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a(a)/ s7 I 146 I 2oL2 / E&U

Government of India
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technologr
Unique Identification Authority of India

UIDAI Hqrs, 7d, Floor, Bangla Sahib Road,

New Delhi- 110001
Dated: 5f September, 2018

Sub :- No denial of admission in schools for want of Aadhaar and Organising
special Aadhaar Enrollment/update camps at schools - reg.

As you are aware, Aadhaar number is being asked from school children for

availing admissions obtaining scholarships, attending various Board and other

examinations, participating in various competitive examinations. It is therefore

necessary on schools to provide Aadhaar enrolment and biometric update facilities to

students without causing any hardship to them or their parents.

2. Also, mandatory update of Biometrics in Aadhaar is also required for children

on attaining the age of 5 /15 years to ascertain validity of their Aadhaar number
assigned earlier.

3. It must be ensured that no children are deprived/deniecl of their due benefits or

rights for want of Aadhaar. Some instances have come to our notice that few schools

are denying admission to children for want of Aadhaar. Such clenials are invalid and

not permitted under the law. It is also to be ensured that no child shoulcl be denied

admission and other facilities for lack of Aadhaar.

4. For children who are not yet assigned an Aadhaar number or whose biometrics

in Aadhaar database is not updated, it shall be the responsibility of the schools under

Regulation 12A of Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations to arrange to provirle

for Aadhaar enrolments and biometric update of such students. This shoulcl be
facilitated by the schools by organizing special camps in their premises in coordination

with local banks, post oflices, state education department and district administration.
Till Aadhaar number is assigned or biometrics are updated for such students all
facilities should be extended through alternate means of identification and by
following the exception managcment process as laid down in Cabinet Secretariat's OM

Dated 19th December 2OI7 (Annexure - A).

5. In order to avoid any hardship to children in availing the benefits or other

purpose as mentioned above for want of Aadhaar, it is obligatory on State

Government/s to arrange through its education department and district
administration to organise Aadhaar enrolment camp in all the schools, at least twice a

year by making school-wise roster for the sarne. In order to augment the state effort in

organising enrolment ca-Inp, the State/s may eilso co-ordinate with banks and post

offices either to organise carnp in nearby schools or children may be arranged to be

taken to Aadhaar Enrolment and Update centrc/s located at nearby banks/post

offices. The list of Aadhaar centres in banks and post offices are provided at

6. This has approval of Competent Authority.

(Ashok Kumar)
Assistant I)ircctor General (ff&U I)

1. The Chief Secretaries of States/ Lt. Governor of UT.

Copy to
1. Secretary, School Education Department, Ministry of HRD.
2. All UIDAI Regional Offices.
3. UIDAI Tech. centre, Bangaluru.
4. All the Registrars and Enrolment Agencies including banks and post offices.
5. File.
N* D-2t011i [i41 ?017-DtsT
Goternmeni of Indis
Cabnei >ec:ctarie.t
pBT ltl.issi,:n)
Daied: 1F Decemt'er ?017

Subjec* Use nf Aadhaar in Benefit Schemes of Gove,:nrnent - Exceplir-rn Handling -


Aariir.lar bEsti Dii'l'is a ;:g::,:fica:it gover:rerrre r*fi,rrn tr) en$i::*

$r*ilt*r h-al$;aruni:y .:,r.rrli
acrri::;tal:ilii; Ln Fuhlic service delivery t}.;r:ough effecsve use of tech-nolcg;:. Aaillaar as an
iiieni:f.,r ilroof olr'',iates the need {*r produi:ng nu-itipl* do*:-rnrnts fo pr*l'ing cme's ici*nfiq,.,
ltrer*b1, simpli$'ing prnc*durer and eli::rinati:'Lg ia-Le/ gircrst beme.ficia-iies iF,r;,'":.$h de-
Lllrr 1..

1. Hsu'ever, G*r*mne*t is sen-cilil'e ti: the lact lhat the Aadhaar eriri:l:ne:Lt
Frocess has not
been rnmpleteci *rd i::ka-skuctu:e corutrai.its mai, pcse ciliticulty in c,::iline aulherrficaiion. To
erleul:e &at bona fide beneficia:ies a:re not de.prived of tlieir di:e l,eneiiic, sr:ifici*nt prnvisiors
have been ma,le in the AaChaar .l.ct. ?il15. UIDAI hes a-lsu issue:d reg:,:la$ors tn h.a:rile
erceptio:rs, ensruing that no b*nrficiar;r is *eni*d k'*neiits {or urcrt *f Asrj}raar, vid.e d:cular
dated ?'{& Ocloher, 2017 (;opy rxclnsrd lor real4 reftren*e}. In accc,r,la:rce irtil: *re guidelinrrs
issuei by UIDAI k,r::r f-rre to 'drre, th* ici1l*rr.::-,g may be c*rr*cidered:

,A- For extending t*:r:r:fit's t,r L,eneliicia-ries irlo rlo not l,usscs Aeiihaar, the foiior.rtng
rnechardsm maT be adopted:

i, The beneficien, shs.ll ke p:n'"ided. sui:sidir, benc-St cr scr,ri.ce baserl *ir alternair
i,ientiilcalion dc.,c-;ment as r*hJied. in the relrvent ni''iiJicaiiorr-s r-ssued u-n-dcr the
prclisic.::s rf Sectj*n 7 rl th* Aadhaa.i Ait. i016.
ii, Eifmls shnulil L''e ;rrade fr: ensi;:e Lh*t all surh benefici*ri*s a;e facilitated inr en:rLment
t3W '"rrder Aacihaer. fhu c*ncerned Depa..irnsnl 1|u $ugh :Ls Li:rpl*r:rer,tng Agencies mev offer
fq-/#{l+ Aadhaar errcl::re:*t facrl-ities for such. bene{iciaries at convenient locatic,r,s t*r+ugh centres
h the respeciive Blttk/ Taluka/ Tehs:l (rnclxd:ng itrr:ugh Fost Offic*"s, Barl$, ICDS
Centres eic)"
iii. A-( Irrr *:(ult*c,n 1-2 ':f Aedhaa; (S,nrr,Im*nl and i*pCate)*ru*, ZJ16, ths Stnte
Goven:nterf./ Implem.eniing Agencies shoulei alsu m.a.k-e specia-1 ;irrs-nf;efiieiits fi:; L,*;1
-i'"1 r"-"r Criiferentlv-lh1*d, c,r s*:-it'r ritiz*rs, rr'h; rrfl r:nal,le to r"isit *r* :*gls;r:rEii;,ir
reritre(si, to get th*:r enrolled {or Aad}raar.
irr. Til-l such tinre Aadhar: is assigned ijo a beneficiarl., a separate registef, preferably
el*cirrnir. shall h* maintineci f,*rr recordin.s fl:ch traru;actiorrs, rn-he,1ever ihe ben*iiciaq, is
prorid*d benufiisl sernices on ihe basls of*malive identi$catinn docums:,ts. lhs
reg3ster mav i:'e peii*dir.alJ). ievierl'ad ixid aud3l,:d

B. In all such cases where Aadhaar authentication fails, the

thc {r:llow

.)U)r"9 ?Dh':
(2')'2.Z\f$.t 1
'-:zsJtl{"zrrpl; 1\

uraY make provsicrs i,x II].IS ,.u,*u,,
along r,l,:'th
1. Departrrents a:rd Bar,k Branches v
fingerprint $canners, rn'l:ereuer feasib-le' -ii,:*^
ofutne auihentica*on srsten such as Q1{
u. ln cases c[ d"re tcr lack of coriirectvr$,
OTP or TUTP may be expll'",red'
code based ct''uPons, blobile based 'benefitT' xrv'ic* may be
where on"line au*renticaiinn is not feaxible' the
tn all cases
afler duly recording the frer"sactinnin

pro'.ided on the urri*? porsessicln .Aarihaar,


legister, ts be reviev;ed and aucited perin'iicallv"

5.{ir'is*,ies/ f}epe,tments arid Sfe|e G*ve.rrrureni;
3. In vier* 'tf ab.:lra, DBT hplenrei.rtirg conicrr:r:1ry" rai:th fre AEdhaar*'
nrtup'ion l't*'tAfi"g mecha:rism in
reqrestad to i:rLplemen'p'op*u
Act 3016 and sub;eq":*nt iegutatio*
frU*i:'"' "**A TT;::,:: *,.il"t*
may arso r3:,
put:. place be
::.,*:#:, :ffiffiil-Iffiffi.-'*ni"i*'*-*o,ito** I

Encl$surgi$s ahsle
(Arun Sharma)
f)irector (DBT)
Tel - Exb 318
i01"1') 233{3360


Departsrents of Grvemment of
1. $er-:et*-ries tn all ]r{i:-rirtries,/
) Ctiei Secre*ries r:I aiJ Staresi' A*n'irisirat':rs of a'll UTs
f, C6O, UI"I]AI

Colv to:
h{iri'stries / Depa:*rents
1, Cr:n:,1ha!*rs, DIT Cells in eil
Coordirratr'rs, DST CeLls in all
Statts tJTs'
1. '1

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