen we do not know the reason and we never find out
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