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as B MO rISIO1VWoLic . RAJON) CINCE, L, 4 Z Official Game Adventure Dragons of Desolation Dac lam sill cle Mut Celc mle) The floating Toms DETAILOF 37 Official Dragons of Desolation by Tracy Hickman and Michael Dobson Game TABLE OF CONTENTS Prologue . 2 Wheroin the ‘ie std! and the siny is explained Chapter 14: The Doors of Thorbardin .......- : : 4 "in which the heroes cream dark dreams and Seek the enirance 'o ite long-ost dwarven kingdom. (Chapter 15: The North Gate of the Dwarves 8 Tin which the heroes enter Thorbardin, encounter ancient evs. and moel a legendary dwar Chapter 16: The Honor of the Hylar 2 In which the Counal of Thanes mest, and the heroes receive = quest Chapter 47: Kalil Sith 8 In which the horces ener the Kingaorn of the Dead Seeking a great mystical treasure Chapter 18: Dark Realms : . : ” In which Verminaard relums. and the horoes make ‘het fal sands Epilogue 2 Wherein this took of Dragonlance cares fo an end, the beginning and end of fie is celobraled, and shadows of te future fal on the present APPENDICES ‘Hore are the tools of the story That which is new is explained, as are encounters govemed by ‘ato alone, creprs Story: Tracy Hickman Game Design: Harold Johnson, Bruce Nesmith, Michael Dobson, Tracy Hickman DevelopmentiEditing: Michael Dobson and “Anne Gray Product Design: Elizabeth Riedel Cover Art: Kelth Parkinson Interior Art (Pencis): Larry Elmore Interior Arts (Inks): Jeff Butler Cartography: Dave “Diesel” LaForce and Billy Clemons T9R ne Pos 786 wt ame Adventure 26 and Inside Cover, TSRIUKILS. Kingdom Pemizeon granted te photocopy or Brit tes procul for personel tse. since the Cataclysin. Curse the High Priest of Istar for his pride! For in trying to command the Gods rather than begging Iubly for their aid, he called down their wrath, The Gods puosished Kryn twith fire and flood, and much is forever lost, The greatest loss was knowledge of the Gods themsetoes= the world of Kryn has sunk into blasphemy lo these many generations, and clerics have lost the power to heal. Mankind? separation from the True Gods opened the door to renewed evik Dragons, thought to be only a myth to frighten children, are once again in the world, ” They are commanded by lumans called Z creatures called Draconians The Dragonarnies have now conquered much of Krym, and soon all the land will be tinder their sway. Evil, it seems, may soon triumph over good. Through my Crystal Globe of Wisdom, I can send my spirit across the land to gather Inowledge. And so T have found a glimmer of hope Five years ago, seven adventurers set out 7 from the town of Solace to seek the True Gods. They did not succeed. In time, six returned: Tanis, Flint, Tasslehoff, Raistlin, Caramon, and Sturm. Of Kitiara, the seventh, beloved of Tanis, nothing was heard On their return, they met Goldmoon, a princess of the Quo-Siu tribe, and her lover that could heal by magi. AS the Dragonarmies marched, the FIOM ME ICONCCHRONOS oF ASTINUS oF Innfellows sought the secret of the staff. Their quest led them to the ancient sunken city of Xak Tsaroth, there to confront an enemy out of nightmare: @ Black Dragon The crystal staff was indeed a gift of the Gods. With its power the dragon was destroyed. The Innfellows recovered the Disks of Mishakal, the writings of the Gods, and so did knowledge of the True Gods return to Krym. Now armed with powerful weapons of the spirit, the heroes retumell to Solace, only to find it overrun by the Dragonarmy. The people had been taken to a terrible Text the fortress of Pax Tharkas. At grave risk and through great heroism, the heroes crept into Pax Tharkas, foiled the plans of the Dragon Highmaster Verminaard, and rescued over 800 slaves. Through the trackless wilderness, pursued by the tireless draconians, they sought passage through the long-lost dwwarven kingdom of Thorbardin to the seaport of Tarsis in the south, Temporary refuge for the escaped slaves twas found in the Hopeful Vale, and the heroes braved the dangers of Skulleap, the fortress of the evil wizard Fistandantilus, who perished in the Dwcarfgate War, On that trek, the Seeker priest Elistan became the second true cleric of Krynn. Text did the High God Paladine reenter the world *Y of Krynn, And there, deep beneath Skullcap, 2vas found the key that would lock the gates to Thorbardir a Ser a <8 } en A “Dragons of Desolation” is the fourth in the epic DRAGONLANCE” series, and con: hues the First Book of Dragonlance: Tales of Autumn “Twilight DRAGONLANCE is a story. The ‘medules ia this series should ideally be played as a continuing saga. Players are encourged to take on the roles ofthe main heroes inthis epic; the Character Cards can be cut out and used by the players. You may allow players to bring other characters into this adventure, If so, adjust those characters so they conform to the world of Krynn, which is unlike most AD&D worlds. (See THE WORLD OF KRYNN, below) If you allow players to bring in other characters, but stil want to play the epic, the DRAGONLANCE characters must be either player characters (PCs) oF non-player charac- ters (NPCS), If players wish to play snuiple characters, make sure that they play each char- fcter as an individual. Some characters can be used as Henchmen NPCS for example, one player should play both Goldmoon and Riverwind, one (their choice) asa Henchman NPC. If players do not choose to take all of the DRAGONLANCE heroes, you should. keep the others in the backgroud as NPCs. All of the pre-generated chatacters Figure promi= rently in future moxiles, In any case, is a good idea to party 10 a manageable size Three NPCs require particular attention, Lauran, Princess of Qualinost, was res cued fom Pax Tharkas in DL 2. ln DL 6 sp the There are important differences between the world of Keyan and standard ADAD cam- pains. Characters wwho have adventure in previous DL modules know the following Information. Players and character new to the ‘world should be given this background. Tru clerics have been unknown in Krynn for centuries. Most clerics donot hive spell powers, since they worship fase gods, True clerics wear a Medallion of Faith bearing the symbol of god or goddess. When a new true cleric comes into. being, the medallion mag- feally dupliates, and the new medallion bears the symbol of the appropriate god or godess Only two of the tue gods are currently Known: Mishakal, goddess of healing, and Paladins the high god of good. All PC clerics brought into the campaign must be of good noTes for The dungeonmaster she becomes a PC. Although she should be in the background in DL 4, make sure the other PCs (especially Tanis and Gilthana) are aware of her presence. Blistan was converted from the false Seeker religion to the worship of the true ‘gods, and is now a powerful elerc. In DL 6, he becomes a PC. In this module, he enters the dream world 10 battle Verminaard, and does not reappear until the climax, Eben Shatterstone, the third important NPC, isa taitor, an agent of Verminaar, Eben is selfserving and. greedy rather than actively evil, and so his alignment is neutral en was introduced to the pany in DL. 2 as the vietim of a draconian attack, The attack svas fake. Until he betrays the heroes in the final chapter of this adventure, he appears to support the party in every way. Give his Char- fcter Cand to one of the players to min a8 an NPC. Overrule any obviously out-of character behavior. When Eben’s treason occurs, take the card back and run him for the remainder of the adventure If you don want 10 ply the DRAGONLANCE epic, you can adapt this adventure to your own campaign DRAGONLANCE is a complex saga. To ron it well, you must read this module care- filly to visualize the story, and to think of what players may do, You must motivate the players subtly so that they follow the right path. Sometimes, you must improvise to keep the story on track. Because DRAGONLANCE is a story, both heroes and villains often figure prom neatly in later modules. If “name” charac The world of krynn alignment and worship one of these two gods AIL PC elves in this adventure are fom Qualinesti elves. Other elves—the Sylvanesti ‘appear in Tater modules “The equivalent ofa halfling in Krynn isa Kender. Kender look like wizened 14-year ‘olds and (unlike halflings) wear shoes. See ‘Tasslehoff Burrfoot's Character Card for more information, The values of gold and other trade items fare completely different in this work. Gok is rmuch less valuable; steel is the main trade metal, One stel picce (st) is equivalent 10 1 standard gp in purchasing power. PCs_that center Krynn from other campaigns do not automatically trade their gold pisces for stel Pieces-they may find their personal wealth realy altered! ters or villains should be killed, “obscure deaths” for them, Th should not be found. Think up explanation for their “miraculous” survival For example, a character tumbles down a 500 foot shaft w certain death, Several modules later, the character reappears with a story about how he landed on a Kedge and was knocked fou Much later, he came to, and spent weeks ecovering and escaping. Some characters ean die permanently. When a “name” character no Tonger plays a part in the story, his death ean jccur. Player ‘characters brought into. this fdventure from outside ean be killed norm ‘The player characters are variously referred to as PCS, adventurers, heroes, and companions. Boxed sections of text are read aloud when the PCs experience that Encounter or Event, IF you are playing DL 4 without having played the previous DL: modules, you must set the sage for the current adventure by using the chapter of the Feomochronos on the oppo- site page. If you have played the DL modules Up to this point, no. additional background is rcededsthe story stats the moming after the end of DLS. Sometimes, a character must make an Abily Check against one of is Character Abilities (Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, et.) ‘The player rolls 1d20. Ifthe result is equal to fr less than the player's Ability score in the ‘appropriate area, the Check succeeds, For ‘example, a PC with a Dexterity of 15 makes @ Dexterity Check by rolling 1d20. 1 the result is 15 or less, the Chock succeeds the result is 16 oF more, the Check fils ‘The following exchange rates apply in all lands encountered in this modu 1 gpw (gold piece weight) of stecl=10 gp, 10120 sp, oF 100-cp, oF 2 ip tion picees), for US pp, of 2 bp (bronze pisces) Finally, dragons have been absent from Keynn for nearly 1,000 years. They are consid ced merely legends by all who have not per sonally beheld them, Characters may. be thought foolish, or lies, if they talk about dragons 10 the wrong people Chapter 14: The Soors Of ThoRbDAROIN events Each Chapter is divided into Encounters (keyed to areas) and Events (keyed to time). Keep track of bath location and time to know which Event or Encounter to run next. The mission Eight hundred refugees are fleeing the aries ‘of the dragon highmaster. They were foreed 10 center a wilderness ringed by impassable mountains. The only route to safety is through the ancient dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin—but the gates to Thorbardin have been hidden for over 300 years. The PCs ‘must find the gates to Thosbarlin, get per mission for the refugees to cross through, and et back before the dragonarmies attack the refugee camp. about Dme The dragonarmies conquer areas of the wilder- ness on regular bass. IF you played DL 2 and DL 3, use those modules to calculate the time es. If not assume that the heroes have seven days 10 complete their quest. Do not tell the players how much time The Epilogue tells what happens if event #1: departure of eLisTay The adventure begins in the eamp of the refi gees at midnighe-the same night as the end of DL3 You are summoned to a Inte night meting of the refugees Couneil of Freedom, When {you arrive, you notice that Elistan seems Strangely peaceful. “The dragonarmies are approaching, and now you must find the vay to the gates of Thorbardin, It is the cnly hope far our people. There is litle time; waste none of i. AS for me, I now Know what must be done,” he says. “To the hope of safety!” he sas, lifts a flagon, and drinks. Although the flagon contains nly wat soon as Elistan drinks, he grows pale and Then, eyes rolling back, he pitches forward Elistan has received a dream vision From Paladine, andl has gone into the dream world to battle Verminaaed. The PCs donot lear this unl the end of the module, Elistan cannot be revived by any means availble to the party. He appears dead, but his body does not decay 4 The Council asks the PCs to leave in the smoming to find a way through Thosbanlin. If the characters found @ map to the gates in DL 3, they know where to go-oiherwise, F the Fabulous (see NPC Capsules) now reveals that he knows exactly where the gates are, eveNT #2: dreams of darkness This Event takes place the same night as Event #1, as soon as the heroes fall aslep. Ail slegy ing characters have the following dream: You are standing in front of @ huge door You feel that there is great evil behind it ‘The voice of Elisian, now very weak, is cal: ing for you. “1 have entered this door and cannot find my way back,” he cries. “Pleas Come and bring that which [lef behind!” He does not seem able to hear anything you sey; he just repeats his cry over and Ask each player in turn if he will open the ‘door. If all characters refuse, the dream ends and the PCS awake. Skip Event #3, below. If ‘even ane character opens the door, read the next boxed section, ApPtER 14 Events ‘You feel yourself Noating in avast noting ress for an uncertain length of time Whether moments or centuries, you cannot tell. Suddenly, you are standing on an empty plain. in the distance, mountains fare silhouetted against a starry sky. Before You is @ tower made of crystal, silver, and Pure white marble. Beside you are your ‘companions in adventure. ‘You walk toward the tower. The ground is sof beneath your feet and a sweet, waem Wind blows, But as you walk, the tower changes. Now it is made of st and stone, and the wind is bitter. And nove it is made of rough, decaying stone, and the tower isin ruins There are seven open archways into the tower. As you watch, @ group of hooded pilgrims approaches. As they come closer, they begin to change into dracon jans, but do not attack. They enter the tower You see a long, dimly glowing tunnel that leads inside, You and your eompan- fons enter. and suddenly find yourself ina large chamber! wen hallways radiate from this room. Six are brightly lit; one i dim. From the dim ball whispers the voige of Elistan ‘Thave entered this door and cannot come back. Please! Follow me and. bring that ‘which T eft bebind!™ Tn the six bright hallways are your hears desire-gtory, power, wealth. But you know that-your doom lies down the ‘im coridor, Suddenly, you wake in a cold sweat, deeply disturbed. Something horrible happened to you and your companions ut you can't remember what! event #3: The deagow highlond arrives ‘This Event takes place the following morning no hero opened the door, the Event does not Out of the setting sun comes a dark shadow and mish of wind, Its @ huge red dragon, its wings terbly seared, stride itis the dragon highlord of Pax Tharkas Verminaard! The huge dragon hovers above you, its mammoth wings beating skowly Verminaard (ses NPC Capsules) calls for the heroes, using both voice and telepathy. “Pit ful fools,” he sneers, “to think you could defeat me in the Mind of Evil!” ‘When Verminaard uses the phrase, “The Mind of Evil,” each of the beroes suddenly remembers the terrible dream of the night before. ‘Memories flood into your mind. In the dream, you walk down the dim comidor afraid and despairing. Each step you take is harder than the last. AL last you enter & large chamber There, before you, stands Vern aaard, holding Elistan prisoner in a crystal cage. A small golden Tock holds the cage shut. Elstan sees you, and tries to speak, but cannot, Verminaard rises his hand. Out of the darkness step fearsome fighters. He laughs, and lowers his hand in chopping ‘motion, The fighter attack! Give each player one of the Dream Cards on pp. 6 and 7. Once the players have tead ther ‘dream cards, Verminaard laughs chilingly “So, fools, now you remember your night in the Mind of Evil!" The dragon highlord speaks to exch member of the party, revealing that he knows ‘exactly what happened to each person in the dream. He mocks the futile efforts of the heroes to resist him, anid belies their accom plishments both in the dream and in the real World. He gloats of his victories and their defeats, “Its pointless for you to continue in this lost cause." he says. “Wealth and power can be yours if you but take your place beside me, and place your swords in my service.” ‘Verminaard has 10 intention of keepi his word. If the heroes betray the refugees, \Verminaard takes them back to Pax Tharkas with promises of sich rewards. Once there, he ‘orders his tops 10 feed them to Ember If the heroes attack, Ember flics out of missile range. Verminaard laughs at the fui ity of the attack. If the heroes actually hit either Verminaard or the dragon, Ember attacks with spells, but does not use his breath ‘weapon, the heroes reject Verminaart's offer he says, "Fools! I could destroy you as you stand. TBut I have other uses for you... and there are ‘things worse than death! With that, he commands the dragon to fly off to the north EVENT #4: The dwarven gates After Event #3 (or the next moming, if Event #8 does not oceu), the Council urges the PCs to sock out the dwarven gates without delay Using the map fom DL. 3 (or the instrctions given by Fizban, who goes with the party in any case), the PCs reach the doors after four hours’ travel. Run normal wildemess random fencounters. After four hours’ travel, the heroes see the following The steep defile suddenly opens up onto a rarow, 3 foot wide ledge. Below, a cift Arops 1,000 feet to the valley, Above, the mountain range. Another defile e: scon atthe far end ofthe ledge, almost 100 feet away, A Tange seeet door is inthe middle of this elif face, so well hidden that there is only a 15% chance that it can be found by non-elven races. Elves and half-elves have normal chances to find the door. If the PCs have a know that the door is supposed to The defile on the far side of the ledge leads into a box canyon dead end If the PCs cannot find the door, Fizban locates it for ther, The following methods can open the reat dooe 1. A fireball spell can open the door. IF Fizban is with the pary, he tells everyone to stand back, then casts his fireball. Fizban stupidly stands right in front of the door, and appears to be destayed in the blast. The door slowly ‘opens (see below). 2. A knock spell can open the door. Fizban does not use that spell. 3. The dooropening mechanism is found. If lay elf or half-elf character successfully checks fr secret doors second time, he finds a smal @ feet square) door that is easily opened. Within the door is small opening with a mechanical hand init IF any character shakes the hand, the door slowly opens. ‘When the door begins t open, a deep rum: bling sound (like an earthquake) is heard. The ledge and cliff face begins to shake. The door suddenly breaks free and pushes out 5 fect anyone standing in font of it must make @ Dexterity Chock to avoid faling off the elit No maticr how the door is opened, Fizban manages to be caught on the ledge, and falls down, apparently to his death, His body can- rot be found, The door continues to move ‘outward ata rate of 5 feet per round, “The door is built on a giant screw shaft propelled by a mechanism within the moun- tain. Originally, the door would rest on the wide ledge that once was here. However, dur- ing the Cataelysm, much of the ledge col- lapsed. Therefore, after the door has moved ‘ut 15 fect, the machinery begins to stain Strange noises are heaad. Within 3 segments, the serew shaft breaks, and the door, which weighs several tons, plunges over the cliff face, fling 1,000 feet and enishing anything beneath it The entrance to the lost dwarven king dom of Thorbain has been found, The door, ‘once opened, remains open forever Chapter 14 Oream C dream cand-Tanis draconian. warriors attack, and you are consumed with lust! You draw your sword, and strike about you, cutting down your enemies Great elation love of your li ls your hear as you see Kitira, the great fighting at your side!” You know that you are unbeatable, and that victory is in your grasp. ‘You realize suddenly tha if you strike the golden lock with your sword, Flistan will be freed and Verminaard forever estroyed. But you must act now, for Verminaand is moving 10 take Elistan with him into the darkness! As you lunge forward, you hear Kitara ery for help. You tum, and see her sorely beset by draconians. Without your help, itis obvious she will lose. You hesitate, torn between your duty and your love, ‘AL that moment, a draconian drives a spear deep into your chest. You fall; your last blood-dimmed sight is of Kitiara dyi at the hands of the draconian, 984 TSR In ream card-sTurm Fierce draconian warriors attack, and you are consumed! with batlelst! You draw your sword, and strike about you, cut ddavwn your ensmies Great elation fills your heart as you cut down the dracon: Jans surrounding you, You look around wo so¢ where you are needed. Magially, a wall rises before you, and you hear guards crying that the draconians are preparing 10 breach the wail. A huge blue dragon appears in mid-air, demoralizing all who face it. You know that you are the only one who can defeat the dragon, You start toward the wall as trumpets sound the retreat. ‘But you cannot go forwant, Fear such as you have never known stabs into your heart. You know that if you confiont this monster you will die ‘You turm away, shaking and ashamed, Behind you, the wall is breached and the draconian hordes pour through The dragon| lands. ‘You do not resist as you are trampled by hordes of dracon- jans pouring through the batlements, Biterly” despairing. you dic a cow. dream card-goldmoon Out of the darkness come Fierce warrion-members of your own e, murlered by draconians! You see their expres sonless faces, and realize that they’ are lest 10 evil You fight because you must, but tears run down your checks as you cut down people you loved dearly. Despair, guilt, and herror oppress your soul. Yet you fight on. Around you your comrades die, one by one, You feel that the Tre Gods have abandoned you ‘Sucidenly you know what you must do, You stop forward, and with a mighty blow shatter the glass case. Elistan steps out, looks at you.and then at Verminaard. His eyes become cold, expressionless. You sercam, and reach your hand out to him, ignering the blows that fall'upon you. Elistan reaches down to You, grabs the amulet around your neck, and tears it from you. You collapse, weak and bleeding from the sword-thnists in your body. As you die, you se Elistan’s white robes tum to sear- Jet as he disappears into the void with Verminaard dream card-riverwind Out of the darkness come Fierce warriors-members of your own (Que-Sh tibe, murdered by draconians? You see their expres sonless faces, and realize tha they are lost 10 e You fight because you must, but tears run down your cheeks as you cut down people you loved dearly. Despair, sult tnd horror oppress your soul. Yet you fight on. Ambund. you, your eomnides dic, ane by one You see Goldmoan before you, fighting to reach Elistan as your own tribesmen stab her, You are bleeding from your many’ ‘wounds, yet you shrug off the pain and fight your way toward Goldmoon. Your legs and anns grow strangely heavy, and you can't seem to get closer to Goldmoon no mater what you do, Despair and anguish stab into your heart as you sos her fall, mortal wounded by her own inbesmen, dream card—Liarana Fierce draconian warriors attack, and you are consumed with batelust! You draw your Sword, and Strike about you, eating down your enemies But the draconian hordes are endless, and around you there is death. Sturm fils beside you, draconians hacking at his bod. You look around and see the horror. You fer. Voices shout at you, asking you what to do. Another voice cries for you to take command. Everyone's eyes are on yous everyone is yelling your name, calling for hep. But you don’t want to help. You want t be told what to do You wat to be helped. Finally, you can't stand it any more. You throw down your weapons and run out of the room into the darkness, You nin farther, only to find that the darkness grows and you cannot stop running dream card—Tika, ciLthanas, aNd oTher pighTers Fierce draconian warriors attack, and you are consumed with batlelst! You draw your sword, and strike about you, cuting down your enemies, You are determined to prove yourself in this battle, yet things start to go ‘wrong. You stumble, and accidently trp Stim, who falls under the Mashing blades of the draconians, You jostle Raistin just as he is about to unleash a spell. Your fiends are yelling at you to get out of the way, o leave them alone Panicked, you look around, Enemies you thought you killed are standing up and altacking. Soon you are fighting hough tears of frustration You fight on, stubbomiy, but your mistakes get worse and worse, Suddenly, you see a huge, armored back-a draconian! You stab deeply. and your aim i true. You wie tears from your eyes, and, t00 late, walize that you have stabbed Caramon! ‘You drop your sword and do not resist asthe draconian stab you. You dle, falling across Caramon’s body. ream cand—Tasslehoff and other thieves Suddenly, batle rages all about you as draconian hordes attack! Your companions ean take care of these monsiers-only you can five Elistn! Carefully, you make your way to the crystal cage, and inspect the small golden lock. What luck! The lock is chil ‘ly simple ‘You pull out a lockpick, and go to work. But the lock doesn't yield. Yeu ty again, but find tht this simple lock resists your best techniques. You hear the sounds of combat behind You, and see your friends begin to die under the onslaught of the Araconians, You know that you can stop the slaughter if you can just ‘open this simple, simple lack? Your hands begin to bleed from tearing at the Tock in biter rastaton Finally, ignoring your beter judgement, you try to free the lock open, but tigger a very simple trp you knew was there all along. As the small, pokoned needle enters your hand, you realize that all is doomed, As the poison courses through your body, you know that this is the end dream card-pLINT Verminaard signals, and a horde of mountain dwarves-your ‘wom enemies-rushes to the attack, The batilelust sings in your heart as you realize that your revenge is at hand! But there seams to be an infinite supply of the foal crea tures, and you and your fellows are slowiy’ overwhelmed. “T led thom into this fate,” you think. “I am the oldest, and responsi- ble Despair and guilt enter your heart as you see your dearest fiends perish by the hands of your enemies. There Tasslehoft des, tying to rescue Flistan, there Tanis dies, and there Carn mon dies. Allis hopeless. You keep fighting, now much weaker, asthe mountain dwarves continue their assault, You hardly feel the swords cutting into your body. The loss of blood makes you ‘weaker, and finally you fll. Your last thought is of your friends, dream cand—caramon Fierce draconian warriors attack, and you are consumed with buatlelust! You draw your sword, and strike about you, cutting down your enemies ‘You sand together with your brother Raistin, His magic protects you a8 you slay enemiss all around you. ‘You are fearless in your stack, but see your Fiend, one by ‘one, oxerivhelmed by the draconian hordes. Yet you stand, and you and Raistlin are able to move toward the caged Elistan But suddenly the magic spell protecting you disipates! You tum to sce Raisin, now dressed in black robes, leaving you for Verminaard. Your beloved brother has abandoned you, snd you are bere. You call his name, but a fieree pain in your back reminds you of the battle You have been stabbed in the back, and you cannot see your Killer, You pitch forward, dying, your last thoughts with your brother, forever lot t0 evi dream card-clerics except golamoon A horde of daconians attacks at Verminaan!’s sign. You call on the True Cods for support, then lay about you, hoping to destroy as many of the vermin as possible. The draconians continue {0 come, no matter how many are killed, Despair enters your heart as you realize that you and your companions cannot survive. Suddenly you know what you must do, You step forward, and with a mighty blow shater the glass ease. Elstan steps out, Tooks at you..and then at Vemninaard, His eyes become cold cexpressonfess. You scream, and reach your hand out to him, ignoring the blows that fall upon you. Elistan reaches dawn to you, grabs the amulet around your neck, and tears it from you You collapse, weak and bleeding from the swordahrusts in your body. As you die, you see Elistan’s white robes tum to sea let as he disappears into the void with, Verminard dream card-ralsTLIN and oTHER magic-users A horde of draconians attack, but you know that your spells will protect you. The magic has never been more strong within yo, and you know that today you are capable of feats far beyond ‘what you thought possible. Vietry is at hand! Suddenly, you have a vision of yourself dressed in black robes, feared ‘and respected, rich and powerful Before. you, ope ‘mages throughout time is contained. All you have to do is wi ‘rough a door in front oF you, You look at your companions, and then at the book: How pitiful they look: how doomed! Without another lance, you siride through the door, noticing as you do so that your med robes turn black. 984 TSR ne is the Book of the Magius, in which all knowledge of — EES oe, Using The dwarven kingdom maps The great kingdom of Thorbardin 8 detailed fon the large map. The “Kingdom of Thorbar {ln map shows Toeations of cities, major cor ridors, lakes, caverns, and the like. Also on the map are the sixteen City Blocks that make tap the divarven cites. All the City Blocks on the map are facing north I has been said that if you've seen one dwarven city, you've soon them all. Nothing ould be more true. Once a dart finds some- thing he Tikes, he sticks with i, Dwarves leave architectural innovation to the elves, who enjoy that sort of thing. In the world of yn, all dwarven cites are made of the same Gity Blocks, repeated endlessly To find your way around a dwarven city, a third type of map is used, This map resembles a crossword puzzle, made up of small boxes with numbers and fters in them, Each chapter has one or more “erossword puzzle” maps in it. Each box om the map rep- Fesents one of the sixteen City Blocks on the large map. In each box isa place for a Block Number (one of the sixteen city block types), Facing (a compass direction: NE, S, or W, of °R™ for Random), and Encounter (keyed to. th Encounter section of the chapter). All boxes have a City Block Number and a Facing; only some of them have Encounters The left box in the example on pg. 10 contains a "2 ‘On the large map, "and an “E “2° is a Groat Hall, (Remember, all City Blocks on the large map are facing. north) Since the direction 1s “E,” rotate the block 90 degrees so that the City Block faces east. It connects with a "8 E" Looking again at the lage map, you see that "8" is a Court, Singe t, too, faces north on the large map, you must rotate itt face east. The court contains an Encounter, as well. Refer to the current chap. ter's Encounter ssetion to find out what hap- pens in the Court (NOTE: If the direction & °R, facing at random.) ‘Some areas of the dwarven kingdom are currently inhabited, others ate in ruins, Mod iy the block descriptions below based on the information in cach chapter. City Blocks are connected to each other by the litle extensions on each block, whieh ae open. IF the City Block doesn't connect with anything, the extensions are just alcoves. Some of the eities of Thorbardin are not visited in this adventure. You can town dwarven cities just by preparing “eros word puzzle” maps, and set your own adven tures therein assign a mes The sixteen dwarven City Blocks are described below. Some areas of the kingdom are cute Fenily inhabited and active, In those areas, use the full description, Some areas are deserted and ie in ruins. In those areas, machinery 5 docs not work and everyting is covered with the dust of centuries. In the Northgate arca sears of the Dwarfgate War are everywhere: skeletons, rusty armor, ete. Nothing is of use to the players Because itis important for the heroes 10 get through the dwarven kingdom quickly, not a lot of detail is provided for the various cites. Keep the cha icters on track as they move through the kingdom. If they wander ino areas not described, o need a level of detail not provided in the explanations, you rust improvise o tthe sitation If you decide to create additional adven tures inthe halls of the dwarves, you ean ad whatever additional detail you need to the City Blocks, City Block 1. gatehouse Gatchouse blocks control access to the dwar ven city. The immense gate is powered by a ‘water-driven machine that tums a huge serew. Ciy Block 2. great hall The Great Hall fomms the main strst of @ dwarven kingdom. Merchant shops line the passage Oy Bock 3. Kings Wall Corner 1 The Kings Wall is an inner defense for dlwarven city. Its made up of City Blocks 3-7. Chapter 15 Encount € RS ‘The Kings Wall is generally an upper-class rca, filled with expensive inns, homes of the ich, and lush temples thar is a city level below a Kings Wall block, then the pit drops through fo the next level’ 100 feet below. If there is no level underneath, the pit is 50 feet deep. The temple in this block is used by visi tors tothe eity, rather than by city residents. City Block 4. Kings Wall Gate ‘The Kings Wall Gate contols acess to the inner city The drawbridge is made of wood and ean be bumed (10 rounds until collapse) ‘or removed by soldiers (this takes 5 rounds). Beyond the drawbridge are heavy iron doors and portculiss lined with arrow slits on ier sid, In inhabited areas, guards ate stationed at the dmivbridge and also oceupy the guard houses inside the wal City Block 5. Kings Wall I In this block are the homes and temples ofthe upper clas. If this block is above another city block, the sir moat opens onto the level below ‘othorvise i drops ito Water 20 Foxe below the floor. City Block 6. Kiugs Wall Il This block contains upper-class homes, te ples, and shops. City Block 7. Kixgs Wall. Corner I ‘This area is similar to City Block 3, above. Cty Block 8. Court of Thines The royal court is lined with sculpture and tapestry—the finest art of the dwarven king- dom The seven thrones are for the Seven Rul: ing Thanes Under the Mountain, the rulers of cach of the major dwarf races. Once there was @ High King of Thorbardh days of Derkin, no one has risen to claim the throne. This block also contains quarters for visit ing thanes, and temples for use by the cour. Govemment offices are also located here City Block 9. Residence Most dwarves live in residence blocks. A few stores operate in the residence blocks, but ‘goods ate mosily purchased elsewhere City Block 10, TamsporT Shagt The Transport Shafls are the primary method ‘of travel between levels in the dwarven king dom, The central cixular chamber is a shalt that steiches through many levels above and below Driven by a mechanism at the bottom of the shaft (City Block 15), chain ladders and ‘peat hanging buckets move up on one side fand down on the other. Platforms lead out ‘over the pit so that it is easy for a traveler to pinto one of the buckets as it moves slowly by, and then to stop off when the desired level is reached Tn deserted areas of the dwarven king- dom, the shafts are abandoned and the div- ing mechanisms disengaged. The chains and ‘buckets do not move unless someone climbs fon, and then only allow downward move- iment. The chains cannot be climbed unless the locking mechanism in City Block 15 is engaged To get onto the chain or into a bucket in a deserted area, a character must jump 10 fet from the edge and catch a chain, This requires 4 Dexterity Check. Ifthe Check succeeds, he descends slowly. IF the Check fils, the player ‘makes a second Check to ames the fll. I that Cheek sueeeeds, he catches a chain, but tkes 26 points of damage. IF the second. Check fils, 0 third Check is made. I the third Check sueceads, the character lls 30. feet before catching a chain and takes 346 of damage, but then descends nomally. If the thind Check fails, the character flls the full distance of the shaft and takes normal falling damage of 1d6 (cumulative) per 10 fet fallen to 8 maximum oF 2046, “The Transport Block is the center of dwar ven life. Assembly halls are the homes of plays and music. Major bazaars and shops are Tocated here, There are also. smaller public ‘worship halls and guidhalls for the dwarven anisans. Cty Block 11. Whee Dwarven cities sometimes open onto under ground lakes and rivers. The dwarves have sometimes earied on trade by wate, and occa sionally fish ‘The wharf area contains boat slips, ware houses, government offices, and repair ici ties ir boats. Cty Block 12. Great Temple The dwarves of Thorbantin are among the few races of post-Cataclysm Krynn 40 retain knowledge of the trie gods. The primary god (of the mountain dwarves is Reory, the forger 9 According to dwarven religion, the holy kingdom of Reorx is located far beneath d arth If the temple is located above another City Block, the pit opens up onto the next leveltherwise itis at least 1,000 feet dee for the dwarves believe the deeper the shaft, ‘the more holy the temple. Climbing dowm a Shaft of Reon would bbe considered a sacrilege to a dwarf, Ta a typical Temple Block there are small, stores selling feligious items. Dwarven clerics normally live in & Temple Block, and have a private temple in the block for their own use Coy Block 13. dungeons Although Fierce in battle, the dwarves take pride iv the taking of prisoners The dungeons have cell areas accesed ‘through special rooms called Transit Areas, A, special mechanism controlled from the guard area operates first one porteullis, then the other, serving a8 an “airlock” to control access to the cell blocks. A key is roquited to ope the mechanism, Outside the cell area are ‘guard quaners and weapons storage areas ‘The intemal areas are the cells proper, including dining. and exercise files. Not all cells were locked, depending on the satus and behavior of the prisoner, since exit from the cell area is so tightly controled. If Cell Blocks are adjacent, there is frequently free movement between them, but all connection with the outside is still controlled by the ards. Cty Block 14. Seitmy Inthe great smithies, the dwarves of ages past created wondrous works. Stone troughs con vey metal from the central furnace to the ‘many stalls where dwarven craftsmen work, A lange cauldron hangs over the central firepit, controlled by complex machinery. The caul fron can be swiveled, tipped, of pulled out of the fie to be filled. The Hoo of the firepit is covered in several feet of sock and ashes. The floors and walls of the smithy are. steaked with hardened bits of metal and score marks. City Block 15. TrawsporT Machinery The large pit in the central chamber is with the machinery that operates the transport system. A’net is suspended above the machin ery. The net serves two purposes: it can reduce falling damage by 50%) and protects the machinery ‘fom anything falling into i teR 15 Enc eet Northgate n aaa a ul aa | ion 2 3 7 a a + | a aps lly Block 16. Gardens ‘These beautiful, well-kept gardens are the parks of the dwarven realms, They are lighted by shafls of crystal leading to the surface (a primitive fiber optics system). The garden fontaine small tes, shrubs, mushrooms, and fungi “There are both random and set encounters in Northgate, Use the Random Encounter Chart fon the inside cover to determine random ‘encounters for each City Block in Northgate Whenever the Char indicates that a random encounter will take place, roll 1d8. Each City Block has the numbers 1-8 on it. The ‘encounter i located atthe number of the die Middie Level (entrance result, eg, a roll of “6” means that the encounter takes place in Location 6 in the appropriate City Block.) Te heroes may decide wo bring the ref goes long with them into Thorbardn. If they {do, 20 demo of the Theiwar Kingdom (also known as Dark Dwarves) attack 186 turns after the refugees enter Northgate, An add tional 20 Theiwar atack each 106 turns. After three atacks, ifthe heroes have not already decided to have the refugees retreat, the ref {gee council decides to tum back. The refugees make camp outside of Northgate 19 wait for the heroes? return with permission (0 enter The refugees have heard many awful rumors bout the dwarves of Thorbardin, and are very fearful Because the refugees have now moved further from the a “dragonarries the heroes have an adtional 4 hours to get passage through “Thorburn, 10 "(Upper Level) All deawbridges in Northgate are down and can be erossed, The dravbridge mechae hism is rusted and cannot be repaired. 1. dwarecaTe “The sears of ffewe batle streak the walls The floor is litered with broken shards of pottery and rusted metal. Ancient wagons, their avles broken, liter the major cor dors, The skeletons of dwarves and men lie where they died so long ago, clothed in rusted armor and rags, silent-wimesses 1 the terrible conflict that once raged in these halls Everything is deserted and in nuins. There are no random encounters in this block. The mechanism that once operated the doors is rusted and broken. 2. anman kharas If this encounter has already occured, do not repeat it ‘An armed party of dwarves steps into the coridor before you. The leader, strength and confidence lining his features, steps forward. The large hammer at his side is held loose but ready. He rumbles, “What business have you strangers among the halls of the Hylar? The leader is named Arman Kharas (see NPC Capsules). There are 12 Hylar dwarves, each wearing chain mail and carrying shicld and var hammer, in his ary. Tf the heroes attack, the party fights fiercely and if it looks like the Hylar will be beaten, Arman will surender. If the heroes talk, Arman listers t0 their story, though his men renin ready to fight If the beroes eat Arman with respect and honor, he decides to take them before the Court of the Thanes for judgment. There, they might be granted safe passage. IP the heroes are distespectfiul, Arman orders them ‘out of Thorbardin and atacks if they refuse. Normally, the Hylar avoid Northgate, since its held by the Theiwar dwarves, sworn enemies of the Hylar. However, the Theiwar hhave captured Arman’s half-brother Pick, and Arman is searching the halls of Northgate for him. If the heroes ofler to help Arman rescue his half-brother, Arman takes them to the Court of the Thanes even if they are disce- spect ‘Arman has an idea where Pick may be Deld (see Encounter 4), and leads the heroes toward the dungeon if they agree to help him. ‘Once Pick has been rescued, Arman leads the heroes to the City of the Hylar (Chapter 16) by the most direct route It is very important that the heroes accompany Arman and do not fight bim Encourage peaceful negotiation and highlight Amman’ good intentions. and behavior. 3. The Dark Guide 1 this encounter has already occured, donot repeat it A stunned dwarf, pale of skin and with large eyes, sits mumbling to himself and pulling at bis hair He is clothed in black ly rags with bits of Teather and. metal sewn into them. He looks up, then begins te cower before you. “This is Krothgar, a Theiwar, recently ousted by his clan for cowardice. the is ofered food or safety, he agrees to guide the party through the dwarven king- ‘dom. Actually, he plans to guide the party to the Theiwar community on the upper level Encounter 9, hoping to redeem himself by ‘offering his clan these strangers from the out: side world 4. Prisoners No random encouniers occur in this block. In area 1, two Hylar dwarves are hed prisoner— ‘one is Pick, Arman Kharas" half-brother. tn area $ ae 3-8 Theiwar guards. In area 8 are ‘other prisoners, including Aghar, Hylar, and Kier dvarves Lf Pick sees the purty, he calls out for re cee, and says his family will reward his safe retum, The other Hylar dwarf in the cell is ying of a rotting disease, and dies an hour afler rescue if nothing is done to cure him Once resaued, Pick would gladly lead the party through Thorbardin, but unfortunately ‘doesn't know where he i oF how t get home: 5. anvil’s echo A vast cavern opens up before you spanned by a bridge that leads off imo the darkness. ‘The slightest whisper seems to cho endlessly in the black depths. Low stone rs thre feet high, line each side ofthe wide bridge. The rails are held up by carvings of small dwarves, ‘The cavern is called the Anvl's Echo, Legend has it thatthe sound of a dwarven haramer on an anvil will echo for eternity in this divart- rade cavern. The esiling is one hundred fect above; the floor of the cavern (Encounter 8) is fone hundred feet below. The bridge is part of the Northgate defense system. Murder holes in the ceiling ‘were used to drop missles, boiling ol, molten fad, and boulders on attaekers-but the defenders of Northgate are long dead. Halfway’ across the bridge are two ropers, fattened agains the stone guard rails, waiting to ambush the pany. 6. attack of The Therwar ‘A clan of Theiwar dwarves are foraging in this block. Unless the party is totally silent, the Theiwar aro not surprised, There are 75 Thewar. As the heroes approach the the block, the dark dwarves fill the main hall ways to the south and the east. If the party is being led by Arman Kharas, he races down the west end ofthe hall Shouting for all wo follow him. He leads ll ‘who follow to the nearest Transport Block, and jumps to eateh one of the chains. Ail of ‘Armin’s men follow him onto the chains they all succeed in catching the chains. See City Block 15 for operation of the transport system, The Theiwar ean ride the chains, but ‘only do so in emergencies, Since they do not see this as an emergency, they do not purse If Krothgar is guidg the party, he runs back in the dicction fiom which he came, since these Theivar are from a different clan, ‘and wouk! gladly kill him too, Krothgar finds the nearest sair and suns to the upper level, ‘occupied by his own clan, The Theiwar do not pursue into what they cons ‘ory 7. City of The Thehwar Krothgar’s clan oceupies the small walled fort con the upper level of Northgate. There ate d der led by a demo savant If by some Stoke of bad luck the party enters the clan for, the Theiwar ty to expture the party, take their possessions, then throw them into the well of the great bridge to their death, 8. Floor of The anvil’s echo A huge, square eavern is carved out of the solid stone. The floor is line! with rubble Scattered about are skeletons long. dead fallen from the great bridge above. Chapter 16: The honor of The hyLar a encounters 9. Leaving Northgate If the party leaves Northgate in the company of Arman Kharas, Arman guides them through the dwarven realms to the city of the Hlar by the safest and most direct route. He knows where the Thefwar stronghold are, and avoids them whenever possible. Arman wishes to avoid combat, intending omly to get his half-brother Pick to safety and to take the party before the Council of Thanes. Arman Will answer questions about the dwarven king: ddoms to the best of his ability. As son of Thane Hoof, leader of the Hylar, he knows much of the sivalry that plagues the kingdoms of Thorbardin (especially between the Hylar and the Theiwar). At every occasion, he talks shout his supposed descent from the dwarven hero Karas. If the heroes depart Northgate without Arman, they must find out what to do and where to go by themselves, Most of the posi ble encounters in this region of Thorbardin are with Theiwar dwarves, who ry to lure unwary adventurers into a tap, Ifthe heroes reach the West Warrens, thy numerous Hylar Farmers, who eall for guards to capture the intruders The guards imprison any captured heroes for 24 bours, then bring them before the Council of Thanes in the Hy ity neu i et ey il aS ‘The party departs Northgate either on the First Road of Thanes (if they left [Northgate from the lower level) or on the Sec fond Road of Thanes (if they left ftom the rid dle level. 10. The Road Of Thanes 'A wide tunnel through the mountain Teads| into darkness, Metal track in the center of the tunnel are twisted and broken, The stone floor is worn smooth. Once, thou Sands oF dwarves must have walked bere. Now, there is only dust and emptiness. Your footsteps echo hollowly in the deserted corridor. The Roads of the Thanes are the major high- ways that connect the cities and outposts of ‘Thorbardin. In the civilized areas of the realm, small cars roll along the metal tacks, pulled by cables connected to dwarven engines, Carts pulled by beass of burden ta vel along the roads, as do dwarves on foo. “The First Read leads to the lower level of the North Hall of Justice. 11. The Second Road Of Thaes This i identical © the Fist Road, except it lends to the middle level of the North Hall of Justice. 12 1.2. The North Hall Of Justice The North Hall of Justice (See map) is small complex of City Blocks that once served as government offices and a second line of defense. When Thotbardin was sealed off from the outside world, the North Hall of Jus tice fell into disuse. It is now occupied by Theiwar, who prey on unwary travelers, Senities are posted in the Great Hall on levels | and 2. A pasty of 40 Theiwar wearing Teather armor and carrying light crossbows with poison arrows (see Monster Manual I) is stationed in each Kings Gate Block in the complex, where they can fire on intruders through arrow slits in the Kings Wall, All Theiwar are ofthe lowest type, Arman knows nothin Nort If the party inflicts more than SOY cast- lies on the Theivar, the remaining flee. They are not interested in prey that fights back. Arman and his warriors help the heroes An addtional 250 Theiwar led by a 7 HD Derro Savant and a 6-HD Student Savant live on the upper level. They only attack ifthe party. ventures upstairs The First Road of Thanes (ower level) leads on toward the Hylar regions, The Seo ‘ond Road of Thanes leads northeast to the city fof the Theiwar. Arman insists on ave ‘of their presence; he came to e by a different and more dangerous the First Road, If the party should depart the North Hall of Justice on the Second Road, they encounter a war party of 1410 Theiwar Ted by a S-HD commander after 148 tures Each Id turns thereafter, they encounter another party, each with 146 more Theiwar than the previous one, until they tur back, are kalled, or are captured 13. Road To The West Warnens ‘After many long hows of travel, the Read Df the Thanes opens up into a large, natu- ral cavern, The eavern tovms with life huge mushrooms, strange fungi, and other strange plants This area is called the West Warrens. The northern section, where the characters enter, is a wildemess. Much ofthe land in the Wartens fs under cultivation: firmer: from several of the dwarven kingdoms mise food bere. 14. The West Wanrenss The wildemess of fungi gives way to greater order. Here are ficlds of mush- Toms, carefully fenced in. Dwarven farmers labor in the fields. Carts full of rmushtooms and fungi, pulled by stunted ponies, travel on dint rads heading south, Four shrickers are located atthe northern edge of the farms, and begin to ery out when the party approaches. A patrol of 40 Hylar sol- dirs wearing chainmail and eanrying war hammers, arives in 146 rounds. Their leader calls forthe party to stop and ident them selves. If Avman Kharas is with the party, the guards behave with deference, and offer 10 escort the pany to their destination, I the heroes are without Arman Kharas, the guard leader onlers them to surrender their weap- ons. If they refuse the guans attack, and are Joined by an additonal 1410 guards every 5 melee rounds until the party: surenders, is captured, oF is kill If the characters are capured, they are hhekd in the prisoner block in the Guardian Halls for 24 hours before being brought to the Couneil of Thanes 15. Guardian halls The Guardian Halls (see map) control passage through the dwarven realms. The Gate Blocks at either skle are normally open, but ean be Shut in case of invasion, Guards in the Block check the right of people to pass. A. large Alungeon holds those who are caught crossing into the wrong kingdom If the heroes were captured in the firms, they spend 24 hours in one of the prison cell, and then the guards take them to the city of the Hylar. If the heroes are with Arman Kharas, they pass through the Guardian Hell without incident. 16. The Sixth Rowd of Thanes ‘This dwarven highway is in working onder. An endless chain of cars travels along the metal tracks, pulled by a strange dwarven engine Either in chains or in the company of ‘Arman Khas, the characters board a car, and are pulled slowly along the road. The ride lasts bout half an hour 17. Docks ‘The ride ends at one of the Hylar wharf (See map). The wharfs look out onto the Uskhan Sea, and reveal an amazing sight the Life ‘Tree ofthe Tyla. The Life-Troe is tily one of the wonders ‘ofthe world. Iti an immense salatit, half @ mile high and as wide at the top inside which an entire city has been carved (see mp). “The eiy can be reached only by cable boats (another dwarven invention). The ccable-boat leads to Level 1 of the Life-Tree TF the characters shoul! commander boat and try to visit any ofthe other cities that line the Urkhan Sea, they are attacked by a dragon trie 18. The Lige-Tkee of The hylan A working transport shaft provides passage up the Life-Tree. Hundreds of Hylar dwarves clog the shafts. Most of them have never seen a non-dwarf before, and gawk as the strangers pass, Young children make rude remarks, Ride ing the transport shaft i quite safe, though the characters may fel otherwise as they look ddowa the long shal The dwanen city is iluminated by a spe~ des of glowing coral that works ike & contin ual light spel IF the characters are currently prisoners, they are taken to another dungeon ‘lock on level 17 ofthe city (area °C"). IF the charac ters are with Arman Kharas, they are taken to 2 place of honor: a well-appointed inn (area “") on level 28 (ihe home of the very rich and powerful) in the Kings Gate just outside the Court of Thanes (area “A") Ifthe characters ae free, they can wander round the dwarven city while waiting for the meeting of the Council of Thanes on the fa Towing morning, 19. audience With The Council. of The Thanes ‘The Council of Thanes rules Thorbandin, Each fof the nine dwarven kingdoms is theoretically entitled to an equal seat on the council. In practice, this is not the ease. The Neidae (Hil) Dwarves split with the dwarves of Thorbardin luring the Dwarfeate Wars, and so their seat is empty. The seat of the Kingdom of the Dead is quite vacant. The Kingdom of the High King has been vacant for over 300 yyears-since the time of Derkin, The NPC Capsules of the thanes of Thorbardin provide some background on the six thanes that are present ‘The Thanes are: Hornfel (Hylaf), Bluph (Aghar), Gneiss (Daewar), Realgar (Theiwar, Rance (Daergar), and Tufa (Klar), Hornfel is the father of Arman Khares, and sympathetic to the heroes" plight. Realgar is fan agent of Verminaard, and sees this as an ‘opportunity to have the deo rule Thorbar- ain To run the Council mecting, frst have Arman Kharas (if present) introduce the heroes to the Council and introduce the Thanes #0 the heroes. Then have the heroes present their ease and make their request Hornfel listens with interest, but Realgar begins to speak with hatred about the hill dwarves and men that brought on the Cate elysm and the Dwarfgate Wars, Have each player make an Inteligen Check at -5 to intelligence. Any who sucveed feel that Realgat’s speech pattems are very similar to those of Verminaard. In fact Realgae is being telepathically controlled by the dragon highmastr During Realgar’s tirade, tell the players that the der thane seems 1o be swaying the ‘Council against them. Finally, the discussion is finished, and the characters are asked 10 eave the room so that the Council ean make its decision ‘The Coureil’s debate lasts an hour, then he heroes are invited back in, Hornfel speaks, “it is tue that you humans brought the Cataelysm upon the world, and it 8 are that the Neidar made war on Thosbardin But dark times are here again, and ancient ‘grudges must not contol our destiny “Here, then, is the decision of the Council-that whosoever recovers. the Hammer of Kharas, that person will the dwarves of Thotbardin befriend. If you agree to our terms, and bring the Hammer to us, then may your people pass. “There is one cher condition; that ‘one of your party remain here as a hostage for your safe return. Chapter 16 Life-Tree of the Hylar | i | 718 Levels 19-21 ras Jk pomte) r 1 Lower Level Middle Level Guardian Wharf ara Hall North Hall mi of Justice pape ae ape a a Upper Level ornfl names Eben asthe hostage to be kept (this is. Realgar’s ia, but the heroes rors should not know this). IF the heroes refuse the aquest, they se smprisoned. If they agree, Level 28 Hornfal tells them that the Hammer lies somewhere in the Valley of Thanes, bural found of the dvarves. I he herbes have the Helm of Grallen, Home thanks thers for is return, and asks them to take it to the Valley The Song Of Kharas (of hanes and leave itn the Tom of Khas. He tells hrm thatthe Hef wil be of help to | Tire were shah of thn max Karama a thea te tar in rt them in their quest, tive in Thrrin eper of Kings oto as Hornfel fess hand, and two dwarves | Inte dar or Deh when The Hondo he Hammer, Am of And ld and atoning Wis mind enter the chamber. One carries a dram, and | ote dace fe tr Wo the eter fone asroll. They shan the "Song of Karas” J OW vor he fl te se at te soning ere fhe Hamme of Hr we fon 20. Leaving The KnagBom of The Hy, | Ine ssa he ns Te so of he ane Den Wt da dt Ie the taes do mot gies to ths qnst they Oo te dev of Wie Deka saw deck won dark He tamed frm nies, fom be inprtoned in te ingeon on oval 17 ot | Dothan Devkn Ie the net the wl Ack oe Libties wed BA we ee ne 10th gloom ofthe tncer nthe ets of the ation sow Oud whe agen. on oth If they agree, Arman bees his ther ro | of Slew wes and es ne allow him to accompany the heroes. Horafel fies and ater came Tit me rar each sh agrees. Arman and a party of Hylar guards ‘ Aor sve tn cont the heroes vay. Eben Says behind a a ithe dep ofthe «Wek agate ad omcte, king ‘The Hammers rete ina tine ice, oes wore. ei vet ib “The trp out of the Hylar city is the same Under the tof he Under the hea of he Cinder the bear of he 4 the joumey in. The party takes a able ar Michon nahin highland across the Urkhn Sea To the Eighth Road of Cae eet of Under de cing of Ue cen of Thanes. The trip down the Eighth Road i ako stone ; by eae, The journey ends several hours later at Under th wane of the Lind the wane of the Cale the wane of the the Guardian Hall complex. that opens up er gly vert om ris hy onto the Valley of the Thanes where all the ome weer home. Home wader ome ome under tome lead of Thorburn are bused Chapter 17: KaLiL S’ri The final kingdom of the dwarves is Kalil S'rith, the Valley of Thanes. Here are buriet the dwarven dead, Those of royal lin cenlombed in caims; commoners are interred in bumble graves in the stony plain ‘that he has the power to tum und 12th level cleric eNcOUNTERS 21. The Valley of Thanes ‘The sin seems a strange sight afler many hours in darkness. Ahead lis a dreary, bar between the soaring mountains ‘whines about the hilloeks, seeming to carry the groans and laments of dying warriors, A freezing min begins, soaking the ground and limiting vision 0 100 yard 2.2. Tombmounds of The Thines Carven tombs, pitted and worn, replace the simpler cams. The wind and main rise a mournful how a. Tomb of Rathkue A roiting imps down from lage tomb. lis arms are outstretched and it is mumbling. Behind it trail dwarven undead This is the mummy of Rathkar, who cannot rest until forgiven by 77 men who listen to bis ‘entire life story. He has boon forgiven by 31 so far, Rathkar's story takes hours to tell, al he mumbles, His “terrible” sin was that he never told his wife tht he loved het. I the party does not listen or refuses to forgive, Rathkar attacks, He commands 21 nd 19 ghasts, None of the undead bis hex, and ean be wmed only as if higher than normal. If destroyed, erates, but this takes seven B. Spectral. Tomb ate all life and attack to raders. One spoctt, Wo mum: nd eight ghasts are present. They can Teave the mound for one turn only, and then are tleported back to their graves for the rest ofthe day. Is 23, The Garden A green oasis surounds a lake at the valley’s ‘enter. Stone tombs, covered with ice fom the freezing rain, fill the oasis, As soon as the heres enter the oasis, the rain ends and the sun comes out. Overhead, looming above the i floating rock crowned! with a Tomb of Derkin lake, is cstle-th One tomb stands empty before the heroes. On the opposite shore of the lake is a A. Tomb Of Grablen + from which direetion they approach, Grallen’s Tomb stands before the heroes. A. 1Sfoot obelise stands on the lake shore. Behind it is a slate of an amored dwarf, arms spread, bare head thrown back. There are Hylar carvings that read: “Raised to honor Prince Grallen, hero of the final assault fn the fortess of Fistandantiis” TF the players have the Heim of Grallen, it speaks to its wearer, saying, “Bless you, for my brow has been cold th winters. When placed on the statue, the helm “What tums to stone and the statue speaks, you seck i above. Its only entra ihe lake. Say “T mourn for Kharas* and step ‘through the unbroken arch.” The state then crumbles. IF the heroes keep the helm, the (Sa wearer must make a save vs. migie once per tum or throw the helmet to the ground, The helm, once dropped, vanishes, 8. Broken GaTeway The ruins across the lake are overgrown with lilies, jasmine and snapdragons. The ground is carpeted with petals. In the nuin’s center sands an arch broken inthe center. Nine frag iments are scattered about it Tf the heroes search the area, they find the nine fragments and a stone plaque engraved in Hylae script. It reads, “I wait and watch; he will not eturn, Alas, | mourn for haras.” ‘The heroes must fit together the nine pivees 9 rebuild the arch, When the picees are put in place, they magieally merge with the stone until the arch is unbroken again, If the heroes do not think to rebuild the arch, ‘Arman suggests that they do so ‘Once the amch i rebuilt, it becomes & teleport device leading to Encounter 24, Say- ing the phrase, “I moum for Kharas” act vas it The floating Tomb Derkin's Tomb was build before the Cato clysm. Upon his death, Khuras carried Deskin to his final rest and here Kharas met his own, doom Shortly thereafter, Evenstar, the gold dragon, arrived in exile to guard the Hammer of Kharas. Evenstar, using hidden knowledge, swrenched the tomb from the earth and set it inthe sky. He ta filled the tomb with magic pel. Yet his magic isnot all danger, for Even: Sar loves beauty and light and adomed the castle with these things to. Derkin's Tomb is 400 feet above the ‘ground, It is builtin several levels in the rock fon which i floats, Sheer cliffs sepamte the levels ‘The tomb has a feling of age and won derment about i. Each room is more exquisite than the last. Even the halls and shafts bear fairylike mural, At any moment it seems the beauty will come to life. It froquemtly doos through the magic of Evenst’s ring of tele Every six turns « muted gong sounds throughout the tomb. how To Run This encounter ‘The tomb has only one occupant: Evenstar He uses his spells and abilities to challenge the heroes. To play this section, first review the rules about dragons in Monsier Manual 1, the description of Evenstar in NPC Capsules, and the map of the Floating Tomb on the inside cover. Suggested uses for Evenstar’s spells are noted in the encounters below. Everstar casts Guards & Wards as soon 3s the heroes enter the tomb, causing: All doors are wizard locked. Cortidors fill with @ misty violet vapor that reduces sight to 10 feet Inner stairwells, the Spiral Way, and the ator shaft fill with webs, Eight doors (random) are hidden behind sn illusionary wall. They ean only be found by touch Every time the heroes choose a direction, they may (50%) move opposite the way they think they are movi Everything radiates magic. BI Evenstar is basically a peaceil, though world-weary dragon, amused at the’ heroes’ struggle, He enjoys confusing people by changing shape when not observed. He does not reveal that eis @ gold dragon unit noted inthe text, only that he is the guardian of the tomb, He does not use his powers to cause death, If a hero falls down the shaft or off the tomb, he makes a Dexterity Check at -4 10 dexterity 10 catch himsell, or takes 1d6 points of damage for each level fallen. tthe bottom ‘of the shaft there is a net that will break the fal, but at 246 points of damage. Ifa charac ter falls ofF the tomb and does not catch him- self, he falls to the lake below, resulting in a total of 1006 damage (water cushions the fal, 24, RecepTIOn Tower A duplicate of the teleport arch from below is haere. As the last hero exits From the teleport, there is a fash of light and the arch vanishes behind them. There is a trapdoor in the root, but no ladder to the floor below. 25. Lowen Gallery & Stas This wooden walk is weakened in several places, There is a 10% chance it breaks. Each Character must make a Dexterity Check of fll 10 feet Evenstar ean east push on a hero climbing the stirs, causing him to topple back into the thers, This causes all affected heroes to take 16 damage 26. hall. of enemies ‘The booty of vietory, the weapons, armor and shield of Derkin’s defeated enemies, is stored here. Evenstar may use his ring of telekinesis to make things appear to move. 27. Upper Galleries This is astone walkway. At the top ofthe stirs 4 voice (magic mous) cries out in Hylan, “Defilers, gone! Temp not the sleep of the ageless.” The passage slopes upward to the north past several archways. Evenstar ean east rock to mud and dane ing lights. 28. Votive Cells ‘These are bare, stone cells 29. Overlook From this overlook, to the east Hie the ruins. In the distance to the est is another exit from the valley. South are the nests of giant vultures in the caves. To the north, the snow.sbrouded peaks of the mountains are covered by « huge army crawling down into the valley. The ‘enemy is coming. (This sight can be seen From every overlook in the tomb.) 30. Fountains Of Time Inthe center of this oom is a moss-covered fountain, Lying against the fountain is a Whitebearded slegping dwar He mects the general description of Kharas. This 8 Even- Star. If the heroes awaken him, he appears dazed. He has trouble understanding” that time has passed or where his hammer has ‘gone. He had stopped for a drink afer bury- ing Derkin and that’s all he remembers. (1 any heroes drink from the fountain, roll dice as if checking for an effect, then look relieved and say that they made it) “Karas” apres 10 40 with the heroes. After Encounter 36 he Slips aay or changes fre, 31. wlechamber Those walls are marbled snd mirrored, mak- ing the room seem larger 32. Banquet hall Long tables are lined with fine foods. Fruits and sweets are spread in the center of the fables. The room is filled with the aroma of 00d cooking. Upon closer examination, the food is found to be made of precious meta, gems, and jewels, worth thousands of stl. Making the best choices, each person might be able 10 take 2,000 stl worth, "Kharas™ wars agaist theft bere In the center ofthe room isa tall ebai, & reading table, and a book. Lying on the book is & pair of ruby-colorad spectacles, The book is a history of Derkin, written in an obscure tongue. “The spectacles have the following proper: ties infravision, ultravision, comprehend Far ‘wages, and read magic. They also act as a gem ‘of seeing. They an be wom for up to Four hours day without ill eects. If worn longer, they give the wearer a splitting headache (-4 to THACD). 33. Grand Overlook See Encounter 29 for what ean be seen, The ‘gor here is rften; there is 10% chance per 50 pounds that a character falls through. Fall- ing characters make a Dexterity Check to catch ‘themselves; failure results in a 20 foot drop to the support beams below for 346 of damage 34. Grand Promensd] This corridor is lined with shallow niches holding granite states of noble dwarves. Evenstar ean east stinking cfowd in this 35. Tipping Path See the diagram on the map. This bridge is lined with crossbars supported by a central metal beam. When the party crosses the bridge, it flips over once more than half the toil party weight crosses the midpoint. Char ‘oters may catch hold ofa erosshar by making ‘a suocessfil Dexterity Check, or fall down the shat 36. elevator Shugt isis @ square shaft filled with webs. A cas cade of ice chips fll from the shaft and evapo rite as they strike the floor 37. Ruby Tower of Singing Light The room at the tower's base holds crystals and colored glass bits. From above comes the sound of heavenly chimes: The tower iself is Aooded with a rainbow of light dancing on the walls and crystal chimes ringing in the wind. 38. Shrinse of Reorx The forge (On the altar are three items and a tapestry that reads, “Take you in need.” Any who enter the shrine are filed with a fesling of anticipated Date. The three items are a potion of exira healing, a scroll of remave ewse and prayer, and a necklace wit thtce prayer beads bess, ture, and karma, Evenstar can identify the beads, 39-41. Histories Of Derkiy ‘These thre chambers tell the story of Derkin's lite, ereations and battles through dioramas ‘and trophies. They include his tiumph over Boneerusher the Ogre and his final battle fought atop Mt. Skull. Evenstar may use his ring of telekinesis to make things come to life fr use dancing lights to lure party members to the elevator shaft 4.2. Unseen Danger This room is filled with red light from the level above. A penklulum swings 30 feet ove head Iisa hammer, This oom has red els partial floor that is invisible in the light of the tower. It appears thatthe ream opens onto the shafl. The Teal floor is a network with gaps Invisible, overhead swinging logs strike at (THACO'15) anything above 3 feet tall. On the far side of the room i a brass ladder lead- ing wp. 453. Courtyard From this flagstone courtyard, the heroes can see sights as described in Encounter 29. The ‘ap ofthe large ruby’ tower bears a sharp spike, In the center ofthe courtyard beside a ole lies 4 16-foot Magpole with a lance tip. This is a fenide model of the dragonlance. An inserip- tion on the wall of the Pilgrim's Hostel (Encounter 44) reads lances did great Huma seek To forge upon the dragon's peak With sidver arm and silver pool And Hammer would he forge wyrms’ doom 44, Pligeim's hostel This is a refuge for visting pilgrims A ramp circles fountain, providing to tiers of stone calls Here is the gear and plare mall +1 of Kharas 45. Lonely Vigih ‘This tower is dark. A set of sais spiral up round a water-filled cistern to 2 balcony. The 7 stairs are coverad with webs and broken in sev- cera places. An uncautious hero may fall 10-30 feet Evenstar may use phantasmal force 10 make the cistem appear to release a flood of water for 344 damage ‘AL the top of the ower is a wooden eylin- der containing a magic seroll with flame ‘arrows, fire shield an Haste 46. dilemma In this tower is a gushing fountain. A. ramp leads downward. The room is 30 feet high, the fountain spouting nearly to the ceiling. If a player deeldes to look closely, have him make an Intelligence Check. If he is successful, be sees a small wooden platform bobbing. at the top of the fountain. This platform has a per ‘manent levitate spell cast on it, but can only support 20 pounds. On the platform is a potion of superheroism and a wand of frost with only 3 charges Fe. The command word COG") is writen in runes on the wand. 47. Vestibule This room is filled with an obscuring smoke which ‘will slowiy dissipate once the doce is ‘opened. A broken phial lies on the floor ‘On the floor before the socond sect of doors is the compse of & dwarf. He wears the signot ring of Kharas, This is the tue Kharas. If Evensiar is masquerading as Kharas he admits that he is just the guardian of the tom and has been festing them. He does not change into @ dragon. Beneath Khas’ heel are the remains of small scorpion; he was ignobly stung to death ‘A stone phial attached to his belt contains uid which forms an obscuring cloud of smoke, 40 feet by 40 feet by 20 fet, when poured on the ground, 48. Ruby Chimber of The hummer ‘The room is hot, lit with a sanguine light streaming through crimson windows. Only narrow balcony thrusts over the shaft thet ‘opens 10 the distant lake below Hanging trom a slender thread, a mighty bronze hammer swings back and forth. Every hour it strikes one of the gongs thrusting out fiom the wall Evenstar cast an invisible eylindscal wall of force over the swinging Hammer. The Hammer may then only be retieved by find- ing some way to sever the cord and catch i climb beneath and up to it, oF by waiting for the end ofthe spell Using a crystal and mirror oF the aby lasses to focus the sunlight bums the cord through andl the Hammer falls to the invisible floor below room 42. 49. Watch Tower ‘This three story tower contains two balliste tnd ammunition, Bunks, kegs of oil, and a gong are above. A woaden ladder leads up to the steep 50. Test of defermintion Wind fills this room, moaning up from the shaft, Swaying in the wind aross ths pit isthe remnant of a rope bridge. Now only’ single strand remains with several boards still atached. A hnd-overchand crossing requires three Dexterity checks. To tightrope walk make two checks at +4 penalty or -20% for ‘hit Climb Walls 51. Robben’s Trap AA fountain of flame is in the center of this room, Set in the wal isa butessed stone gate with a lever This room is trapped to dispose of tab bers The trap is activated by pushing up on the lever, or by removing the stone pin which stops the lever fiom moving down. When activated a block of stone drops across the entrance and the cxling begins to drop, caus ing the Mame to fan out It drops 10 head height in $ rounds and then descend one foot Per ound, spreading the flame one foot cach round. I Stops two feet above the floor, and then resets in 2 rounds. The flame eauses 266 points of damage. The stone valve is only a false door. The exit from this room i & con cealed sliding stone pane. 52. derkin’s phil. peace This set of stone gates opens by pushing at the bottom, a the center isa bier holding the eo: fin of Deskin. The lid is carved to resemble Derkin. In this room are statues of servants tind a golden anvil that weighs 8,000 gp. Sov tral chests hold resplendent garments and furs ‘worth 5,000 steel, On a stand is Derkin's tgolden plate maid +3, helm and shield withthe avenging flame. The amor is cursed for any ‘who steal it Tt bevomes AC 10 at a crcl moment in bate, Also here is a two-handed bronze war axe +2 and a ring of protection +2. endgame: Raging ember: This occurs as the heroes exit the main tower with the Hammer of Kharas. If Evenstar is not With the heroes, he is. waiting for them as Karas. A shadow erosses his face and he looks skyward. There on the tower's cap perches Ember, the red dragon, Verminaard is. not astride’ Ember. Evenstar shakes his head at those who draw weapons, Tn a voice that is a hissing roar, Ember speaks, "So Old One, you consort with my enemies! More, you hide behind their puny form! Step aside, they are mine! Noman holds back my hand now! Evenstar smiles, “Begone child! Do not fempt my anger. Do you desire death so?” Ember’s lips curl in a enuel sna. “No, Old One! I is you who tempt fate! I know the Oath; by the power of your word you are bound! Not even the terror of the dragonlance could bind one so well. Come, Evensiar, show these puny mortals what com pany they keep, or has the Council stripped ‘you of your pride 100?” The dwvart's face clouds with anger: his fonn swells, taking on ® golden he, stete ing and growing until there stands a golden ctragon, Ember laughs in derision, Evenstar tums to the heroes and tells them Ember is right, he may not interes Ember bellows, "Prepare to die!” and takes Might. Remember the dragon ability 1 ause fear. Ember docs not attack Evenstar intentionally. She icles and breathes, then claws and bites as. she glides the next two rounds, Then she climbs, banks, and swoops to breathe agsin. Finally, she dives for double claw damage and then lands to fight and east spells Evenstar does not help unless Ember causes Evenstar damage of she harms either ruby tower. If this happens, Evensar flies into ‘rage and attacks. The Hammer does not use its special abilities, If thrown off the tower, Evenstar has it afer the fight If the heroes use the flagpole as a heav lance (Dmg 3-18) to set against Ember’ dive, it causes double damage. Ember will be able to avoid the lanee if she can see it Evenstar suggests that the lance be used if the heroes donot think oF i FFight’s Bnd: When Ember is reduced 1© 5 or fewer hit points, she screams in a fi cry, takes to the air tres to Ay awa tnd tumbles backward onto the spike on the tower cap, ‘Warhoms sound from the valley below The army approaches, Evensiar collapses and changes to Kharas, He is aging and the tomb trembles. He speaks, “I have completed at last my fieful mission, and now the end is upon me, Take the Hammertet it sot fll into the enemy's hands! Flee east and fail no. He encourages Arman to guard the Ham ‘mer and fulfil his destiny. He gives tbe heroes six horse statuettes, They are t throw them to the ground and ery “Branchala Guide Me! The statuettes became living honses for three tums (move 24"), and can be used three As the heroes mount 10 flee, a raucous serecching is heard. Six young dragons, Ember’s brood, aw heading for the tomb. The horses rear and then leap off the side of the tomb. Failed Desterity checks mean the hero is hanging from the saddle. At the last moment the horses feather fl. hind, the ilcdzlings‘ircle the tower in confusion, The tomb shuxders, crumbling, tnt the spike breaks, tossing Ember's broken form eaithward. Then the tomb slowky sinks The army stats a mile away, but moves a mike fa tum. The heroes must flee oF be captured, Byit: As the heroes reach the eastern entrance, shadows glide past as a party of eight Kapak dragonmen drop from the cliff top. From the mouth of the tunnel rides a bovak aside a subterranean lizard Chapter 18: OARK Realms events event 5: e: ‘This Event takes place immediately after the heroes leave Deskin's Tomb. As the great tomb crumbles, you ‘mass of the approaching drazonamies ing chase, Your horses gallop away, but your pursvers grow ever close! There is a 10% chance per turn that a scouting patrol of § baaz dricomians come within 10-60 Jars ofthe heroes and charge to the attack. Remember, the magic steeds only last for three tums, and can be regenerated only twiee. Once used up, the heroes must proceed ‘n foot, The dragonarmies have occupied most of the Valley of Thanes, The only clear eseape route forthe heroes isin the direction ‘of the Guardian Hall leading to the Ninth Road of Thanes. The Gateway block leading into the Guardian Hall is shattered and tor. The Great Hall block leading to the road is also cracked and broken. Regardless of scouts encountered, the main body of the dra ‘gonarmy is ten combat rounds behind the heroes. IF not delayed, the army pursues the heroes into the Road of the Thanes. This imereases the frequency of random encounters in these tunnels to one check every two com bat rounds In describing the Great Hall, note that the root is supported by pillars that are cracked and fragile, Pulling down «pillar takes a combined siengih of 45. If three pil Jars ate pulled down, the cxling collapses. It takes the dragonarmies six turns to dig through. event 6: The hunt This rogion is controlled by the Daerger king- dom, curently allied with the Theiwar and ‘with Verminaand, Im addition to normal ain dom encounters, check three times (Lon 16) 1 see if the party encounters a Dacrgar patrol, consisting of 12 Daergar and | shadow mastfT The pattol always begins 10.60 yards behind the heroes. If encountered, the patrol gives chase, The shadow mastifY bays, requiring. @ save vs. magie at +9 (see Monster Manual 0), If Dacrgar patrol attacks, each tum there is a 108% chance that another identical patrol joins the hunt encounters The South Hall of Justice once served a role similar to that of the North Hall, but is now controlled by the Dacrgat. It is also occupied by Verminaard and his frees. Ones the heroes 19 have emtered the Ninth Road of Thanes from the Guardian Hall, the only route leads to the South Hall. This is a very enitical part of the adventure, and must be careflly run. ‘The enemy forees should be in hot pur suit of the adventurers. Emphasize the urgent nature of their flight fom the derro and the ragonarmies. If the heroes are comered at any point, the enemy will call for them to su render. If the heroes surrender, they are escorted under heavy guard to the Temple of Stars (Encounter 62). Their weapons are taken from them, but they are not bound. If the heroes are not captured, they should end up in the Prison (Encounter $3) Where they meet Eben and Berem, From there, Eben should urge them to go north 10 leave this complex. They must enter the Tem- ple of Stars to escape, and there the final seene takes place, 53. Prsonens of The duengar AAs soon a the heroes the King’s Wall, they bes from the next block. The nest block is a dwarven prison guarded by 20 Daergar, who fe outside the cell area, Once the Dacrgar are defeated, entering the cell complex isc There are 100 prisoners held here, but only 20 Hylar, 10 Men, and S Kender are in shupe to fight. The Dacryar have weapons to quip all fighters, oss the drawbridge in erible cries con party; he says that ater the heroes left on the ‘quest, there was a raid on the Hylar city and he was kidnapped by Daergar: Eben’s clothes fare tom and he has bruises, but he isnot atu ally hurt. The other prisoners confiem that he was brought into the prison by desro guards, beaten, and thrown into the cell In fact, Eben is hore only to lead the par to Vermingard so that the dragon highmaster ean recover the Hammer of Kharas. Verminaard arranged Ehen’s placement here theough his puppet Reale. Ten says he thinks he can find the way ‘ut of the kingdom; he saw the commander's maps. If permitted to guide the party, he leads them to the final encounter in a roundabout fashion The old man in Eben’s cel how to talk and is slow to understand, He has evidently been here for a very long time; his beard and hair are waist-length and his clothes are in tatters. His long beard conceals a strange gem implanted in his ebest. This is Berem Everman (see NPC Capsules), He fal lows the party unl the next fight. At that time, regardless of dice rolls, he takes an evi dently mortal wound and falls to the ground. When the party moves on, one of the heroes Tooks back and sees Berem stand, look con fused, and run off in another direction, After the prisoners are feed, no enemies appear for ten rounds. The heroes ean follow Eben, who claims to know the way out, find tnother way out, of stand and fight Ver naard has ordered his forces to capture, not Kul, them. IF captured, the heroes are brought to the Temple of the Stars (Encounter 62). If the heroes tettet or follow Eben, the enemy forees them in the direetion of Encounter 62 has forgotten 54, buuasiow of The duencar Enemy troops have entered the South Hall of Justice through the Seventeenth Read of Thanes. Wherever this encounter occurs, party of 25 derro and 25 baaz draconians fed by a kopak draconian riding a subteranean lizard attack the party. Their objective is to capture, not Kill, oF to force the party into the prison cell block (Encounter $3), Special. encounsTens Te following special encounters can take place anywhere in the South Hall complex. You may use some, none, of all of these to help guide the adventure. Normal random encounters can be used in addition 40 or in spite of these encounters 55. Warn Impated on a staff isa grotesque, tsked skull ‘There is a 50% chance shat there isa spiked spring trap hidden here 246 damage), ach turn after the heroes pass there is a 10% chance of & magic mouth shouting, “Intruder! 56. Bonemasten This rogue dwarf has afew assistants gnawing bones clean. He designs weapons, armor, and tools from the bones. He is able to animate bones; there are 20 derro skeletons nearby. He uses others to cover his escape, 57. Goathend roup of six Daergur tend theit “goat twenty giant cave crickets grazing on fingi and garbage. Their sudden chieping has 42 in 6 chance of drawing a random en- ‘oun. 58. Cureiined alcove As the party passes through this block, they see a cunained alcove off to one side Inside, 18 4 pretty Indy, dresed in rags, chained to the ‘wall. She is lamin noble 59. Surevioal of The pest Here, a giant cave bectle and a giant lizard do bate. The heroes can slip by af they move quielly. If there is a commotion, the monsters tum on the party 60, PeTRipied Remains Here ae the petrified remains of a mastodon. If the bonemaster (Encounter Area 36) has followed the party, he animates the skeleton, ‘which cannot be tured while the bonemaster is alive. (HD 13, hpS2, AC 4, THACO 8, AT 28(x2)/24602)} The final BaTTLe This is the climax of the First Book of Dragonlance. Read the following section care fully. Although extremely dangerous, it can be survived ifthe heroes think and act intelli gently. There is alot of roleplaying bere; ty 10 understand the noods and objectives of all the NPCs before beginning play 61, doomway To despiin No matter from which direction the heroes approach the final encounter, they find them. selves heading down a strangely familiar com dor, 20 The way ahead of you dims, as if the light of your torches and lantems is being sucked up by the grim dwarven halls. The ftea around you takes on the feling of @ dream, as if you are sleepwalking. An awful feeling of deja vu creeps into your soul,.for you Were here once before, in a dream. Memories of your nightmare in the Mind of Evil flood back, for the comidor stretching into the next dwarven block is the corridor into your dream! If characters ty to go in another direction, they encounter parties of Daergar and dracon” ians that fight to either capeure them or force them into the final encounter 62. The foul Battle This encounter takes place in the Temple of Sars (City Block 12). Review the map block carefully to place all the participans in it In Tocations 2 and 4, the eeiling has caved in, blocking the passage so that the party must enter the main temple aca the party was captured previously, they are brought into this area bound, but the bonds are removed. Their weapons are piled nearby. Ifthe party did not release Eben from, the prison, he will be brought in to stand by Verminaard, apparently prisoner too. The great hall non is barred by a locked golden gate. Suddenly, the face of Vem: ‘aad, ten feet tll, appears in mid-air, and fa tekpathic voice booms in your heads. Finally! You are mine!” The doors ling open and nearly two hundred Daergar rush jn, weapons at the ready YVerminaard Taughs. “So now you know what lies beyond the doorway of dreams. Nothing can save you now! ‘A hom sounds from behind the golden gates and the image fades. The Dacrear cower as a light magically shines fon the gates. Suddenly, the gates are fing ‘open. A party of four warriors, ane «dark haired woman, four draconian, two ogres, and an ettin, all wearing the uniforms of officers in the army of the dragon highmaster enter. They part, and from bochind. them strides Verminaard, clothed in black armor. He steps up onto balcony lover the central pit, and laughs with sinis- ter joy. “Welcome to despait” he shout, Jn addition to all items and spells in. Vermi- naard’s NPC Capsule, he wears a ting of pro- Chapter 18 jection, a ting of proteetion vs. normal mis: siles, and a brooch of shielding, He has east resist fire on himself. Ifthe heroes atempt to atiack, he shrugs it off The Daergar fire a fight of darts to warn the heroes If the heroes entered the Mind of Evil have them review their dream cards and remind them of the deals of the dream, Tell them that the room seems to be shifting and changing to become more and more like the dream, Sturm and Laurana fool that this i not where their dreams took place. Verminaard speaks again, “Word has reached me that Ember has been slain! For that you will surely pay! You thought 0 best me by gaining the Hammer of| Karas, but | was in contol all long. 1 permitted you to revieve what I could not Now I have you and the Hammer, and ‘with it 1 shall command the dwarven king- doms, To show you how futile has been your struggle, one of your own will bring the Hammer to me. is gaze sweeps over the party members. Ask cach player in tum if he will voluntarily take the Hammer to Vermingard, 1 all refuse (as they should, Eben Shaterstone reveals him. self asthe titor. Take Een's Character Card ‘ack fiom the player and have Eben tell the paarty that, indeed, he works for Verminaard If Eben is not with the party, Verminaard ean attempt to telepathically eontol anyone with ‘wisdom of 10 or less. The person he attempts to control may make a save vs, spells to resist It all resist, Verminaaed has his personal guard reieve the Hammer. ‘At this point, remember the special powers of the Hanmer of Kharas (see NPC Capsules & Magi Items). It can possess is wielder and personally act to make events ‘come out 10 its satisiction. Give the players a chance 10 save themselves; but if they fl, the Hammer can take an active role Verminaard laughs as the Hammer of Kharas is taken trom you. The hammer- Wielder says to you, “You are fools 0 resist iy master! He will reward me richly; you Will soe your folly when I am made gover- nor of this kan! “Hold your tongue, lackey,” snarls YVerminaard, “You are simply a pawn, and ‘You will seve your betters! Bring me the Hammer!” ‘The traitor is outraged, and protests, but Ver minaard exerts his will and the unwilling lackey moves closer to giving Verminaard the Hammer, But as he reaches the dragon highmaster, the Hammer suddenly begins 10 low. The Dacrgar are awed, and kneel. The Insitor passes ffom the influence of Vermi- rnaard to the influence of the Hammer. \Verminaant is livid at the disobedien and demands agnin thatthe traitor bring im the weapon, But the trator is fully under the Hammer's control, and says, “With this ham- ‘mer, I control the dovarven realms, not you!” He throws the Hammer at Verminaard, auto matically iting for maximum damage. The Hammer rebounds, and lands at the edge of the pit. The Duergar begin to chant the name of the traitor as he bends to pick up the Han But at that moment, Verminaard casts spiritual hammer, biting te traitor automat lly for maximum damage, and keeps him from retrieving the Hammer. Fach round hereafter, Verminaurd stiles again for maxi ‘mum damage, slowly erushing the hapless traitor. Bile Royle Now, the heroes have a chance to break fr There is one derry for cach hero in the party: they must be overcome before the heroes can recover their weapons, if they were captured calc. “The Daergar soldiers are only concemed with who possesses the Hammer, Its influence keeps them from being active in the battle. If the Deroes liberated the prisoners cali, the prsoners fight an equal number of Dacrg The heroes must defeat Verminaanl’s guard and the dragon highmaster himself to win Once the teaitor is dead, Verminaard tears a dragon-headed necklace ffom around his neck and throws it into the pit, crying, “Come, oh mighty Queen! Send me your set= vant so that your child may be avenged” Silence follows, and then ffom the pit rises a hhorror—a fieshadow! The fireshadow resem bles @ wraithlike dragon limned in pale green fire. The freshadow first attacks one of the prisoners with its ray of oblivion, disintegrate ‘ng him. Next, it stnkes a Daergar, converting him into dark flame. The heroes must defeat the fireshadow and the dark flame Daergar in addition to their other foes, TE the heroes do not think to rettieve the Hammer and use it against the fteshadow, it glows and rings out. The Hammer only allows Eben, Amman, Tasslehoff, Flint, or Caramon to pick it up. The fireshadow’ automatically attacks any person holding the Hammer. The Hammer ean dispel the fireshadow if it hits the creature, The Hammer ares through the monster and it fades away, but then the Han mer fills at Verminaard’s fet If the heroes entered the Mind of Evil and had their dream, suddenly they sense the sind of Elistan among them. Hope floods ito their souls, and they are #2 to hit and -2 to ‘AC for the remainder of this bale, Venn naard staggers back under the mind of Elis tan, and is -2 to hit and +2 to AC hereafter Vemminaard, reeling, stoops to pick up the Hammer. “You may think you have won, bout this bate is not yet over!” he eries. But when he lifts the Hammer, he erie out in pain and takes 15 points of damage. He cannot hos! the Hammer and flings it sway. Vemni- naard continues to fight, but when he fs down to his last few hit points, he says, “You shall ‘not have the satisfaction of taking. me alive. ‘wraps his eloak around him, and steps into the pit, falling to his death without a sound. ‘Once Verminaard is dead, the Dacrgar flee and) Verminaard’s guard is 1 to hi, dam- age, and save. death of A hero Regardless of actual battle events, Arman Kharas takes a fatal wound in this fight. As the final enemies Mle or di, a faint whisper is heard from the crumpled form of Arman. ‘There is no saving him; he seems to have been poisoned, If the heroes attempt to aid him, he stakes his head and says, "No, I am undone. NNo aid will save me, Take the hammer to my father; he will unity the kingdom, Tell him not 10 moum, I have served the Wheel well. 1 know [am not Kharas, but Ehave driven the darkness ack.” ‘And with his final words, he dies Out of the darkness of dragons, ‘ut of our cries for Tight in the blank face of the black moon soaring, ‘banked light flared in Solamnia, ‘4 knight of truth and of power, ‘who called dovn the gods themselves and forged the mighty Dragonlance, piercing the soul of dragonkind, driving the shade of their wings from the brightening shores of Krynn Paladine, the Great God of Good shone at the side of Huma, strengthening the lance of his strong right arm, ‘and. Huma, ablaze in thousand moons, banished the Queen of Darkness, banished the swarm of her shrieking hosts back to the senseless kingdom of death, where their curses ‘swooped upon nothing and nothing ‘deep below the brightening land Thus ended in thunder the Age of Dreams ‘and bezan the Age of Migh, When Isiar, kingdom of Hight and ruth, arose in the east where minarets of white and gold spired tothe sun and to the sun's glory, announcing the passing of evil and Istar, who mothered and eraed the long summers of good, shone like a meteor in the white skies of the just, Yee in the fullness of sunlight the Kingpriest of Istar saw shadows At night he saw the tees as things with daggers, the steams blackened snd thickened under the silent_moon, He searched books for the paths of Huma for scrolls, sign, and spells s0 that he, too, might summon the gods, might find their ad im is boly aims, might purge the world of si 22 Then came the time of dark and death 1s the gods turned from the world. ‘A mountain of fire crashed Tike a comet through Tsar, the city split like a skull in the Names, mountains burst from once-erie valleys, seas poured into the graves of mountains, the deserts sighed on abandoned lors of the seus, the highways of Kryon erupted and became the paths of the dead Thus began the Age of Despair “The roads were tangled “The winds and the sandstorms dwelt in the husks of cities The plains and mountains became our home. As the old gods lost their power, wwe called tothe blank sky into the cold, dividing gray to the ears of new gods The sky is calm, silent, unmoving We had yet t hear their answer. ‘Then to the east, to the Sunken City scarred in its loss oF blue Hight, came the Heroes, the Innfellows, heirs to the burdens, ‘out of their tunnels and their arching forests ‘out of the loseness of plains, the lowes ‘of us inthe valleys the stunned farms under the warlords and darkness They eae serving the light, the covered flames of healing and grace, From there, pursued by the ari the cold and ghitering legions, they came bearing the salf to the arms of the shatered city ‘where below the weeds and the birdcal, below the vallenwoad, below forever, below the riding darkness itself, ‘hole in the darkness called to the source of the High ‘drawing all Tight to the core of light, to the first fullaess of its godly daze

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