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pintuck pillow: pattern by The Long Thread

-16” pillow form
-1/2 yard pillow front fabric
-1/2 yard pillow back fabric
-matching thread

Step ONE
Cut fabric to the following dimensions:
pillow front fabric: 18”x 24”
pillow back fabric: 18” x 10 1/2”, 18” x 14 1/2”

Step TWO
Press pillow front every 2” (for 12 folds) with crease towards right side of fabric each time.

Sew along each crease with a 1/4” seam allowance.

On pillow back piece, fold over one edge of a short side by 1/2”, press in place. Then fold
over 1” and press in place. Repeat with other fabric back piece.

Sew each one in place with 1” hem.

Lay out your pieces to sew together in the following order:
-smaller back piece (right side up)
-larger back piece overlapping approximately 4” (right side up)
-pillow front (wrong side up)

Pin together and sew around all four edges, with a 1/2” seam allowance.

Turn right sides out and make sure your pillow fits. If it does, turn inside out once again
and sew an overcasting or zig-zag stitch along the edges to prevent fraying.

This pattern is for personal use only.

Please do not sell items made from this pattern. Thank you for your consideration.

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