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Se$ublir ot lbe Snfih$tnes

Be$xrtment tf @Iucsti*fi
SCilfiOi-S lii.r'i3i0.-{ Or SCiENCE CIT}'Cr lf UilOZ

March 15,2424
no. l[( , s. 2024



To: AssistantSchoolsDivisionSuperintendent
Chief Education Supervisors
EJrrna{i^- I)ram-,rm Srrnen iqnrq
Public Elementary and Secandar-r' Schoaiheads
Others Concerned

L Prlrsuant to RA {Reputrtic Act} Nc. 11188, also known as "Special Protection of

Children in Siruations of Armed Coaflict Aci." signed into lanv on January 1O,2479,
rvhich aim.erj to prr-.ltect childr-en il sirr,r*ti*n r-:f err.rted rc;rflict from aii lorms oi a-i-'ruse
and vioience and prosecute persons cr groups violating the measure'

2. In line r.vith theMATATAG agenda: TAking good care of learners b}i promoting
learner well-being, inciusive education, and a positive learning environment, the
Department ol Education iDepEd), t}:raugh the Learner Rights and Prolection Of{ice
iLRPO) issues the Guidelines on ihe Protocots for Handiitg Chiidreri in Situations of
Armed Conflict {CSAC} Learners in the Department al Education,

3. These guidelines aim to ensllre that learners receive necessary intervention,

including psychosocial suppcrt and precautionary measurrs dr-rring and after armed

4. Enclosed is the Regional Memorandurrr containing guidelines and forms for reference.

5. For questions and clarifications, please contact Laml:ertc P. Corpuz, and Erina Rose
V. Ladignon, Division LRP Focal Persons via email address at
r,',.i,,r, - and .,r ,r t..,.r.,. , ,fespeCtively-.

6. Immediate and r,r.ide dissemination ol this Memorandum is desired.

l.rcg*wge H, GEP*I,'ACIC PhI), cEso v
f[At 1 5 t
Schools Diyision Super;ntendent
Encl: as stated.
'l'o be inclicated in the
di*iitt*,;*- ,;",,,
Ay,.ii:r; Iiirlii U.;rs, :r jtp;r,,,1:r,ir;,r
Under lhe



es&m Address: Brgy" fiizal, Sclence City af Muficz,3tL9

,ttATfif,A€ Telephnne ?tc.: {*44} 806-21$2; Imail *ddress mu*
LG 60r,'
' eo"
.ir' * "f

ffrrrrblfr of tbe lBbilippfnes
Bessrtment of @lucatisn

1.I\- -' . tj

REGro$Ar, *{EuoxArirprr}fi ifl t{AR 0 4 Zg?4

No. 152 , s. 2024 Jtl5r,-:i,
errrDpLrrdgs o$ Tr{p pnorccols on rHE rrA}IDLrr{G or crrrrtfrErrr ..--+-



To Schoois Division $uperintendents

Division Learner Rights and Protection Coordinators
Public and Private Seconda:y and Elementary School Heads
All 0thers Concerned
'1. Pursuant to the Republic Act No. 11188 also knorr,.n as "$pecial Protection of
Children in Situations of Armed Conflict Act" was signed into law an January 1O,
ZAW which aimed to protecting chddren in situations of armed conilict from all forms
of abuse and rriolence and prosecute prrsons or groups violating tf:e measure.

' 2. In line with the MATATAG agenda: TAking good care of learners by promoting
learner well-being, inclusive education, and a positive iearning errvironment, the
Department of Education {DepEd) througir the learner Rights and Protection OfEce
(LRPO) issues the Guidelines on the Prctocols for Handing Children in Situatians of
Armed Conllict (CSAC) Learners in the Departrnent of Education.

-,3- Theses guidelines provide and erisure that learners receive fl.ecessary
intervention including but not limited. to psychosocial support and precautionar5r
measures during and after armed conllict.

4. Enclosed are tJ:e guidelines and forms for reference.

5. For any ciarifications a:nd corrcerns, you r$ay dlrectly coordinate to Dr. Ginno
Jhep A. Pacquing, Regional LRP Facal Person via email address at

6. For infarmation and/or compliance.

t trynegional Director
Encl.: As stated
References: OM-OUOPS-?A24-A5-AZ L67
To be indicated in t}le Perpetual Indet
under the foilo*ing subjects:
,: To cqd fcedbec&
rgardlng uy of
: WFP SUBMIS$ION ou *rvlcer,
ESSDI/spp1 ldrdly iffi t&r
Mar.:h 04,2024 QR Coda.
oefiro L'J €'"ffi *i:r'::yr:5'-1;i;I.rrilTillr";["i;y,':r::.:]^".'.?:::::"::,:i:'
L . ti.

licprrbhlia ng IJrtrprr;rs
iSepartnrent of €bnratisrr

OM-OUOPS-2O2+ o'i- otlt?

FOR/TO Uadersecretaries
Assistarrt $ecretaries
Regioaal Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public asd Private Elem*ntary aud $econdary Eehools
Lear:ner Rtghts and Pratectloa Focal persoa:nel
ALI Others Coaceraed


ury for O,,:c'ratio4s(

SUBJECT Guidelines oa tb.e Frstocols on the rrandling of children in

Situations of Armed Coaflict {CSAC} Learaers in the
Department of Education
DATE February 13,2024

The Departmcnt of Education. ;rs :r mcmlx:r r:f thu Intcr-Agcnc3, Committec on

Childrcn in Situations of Arrned Confiict {IAC-CSAC| along r,,'ith other agcncies, is
taskcd rvith crcating its ou'r: pr*tocoi for lurndling children in situations of armcd
conflict (CSACI. ?his is in accordancc ri.'ith Rcpublic Acr {RA} No" 11i88, or "An Acr
Providing for thc Spcciai Protection <:f Chiicircn in Situations of Armed Conflict a::ci
Providing Pcnarlties for Violations Thcrcof,'": arnd its implen:enting rulcrs ancl
regulations (lRR).

Thc Learr:er Rights and Prr:tecrion Of{icc, tirrough thc Officc ef thc Undcrsecrctary
for Opcrations ancl thc Ofhcc ol thc Assistant Sccrctary for Opcrario*s, issucs the
cncloscd guidclincs on thc Protqcols for Handling Child:en in Situations of
Armed Confliet {CSAC} Learners ia the Departnent of Education. This cira-ft
policl' rvas rcriervcd b-r' r.arious DcpEd ()fficcs, anci comments tverc intcgratccl to
cnhancc its cffccrivcncss.
These guiclclincs cnsurc that CSAC icarncrs rcceivc ncccssar3i intcn'cntions,
inciuding but nor limited to ps5'chosociai support and precautionary mcasure$
during and :rftcr irrmcd cor:flict. in this r*gard, tlr* enctoscd guidclines shall guide
all DcpEd pcrsonncl and its stakch*lclers on tl"rc appropriate handling and
treatment of CSAC Lcarncrs. cnsuring rh*ir rigl'rts and protection in times of armcd
conflict. Likewise. lhc proto*r;l is in linr with thc DepEd MA?ATA$ Agcncla - to

: ftqrpublic rlct No. I I188 {Spct:ial Prrrlr:ction {rf Chiltlrc$ in Situations of Armcd eunflir.'t Act}. nnr.l its
implemcn ting rulcs irr":rl rcguilrtior':x

ftoom 1Sl, Hi?.rl Brrldio*, D*pfd Comph,x, l*!r.r.:ic*As*nrr,, P;rrrg Crly 1600

takc good care of learners by promoting iearner ra'c11-being, inclusive educatio*,

and a positivc leaming enrrironmcnt.

Should you have any clarihcations and concerns, pleasc contact ttre Learner Rights
and Protectiorr Office, Department af Eduiation Central Office, DepEd Complex,
Meraico Avenue, Pasig City tlrough ernaii at :,_,, .-.. --. - -' or at tclcphone
nurnber (02i 8638- L7 82.

Immcdiatc dissemination cf and strict camplianc* with these guideiines is


LRPL)/ i{l}t\

goont :.01. &izal Building. Ocpfd Cornpltx, ir,{*r;3ro A'{'nl,{', P;rsig (rty 1fr00

I. Rationale
The Department of Education {DepEd) is a merntrer of the Inter*Agency
Committee on Children in Situations of Armed Conllict {IAC-CSAC} which
includes other agencies sr.rch as the Cor.:.ncil far ihe Welfare of Children {CWC),
Department of Justice, Deparlment *f Nationai Defense, Office of Civil Defense,
Department of HeaIth, Departrlent of Social l,Velfere a-nd lleselopment TDSWD),
Department of the Interior and Lacal Sovernment, Philippine National Folice
{PNP}, National Commissisn on Muslim Filipinos, Office of ttre Presi.dentiaJ
Adviser on the Pea.ce Process, Arxred Forces of the Philippines {AFP), National
Commission on Indigenous Peoples. Commission on Human Rights, and
Philippine Commission on Women.

With the enactment of Repubiic Act iRA! No. 11188 "An Act Providing for the
Special Protection of Chjldren in Sih"rations of Armed Confiict and Froviding
Penalties for Violations Thereaf on Janua:y 1S, 2019 ald its impleneenting
rules and regulations {iRR} on June 4, 2019, the DepEd is tasked to ccme up
with its ov,rr protocol in handling children in situafions of armed conllict {CSAC}.
In order tc address the concerns regarding the iack of clear guidelines on the
handling of CSAC learners, dris protoccl ersures that all concerned
stakeholders are providrd with the proper knowledge for the pravision of needed
interventions such as but not limiteci to: psychosociai interventions and
precautionary measures during/after armed conflict for CSAC lea"mers.

u. Scope

This policy shalt be the DepEd's stc-:tding policy in providing guidance on the
handling of CSAC learners, a:rd sfoall be applicable to ait public basic education
instituterns. Private schccls are hereby enjoined to adopt this Department Order
to ensure the protection of all learners in armed conflict situations, pursuant to
RA 11188.

This protocol shaltr apply to aIl:

A. Officials and ernpl*yees of the DepEd;

B. Children in Situations of Armed Conllict Learners TCSAC Learners)

III. Pollcy Statemert

In compliance with RA 11188, tlre DepEd CSAC protoc*l aims tc provide
guidelines to school personnel in handling CSAC learners to tireir rights
and protection in times af armed conllict. Likewis*, the protccol is in line witir
the DepEd MATATAG Agenda - to take gs*d car€ of learners by promoting
learner weil-being, inclusive educatian and positive learning environment.

fV. Definition of Terms

A. Alteraative Learnirg Syrtem {ALt} refers to a parallel learning system that
provides a viabie alternative tc the existing forsral educatian instruction. It
encompa$ses both non-formal arld infcr:nal sources of knowledgc and skills.
B. Armed coaflict refers to armed e*::frr:ntaticns *ccurring between government
forces arid trne or m*re armed gfi)ups, or between su*h grlup* arising in tlle
Philippine territory. ?irese shall include activities which may lead [o, or are
undertaken in preparation of armed confrontation or armed violence that put
children's lives at risk and their righis vioiated.
C. Armed group refers to an arrned ncn-$tate actor cr non-State ectity ergaged
in armed violence against the State sr its government forces or against other
non-State armed groups, actcrs cr non-State entities.
D. Barang*y Couacil for the ?totectioa of Childten IBCPCI refers to the
representative from the comrnuniqf as designated by tfre Punong Barangay,
preferably a rnember of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
B. Best ia^terest of the child refers to the totality of circumstances and
conditions that are racst beneficial for ttre sunrival, protection and feelings of
securitSr of the child, and most likely to prcrnote the ehild's physical,
psychoiogical and emoticnai develcpment. It also rneans the ieast detrimenta]
available alternative far safeguarding the growth and development of the child
as defined under RA 9344 otherwise knou,'n as the "Juvenile Justice and
Welfare Act"" a$ amended.
F. ChUd refers to: {1} A perscn below eighteen {1&} years of age; or {2} A person
eighteen (18i years of age or older but:lrrhc is unable to fuliy take care of one's
seif; or protect one's self fram abuse, neglect, cruelty, expl*itation or
discrimination; and unable to act qrith discernment becamse af physical or
mental disability or conditioa.
G. Child proteetion refers tei rneasures, stmctLrres and activitles that ensure the
prevendon and response tc abuse, neglect, expioitation and violence allecting
chiidren. It shall include the prCImotion of their gr*wth, devel.oprnent arrd
psychosocial weli-being.
H. Children in Situations of Arsed Csnflict Learaers {CSAC Learuers} cf
public and private elementary, junio:', a:rd seniar high schoois, commu:eit1r
learning centers, DepEd specialized secondatl' schools for specific purposes,
and even beyond the age af 18"
a. Children Affected by Armed Confiict {CAAC, refers to a child who
experienced armed conflict but did not participate directly or indirectly in
b. Children Involved. ia Atmed Conllict {CIAC} refers to a child who
participated ctirectly in arrced hostilities as csrnbatants cr fighters cr
indirectly in arraed htstilities through suppart reles such b*t nct lirnited
to as scoLtis, spies, saboteurs" decoys, checkpoint assistants, couriers,
messengers, porters, c*ok* or as serual cbjccts.
c. Internally Displaced CLiId UpCl refers to a child who is fcrced or
obliged to flee or leave the hame or place of habitual residence as result
of or in order to avoid the effect of armed conflict and situations of
generalieed violence.
I. Community Leatning Center {CtCl refers to a physical space to house
learni*g resources and faciiities of a learning program f*r out-of*school
children in special ca$es, out-of-school youth, a:ld adults. It is a venue for face-
to-face learning actiltdes ard other iearning apportur:ities for communigr
development and improvernent r:f th* per:plet quatity of life.
J. Grave Child Rights Violations {GCRV} refer ta the crimes ccrnmitted against
children t-l:at constitute flagra;rt rriolations of their human rights and have
severe consequences orl thcir livrs. ?hese crimes include th*se enumerated in
Section 9 af RA 11188 ilist attached as Annex A sf this Prctoccl) such as kitrling
or maiming of chilciretrt; recruitment Gr use af CIAC, rape and other forms of
sexual violence against children, abduction of children, attacks against schoois
or hospitals, or denial of humanit*ria-n access to children.
K. [Iospitals or health facilities refer to any stru*h-rre iacluding d.iagnostic
cliniis or multispecialg clinics recognized and known by tJ.e community as a
facriity recognized and knosin where the sick and wounded sre provided with
medical or irealth care seruices.
L. Learner reters to ar indirridual, regardless cf age, sex, gender, disabilit5r,
ethnicity, cultures, aad reiigion, enrolled in basic e
M.ducation to enhance his/her knowledge, skllls, and vairres to improve the
quality of hislher life and to develop hislher potential-
N. Local Council for the Protection of Children {LCPC}j.evels refers to a council
argarized a.t the provincial, ci$, rnunicipal, and barangay that serves as
th6 umbrella organization for all children's ccncerns. It is a council fully
harnessed to be an efficient and etlective advocate of child's rights tJ:at
implements a1l children's prograrn,s at the local levels'
O. Parents refer to any of the foilowing:
1. Biological parents of the child;
2. Adoptive parents of th* child;
3. Individrrals who havc custady of the chiltl, which refer to those who are
serrring as custodians of the childrerr a*d a:'e praviding them cere and
sheltei. This is r.rrithout prejudice to provisions on parental authority as
governed by t}re Farnily Cod.e of the Pl:ilippines; or
4. A duly licensed foster parent, pursuant ta RA i0i65, otherwise known as
the "Fcster Care Act af 2A12".
p. Out-of-school Children ia Special Cases shall refer to chiidren in the offrcial
school age rvho are not enrolled in the elementarl, or secondary school due to
speciai i"*** such as economic, geographic, political, culfural, or social
barriers, inctuding learners with disabiijties or conditions, indigenolls peoples,
children in confliit with ttre law, learners ie emergency situations, and" other
marginai,ized sectors.
e. Regional Committees/$uhcommittees for the lFelfare of levei Childrea
{RC/SCuIC} is the focal institudon on children at the regi*nal and
functions as the regional counterparL of ttre CIifC Board- It was orgzuriz.ed i::
keeping with the mandate of CWC to coordinate the f,ormulation,
implenientation, and enforcement of all policies, programs, and prcjects on
children. As the regiona-l arm ol CWC. the RCISCWC serves as the vital link
between the national government and the local govemment units" As art
enabier af LGUs, it perfonns such major roles sueh as advoca,te, coordinator, of technical assistance as well as the ntanitoring and reparting body
ior children in the regions" The RC/SC\MC is t}.e regional convergence poi:nt for
the discussion, deliberation, decisicn making, artd resolution of vital isstres
and concer"ns in promoting, protecting, and upholding child rights.
R. Safe zofle refers to a place or environment in which a Berson or category of
people can feel confident that they will nat be expased to discrimination,
lriticism, harassment, 3r a-ny other emotion*l or physical harm.
S. As defined in this Grder" school refers t* an edrrcational insti.tution, private or
public, undertaking educational ap*rations rvith, an organieed grcYp of pupils
or students pursuing dehned studies at defined levels, receiving instruclions
from teacheis, usualy located in a building ar gro1lp cf brrildings in a
particular physical or cyber site speciEcally intended for educational purpo*es.
T. School Personael refers to both teachir:g and non-teaching personnel of public
schools, learning institutions, a1d c+rnmunit3l learning centers-
f . ieachiug personael refers to a-11 persons engaged in classroom
teachingl ii any level cf instruction, orr full*time basis, including
gpidarrG cor"nsilors, sch**l libraria*s, industrial arts or vocationa"l

instructors, *r,q ar other perso*s performing supervisary a::dlor

administrative functions in all schools, colleges, -and universities
operated by the government or its political subdivisions; but this shall
not include scho*I nllrses, school physicia:rs, school dentists. agd ether
school ernployees as defi.ned irr RA 462fr entitled, "Magna carta f*r
Public School Teachers-"
2. Non'Teachiag personra.el are categorieed as allied services personnel
such as accounts:r:.ts, planning officers, hr:mal resource man.agement
officers {FIRMos}, records cfiicers, cashiers, budget officers, engfneers,
architects, dentists, school physi*ians, m.rtritionists, nurses-, legal
offi.cers, etc. and other support personnel.

v. CAAC ard IDC

The school personnel that obtained physical custody of a CAAC or ari. IDC shall
observe the following procedures:

A. Notify
1. within twenty-four {?41 hours r frorn the tirne that physica}
custody of the CAAC or the internaily dispiaced child ii takeR,
tJ:e school persannel shali notify all the:
a. Parents or guarciian of the child;
b- I,o,cal Social Vlelfare and Development Of{ice {LSYfDO}
{thrcugh the cify or municipal socia} welfare and
development ofiice] rvhe::e the child is first taken into
c. LCPC and BCPC {or any of the eity or municipal council for
the protectian of children); and
d. council for the welfare sf children {cwc, through t}re
Regionai CararnitteelSuh-Committee for the Welfare of
Children {RCISCWC}}
2. Notification shali be done through available mea.ns? while ensuring
the sa{ety and security of thc schootr perscnnel and learners. A
written report shall be made by the relevant school persannel as to
the notifi.cations ta the above listed individuatsfagencies- ln the
event of delay in the notificaticn, the scho$i personnel shall
indicate the reason fcr the delay in the reporl.
B. Hat{over of CAAC and.lor XDC
1- Within the same Z4-haur period, the schocl personnel, with tlie
assistanrce of the LS$IDO shall cause the handover of the CAAC
or the internally displaced child's physical custody to the parents
or guardian of the chitd"
2. If the parents or guardian cannot be found or if handover of
custody to them is not feasible within the time period, the
Iearner's custod3r will he handed cver to:
a. the DSWD for immediate care amd protection; or
b. a DslllD-accredited center in the Locai Goverrrment Unit
(L.GU) for temporary shelter.
3. If handover is not feasible withi*. the ?4-hour period, a report shall
be made by the reler.ant school persor:nel indicating the reason for
' the delav"

r The ?4-hour period referretl uncler this secdo* begi*s fr*a: t&e hcur the agrncy gets Fhysi(*t *ustcdy of the child.
4. In case there is no intmediately available DswD facilier or D$wD-
accredited center in the LGU, the L$IVDO, LCPC ar the RCISCWC
will coordinate and carse the harrdsver of custody to otlrer ctrild-
caring faciliti*s accredited by the DS\ltID in the sarrte or anather
LGU or aiternative custodial faciliiies suitable for children where
the child can be given ternporar5i shelter, care and protection.

c. Requests for Data Assistaace

DepEd may pravide *upport tc faeilitate {e.g. age verification, basic proflle
for family tracing] upon written request by the relevant age*cy, subj*ct to
Data Privacy rules and reguiations.

D. Rehabilitatina Intenrenticns
Rehabilitatjon intervenficns and services sh*llbe given to a CAAC ar the
internally disptraced chiid based on the LSWDO's assessment of the
child. These interventi"ons *hall be tailored to fit the speci-fic needs of the
child. DepEd shall coordinate and provide support in the formulation of
arry rehabilitatian program f*r the CAAC or inte:rrally displaced child
focusing on the education component of the rehabilitation prograrn.

E. Replacement of Documerets
DepEd shall facilitate the replacement of schaol recsrds of CAAC and
IDC. DepEd units shali cocrdinate with each other tc ensure the efficient
and quick replacement of scho*l documents.

vr. CIAC Taken into Custody

The schaol personnel that obtained pl,rysical custod3,, of a ClAe shall observe the
following procedures:
A. I{oti{y
1. Within twenf5r-four {2a} hours: from the time that physical custody of
the CIAC is taken, the sch*si personnel shall n*tify all the:
a. LSWDO (through the cily or municipai sociai weifare and
develcpment office) u,'here the chiid is first taken into custody;
b. LCPC and BCPC {or arry of the citlr er rnunicipal ccuncil for the
protection of children); a:rd
c. CWC {through the RCISCIVC}.
") If there is no available I-5IIISO in t}le LGU, the school personnel shall
report the ineident to the nearest DSWD office,
3. Notification shall be done thr*ugh available trneansi rvhile ensuring the
safeqy and securifir of the school persoa:rel and learners" A written report
shal} be made by the relevant school persannel as to tfre notifications to
the above iisted individualsfagencies. In the event of delay in the
notificaticn, the school perscnnel shall indicate the r€ason for the delay
in the report.

B. Handover of CIAC
Within the safile Z4-hour period, t]:e school perscnne} shall cause the
handover cf the CIAC's physical c.ust*dy to tl:e LSII/DO. 3n the absence of the

Th. 24-ho,r. period referred under {hi* sectioa begirrs frorn t}:e }rour the ager:cy gets physi*al eu:tody of th* child.
LSWDO, handover can be made to either BCPC cr ICPC"

valid reasons* and

If handover is not feasible within the 24-hour period, due toCIAC, a reporl-shall
qdthout fault of the sc?:oo] personnel having custady of the
personnellnOicatlng the reason for the d*lay'
be made by ttre relevant schaol
sevenfrr-two {72} }rours
Handover shall be done as soon as possible and within

During the hand.over, strall the security situation require tlle assistance of t]-te
and Murricipal or City Locai
AFp, FNp, or the Barangay Lo*{ Gou*ir**nt Unit the the
of learr:ers'
Government u*i-to-*?*.rt" Lha safety and we]l-being securi{r support or
school head mS coordinate $rith the AFP ar PNP for

C. SafetY and SecuritY of CIAC

school personnel having contact wittrr a CIAC shafl ensure the child's safety
and gender-sensitive process in
a,d securrty ;; obselre a child, culture
handling thi CmC, ParticulariY bY:
a cIAc aa a mernber of an
L. taking actions that prevettt trt* labeling cftire
armed sr"*p sr thatin a,1y way may cause child discrimination;
2. when f.**iUf*, keep the hf*i in a space separate frqm adults (ather
thanautharizedschcctper*onnel)andpersonsofoppositgse|; information
3. protecting the irientily and confidentialiry of a-ny id'entising
on the CiAC;
4. not using the CLAC for any political propaganda; and
5" ,.,.ot .ror.E.essarily exposin! the ct&c to-media {e-g., use of pictures. of
children Juring i"***r*). piess conferences or media coverage, shall be
social media, if necessary #a in the chiid's trest interest,
conducted in accorda.n"* *i.ittr existing rnedia guidelines
on reporting and
coYerage of cases'

D. I{audllng of CIAC
Fromthetirnetheyaretakeni-r:.tocustody,tJ:.e9IACsha].lat all ti:nes be
ii*"t"d in a childlki*nrl1y and sensitive' as well as culture- and gender-
sensitive, manner. G*ideh by *re best interests of the
child, goverrrment
,*pr*u.rrtatives handling the CIAC shall:
i. obtaja the chiki's personal circumstartces as deseribed and requked
under the Intake Dacurnentadon part of this protocoi;
a separate room, or in
2. talk to t}re child. in a child-friendly area, prefeSlly of t}te proc€ss;
any available room that ensures t}.e can{identiallty
a-nd speaks the
3. secrlre the a.ssistance of ar: inclividual who rr*dersta:rds
tl.e lac*] language;
i*ogu"g* of the ci:ild if t}.e chikl does not speak
4. when necessary and feasible, secr:re thechild assistaBce of a sign !'anguage
expert, mentJ ir-riii- pr"fessional, psychologist. or ather
appropriate professional indth specialized'*:"g to
assist in the
*p**iat need.s or disabilities, following existing
interview or
" "rrilJ*itr,
DepEd psycho-social inter-renlion mechanisms;
5. aot subject the CIAC to a*y f*rm of investigation;

or arry
dr.:* tc *aturaf or man-made calamities or disastcrs
such as cases where leasibility of hand*l:er is affect*d
difhcuit that justi'fies delay
6. conduct the pr*cess using an approach that is culture? age-appropriate
and gender-sensitive;
immediateiy attend to the chiid's basic needs such as f*od, rest, sleep
and others to stabilize the chitd's physical a-nd psychotogical state; and
8. when feasible, immediateiy refer the chiJd to a psychoiogist or a
counselor for proper interventjon if the child appeari to re rxrriaiting
trauma, shows extrerne **ctions, or becomes -violent- when feasibl{
parents shail be imrnediately informed of the referral to a health
professionai. A referral carr already be rnade prior te informing the
guardian or pa-rents of the learrrer following the best interest r:f the 6t *A.

E. Intake Documentation
upon taking physicar custody of the CIAC, the school personnel rnay, for
purposes of documenting the chitd's intake, only ask the frlicwing inforraation:
1. name of CIAC;
2. age;
3. sex;
4. date of birth;
5. address; and
5" names and contact details cf parents, guardiens or relatives.
During the intake, no question shall be asked relating to the potentiat
comrnission of any act or offense under the law.
F, Requests fcr Data Assist*ace
DepEd may provide sup-port to facilitate requests for data assistance (e.g.
verification, basic prolile for family tracing] upon writtea request' uy agetfre
relevant agency, subject to Data privacy rules-ingregulations.
G. Medical ard Physical Assessment

The-schooi personnet taking

9u.stad.y of the child shall immediately inform the
local health office that a CIAC is taken into custcdy for the purpo-s* oi h*rrirrg
arr asse$$ment of the medical and physical ccndition *f tt * CnC. In cases
where medical needs are apBar€nt, thl local health office shall ensuie that
medical services or treatrnent is received by ttre CIAC. The child *ay afs" Ue
referred to the Women and Child Prstection Unit for med.ical examination or

If the clAC that is taken into custody

sick) and the LswDo lave urgent medicar need.s {e,g", injured,
1oy1d9d, after being notinea has not yet ar*ved, said
child shall immediately be brcught by the slhool perscnnel t* a medical doctor
or to the nearest heatth ofiice for appropriate trea*nent and a*sistance.

in coorduration with the. LswDo/BCpc/LCpc, medical assistance may be

provided by private-n:n clinics in the absence of public medical facilities.

VII. tnitial Report

The school personnel handling tle CIAC shall an initial report
bears the foliowing infarmatiorr t* the extent that they are availa.ble:
A. name af CIAC;
B. age;
C. birth date;
D" address;
E. sex;
F. educational attainment;
G. parents, guardians, or reladves;
H. initial assessment of physical a*d mental conditian;
I. indigenous cultural commuaiqr affiliation {if appiicable}; and
J- other circumstances relative to the rescue, sr:rrend*r *r the rnade of
cbtaining custod;r of CIAC.
A copy of the initial report shall be given to the office acquiring custody over
the child through the LSI$DC whc is handling tfie case of the CIAC-

VilL Rebahilitation and Rei*.tegration for CIAC

The DepEd shall provide inputs to the basic education component of the CIAC
rehabilitation prograrn, as well as pcssible psycho-social support for CIAC.
Similar support rnay be extended ta the learner's parents, relatives or
guardians. The rehabilitation prograrn is intended to facilitate the CIAC's
communitSr reintegration,

IX. Replacement of Docuraests

The DepEd, through the school where {he learner was previously enrolled,
currently enrolled, or will enroll, shall cooperate with LSWDO and LCPC in
assisting the CIAC in obtaining lostldamaged echool records for-

X. Monitoring atrd Reporting of GCRY

The Learner Rights and Protection Office (LRPO) shali submit an update report
(See Annex B) of GCRV cases as reported by the regional offices on a quarterly
basis. The submission dates are as follows:
A. lst Quarter {Znd qreek of April};
B. Znd Quarter {Znd week of Julyd;
C. 3rd Quarter {Znd week of Octoberh and
D. 4th Quarter {2nd w-eek of Janua4r of the fcllowing year}-
The relevant school personnel who have information on incidents of GCRVs are
mandated to report to the CWC MRRS. The following contact details are
Monitoring, Reporting and Referral $ystern
Council fcrr the Welfare of Ckildren
Address: No. 1O, Apo Street, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City
Laadline: {02}781-1035 to 39 lecal 2S03/2004
Mobile: A927-436-1436 or *915- 722-5993
.d11 reports shall be submitted within twenty-f*ur {2a} hor:rs from the tirne t}re
incident occurred and copy furnislred the Scho*ls Division O{Ece, Regional
Ofiice and the LRPO.

A.Reportitg Forn
The reporl shall indicate ttrre following infcrrmaticn:
1. Source ofData

a. Name of reporting pafiy

b. Agency/Srganieation
c. Contact details
2. Event llaformstior
a. Source of information
b. Date and time of incident
d. Number of children aJ?ected {indicate number of boys and of girtsi
e. Name/s aad age of affected ctrddren
f. Name of armed grsrlp cr fcrces invalved
b' Shori description of tJe incident

XI. Funding
Expenses related t$ the operatians and activities for Children in Situations of
Arrned Conflict {CSAC} l,earners at all Governance levels shail be charged
against the Child Protection Prograrn Fr-rnd, as well a$ tJ.e Gender ancl
Development Funds of the Regoinal, Divison Office, ald School, subject to the
usual accounting and auditing ruie* and regulati*ns.
XII. Monitoring and Evaluaticr
The DepEd LRPO shall lead and oversee in the implementation of monitoring,
evaluaticn,* and reporting in the Central Ofiice. The Learner Rights ant
Protection Fgcal persans frorn the Education Support Service Div:sion
frSSn1 in
the Regional Office and School Governance Opiiatians Division {SGOD} fn i:he
Schools Division OfEce, respectiveiy, shall iead in the monitoring of schaols'
compliance with these guidelines.

At the school level, the Schoci Head shali monitcr and evaluate preparedness
and capabilities of both DepEd Personnel ald learners during the-sidra$ons of
armed conflict. The SH sha-Il prepare an arinual report and *Gmit it to the LRp
Focal of the $DO for collation alrd analysis. Subsequent$r, the SDOs will then
prepare a consolidated report analysls for subrnission to the Ro.

XfiI. References

The following references are used in the development of this policy:

A. Repubiic Act No. 457O {Magna Carta for Public School Teachersi
ts' Republic Act Nr:. 11188 {$pecial Protection of Children in Situations of
Armlq Conllict Act), and its impiementing rules and regulatians
C. DepEd Order No. 57, s. 2017 {P*licy on the Protection of Children in
Arrned Conflict)
D. DepEd Order No- 32, s. 2019 {National Policy Frames'<rrk on l-earners and
Schools as Zones ofPeace)

XIV. Separahilit5r Clause

Any part or provision of this Depar,tment Order, which may be held invalld or
unconstih,rtional, eha1l not affe*t the validitlr and effectivity of the other

)[V. Repealing Clause


A1l Orders, n:les and regulations, and other related issuances, and/or
I provisions ttrerein, which are inconsistent with this Order and its pror.isions,
are repealed, rescinded, cr amended acccrdingiy,

This Order and its subsequent amendments, if any. shall take eifect 15 calendar
days upon its approval, issuance, and pubiication on the DepEd website.
Certified copies of this Order shall be registered with the Universily af the
Philippines Law Center-Office of tl:e l{ational Administrative Register {UP LC-
ONAR), UP Diliman, Qr:.ezon City and the O$cial Gazette of the Republic of the

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