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*Liên từ kết hợp (FANBOYS)

 For – Khi giải thích cho một lý do

 And – Khi muốn bổ sung thêm thông tin
 Nor – Khi bổ sung thêm thông tin mang ý nghĩa phủ định
 But – Khi dùng để nối 2 ý trái ngược nhau
 Or – Khi đưa ra sự lựa chọn
 Yet – Khi đưa thêm thông tin tương phản
 So – Khi đưa ra kết quả của sự việc đã nêu ra trước đó
-for: Liên từ For được sử dụng để nối mệnh đề độc lập với nhau và thể hiện mối liên hệ nguyên
nhân-kết quả giữa hai mệnh đề này. Mệnh đề đi với For sẽ là mệnh đề nguyên nhân, ví dụ:
Ex:She told me to leave, for she was mad at me. (Cô ấy kêu tôi đi về, vì cô ấy đang giận tôi)
Everyone was rushing home, for it was raining. (Mọi người hối hả chạy về nhà, vì trời đang
-and: Liên từ ‘And’ được dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin cho nội dung được đề cập trước đó.
‘And’ có thể nối các thành phần câu như từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề độc lập với nhau Tuy nhiên
‘And’ hiếm khi được sử dụng để nối câu trong văn viết trang trọng.
Ex: That famous singer can write and sing his own songs. (Người ca sĩ nổi tiếng đó có thể tự
sáng tác nhạc và hát.)
Not many people can be both beautiful and intelligent. (Không có nhiều người vừa xinh đẹp
vừa thông minh.)
-nor: Liên từ Nor, tạm dịch là cũng không, dùng để nối hai thành phần tương đồng về nghĩa
mang tính phủ định. Nor có thể nối. thành phần câu như từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề độc lập với nhau
She did not go to school last week, nor this week. (Cô ấy đã không đi học tuần trước, và tuần
này cũng không).
The kid doesn’t want to sing, nor dance. (Đứa trẻ không muốn hát, cũng không muốn nhảy).
-yet/but: Liên từ But và Yet được dùng để nối các thành phần câu như từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề độc
lập và câu với nhau. Liên từ But và Yet thể hiện mối quan hệ tương phản giữa hai thành phần
được nối, ví dụ:
Doing exercise is a simple but effective way of staying healthy/ Doing exercise is a simple yet
effective way of staying healthy. (Tập thể dục là biện pháp giữ gìn sức khỏe đơn giản nhưng
hiệu quả).
*Các từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn
Confident(a):tự tin Confidential(a):bí mật
Successful(a):thành công Successive(a):kế tiếp, liên tục, lần lượt
Industrial(a):thuộc về CN Industrious(a):siêng năng, cần mẫn
Comprehensible(a):có thể hiểu được,dễ Comprehensive(a):bao quát, toàn
hiểu diện(về 1 lĩnh vực)
Continual(a):lặp đi lặp lại Continous(a): liên tục
Historic(a):quan trọng,có ý nghĩa lịch sử, Historical(a):tài liệu,sk,.. thuộc về lịch
có tầm ảnh hưởng sử
Vd: historic occasion: dịp lễ quan trọng
Economic(a): thuộc về kinh tế Economical(a):tiết kiệm
Imaginary(a):tưởng tượng, k có thật,ảo -imaginative(a):có trí tưởng tượng phong
-imaginable(a):có thể tưởng tượng đc

Formal(a):theo nghi lễ,thủ tục,trang Former(a):cũ,trước đây,ngày xưa

Farther(a):xa về mặt vật lí Further(a):thêm về mặt trừu
tượng(vd:thêm liên lạc,..)
Advice(n):lời khuyên Advise(v):khuyên bảo
Complement(v):bổ sung Compliment(n):lời khen
Quiet(a):im lặng Quite(adv):khá,một chút
Breath(n):hơi thở Breathe(v):thở
Topic 1:Write a paragraph abt your favourite singer
I’m going to talk about Taylor Swift who is a talented American singer and song-writer that I
greatly admire. She is a gorgeous girl with blondy wavy hair, big blue eyes and a lovely smile. I
don’t remember exactly her age but she is about 30-something now. She’s well-known for
writing and performing narrative songs about her personal life and has won various pretigious
musical awards like Grammys, AMAs and so on. She has a lot of big hits some of her music
videos has reach more thann 1 or 2 billion views on Youtube. If I’m not mistaken, I first knew
her when I listened to “Love Story”, the song that put her name on the map. I was so impressed
with her sweet voice and her atractive appearance so I started doing some research about her on
the Internet and since then, I have became her fan. There are several reasons why she is one of
my favourite music artists. For one thing, she has an axcellent voice. I’ve watched lots of her
live performances and all of them were absolutely amazing. For another, I love her endless
passion for music. She always tries her best to improve her music products and has been through
many ups and downs to be the kind of person that she is today. As a matter of fact, she has
inspired me a lot to work harder on things that I’m passionate about. Last but not least, she is a
kind person with a heart of gold. She has donated a huge amount of money to charity and
financially supported some of her fans who had been struggling to make ends meet. Hopefully, I
can meet her in person one day and take a photo with her. It would definitely be one of the best
days of my life that happened.
Topic 2:Write abt your benefits of volunteering activities
Volunteering provides countless benefits for us. Firstly, volunteering provides an opportunity for
personal growth and development. By participating in various activities, individuals can acquire new
skills, enhance their knowledge, and gain valuable experience. For instance, volunteering at a local
hospital can help someone interested in pursuing a career in healthcare to gain firsthand experience and
develop essential skills. Secondly, volunteering promotes social connections and networking. It allows
individuals to meet people from diverse backgrounds who share similar interests or goals. This not only
expands one's social circle but also creates opportunities for collaboration and learning from others'
experiences. Lastly, engaging in volunteer work brings immense satisfaction and happiness. The act of
helping others without any expectation fosters a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Studies have shown
that people who volunteer regularly report higher levels of life satisfaction and overall well-being. In
conclusion, volunteering activities offer numerous benefits ranging from personal growth to
community development. It not only helps individuals acquire new skills but also fosters social
connections while making positive contributions to society. Therefore, everyone should consider
engaging in volunteer work as it is truly rewarding on multiple levels.

Topic 3:What should teenagers do to protect the enviroment?

Recently, the massive volume of pollution has required all citizens, especially students,to take several
actions in protecting the environment as follows. Firstly, teenagers need prioritize in planting more trees.
Undeniably, trees play a very important role in life of human and animals. However, a large number of
forests have been cut down to serve agricultural purposes, thereby causing ecological balance. Thus, the
students’role is to intensify growing trees so that they can make the community greener.Secondly,
students should be more concerned about reducing the use of plastic materials. According to some
researches, plastic items have become one of the biggest sources of trash in the world. The cause of this
issue is that people consume too much food which is wrapped in plastic. Thus, instead of using those
packages, teenagers can bring their own cup or pack when buying food. Besides, they should recycle
plastic bottles to turn these wastes into eco-friendly decorations. Lastly, students should promote
propagation. As you know, adolescence is the age when people have a lot of energy and desire to devote.
Thus, students should take use of their enthusiasm to spread the environmental protection to others.
Moreover, they also need to set up some clubs to clean the surroundings regularly. Hence, teenagers can
become good examples which encourage others to follow. In conclusion, I have mentioned 3 ways that
teenagers can do to protect the environment. As students, we need to take more actions to make the earth

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