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1. That the defandent A is the land and home owner of the tenant B, B is living as a tenant
in the house of defandent, as the rent agreement as presented before the hon’ble court
cleraly states that the rent agreement start from 01/01/2023 and ends on 31/11/23 that is
for 11 months,

2. Till the end date of agreement the the tenant paid all the rent, but after the rent agreement
expiry date the tenant is not ready to sign the existed rent agreement with the increased
rent amount, and also not paid any of the month rent amount to the A as 2 months are
already passed and it is dificult for the A to maintain as is income source is only his
computer repairing shop and and the rent collected by his tenant, that the A has hie wife
and 1 small child with him living in the another house situuited 1 km away from the
compaint house B.

3. The tenant B had call the defandent on the night to collect his fan from his house
otherwise he throw his fan behind his home, and considering the emergency case the
defendant had moved to the B house for collecting the fan, but fan is hanging on the
celling and the A takes the help of B’s family member for removing the fan meanwhile
the fan slips from the hand of the defendant A and cause injury on the head of the family
member of the B.

4. So It is clear from above incident that the A has no intention to cause harm to B’s family
member and always he is helping the family of B, but considering these could be happen
due to bad thinking of mind of A the B has plaint the case on defendant A.

5. That the whole incident is of taking possession on the property of the defendant A, the B
has an opportunity to filled an complaint on defendant A, in the hard situation the
defendant help the Complainant B, but B is taking benefit of A, as only an incident is
happen with B’s family member.

6. After the incident is happened B’s family member started shouting loudly and tried to
catch and injury to the defendant A, hence in no time the defendant decided to run fron
the house from the backside of the house with his fan on his hand the fan is on the name
of the A, and he also posses his bill with him and already attached in the file and
presented before the hon’ble court.

Date : 14/03/2024
Place : Gondia Defendent

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