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Agatha: "Serina, did you catch that new movie everyone's talking about?


Serina: "Yeah, I did. It left me kind of ambivalent, you know? I couldn't decide if I loved it or
found it confusing."

Agatha: "Ambivalent? What's the deal with that word?"

Serina: "It means having mixed feelings about something. Like, not sure if I liked it or not."

Agatha: "Got it. I thought it was majestic! The cinematography was breathtaking."

Serina: "Majestic? Give me the lowdown on that one."

Agatha: "It means grand or impressive. The scenes in the movie were like a visual feast."

Serina: "Oh, I see. Yeah, the visuals were amazing. And the main actor was enormous, like,
really tall."

Agatha: "Hold on, 'enormous' here means very impressive or outstanding. Not his height,
but his performance."

Serina: "Ah, gotcha. By the way, did you notice how loquacious the supporting character
was? She never stopped talking!"

Agatha: "Loquacious? What's that, the latest buzzword?"

Serina: "It means talkative. Yeah, she had a lot to say. Added a unique charm to the movie."

Agatha: "Interesting. Some parts seemed a bit imbecilic to me, though. Like, why would
they make those choices in the plot?"

Serina: "Imbecilic? You're killing me with these words. What's that supposed to mean?"

Agatha: "It means foolish or silly. Some plot twists were a bit questionable; you know?"

Serina: "True, true. Overall, though, the movie was... intriguing."

Here is a new vocabulary list for you to learn:


Meaning: Having mixed feelings or uncertainty about something.

Example: Serina was ambivalent about the new movie because she couldn't decide if she
loved it or found it confusing.


Meaning: Grand, impressive, or beautiful.

Example: Agatha found the cinematography in the movie to be majestic, describing the
scenes as a visual feast.


Meaning: Very impressive or outstanding, not necessarily referring to size.

Example: Agatha used "enormous" to praise the main actor's performance rather than
describing his height.


Meaning: Talkative or chatty.

Example: Serina observed that the supporting character in the movie was loquacious, as
she never stopped talking.


Meaning: Foolish or silly.

Example: Agatha found some parts of the movie to be a bit imbecilic, questioning certain
plot choices.


Meaning: Fascinating, interesting, or captivating.

Example: Despite some questionable plot twists, Serina found the movie to be intriguing

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