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I Fofi)

i.- ls!


{,bs trlrct
(ieneral ;'\dministration Depanment-Itescrretion lbr [:.cononrically Seakcr Scctior-rs rE\.\ Ss) not
cor,'ered itnrler the existing scireme of rese rr.'ation lbr thc Schcdr"rled Castes. the Srrhetiuled Iribes ar-rd
the sociallv and educationalll backr,vard classes in Civil Posts and Scrviccs irr Uoremmcnt ot'lnclia
anci admissions in educarional institutions-lncome and assets cefiificate- Instruction -orclcrs issued

Ge neral Ad min istration (Co-ordina tion) Department

G.O. {&Is) No. 5212019/GAI) Dated,'Ihlruvalirnthapurrm, I J.03.20 1 9

esad.: r) OVI F'.No.2001i,01i2018-BC-li dated 17.'01,:()i9l)eparlmenr olsocialJustice arul

Empor,vermenl. i\'linistry ol Social .lustice and Empowerxlent. Covemment g1'Ir:rjia.

2) Olvi F.No. 360i9'1.'2019-Estt (Res.) daterj l9 0l l0le Deparrrrrcnt of Personneland

Training. p-linistr-v ol Personnel. Puhiic (lrievances and Pcnsions. (iovernment of Intlia."

ln pursuance of insertiort ollclaLrses 1-i({i.1 and l6(6'} in thc C'onstitutirin vide the Constitution
(One Hr"rnclred and Third;\mendrnent) Act. 1019 and in order to enable the Econonricall.v' Weaker
Sections (EWSs) vt,ho are not cor,'ered Lmtier the eristing schemc ol rcservati6ns tirr the Scheclulecl
Clastcs. the ScheclLrled and tl-re Sociaily and lrjducationalll" Backrvard Classes. to rcc.ivc thc
benetits of reservatioti ()n il prclcrcntiul hasis in civil posts and serviccs ip d:e Cor,.ei-iinrent of In6ia
and admission in llcirrcatioual Institutions. it has been decided by rhe I f nion Governmcnt to provide
I 09'ir reserlation to such EWSs in civil posts and sen'ices in (iovenrnrcnt ol Inclia" and admission in
Central Go vernmental educati onal institutions.
). ln tiris sub,iect matter. (iovernment ot'India h;ls issued lirll,rwinu instrucri()ns:
i) Persons rvho at'e not covereLl rrncier the existing scheme of'rcservations firr thc SchecjLrlcd
Castes. the Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and educationallv Baclirvarcl Classes anci
w'hosc t"rmily has qross annual income is belorr"Rs.8 lalihs are to be ir-lentitied as IIWSs
ibr the benetlt olreservation.
ii) ,\ tamrlr fbr this pl"u?ose inch-rdes the person rviro seeks benelit ol'reserration. his,hcr
parents and sihlings bclovi, thc airc oi'18.,cars a:l a1-s,r hisiher spouse lud chilt'ircn bclorv the
a3u' ill I 8 -'. gxr5.
iii) The income oi'the iamilv shall include income tionr al I s()urces i.e. salerl. asriculture.
business" prcrtession etc. tbr the tlnancial year prior rtt the rear ol applrcatirtn sc.eking the
e ertilie lLrc.

ir) A Persons whitse family o\vns or possesses anl ol'thc f'oliowins itssets shull hc cr.clurlc,.i
flom bein!, itlentilled as EW'Ss. in-espectiiur olrtlic lantih, inconre
' a. 5 acres ol,\,rriculture i-anci ancl ahrlve:
b. Residential tlat of 1000 ;rnc1 abt,,r,e
t c. Residential plot of't00 sq. lards and airor,e in notitictl rnuniciprlrtir:s.
d. Resiclential ploI of 200 sc1.1,ards and rllrr:r'c [n trcas other t]ran ihc notitlcd
n"rLLnic ipalitics

l. (itlcrnntcnt llllrrciil fitltlrcr tlirc'ctcJ ihet inct,,ntc lnd,lsscts ol'lirril., as ureutirttred irt prrrl i
;lbove is to be cemifled hy en oiiiccr not l.:clorr the'rlnk oi l.r]rsildai-in r \illc. [t ltas hl'en ]i.rrthcr
directcd that tl-re ollicer c(lritpeteltt tr) issLLe this ccr-titlclrtc Iras tu r eri l.' calefulll' all relcritnt
riocu.ments and tbllrrr.l'thc clue proccss as prescl'ihed by the Statc llovernrtent.
-+. ln the above circr-rmsrances. thc State Liorernment order tirat any ()f the lbllow'ing rttlicers sl-tall
be the compctent authoritv rrt issue the Inconrc encL ,\ssct ccrtiilerrc ,n icspccr (,t thc ti\iS r.r, ttrc uot
cor.jcred under the eristing scheme olresenatitrns fbrthe SciredLrled Castes. the SciredLrlecl fribes an.l
the Socielll" and Educationallv LJackr.vard C' s:-

. District fvlagistrete, ,\drjitional DistricL Nlesistrete rrL'the ererr r'r,here the candiJate r)t'his
lamill ordirT arily resicies
b. Rcicnuc Di', l:ii,-.u:l Oiile cr r)i-Lilc .irjlr ',',irerc thc ..urdid.rte or his leniiiy ordinarill residc-'s
c. Tahsileiar in charse of tlie taiuk olthe rrca r,,herc thc anditiale or his liimiL.,'orr,iiuariiv

i. Appeal against the order ot'Rer.,enue Dir isitrnal Otllcer and Tahsildar in [rar ing rejcctcd thc
appiication olthe lncome andAsset Certitlcate shall lie betbre Distnct \{agistrate .\dciitionai District
N,lasistrate oltire area rvhere the candidate r)r his .nmily ordirrarilr resii.les.
6. [t is tiutirer tlrdered that the process as prcscribed tbr issuing lhe iron-clcitnrl"la1,er certiflcates
to rhe persons belonging to Other Backu'ard ('lesscs in Kcrala si-rall bc ibllorved bi,'tirc con-lpctcnt
authorities for veritlcation ot'income and assct Jocuments $[rile takirTe- l decision in respect ol the
applications fbr lncomc and Asset Ceniticate.
1 . The competent authoritl' shail dispttsc t i' the application tbr Iircomc and r\sset Certillcatc
liithin 10,Ja1s olthc rcccipl ol'thc: applicatiun.
'fhe cr:mpetent authoritics r,r,ill maintrin the rectrrd of ail thc.rppliclr:ions and certitlcatcs issued
in tire sarng malrncr as being dtlne lirr n()n-eream\ ;evcr ccrtillcutcs Lo thc persons belonging to ()tltcr
Backr.vard Classes in Kerala.
g The cerrificate w'iLl be issLred in thc lbrm appended to this order and slrall remaitt valid tbr one
] clrr fi()m thc tlulc ol- issLlc.
([31- ortler of tire Gov'ernor)
B TS HII:{.N{I i{ SIN T'tA. I,\S
Prin ci oa I iiecret:l r:,

1"h e Pri nc i pa I Secretar-v'', Reve n ue Departrnen t

Co m m iss io ner. L. antl Reverr ue. ilr i rLr v anarlthrlpru:rnr

{ll l)i'trict C,'llcctrrr' {1,'r prirr irlint irr1,,1'1v1;1111r11 11r;1ll,liir ct.:)
The Prl.Auct)Lrntant Gcr\eral (,\&L,,,\Lrtiit). Kcraia.
Director. tctPltD 1 tbr prrhlising (irirr:r'nrncut \\'ebsite and tirr wide pLrblicitl, to Nledit)

\l'eb ct \ew \,ledia1 tirr pubrlish iug lbr Covt.We bsitc: )

, F rlr:u.ardcd Br ort


Certificate No..
Vhlid for the year .

This is to certill that Shri, Srnt.. Kurnari ..

son iilughterr'rvife of

. in Kerala Pin Cttde u,hose

photograph is attested belo',l' belongs to llconomicalll, Wealier
Sections. since the grtrss annual
income* ol'his'hcr lamih'** is belor,r Rs. 8 lakh (Rupees r.i-eht [-akh.onl1,')
for thc financial
\'ear """"'- His,'her tamilv does not o\r'n or posscss an,v- ot'the assets**,F :

I. j
acres ot'agricultural land and above:
II. Residential flar of' 1000 sq. ft. and above:
I{t. Residential plot of l0{) sq. -r,ards and above in nt.,tified,runicipalitics.
ry. Residential plot oi'?t){) sq. lards and abo\'e in. areas other: than
thc notiiled

2. Slui,Smt..'Kumari ...........;...... bclongs

to the ^.,..;:, is not recosnized as a
schecruled caste. s.h;l;,i;l irir-," cil;; u;.k*;.TI;rl:ll'n
Signarure ri ith seal ol ( )tljcc...

*ltote l:lne ontc colercd all sources i.c. salary. agr.icr-rltLrre. busincss. protession. etc.
d-*Note 2: The term "'Farnill" tbr this pur;rose
inclLrde the pcrson. wlrc sceks bcncfit o[
reser\ation' his'her parents and siblines hgli111 tirc rrge trl lH
-rear\ JS liso his.,hcr spouse and
cirildren'belorv the age of ,18

helcl br :r .'Flnrilr'" in ciil'fcrerrt Iocations or tliff'crepr

xxd-Note 3:The propert\''
hlve hcen clubbcd while applling rhe Iitncl or prr)perl\ hoiriing le\r tr) tlctcnni,," 1:llecs,uitics
f .ws.L,,rrrr.-

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