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Choosing poverty as the topic for our Tableau project is a powerful way for us
make a positive impact on our society as well as raise awareness, and contribute to
the ongoing efforts to reduce poverty and improve the lives of those affected by it.

We want to convey the word kindness by using this tableau presentation in order
inspire others to take some action, be it through charitable contributions,
volunteerism, or simply fostering a more empathetic society.

For further explanation, we also chose poverty as it is related to Natural science

and Humanities.

In natural science, poverty can drive unsustainable resource consumption,

contributing to environmental degradation studied in disciplines such as
environmental science. Additionally, poor communities often face higher health
risks due to limited access to healthcare and nutrition, making poverty a subject of
study in the health sciences.

In humanities, poverty is examined through sociological, economic, and cultural

lenses, exploring its societal, economic, and cultural dimensions. It is also explored
in literature, art, history, and philosophy, shedding light on human experiences,
societal injustices, and ethical considerations related to poverty.

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