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The Internationai Journai ot Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


The Simplified Papilla Preservation

Flap. A Novel Surgical Approach for
the Management of Soft Tissues in
Regenerative Procedures

Pierpaolo CorfeHini. MD. DMD'/Giovanpaolo Pini Prato. MD, DMD"/ Treatment of deep intrabony
Maurizio $. Toneffl DMD. PhD. MSc' defects with guided tissue regen-
erotion (GTR) hos been reported
to prediotobiy resuit in significant
A novel surgical procedure speaHcaily designed to access interdenfai
amounts of ciinical ottachment
spaces in the regenerative treatment of deep intrabony defects is present-
ond bone gains at 1 year (for
ed. This procedure (simpiified papiHa preservation flap. SPPF) was designed to
review seeTonetti and Corteliini^.
provide surgical access to interproximoi bony defects while preserving inter-
A great variabiiity in oiinioai aut-
dental soft tissues, even in narrow interdental spaces and posterior teeth. A
comes, however, is evident
modified mattress suture aliaws coranai positianing of the buccol tlop ond
among the different studies. This
primary closure af the interdental space without tension. The modified mat-
tress suture minimizes ti-\e coliapse of the membrane into the defect An voriability couid be dependent
experimental papulaticn af 18 patients in good generoi heaith whc present- on the insufficient controi of a
ed wUh one intrabony defect each was seiected for ttiis clinicai study. The series of factors associafed wifh
application of the SPPF in combination with bioresorbable membranes fhe patient, the defect, the
resulted in clínica! attachment ieve! (CAL) gains of 4.9 ± 1.8 mm at 1 yearThe empioyed surgioai technique,
difference between baseline CAL and ? year CAL wos highly clinically and and the healing period, aii of
statistically significant. Tiie residual poci<ets at 1 year measured 3.6 ± i.2mm. which aftect ciinicai out-
A slight increase in gingivai recession was noted. Primary closure of the flap in comes,^"''
the interdental space over the membrane was obtained in 100% of the
One of the major probiems in
cases after compietion ot surgery and maintained in 67% of the cases during
the GTR treotment of intrabony
the healing period. The appiication of SPPF in combination with biore-
defects is the surgical manage-
sorbable barrier membranes aiiowed primary closure of the interdentai
ment of the tissues in the detect-
space in most of the treated sites and resuited in consistent CAL gains at I
associated interdentoi spaoe. in
year, (int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1999:19:589-599.)
tact, iack of primory ciosure of the
interdental space, tlop dehis-
cence. or membrane exposure
reportedly occurs in 70% tc 80% of
'Professor, Deportment of Period ontology and Fixed Prosttiodontics,
cases.'"'^ Exposed membranes
School of Dental Medicine, Univeisify of Bern, Switzerland.
'Professor, Dental Schooi, University of Florence, itoly. are contaminated with bacte-
ria,'^"'^ and such exposures have
Reprinf requests: Dr Pierpaolo Corteliini, via Carlo Botta I ó, 1-50136 been associated wifh reduced
Firenze, Italy.

Voiume 19,Numberó,1999

amounts of clinical attachment degree of technical difñculty and

level (CAL) gains at 1 year. ' 2. ' 3, l s-16 have specific clinioal indicotions.
It should be emphasized that Recently, a novel surgical
in the c i t e d ciinicai studies, a p p r o a c h (simplified popilla
access flaps and suturing tech- preservoticn flap, SPPF) was
niques were not specificolly designed in on attempt to (1)
designed to obtain and mointain obtain and mointain primory clo-
primary closure over the borrier sure of the flaps in interdental
membranes. To overcome this spaces; (2) avoid/limit the col-
problem, new surgioal t e c h - lopse of non-self supporting bar-
niques specifically designed for rier membranes into interproxi-
appliootion with regenerative mol defects: ond (3) render the
procedures in the interproximal procedure oppliooble to narrow
area hove been recently devel- and/or posterior interdentol
oped ond tested. The modified spaces.
papilla preservation teohnique''' The aim of the present clini-
resulted in a significant reduction cal study was to describe the
of the omount of membrone SPPF in combination with biore-
exposures in the interdentol sorboble barrier membranes in
space (27% of the 15 treated the treatment of deep intrabony
coses). Furthermore, when there defects ond to preliminarily
was exposure its extent was lim- evaluate its etfioooy.
ited. This teohnique was success-
tully performed in wide interden-
tal spaces in the anterior and Mettiod and materials
premolar region, while its appli-
cation in norrow ond/of poste- Subject popuiafion
rior interdentol spaces was
reported to be technioolly more The patient population consisted
demanding and clinically less of 18 subjecfs (7 men. 11 women)
successful. Another procedure 34 to 60 years ot oge (mean 49,1
speoificolly designed for use with ± 7.7) in good general health,
barrier membranes Is the inter- with no known allergies ond
d e n t a l tissue m o i n t e n a n c e good oral hygiene. All patients
approach.^" This resulted in a gave informed consent to par-
mere 5% membrane exposure in ticipate in this cose series. In each
a populotion cf 12 treated intra- patient an experimental site that
bony defects. The outhor, how- met the following selection crite-
ever, suggests limiting application ria wos identified: (i) oliniool and
of this surgiool flap fc maxillary radiographie evidence of the
premolars with thick palotal tis- presence cf a deep interproxi-
sues o n d interdental spaces mol detect with an intrabony
wider thon 2 mm. Both reported component of 4 mm or more; (2)
procedures incorporóte a high olinical attachment loss equal to

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


or greater than 6 mm; (3) no fur- manual pressure-sensitive probe

cation involvement; and ("4) pres- (Brodontic probe equipped with
ence of at least 2 to 3 mm of the PCP-UNC 15, Hu-Friedy). Fuli-
thick keratinized tissue to allow mouth bleeding scores (EMBS)
surgical manipulation and sutur- were calculated. Probing pocket
ing. The tooth population con- depths (PPD), gingival recessions
sisted cf 8 incisors, 3 canines, 4 (REC), and ciinicai attachment
premolars, and 3 molars; 9 teeth levels (CAL) were recorded to the
were located in the maxiiia. nearest millimeter by a single
investigator at a force of 0.3 N with
a manual pressure-sensitive probe
Experimenfai design (Brodontic probe equipped with
the PCP-UNG 15) at the deepest
This study population consisted of interproximal point of the selected
a longitudinal cohort of eiigible tooth. Coverage of the mem-
patients selected at periodontal brane and primary cicsure of the
réévaluation (baseiine) after inferdentai spaoe were deter-
completion of an initial phase of mined diohotomously (interdental
periodontal treatment that spaoe closed or open) immedi-
included scaiing, root planing, ateiy postsurgery and at weekly
and orai hygiene instructions. At intervals for 6 weeks.
baseiine, ciinicai measurements
were reccrded. Patients under-
went GTR therapy of the selected Surgicai procedure
defects as detailed belov«/.
Clinioai outcomes were evaiu- Following iocai anesthesia, o first
ated every week for ó weeks after incisicn was traced across the
oompletion of GTR freatment defect-assooicted papiiia (Figs
and at a 1 -year foilow-up visit. l a and lb).The incision started
from the gingivai margin at the
buccal line angle of the involved
Ciinicai measuremenfs tooth to reach the mid-inter-
proximai portion of the papilla
The foiiowing parameters were under the contact point of the
determined at baseline, ie, imme- adjacent tooth. This oblique inci-
diately prior to the surgicai pro- sion was carried out l<eeping the
cedure, and 1 year iater. Full- blade paraiiel to the iong axis of
mouth plaque scores (FMPS) were the teeth to avoid exoessive thin-
recorded as the percentage of ningofthe remaining inferdentai
total surfaces (4 aspects per tissues. The first obiique interden-
tooth) that revealed the pres- tal incision was continued intra-
ence of plaque.^' Bleeding on suiouiarly in the buccal aspect
probing was assessed dichoto- of the teeth neighboring the
mcusly at a force of 0.3 N wifh a defect and extended to parfialiy

Voiume 19, Number 6.1999


Fig la Presurgicai appearance of the Fig Ib First oblique incision in defect- Fig ÍC First oblique incision continues
area fhat will be accessed wifh the SPPF. associated papilia begins af gingivai intrasuicuiarly in fhe buccal aspect of
The defecf is located on fhe mesial as- margin of mesiobucoal line angle of lat- the lateral and central incisors, extend-
pect of fhe maxillary right iaterai incisor. erai incisor Blade is kept parallel to fhe ing until the adjacent papillae, and a
iong axis of fhe tooth and reaches fhe buccal full-thickness flap is eievated to
midpoint of the distal surface of fhe cen- expose 2 to 3 mm of bone. Note the
trai incisor just beiow the contact point. defecf-associoted populo still in place.

Fig id Buccoiinguai horizontai incision Fig Ie Intrasulcuiar interdental incisions Fig If Infrabany defect following
af base of the papilla is as close as pos- continue in the palatal aspect ofthe dePridernent. Note the position of the
siPle ta the inferproximai bone crest. incisors untii the adjacent parfiaiiy dis- bone crest on the distai aspect af the
Care is taken ta avoid a ilnguai/palafal sected papillae. Fuii-thickness palatal centrai incisor.
perforafion flap including the interdental papiiia is

Fig ]g (left) Membrane is positioned to

I. cover defect and 2 to 3 mrvi of re-
maining bone and secured fo neighbor-
ing teeth. Horizontal internal mattress
suture runs from the base af fhe kera-
I \
I' tinized tissue ot the midbuccal äde of
the central incisor to a symmetric loca-
tion at the base of the palatal flap. This
suture causes no direct compression of
fhe midpartion of the membrane, pre-
1 1 venting its coliapse into the defect.

Fig Jh (right) Primary dosure and

compiete coverage of the membrane
are obtained.

The Infernational Journal af Periodonfics & Restorative Dentistry


dissect the papiiiae cf the adja- (Resoiut, 3Í/WL Gore) was mucogingival junction) of the ker-
cent interdental spaces. These adapted and positioned just ctinized tissue at the midbuccal
inoisicns ailowed the elevotion of ooronal to the interpreximol alve- aspect ot the tooth not invoived
a buccal flap and exposure of 2 olarcrest(Fig lg).The membrane by the defect to a symmetrio
tc 3 mm ot alveoiar bone (Fig 1 c). extended at least 3 mm beyond iocction at the bose of the lin-
The remoining tissues of the the margin of the defect ond gucl/palotal flap (Fig lh).This
defect-asscciated papillo were was secured to the neighboring suture ceuld lie en tep ef the inter-
carefully dissected from the root teeth with resorbobie sling sutures proximal roet surfaoe by rubbing
surtaces of the 2 neighbcring (Resoiut), the residual interpreximal bone
teeth, A buccolingual horizcntai Primcry ciosure of the inter- crest, and was onohored to the
incision was then performed at dental tissues above the mem- lingual/paiatol flap. When tied, it
the base cf the papiilo os close as brane without tension was allowed the ooronal positioning
possible to the interproximol bone ef the buocai ficp. A relevont
attempted acccrding tc a step-
note is that this suture en the inter-
crest, taking care to ovoid a lin- wise approach:
proximal bone crest does not
guai/paiatal perforation (Fig Id),
oause any compression at the
Intrasulcular inoisicns were per- 1, In a first effcrt, closure was
midportioh of the membrone,
formed in the lingual/paiatal as- attempted by simply reposi-
therefore preventing its coilapse
pect of the 2 teeth neighboring tioning the fuli-thickness buc-
into the defect,The interproximal
the defect and extended to the cal and iingual/paictal flaps,
spoces edjocent tc the defect
interdentol papiiiae of the adja- 2, If tensicn-free primcry closure were subsequently closed with
cent interdental spaces, A full- was not obtained, the buo- interrupted sutures,The interden-
thickness lingual/palatai flap was cal full-thickness flap wcs fur- tei tissues above the membrane
gently elevated, starting trom the ther extended mesiedistally were then sutured te complefe
extremities cf the intrasulcular in- 3, If this was still insufficient, o primary oiosure with one of the
cisiens,Tl-ie interproximal papillary poriosteol incision was per- feliowing approaches: (1) one
tissues at the defect site were formed in the most apicai por- interrupted suture was used when
gently elevated along with the tion otthe bucool flap, taking the interpreximol space wos nar-
linguai/palatai flap, in this phase, care not tc compromise the row and the interdentai tissues
extreme care was taken to avoid bieed supply of the flop. thin: (2) 2 interrupted sutures were
any tearing of the interdental tis- 4, Vertical reieasing inoisiens used when the interproximal
sues during flap eievation; if tis- were used enly cs c last resort. space wcs wider and the inter-
sue tags were present, further dental tissues thicker: or (3) an
sharp dissection was performed, After ccntrelling the proce- internal vertiool oblique mattress
A tuil-thickness lingual/paiatal dure to aiiow for compiete cov- suture'"' wos used when the inter-
flap including the interdentai tis- erage of the membrane and pri- proximal space was wide and the
sues was then eievoted to fuiiy mary closure of the interdental interdental tissues thick. Special
expcse the interproximal defect tissues, the bucoal and the iin- core was taken to ensure that the
(Fig 1 e). The defect was fully de- gual/palatal flaps were sutured first horizentai mattress suture
brided and the root surfaces asfollows.Afirst horizontal internal would relieve all tension of the
were carefully scaled ahd planed mattress suture (expanded pely- flaps, and to obtain primory pos-
tetrof1ueroethylene(e-PTFF),3i/WL sive oiosure ef the interdental tis-
with a combination cf manual
sues ever the membrane with the
ond sonic instruments (Fig 1 f) Gore) was placed ih the defect-
lost suture. When tension was
An interproximai biore- asscciated interdental space,
sorbable barrier membrone running from the base (near the

Volume 19, Number ó, 1999


Fig 2a Preoperative clinical view of a Fig 2b Foiiowing flap elevation, a 7- Fig 2c Bioresorbdbie barrier mem-
representative cose. A defect is present mm intrabony detect is evident. Note brane is positioned to oover the aefect.
Oh the rnesial aspect of the right oen- the residuai bone crest at the mesiai
trai inoisor. Note the presence ofoPout aspect of the iett centrai incisor.
4 mm of keratinizeú tissue in the area of
the defeat.

Fig 2d Baiiiei membrane is complete- Fig 2e Clinical appearance at 6 Fig2f At I year the residual pocket
ly covered with the flaps. Note fhe 2 mohlhs. depth is 3 mm.
interproximai sutures to obtaih primary
ciosure without tension.

observed, the sutures were after compietion ot defect Dota were expressed as
removed ond the primary pas- debridemenf. essentially as pre- means ± standard deviation.
sive ciosure was attempted a viousiy described'''^^: (1) dis- Differences between baseiine
second time, A representative tonce from the cementoenomel and 1-year measurements were
cünical case is shown in Fig 2, junction (CEJ) tc the bottom of evaiuated using the paired f test.
fhe defecf (CEJ-BD) and (2) dis-
tance from the CEJ to the most
Intraoperotive clinical coronai extension of the inter- Postsurgical instructions and
measurements proximal bone crest (CEJ-BC). infection control
The infrabany component otthe
The foiiowing intraoperative ciin- defects (iNFRA) was defined as Patients were instructed to rinse
icai measurements were tai<en iNFRA = CCEJ-BD) - (CEJ-BC). 3 times a day with 0,12%

The International Journal of Periodontics a Restoraliue Dentistry


chlorhexidine. No meohanioal
BWHI Oral hygiene (FMPS),full-mouth bleeding on probing
oral hygiene procedures or
chewing in the treated area was
allowed for 11 weeks. In the first
•HI (FMBS), and clinical measurements
1 year Difference
postoperative week, patients Baseline (mean ± SD] (mean ±SD) Significance'

were prescribed amoxicillin 500 FMPS (%) 13.9 ±2.2 9.9 ±2.8 4.0 ± 3.3 < 0.001
mg 3 times a day. Professional FMBS(%) 11.1 ±2.4 6.5 ± 2.3 4.6 ±2.1 < 0.001
CAL(mm¡ 11.2 ±2.1 6.3 ±2.1 4.9 ± 1.3 < 0.001
tooth cleaning consisting of < 0.001
PPDImm) 9.3 ±2.0 3.6 ± 1.2 5.8 ±2.5
supragingival prophylaxis with o REC{rT>m) 1.9 ±1-8 2-7 ± 1.5 0.8 ± 1.6 -0.019
rubber cup and 1% ohlorhexi- "Pairedf lest
dine gel (Corsodyl gel, ICI) wos FMPS = fuli-moulh piague ifore; i-MBi = fuli-moutii aieedmg ^cor&CAL = dinitai anachmeni Ievei:
PPD = probing pocket depih;REC = gingivai recession.
performed weekly for 11 weeks.
Affer this period, patients were
instructed to grodually resume
mechanical oral hygiene includ-
ing interdental cleaning and to
Primary closure of
discontinue chlorhexidine. All
patients were maintained in a •^H• 1 interdental space
supportive core program at
monthly intervals; this included
compiete-mouth prophylaxis
over membrane
(closed sites)
n %
12.6 +

INFRA 7.2 ±2.0

and orol hygiene remotivation Postsurgery 18 100
tor 1 yeor. No probing or deep 1 wk 15 83.3
2wk 12 66.6
subgingivai instrumentation was 12 66.6 Fig 3 Baseline characteristics of the
attempted in the treated sites experimental defects. CEJ-BD = CEJ to
4 wk 12 66.6
bottom ofthe defect: CEJ-BC = CEJ to
until the 1-year visit. 5wk 12 66.6
bone crest: iNFRA = infrabony compo-
6 wk 12 66.6 nent of the defect.


Defect characteristics

Patients' oral hygiene and base-

line defect characteristics are
disployed in Table 1 and Fig 3.
Mean FMPS and FMBS were 13.9
± 2.2 and 11.1 ± 2.4, respectively.
The selected defects presented
with a CAL of 11.2 ± 2.1 mm and
a PPD of 9.3 ± 2.0 mm. The dis-
tance from the CEJ fo the bot-
tom ot the defect was 12.Ó ± 2.4
mm. The infrabcny component
was 7.2 ±2 mm (Fig 3).

Volume 19, Number Ó. 1


Membrane coverage manipulation of the interdental amount of tissue originally in that

tissues, not only in wide and/or space, thereby rendering the
At baseiine, primary closure of anterior interdental spaces, but procedure very easy and atrau-
the interproximal soft tissues over also in narrow and/or posterior matic.A basic step to prevent tis-
the membrane was obtained in ones; (2)facilifate primary closure sue damage was to avoid any
all treated cases (100%). Exposure of the interdental tissues over tearing during flap eievation,This
occurred in 3 cases at 1 week bioresorbable membranes with- was ensured by a carefui sharp
and in 3 more oases at 2 weeks. out tension; ond (3) prevent the dissection of the interdentai tis-
At ó weeks, 12 sites (66.6%) still collapse of the membranes into sues from the root cementum of
showed complete coverage ot the defect because of suture fhe 2 neighboring feeth and from
the membrane (Table 2). compression. the underiying connective tissue.
The first objective was fo pre- The objective of obtaining
serve ail of fhe interdental tissues primary passive olosure in the
One-year oufcome measures for the subsequent coverage of interdentai space over the mem-
the membrane. The first oblique brane was pursued with a step-
One-year outcome measures papillary incision was aimed at wise approach.The first sfep was
are displayed in Table 1, Mean splitting the interdentai papiiia in to ascertain the potentiai fcr pri-
CAL gain was 4.9 ± 1.8 mm. The 2 parts, the largest being the lin- mary closure of the flaps in the
difference befween baseline gual/palatal one. As a result ot interdental space, facilitating it
and 1 year CAL was clinicaliy and this incision, iarge and thick con- with a mesiodistal extension of
statistically significant (P< 0.001 ). nective tissue surfaces af bofh fhe the buocai incisions and/or with
PPD reduction was 5,8 ± 2.5 mm. buccal and the lingual/paiafai a periosteal incision ond/orwith
The ditference between baseline flaps were warranfed. In addifion, buccai verticai incisions.The sec-
and 1-year PPD was clinically any thinning of the papillary tis- ond step was to coronoiiy posi-
and statistically significant (P < sues was avoided. tion the buccal flap with an otf-
0,001 ). Mean residual pockets at A second goal was to facili- set internal maflress suture; this
1 year were 3.6 ± 1,2 mm. A slight tate the elevation of the papillary suture was anchored to the lin-
increase cf 0.8 ± 1,6 mm in gingi- tissues along with the lingual/ gual/palatal flap, and by rub-
val recession ot the expérimentai palatal flap fhrough a narrow bing against the root surfaoe
sites between baseline and 1 inferdentai space. Previcus expe- and lying on top of the residual
year was observed. riences with papiiia preservation bcne crest, it aiiowed the coro-
procedures (the modified papilla nal positioning of the buccal flap
preservation technique'^ and and relieved most of the tension
Discussion the interdental tissue mainte- in the interdental space. The final
nance technique^ showed that step was to close the interdental
The novel surgicai approach when the interdental space was tissues without tension, using one
described in this case series (SPPF) narrow, the manipulation of a of 3 approaches as described
was specifically designed to large buccal er palatai "saddie- above.
increase the predictability of pri- shaped" flap incorporating the An adjunctive positive etfect
mary ciosure of the interdental interdental tissues was techni- of the empioyed suturing ap-
tissues over bioresorbable barrier cally very demanding. With the proach was the avcidance of
membranes. The following issues SPPF, the amount oi interdental suture compression on the bar-
were addressed in designing the tissue elevated through the inter- rier membrane in the area of the
SPPF: (1) allow a simple and safe dentol space did not exoeed the defecf. In fact, a non-self

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


supporting barrier membrane fissue maintenance technique Acknowledgments

would collapse into the defect with e-PTFE membranes,^° To bef-
against the residuai bony walis ter understand the potentiai of The authors express their gratitude fa Ms
when compressed by fhe suture. this novei teohnique, however. It is Cristiano Paoli tor expert assistonoe wifh
fhe initial artwork,This study was supported
For this reason, the interdentai important fo emphasize that the in part by Academia Toscona di Ricerca
suture was designed ta lie on the present study pcpuiatian in- Odontostomatologie a, Firenze, Ifaiy.
residuai proximal bone cresf cluded maxiliary and mandibular
away from the area where the detects in both anterior and pos-
membrane cavered the defecf, terior parts ot the mouth, with no
in the authors' opinion this could restriotions in terms of minimal
improve preservation ofthe nec- interdental width; the above-
essary space for regenerafion mentioned techniques were
under the membrane. restricted to anterior and/or wider
The resuits af fhe present clin- interdental spaces. The SPPF
ical study demonstrate that the therefore seems to be a suitabie
main objective for which tfie SPPF alternative to the modified
was designed (ie, primary closure papilla preservation or interden-
of the interdental tissues over tal fissue maintenance technique
bioresorbable barrier mem- in many instances, including nar-
branes) was achieved in 100% of row interdental spaces and/or
18 freafed sites (Table 2), Affer 1 posterior sites,
week, 3 sites reopened. After it shouid be emphasized that
another week, 3 more sites the clinicai autoomes in terms of
showed some degree of mem- CAL gains (4.9 ±1,8 mm) and PPD
brane exposure, in fhese ó sites, reduction (5,8 ± 2,5 mm) ob-
the observed fiap dehiscence tained wifh the application of this
wos minimal. As an overali result, fechnique favorabiy compare
primary closure was maintained with the oiinical outcomes ob-
over time in Ó7% of the sites. This tained in other clinicai studies in
favorably compares with fhe 20% which differenf bioresorbable
to 40% primary closure reported in membranes were employed,^^"^'
studies in which conventional This novel technique showed
techniques not specificaily a potential to heip increase the
designed for use with bar- sucoess of GTR procedures by
rier membranes were em- providing a predictable cover-
ployed,'^'^'^^ On the other hand, age of the barrier membranes,
the percentage cf primary clo- even in instances in which tissue
sure maintained over time with manipulation is very difficult. The
the SPPF is siightiy less than that efficacy and prediotabiiity ofthe
obtained with the modified appiication of SPPF, however,
papilla preservation teohnique should be further evaluated in
with titanium-reinfarced mem- multicenter studies, Suoh studies
branes^'' ar with bioresorbabie are currently being performed.
membranes^" and the inferdenfal

Voiume 19,Number 6,1999


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Volume 19. Number 6,1999

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