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Judge Ready? Partner Ready? Negation Ready? Then I shall begin.

Judge allow me to reinstate the resolve: Resolved, The United States should end its arms
sales to Saudi Arabia," Judge I'll be continuing and expanding on my partner's
contentions as they are the reasons we affirm this resolution:

Firstly, Negating this Resolution will kill more Yemeni Citizens,

Judge just like my partner stated the United States is fueling Saudi coalition and funding
terrorism and by negating this resolution we are continuing to give Saudi Arabia weapons
that will be used on Yemeni Citizens similar to the situation of the bus. Because by
selling Saudi Arabia these firearms we are giving them the means to kill innocent people
and the children on the bus who deserved to have a future.

The war in Yemen quickly distinguished itself as a humanitarian fiasco even in a region
already host to some of the most violent crises of our time, namely in Syria. Destruction
and human suffering in Yemen are staggering. Some estimates hold that 50,000 have died
in Yemen as a direct consequence of military action, half of them are civilians.

Secondly, Violation of the Foreign Assistance Act,

Military aid inherently helps the government of Saudi Arabia more than it helps the
people living there. Judge, most aid goes to the government which strengthens its
position relative to the private sector in general economic activity. Democracy and
freedom are unlikely to develop in an environment where the public sector has control of
the majority of economic activity. And, government accountability and civil society are
being undermined by substantial aid flows as governments become more dependent on
donors and less responsive to the people. By strengthening Saudi Arabia, America further
endangers and degrades the lives of the people living under the rule in Saudi Arabia.

Finally, Judge, I’ll be introducing the empowerment of hawks. The United States arms
deal empowers hawks over doves in Saudi Arabia as when countries believe they have
the ability to impose their will by military force, their desire to negotiate dwindles. By
selling the Saudis weapons, the United States will embolden Saudi Hawks to continue
pressing for a military approach, not only in the short run in Yemen but in other conflict
areas as well. When Israel or Iran’s national security team meets, the United States
weapons sale to the Saudis will give those hawks the upper hand in their discussions.
This would further multiply the problem by every other instance where the United States
is selling weapons in the Middle East which will encourage arms racing, inflame
tensions, and will very likely amplify the existing violence which will make it more
difficult for leaders of all nations in the region to work toward diplomatic solutions.

But Judge we cannot deny that through this we are fueling an arms race, Security
considerations must come first and on this front, there are some serious questions that the
negation would not be able to address by the boosters of the deal. By throwing weapons
at Saudi Arabia with one hand while giving them to Israel with the other than we’re
simply arming both sides of a very reactive arms race where Iran is likely to be cowed by
the Saudi mega-deal and seek a way to ratchet up its own military capabilities which will
cause both Congres and the public to think twice before signing off on what may be the
first stage of a new Mideast arms race, which Judge will further ignite tensions with
Israel by a cursory geostrategic review leaving the deal that will provide Saudi Arabia
with advanced weapons to use in the war in Yemen while at the same time deliberately
bombing civilian areas and committing war crimes that will help create the United
Nation’s “largest humanitarian crisis” in the world. Which beyond that the deal will, in
fact, encourage the Kingdom to favor military solutions to its problems and heighten the
tensions as the precise conditions that have been reported by Defense One.

Now, Judge, I’ll be negating the negation as their points lack solvency:

Firstly, ________________________________
Secondly, ________________________________

Thirdly, ________________________________

Fourthly, ________________________________

Fifthly, ________________________________

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