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Rationale of the Study

The escalating threat of climate change and environmental degradation has reached

critical levels, prompting an urgent call to action across global communities (United Nations,

2023). Climate change is a result of rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and more

frequent and severe natural disasters. It is mostly caused by the buildup of greenhouse gasses in

the atmosphere (Malhi, Y. et al, 2023). The ecosystems, biodiversity, human health, and

socioeconomic stability are all seriously threatened by these changes.

According to Iverson, J. (2023), the widespread use of packaging materials, especially those

produced from non-renewable resources like fossil fuels, is one of the main causes of

environmental degradation. In contemporary economies, packaging is essential because it makes

it easier to store, move, and safeguard goods across supply chains. But standard packing

materials, like plastic, frequently become trash after only one use, adding to the growth of

landfills, ocean pollution, and toxic emissions from burning.

In addition, the manufacturing and disposal of packaging materials contaminate the air, water,

and land, among other forms of pollution. Air quality problems and climate change are made

worse by the transportation, manufacturing, and raw material extraction processes involved in
the packaging industry. These activities also release other pollutants and greenhouse gasses into

the atmosphere. Environmental deterioration is further exacerbated by the incorrect disposal of

packaging debris, which results in littering, habitat destruction, and harm to wildlife.

To sum up, the pressing need to reduce waste production and pollution in the environment is the

reason why designing sustainable packaging solutions is essential. Businesses can promote

innovation and competitiveness while simultaneously driving positive environmental results by

giving priority to resource conservation, waste reduction, pollution prevention, and consumer

preferences. The shift to eco-friendly packaging has enormous potential to build a more resilient

and sustainable future for future generations through cooperative efforts across industry, schools,

and policymakers.

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