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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to complex and sensitive topics like

hate crimes. Crafting a well-researched and coherent hate crime research paper outline requires
extensive knowledge of the subject matter, critical thinking skills, and the ability to structure ideas

Hate crimes are deeply rooted in societal issues and understanding their dynamics requires a
comprehensive analysis of various factors including but not limited to social, psychological, and legal
perspectives. This complexity often makes it challenging for students to develop a cohesive outline
that effectively addresses all relevant aspects of the topic.

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It is now known from current research that the aftermath of a hate crime is direct victimization. The
knowledge on hate crimes and what they consist of, as well as how they differ from other illegal acts
produced by discrimination should be spread and utilized at best. They must have assessed how the
organizations policies and programmes can affect ethnic minorities and act where needed (Butler,
2001). Moreover, the existing insights about genocide crimes have been left unattended, and it has
resulted in speculation. The essay consists of a limited number of words, sentences. Some hate
crimes are motivated by the offenders’ biases against gender identity, gender, and disability. For
instance, to control the issue of hate crimes, FBI aims at ensuring that it investigates cases related to
hate crimes every year where in addition, it works towards detecting and preventing further incidents
through law enforcement training, public outreach as well as partnering with many of community
groups. It involves normalization of assumptions, behaviours and institutional arrangements and
policies which are connected structurally to produce racialized and gendered hierarchies that allow
characterization to occur within society. Lesser taxes would mean more disposable income for the
family. Hate crimes against gay and a lesbian is probably the fastest growing form of hate crime.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. The above is a strong view
on Hate crimes in that it is based on this that he can place a distinct definition to depict the
difference between love and hate, and how the two relate to one another. But if we send the
message that the price for crime is death, then that will change the scenario altogether. Several
cautionary steps they may take include; Avoid Talking To Strangers Although not necessarily
meaning that they stop interactions with strangers altogether, minority groups should be vigilant and
avoid getting into arguments or confrontations with them. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA)
strengthen the ability of the Justice Department to prosecute hate crimes based on race, color,
national origin, and religion and give the Department the power to prosecute certain hate crimes
committed because of the victim's sexual orientation, gender, or disability. The duration and nature
of the crime makes the experience different for the victims. Some of the affects are as follows: The
victims feel vulnerable and insecure in the society as they start fearing for their own, as well as their
family’s safety. Another group of victims is occasioned by sexual orientation. The statistics at the
FBI show that in 2009 there were 6,604 incidents of hate crime, with 8,336 victims and 6,225 known
offenders of the crimes. Those within the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community can now contact the
Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities and get the information and resources they need in
American Sign Language (ASL) by calling Video Phone: 646-396-5830. When writing an essay, you
should alternate between sentences of different lengths. Having experienced the hate that can come
merely from the perception of national origin, the idea of having laws that specify harsher
punishments when the crime is committed because of hate is appealing. Jury Bias: In 173 cases
between 1990 and 2010, the study examined decisions involving 7,421 potential jurors (82 percent
were white; 16 percent were black). Annie Proulx explores a similar situation of new immigrants
coming to America seeking for a better life also known as the American dream but soon realize what
its all about. Hate Crimes Introduction With a history longer than the United States itself, hate crime
has rapidly been gaining increasing concerns among policy makers, both in the United States and
many other countries. To understand what a hate crime is first must be done through defining the
topic. After the passing of the Civil Rights Act, Congress granted a hate crime with a concrete
definition. The U.S. Congress defined a hate crime as “an offense in which the defendant
intentionally selects a victim, or property (property crime) because of their race, color, or national
origin” (2017, 2018;Hate, 2018) the evolution of hate crimes evolved as a result of the Jim Crow
laws and violent crimes conducted against those of African-American ethnicity. Spend Time in
Diverse Locations Although hate crimes can occur anywhere, perpetrators are thrown off track by
people who spend their time in communities with broad mixtures of members. Statistics about how
children are still exposed to hatred are startling. They work within the community to combat the
problem. For those who refuse to learn what it means to appreciate other cultures and continue to act
out of fear, they will find themselves in a jail with long terms of incarceration.
Usually when one thinks about a hate crime it is assumed that it involves only those. They must have
assessed how the organizations policies and programmes can affect ethnic minorities and act where
needed (Butler, 2001). The world is experiencing change, but the rate of change is slow and painful
as generations must pass in order to shift public opinion. Before the 1960’s, the government did not
include the protection of civil rights. Even accounting for “alternative explanations” besides race for
different “strike rates” — for instance, excluding those who expressed ambivalence about the death
penalty — the study found blacks were still more than twice as likely to be dismissed. Nothing
explains the cause and reason for hate crimes and hate violence better than Social learning theory. Of
these people, over 3400 were African American and accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched
(Mack, 1998). However, that is not a reason for society to remain uninvolved. Call 311 or 800-354-
0365 for services and appointments. He also focuses on coming up with collective theory from what
other authors have theorized around state, organizational and collective violence crimes. Anything
that we imagine that we know about others is best known to them. I thought Krugler's book was an
incredibly hate crime essay read because it gave honest, raw details of anti-black acts of violence and
was focused on various African Americans' perspectives during this critical time. The groups may be
religious, ethnic, racial, social or sexual. Another group of victims is occasioned by sexual
orientation. Bullying often includes using hate based words and violence that is associated with
socially relevant classification. In modern-day Britain, the colour of his skin should have had no
bearing on the quality of the investigation however in this instance it did. Also, a lot of prior research
tend to focused on the LGBTQ experience with hate crimes. The victims get suspicious of things
and individuals around them, for example. Understanding hate crimes against immigrants:
Considerations for future research. It creates a cycle of vengeance and perpetuates hatred. Prejudice
is an expansive concept that has been under the mask of hate crime and is difficult to tackle. United
States of America has been considered as a land of opportunity in the history of the world, therefore
it would not be wrong to explain it as an amalgamation of multiple ethnicities, cultures, races and
religions. Hate crimes committed against immigrants can be said to occur because of how the media
portrays them. Hate crimes are destructive, and harmful to the victim. Hate crimes are taken very
serious within America as those who conduct hate crimes intend to target larger and larger groups
with even more violent attacks. An examination of hate crimes can help to understand why they are
still occurring and to develop strategies through which a lower number of them will occur within the
United States. Hate crimes is one of the main reasons individuals are afraid to be themselves because
they are getting harmed just for being unique in their own way. Fashola, a researcher within the
Department of Justice Canada, focuses his literature around the idea that the hate crime is committed
against a community and not an individual. If a Catholic Irish republic army terrorist encourages
terrorism. The political theories of hate crime seek to explain he mobilization of grievances regardless
of whether its rooted in frustration or fear.
There have been many instances where the hate crime legislation ways have been reconfigured to
differ the ways in which the criminal justice system deals with certain types of violence (encouraged
by current issues and development into online victim movements, anti-racism movements and
lesbian-gay activism, directed towards changing the ways we think about violence). The many types
of prejudices within America began to reveal themselves. Researchers have studied and produced
various literatures regarding not only the history of, but the causes of violent hate crimes. FBI (2009)
reported 6,598 hate crimes for the year 2009; the different types of hate crimes are as follows: 48. 5
% crimes were initiated out of racial bias. 19.7 % crimes were motivated by religious bias. 18.5 %
crimes were recorded as a result of sexual orientation bias. 11.8 % crimes took place due to national
and ethnic bias. 1.5 % crimes involved disability bias. You won’t find a trace of similarities or
uncited references in any of your orders. The third class is the one with a life mission to eliminate
groups they perceive to be inferior or evil from the world. You can contact your local Federal Bureau
of Investigation office to submit a tip electronically if you have information about a hate crime and
can visit the Victim Services Division website to learn more about services and resources. The key
decision makers in death penalty cases across the country are almost exclusively white. Once the
individual's eligibility is determined, the type of expense is examined to determine if the expense
itself is (1) eligible for reimbursement under the law and (2) not covered by a collateral source such
as insurance. Many hate crimes are based on an individual's race, gender, religion, age, sexual
orientation, ethnicity and disabilities. The agency also funds more than 200 victim assistance
programs (VAPs) that provide direct services to all crime victims, including counseling, advocacy
and legal services, among other help, across the state. Perry, Levin, Iganski, Blazak, and Lawrence
(2009) discuss education of children in a globalized world in order to end prejudices as an
investment into the future. They also support the prediction of future crimes, and potentially even
more heinous crimes against the targeted group. Recently, the biggest outrage of discrimination has
been by police brutality towards innocent black or minority citizens. There is no way harmony and
peace can be brought into a society where people hate each other, think of others as inferior, and
consider themselves as the superior beings on the earth. As an example, there are those who believe
that Jewish people, because they have a history of being money lenders within their ethnographic
background, will try to cheat others. Locate services, resources, and more at the DFTA website.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. For example,
criminal courts have decided that attacks on Sikhs and Jewish people are racial incidents. This was a
damaging blow to the Metropolitan Police and change were ready to be made in practices to
recognize and reflect the cultural demographic within the UK (mostly within London). The next type
of motivating factor, known as a “defensive “hate crime is second to last when it comes to utilization
in causes. Her reasoning for continuous hate crimes focused on a more specific scope with a different
perspective. Theoretically, it would be possible to examine changes within a country from a policy
change and its impact. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. If you have your ideas
and suggestions for writing an essay, the author will hear the wishes and help to state them correctly.
All of this requires that citizens have information and constant reminders of the pitfalls and hazards
of life, whether potential or realized” (p. 289). The victimization not only causes the victim to fear
for their life whenever they are not alone, but also decreases their level of civic participation. The rate
of violence is rapidly increasing every day. Flaws in the judicial system sees increasing numbers of
juveniles being tried as and alongside adults, ending up in adult prison systems that flourish with
white supremacy. That is why buying a cheap essay is considered one of the fastest and most
effective ways to solve the current situation.
Disability Bias Individuals with disabilities face harassment, intimidation, and. Hate crimes
committed against immigrants can be said to occur because of how the media portrays them.
However, public relations matters cannot be stopped as political, social and economical lives reside
on such matters. Organized crime maintains a pervasive and insidious presence in the world as they
have been involved in prostitution, gambling, drug trafficking. If you want a unique paper, order it
from our professional writers. Herek (2012) also concluded in his research that hate crime victims
tend to have higher levels of depression, stress, and anger for as long as 5 years (Herek 2012). Seiter,
R. P. (2008). Corrections: An introduction (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Join the
ranks of happy and high achieving students. 5 Customized Service We will meet you halfway,
however complicated and demanding your order is. The triple murder of civil rights workers called
for the involvement of the federal government, which enlisted human rights to require the extra
protection of the federal agency and not just local agencies. Others were waiting for sentencing
stemming from the same Hate crimes and conspiracy to do the same against nonwhites (AP 1). Even
accounting for “alternative explanations” besides race for different “strike rates” — for instance,
excluding those who expressed ambivalence about the death penalty — the study found blacks were
still more than twice as likely to be dismissed. Abolishing ignorance about other cultures is a
powerful way in which to approach the issue of hate crimes. The decision to commit crime and
violence is generally regarded as a product of rational thinking. Having no control over why they are
victimized means that once they have an understanding of this prejudice, they are in a state of fear
and readiness at all times as they are afraid that they will be once again a victim if they do not watch
for that hate in the eyes of others. With a thankful attitude, therefore, we should not want to fall into
the trap of crime and violence by refusing to use violence ourselves. When justice is delayed, it is
indeed denied for the victims, and the delay encourages criminals to keep on doing what they feel
they have gotten away with. There was inadequate literature on the other groups, such as religion, if
not historical. In Levin and McDevitt’s study, while the thrill seekers were young, they were very
dangerous. The discussion of hate crime has been very delicate over the past few months, hate crime
essay, from ISIS to police brutality. I. To understand what a hate crime is first must be done through
defining the topic. Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Analysis Words 1 Pages Anti-Muslim hate crimes have
been recently rising in the US. Her suggestion is to nip the suggestion of hate in the bud, meaning
people should be vigilant in calling out anyone who makes a negative, prejudicial comment against
someone. A hate crime is a crime that is committed because one individual hates something that
another individual represents to them. Racial bias Racial discrimination remains a dominant feature
of criminal justice. These rules will help you write a readable text without hackneyed phrases and
empty expressions with thematic narrow-profile vocabulary and a clear author's position. Some hate
crimes are motivated by the offenders’ biases against gender identity, gender, and disability. They
want to ensure the criminal justice system does not fail in giving justice to the victims of crimes.
There will be real world examples of hate crimes or bias crimes and ways or programs that are set up
to protect citizens. Once the individual's eligibility is determined, the type of expense is examined to
determine if the expense itself is (1) eligible for reimbursement under the law and (2) not covered by
a collateral source such as insurance. A friend, a loved one; we all have already been victimized.
We take even the tightest deadline as a challenge and strive to produce the best papers in the shortest
amount of time. Example: Each year in Alabama, nearly 65% of all murders involve black victims,
yet 80% of the people currently awaiting execution in Alabama were convicted of crimes in which
the victims were white. A secure payment system processes all transfers to ensure their safety. There
was different facilities for white and african americans. Research published by the various authors
listed, focused solely on answering the question, as well as providing contrasting research on the
consequences. For some, it may start as a joke meant to offend someone as well as the group he
represents. For example, criminal courts have decided that attacks on Sikhs and Jewish people are
racial incidents. Incidents of hate crime are commonly exhibited in verbal abuse, lynching,
harassment, vandalism and offensive mails or graffiti. Stotzer (2007) also provided some interesting
figures regarding the minorities or groups in US that are commonly targeted in the region: 8 in
100,000 African Americans face hate crimes every year. 12 in 100,000 Muslims become victims of
hate crimes every year. 15 in 100,000 Jews have been recorded as victims of hate crimes every year.
13 in 100,000 homosexuals become targets of hate crimes every year. If you want a unique paper,
order it from our professional writers. Our community must take the initiative because it is an issue
that concerns all of us. As a result of the media frenzy that occurred about the incidents of his
murder, hate laws were developed to ensure that anyone who lashed out against another because of
biased reasons would be punished more severely (Loffreda, 2000). Some hate crimes are motivated
by the offenders’ biases against gender identity, gender, and disability. If you or a groups believes in
a different religion or speak a different language and the offenders does not approve than they will
target you. The essay consists of a limited number of words, sentences. The report made 70
recommendations and 67 specific changes were made according to the recommendations given
(MacPherson, 1995). Ever since the concept emerged in the late 1970s, laws were passed in
numerous U. Attack numbers on Muslims like 5, inand 5, hate crime essay, in are not right and
continuing to increase. Improvements in hate crime laws and punishments are necessary in order for
these statics to decrease. Paying attention to exemplary work, you can get into the circle of favorites
of the teacher. You can contact your local Federal Bureau of Investigation office to submit a tip
electronically if you have information about a hate crime and can visit the Victim Services Division
website to learn more about services and resources. Not many know of the direct effects that hate
crimes leave on their victims and the rest of society. Long incarceration creates a deterrent for those
who are inclined towards hate filled violence. Zimbardo Stanford mock prison experiment —
Students were randomly assigned as guards or prisoners to try and realistically replicate the
conditions of a real prison. These rules will help you write a readable text without hackneyed phrases
and empty expressions with thematic narrow-profile vocabulary and a clear author's position.
Researchers have studied and produced various literatures regarding not only the history of, but the
causes of violent hate crimes. To place them in a state of complete ignorance as to their own
condition, accompanied by a fear of the breach makes Mieville's work closer to a work like V for
Vendetta rather than something like The Matrix. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. What started out as bias slurs turned out to be a fight between the women
just for their sexual preference for the same sex Newberry, 2015. Thus, furthermore enhancing their
prejudice against other individuals.

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