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Good morning, classmates of Course B One Plus - Upper Intermediate Level.

My name is Diva
Tatiana Betancur Rodríguez, and I am forty-two years old. Currently, I am studying Systems

Today, we will address a topic that I consider of great interest due to my role as a mother: the
violence generated by video games. According to experts, video games have become a popular
activity among people of all ages, constituting a multibillion-dollar industry that surpasses movies
and DVDs in earnings. Although some games offer educational content, many of the most popular
ones promote negative aspects such as violence, drug use, sexual exploitation, and stereotypes.

Studies indicate that exposure to violence in video games can influence the behavior of children,
especially those facing emotional or learning difficulties. While moderate gaming can be
entertaining and beneficial to health, excessive gaming can lead to problems such as lack of social
interaction, poor academic performance, physical inactivity, and aggressive behavior.

Parents can contribute by establishing clear rules, choosing appropriate games, and monitoring
their children's gaming time and content. Additionally, it is crucial to be alert to any concerning
changes in children's behavior and seek professional help if necessary.

Personally, I agree that moderate gaming is not harmful to children.

With this, we conclude today's video. Have an excellent day!

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