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F i le No.

DMW O 17 1 12022-D MWO-DMWO-ATP

From To

Sri.S. tVlohammed Rafi, [, The Superintendent of Police,

District Minorities Welfare Officer, Anantapuramu.
Anantapuramu. All the Revenue Divisional
OfficerslTahsildars/tt/l PDOs/tM unicipal
Commissioners in the District.

Rc. No. A/83/DMWO/2022,Dated:-08-07-2022

Sir / lt/adam,

Sub:- Itlinorities Welfare Department - Anantapuramu District - Eid -ul 'Azha

(Bakrid) - Performance of Eid prayers and Qurbani - Communication of
lnstructions/ Guidelines to concerned Departments Orders issued -
Regarding. ,F

Ref:- G.Rt.No:97 of the Secretary to Government, Minorities Welfare (lDM)

Department, Andhra Pradesh, Dt:-07 -07 -2022.


I invite kind attention to the subject and reference cited the Secretary to
Government, Minorities Welfare Department has issued lnstructions/ Guidelines
along with safety measures regarding to perform of Eid-ul-Azha (Bakrid-2022)
prayers and Qurbani.

ln consequent to the ensuing Eid -ul- Azha (Bakrid-2022) festival on

10-07-2022 (Subject to the moon sight). The following guidelines / instructions are
communicated to take precautionary measures during the Eid prayers and Qurbani.

Guidelines/lnstructions are issued take the following measures in ensuring

Eid-ul-Azha( Brakid Festiva!-2022) on 10-07-2022 or 11-07-2022 depending on
moon sight.

1. The tvlanagement of the Wakf lnstitutions i.e. IVlasjids, Eidgahs Committees/

tt/luthavallis are requested to ensure safety of the tVusallies/fMuslim Public I
duly taking necessary health precautions and maintain safety standards
during the Eid Namaz post COVID Scenario.

2. Necessary care shall be taken for frequent cleaning and disinfection to be

maintained by the managements of [Vlasjid Floor, Wazukhana. Toilet Area
etc. and sanitation of the lMasjid/Eidgahs to be ensured.

3. To provide sufficient water facility at the time of Eid Namaz to

lt/ussalies/Public in the light of summer.

4. To provide all facilities in the best interest of ft/lussallies/tvluslim Public at

every IMasjid Without any complaints.
File No. DMW Ofi 1 12022-DMWO-DMWO-ATP
5. The inspector Auditor with the cooperation of the concerned Dt\IWos shall
pursue with the concerned Municipal Authorities and panchayats for
cleaning and levelling of the Eidgahs area to Facilitate for Eid ul Azha
(Bakrid Festival-2}22

ln this connection, the Officers concerned are here by instructed to follow the
instructions in respect of performance of Eid Prayers during Eid-ul-Azha (Bakrid
Festival 2022) festival on 10-07-2022 and for Qurbani and it should be ensured
that all necessary protocols of COVID-19 shall be followed scruputously. The Safety
lVleasures for Eid-ul-Azha (Bakrid-2022) are also enctosed in Annexure.

Yofrs faithfully,
Encl: Annexure.
District [Vlinorities Welfare Offi cer,

Copy submitted to the Secretary to Government, I\rtinorities Welfare (lDM) Department,

Velagapud i, Amaravarah i for favo u r of nfo rmation

Copy submitted to the Commissioner, Minorities Welfare Department, Tadepalli,

Guntur District for favour of information.
Copy to the Chief Executive Officer, A.P.State Waqf Board, Vijayawada for favour of


Signed by Shaik Mohammed

Date: 08-07-2022 17 :46:49
Reasonl Approved
rl: ir\

&t Milrksls

9 l,te lOCal aOrrrfli$tratron may take neCessary aCtrol lor proridrng spaCc for
safe; of ant'na1s in ta $alntai.i hygien* conditions
10 Necessary rtuiDs rrrav be taken ioi saie p,3curcn( rl Lf rne ar\lrlals 1o lhc
rr.tarket yarrlr

l-r;ceirort 11 The slail!;hlering arer :h*uld *e clean

iJutil;r 1?. llutch*r: sh*rld s1r1*tly a*lrere to hygtene lveallng gl*v**, n:ask
hi:ad g*ar x*d pr*{*rably []PL
13 llulchcr; sh*uid {reqil*r:lly wasl lhelr hand* witir soap ar}d witl{3i
behvee* th*ir *peratrnns
14 Cutt:ng knrv*r *hnuld he sierrifrd in **itlng walor lrcm lxne 1o tlme
elurng sla*ghi*t:*g oP*raii**s.
15 Ci*anlng wrlh *elerg*nl and trJal*l, {ol1E:rycd by linsing at.:d dryrnE ts
the ff$*1 u**iul rrreth*ri f*r renroyr*fi gerfi$ frr:nr sltfaces Lnv*lopeei
s*nritiv* t* tl*t*r'g**ls f)*lerg*n1* help lc ico$cn lhe $crrl$ $il tlrat
ihe y cafi b* rtn**d.xaay wrlh elean wale{.
1S Drsrnfecling *i LJStng ehe*1ic*l$ 1o itill g*rms gfl $lldac*s, fittthor
iow*t lh* risk r:f *pr**rirng infeelrr:ns Aft*r applyr|rg a disinlectant' wa*tt
l0r lile rCqurred cxPo:u', lir'tr
n:*p lr*:ads Altetnaltv*ly' {t**ute u$cd c}oth$ .ancl rt'tu;: heads arc
laundcrc{i ;*rtd dri** a{ter use lo mlfilmlle cofltam}nallon

[]*r s*ns 18 l.rrntl vtstlsr$ lc t*itrimu*: essenlial

1S Crcwdrng shauld !:c av*lded clurtng slaughtering and elress:ng
*r"lrn]als. Oniy r":ecessary pers$116 should he allov/ed to i]* pr*$ent al
iire sii*
?0. !,,ic p*r*on ${ilh cough, {evrr, br*athirrg r1lffrcilliy ctc $lirel
$ynlptorlts *{ COVI$-I3 slti*}l cnter thl *rea q

2'1 i..vtxyr:r* sh*Lrtd Lt$* illa$k anrl glavcs mandaloitly

N* ofie shauld i
t*uch anrr"::al with*ut ffark a{'ld glovc**iniairringaminiillum2
disluttsc b*lw*crt irrritv:d uall
2l) ?tar:r:lr: r;ood ;"*sPtraiorY i:y uurng Lii::rt eibaw 0r tisslte
lt$sue PaP*l should bc
p;lpett riurtng ccughirrg and sneez ing T he used
riisp*sed cll ;ni* a brn t";rlh a ild
Wash hands
24 [tovtstln o[ hanrj wash $houltl b* made avarlabie l{ soap and ryatet ls
;,tr{J waler {or 40-60 seconds.
f rcqucntlY i{11lr soap
fol 20-30 $ecoxis wilh an alcohol based
rrol avarlabic , rllb Yollr hand
sanlltlcr that cont;ttls 00'8U'':' alc$hcl.
?5 Distrl!:utton cf mcat sh culcl t>e done maialaining *ttrct s*cral
I)rstllLtl:otr dr:tance
A t\,lt] th,ll"lA/,

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