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Precious Joewana Marie P.

Grade 9 Mahogany

Reaction paper on the movie: The discovery

In March 31, 2017, the movie “The Discovery” was released. Thomas Harbor,
a scientist who lost his wife due to suicide. His wife once asked him to join her for dinner
for their anniversary. But, since he was busy at work and couldn’t join her wife for dinner, his wife
committed suicide. Because of what happened, Thomas, was eager to invent and discover if there is an

Thomas Harbor, the man who scientifically proved that there is an afterlife. He first discovered
that one consciousness reside in the brain and not on the stomach or the heart, and when you die
consciousness moves to an alterante plane of existence. He then disco-vered where the consciousness
moves on if you have a big regret, and you will get a second chace in a very similar plane of existence
and a chance to fix things or yourself. He then found out that when you respawn you won’t have a solid
memory of those other lives that you lived. But, some things will stick out and you may talk about them
as your dreams or coincidence.

From what i’ve seen in the movie “The Discovery” is it is important to spend time with friends
and family for we can't predict the fragments of tomorrow, and the endless possibilities danger might
throw us.

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