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Group Activity Team 0025B

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Customer loyalty refers to the commitment of the customers
towards a particular brand/company. Loyal customers always
purchase certain products or avail services from a particular company
that succeeded in meeting their expectations or exceeded the same.
Customer loyalty is a measure of satisfaction that influence the
customer in their buying decisions, thus, maintaining long term
relationship and repeat business.
Business: Electronic Products

Current marketing strategies for Electronic Products includes:

Market Research to determine the potential customers, their needs and wants.
Product Segmentation as per Target Customers
Direct Email Marketing by sending promotional emails to current customer
base. An Epsilon Branding Survey has a display that 54 Percent of people
have a more positive attitude with regards to companies that send them e-
Utilization of Social Media Marketing like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and
Current Marketing Strategies

 Marketing Research is an integral and one of the most important part

of the marketing strategy. Knowing the market will remove the danger
of having the products on stock that are not sellable in our market.
 Product Segmentation or grouping of products depending on the
Target Customers will lead to specialization. This will also help our
Sales personnel in their training to be more effective in sales.
 The existing customer database can me used to send promotional
mailers (email) to the customers in order to promote our products.
Current Marketing Strategies

 Social Media utilization

 Facebook and LinkedIn account set up with regular news about the store or products
that will be highlighted for a period of time. Content is very important and must be
interesting to the reader.
 Twitter can be used also to arouse curiosity of the customers that may encourage
visits to the store. Twitter is a microblog so the wordings must be crafted in such a
way to impact the readers instantaneously.
 YouTube is a very influential media since video can be uploaded that appeals to sight
and hearing. There are lots of available audiovisual apps that can be used in order to
make the content more interesting.
Customer Retention

Customer retention refers to the ability to attract and preserve

existing customers and encourage repeat business over some specified
This is a measure of the customer satisfaction and the ability of the
company in preventing the customer from exploring other suppliers.
Customer Retention Strategies

 Customer Care Services

One more thing that will promote customer retention is
outstanding Customer Service. There is no better promoter of the
products than a satisfied customer. Personalized service, well-trained
Staff, and fast check out services contribute to customer satisfaction.
Availability of helpers to help the customer bring the products to their
car will also contribute the general satisfaction experience of the
Customer Retention Strategies

• A well-furnished and well-decorated store

The design of the business place is crucial because if it’s ugly customers will
simply go away. The company must be aware that the customer’s purchase decision is
usually made very quickly, so it is the first impression that counts. If the customers do
not like our store, then they won’t buy anything and won’t ever come back.

The ambiance affects the total satisfaction experience of the customer that will
encourage them to come back when necessary.
Customer Retention Strategies

 Proactive with customer support

The Sales personnel are crucial part of our customer retention initiatives.
They’re the manpower that supports the brand and they are the pillar of the
relationship we have with our customers and good relationships mean more repeat
 Create a community
Community takes care of the genuine relationships and drives customer loyalty.
Creating a community around our brand or store helps in the gain the sense of
belonging and this provide them with reasons to return to our store.
Customer Loyalty Strategies

 Maintain Personalized Communication:

Customer loyalty does not only stem from being satisfied on the
product and services but also to the feeling of importance. Our
customer must feel his or her connection with our store in order to
maintain their interest. This is done through direct emails, birthdays
or anniversary greetings and other occasions.
For this to be implemented, a reliable customer database must be
maintained and updated from time to time.
Customer Loyalty Strategies

 Special Perks for Loyal Customers

Our customer database must contain personal information as well as purchase history. We
will provide special Membership Card to the Elite Loyal Customer Club. Special gifts and
freebies every special occasions for the Loyal Customers in order to encourage them to visit
the store. The gifts can be claim only in the store that will force them to visit our store. Being
in the store, the customer may resort to impulse buying.
 Garner Social Proof
We will collect positive comments and testimonials from the Social Media about our store
and products from satisfied customers (Debever, 2019). Spread this to the different social
media available in the company.
Brand Loyalty

 A brand is a name, picture, design, or symbol, or combination of those items, used by a seller
to identify its offerings and to differentiate them from competitors’ offerings. Branding is the
set of activities designed to create a brand and position it in the minds of consumers
 Reputable brands are able to set higher prices because customers trust them. Whether it's a
reputation for quality, expertise, or simply excellent service, these are traits that customers
value and for which they will pay even more.
 Brand loyalty is based on an emotional involvement that develops between the consumer and
the brand. The consumer’s perception is that the brand fulfills some kind of physical need or
emotional want in such a unique way that some kind of emotion is evoked during the
purchase process and while using the brand.
Brand Loyalty

 Brand loyalty, on the other hand, is much easier to maintain once established. As long as your
product quality and the level of service you provide remains the same, brand-loyal customers will
feel little need to check out the competition. On the flip side, however, brand-loyal customers tend to
make fewer purchases, although the profit margins on the products they do buy tend to be a lot
 Organizations must consider many factors when building a global brand because the whole world is
like one village today. Their marketing teams must have global awareness and should be able to
adjust rapidly their strategies due to specific regional sensitivity
 The benefits of globalizing brand is organizations are easily recognized all over the world and are
able to attract new customers and when they need to roll out new products. Organizations like Apple
must consider whether a potential new offering fits a company’s image and how it may affect their
future products
Quality of the Brand

 Quality of the Brand is what customers purchasing products from the same brand over and
over rather than changing to other brands. Brand loyalty includes a consumer’s commitment to
repurchase or continue to use one brand. It is more than simply repurchasing. Businesses might
be provided with customer loyalty programs that stay customers coming back. Customers enjoy
the rewards and perks of being a loyal customer.
 The business owner should know the brand loyalty is a key factor in terms of customer
retention. Marketing ha has been prepared toward brand loyalty to keep customers coming back
to purchase or use your services. It is the topmost goal a company makes out when budgeting.
Stay your customers coming back to put up to the bottom line of your company. High rise sales
volumes, premium pricing ability, and retaining rather than lookout for customers are the
important aspects of brand loyalty.

 The purpose of the Marketing Strategy is to provide the 4 P’s which

are the Product, Price, Place, and Promotion in order to attract
customers. However, maintaining the customer is not an easy task
and requires careful implementation of Customer Retention
Strategies. High Retention rate can be coupled with Customer
Loyalty Strategies in order to capture the customer and not lose
them to the competitors. This will ensure the long existence and
profitability of our Electronic Store.
 Blythe, J. (2000), Marketing Communications. The United Kingdom: Pretence Hall.
 Debever, B. (2019). How to increase Customers Loyalty? 8 Strategies to Pick From.
 Kotler, P. (1999), Kotler on Marketing: How to create, win and dominate markets. The United States: The Free Press.
 Kotler, P. (2003), Marketing Management Elevent Edition. The United States: Pretence Hall.
 Kevin Keller and Philip Kotler (2006), Marketing Management (12 th ed). Upper saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice
 Morelli, Gino (2006) “ Using Marketing Channels to Beat the Competition”, The British Journal of Administrative
Management Oct/Nov. 2006, pp. 20 -23
 Principles of marketing.  (2010). The University of Minnesota Publishing.
 Principles of marketing.  (2010). The University of Minnesota Publishing.
 Stokes, R. & Minds of Quirk. (2013). eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world (5th ed.). Red & Yellow.

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