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The Paper Bridge

Team Members: Andrew Vu and Karl Andres

Bridge Design

Materials Purchased:

8.5’ x 11’ Printer paper $100 x2

Total Cost of Bridge Design:


Design Concept (include iso and ortho drawings):

(Describe how you intend to build the bridge and how the materials above will be used,
including a sketch drawing - go to Insert - Drawing - Line - Scribble to draw in Google
Scale = 1.5 unit = 1 inch
We intend to build a bridge with a numerous amount of trusses in order to hold the nickels.
When placing the nickels on the bridge, we would be placing them on the top corners of the
trusses since they are the strongest parts of the bridge. We decided to double the amount of
paper we used to make the bridge more sturdy.
Engineering Change:
(Describe any material changes you made after testing the design):

Instead of folding the two papers separately, we decided to fold them at the same time so the
bridge would hold its shape.

(Describe the number of nickels supported, how well the design worked, where the bridge failed,
lessons learned, changes that you would make in a future rendition)

The bridge was able to support 200 nickels. The design worked pretty well, but could have
worked better if we had folded the two papers together in order to hold their shape better.

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