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Introduction to Customer

In this document, we will explore the different types of customers, their characteristics, and behaviors.
Understanding customer types is crucial for businesses to tailor their products and services effectively
and enhance customer satisfaction.

AA by Alliah Bulanon
Potential Customers
Potential customers are individuals or organizations who have not yet
made a purchase but have shown interest in the products or services
offered. They might have interacted with the brand, visited the website,
or inquired about the offerings. It is important to engage with potential
customers to convert them into loyal patrons. Providing personalized
offers, informative content, and exceptional customer service can
significantly impact the conversion of potential customers into loyal
New Customers
New customers are those who have recently made their first purchase. They are in the initial phases of
their relationship with the business. It is crucial to ensure a positive and memorable experience for new
customers to encourage repeat purchases and foster loyalty. Providing efficient onboarding processes,
clear communication about product usage, and proactive support can contribute to building a strong
foundation with new customers.
Impulsive Customers
Impulsive customers make purchase decisions spontaneously and often based on emotional

They are inclined to make impulse buys and are influenced by promotional offers and limited-time

Businesses can attract impulsive customers through strategically placed and timed promotions and
appealing product displays.
Discount Customers
Discount customers are price-sensitive individuals who prioritize cost savings over other factors. They
actively seek discounts, coupons, and special offers when making purchasing decisions. For businesses,
effectively targeting and retaining discount customers involves implementing competitive pricing
strategies and offering value-driven promotions and loyalty programs.
Loyal Customers
Loyal customers are the backbone of any successful business. They
repeatedly choose a specific brand over others and often advocate for it.
Loyal customers are typically less price-sensitive and are more likely to
engage with additional products or services offered by the brand.
Fostering strong relationships, providing personalized experiences, and
consistently delivering exceptional service are key in retaining and
nurturing loyal customers.

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