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Josiah Nonan

GE 5 – Science, Technology and Society

11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

The existence of sophisticated and high levels of technology in this modern era offers
us free time for recreational activities, access to information and the abilities to make work
easy as much as we need. Science has a great potential to improve our world. However, to
utilize this potential the relationship between science and society needs to be positive and
Development of the country is strongly connected with growth of the development
in science and technology. These three words; development, science and technology, always
go together and are very necessary for us and for our better living. We cannot imagine our
daily lives without some advancement(s), caused by science and technology progress. In
fact, our very existence changes in every minutes, something new appears every single day.
We can say that our lives depend on new inventions and scientific creations. As science and
technology changes our lives to a great extent. The period we have chance to live in now is
considered as the era of science and technology. Thus, introduce us the foundation of up-to-
date civilization. This progress has contributed greatly to mainly each aspect of our everyday
life. So, we have an opportunity now to enjoy its results, having our lives more comfortable
and pleasurable. For example, as a student we can just study online sitting at home by using
internet benefits and available sources of information. Scientist have made it possible to
take the highest benefits from technologies. And thanks to this development we have
entered another level of human civilization, having everything to arrange happy and
comfortable living.
The modern way of life and culture are dependent on some products of science and
technology, as they have become an integral part of existence. Given the efficiency of its
advantages, still there are some cons that might be very harmful to humans. If science and
technology can give ease to our lives, it can also cause a destruction and chaotic situations.
For instance, scientifically created weapons like atom or hydrogen bombs are able to
destroy the whole world in just few minutes. We can see how beautiful and destructive at
the same time science and technology can be.
In conclusion, it must be admitted that science and technologies can lead human
civilization to a perfection in terms of living. At the same time, everything should be done in
wise perspectives and to some extents, not to harm and destroy our world. Our dearest
planet and our only home has sound for those, who listen.

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