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Task 1: Read the sentences below that use each phrasal verb correctly.

a. We often hang out at the local coffee shop after work.

b. After a heated argument about politics, Tom and Sarah fell out, and they haven't
spoken since.

c. It took a while, but eventually she opened up about her struggles with anxiety and

d. Even though we've moved to different cities, we still make an effort to keep in touch
through video calls and messages.

e. From the moment they met at the party, they hit it off and spent the entire evening
laughing and talking.

Task 2: Match the phrasal verbs in bold from task 1 to their meanings below.

1. to spend time together socially.

2. to disagree, leading to the permanent or temporary end of a relationship.

3. to reveal one's thoughts, emotions, or personal experiences to others.

4. to quickly establish a positive connection with someone.

5. to maintain communication with others over time, ensuring that the connection
remains strong despite physical distance or changing circumstances.

ESL Pals 1 Grammar Worksheet

Task 1: Match the phrasal verbs from the box to their synonyms.

hang out. fall out. open up.

hit if off. keep in touch.

1. ___________________________________.
○ get along.
○ click.
○ strike up a friendship.

2. ___________________________________.
○ disagree.
○ clash.
○ argue.

3. ___________________________________.
○ stay in contact.
○ stay in touch.
○ stay connected.

4. ___________________________________.
○ confide.
○ speak one’s mind.
○ talk openly.

5. ___________________________________.
○ socialise.
○ meet up.
○ chill with someone.

ESL Pals 2 Grammar Worksheet

Practice using the phrasal verbs in different tenses by creating sentences.
● Use the information from (1-5) to create sentences in each of the tenses listed.

1. Jenna / hang out / Paul.

● future tense: going to.

● present perfect.
● simple past.

2. Kim / fall out / Maria.

● simple past.
● past perfect tense.
● present continuous.

3. Hannah / open up / friends.

● present perfect.
● future tense: will.
● past simple.

4. Jim / hit it off / Paul.

● present perfect.
● past simple.
● present continuous.

5. James / keep in touch / Tom.

● past simple
● present continuous.
● present perfect.

ESL Pals 3 Grammar Worksheet

Use the phrasal verbs to complete the sentences, you may need to change the tense.

hang out. fall out. open up.

hit if off. keep in touch.

1. It's sad that they __________________________ over something so trivial and let it
ruin their friendship.

2. Let's __________________________ at the park this weekend and enjoy the nice

3. The therapy sessions provided a safe space for him to __________________________

about his childhood trauma.

4. Let's exchange contact information so we can __________________________ after

the conference.

5. Despite their different backgrounds, they __________________________ through their

shared love for art.

6. We used to __________________________ at his place and play video games for


7. They used to be best friends, but they __________________________ after a

disagreement about their travel plans.

ESL Pals 4 Grammar Worksheet

Use the phrasal verbs to complete the sentences, you may need to change the tense.

hang out. fall out. open up.

hit if off. keep in touch.

8. __________________________ to a therapist can be a crucial step in addressing

unresolved issues.

9. Feel free to reach out whenever you want to chat. I'd love to
__________________________ and hear about your adventures

10. We were worried about introducing our friends to each other, but they
__________________________ right away.

11. Our group of friends loves to __________________________ at the beach during the

12. She __________________________ with her coworkers after a series of

misunderstandings, leading to a tense atmosphere at work.

13. After building trust, he felt comfortable enough to __________________________

about his past.

14. When they met at the party, they __________________________ immediately and
spent the whole evening talking.

15. After we graduate, let's make sure to __________________________ and share our
new experiences.

ESL Pals 5 Grammar Worksheet

Use the phrasal verbs to complete the dialogues, you may need to change the tense.

hang out. fall out. open up.

hit if off. keep in touch.

Dialogue 1:

Dialogue 2:

Dialogue 3:

ESL Pals 6 Grammar Worksheet

Use the phrasal verbs to complete the dialogues, you may need to change the tense.

hang out. fall out. open up.

hit if off. keep in touch.

Dialogue 4:

Dialogue 5:

ESL Pals 7 Grammar Worksheet

Answer the questions below, each of the questions uses a phrasal verb.

1. How often do you and your friends hang out? What activities do you usually do?

2. What's your favourite place to hang out in your hometown, and why?

3. Do you think it's important for colleagues to hang out outside of work? Explain

4. Can you recall a time when you fell out with a friend? How did it get resolved?

5. What are some reasons people might fall out in a friendship or relationship?

6. Is being able to fall out and make up again a sign of a strong friendship?

7. How does cultural background or upbringing influence whether two people hit it off
when they meet?

8. Have you ever met someone for the first time and immediately hit it off? What
qualities or interests contributed to that connection?

9. Can you recall a time when you didn't hit it off with someone initially but later
became good friends? What changed?

10. How do you keep in touch with friends or family members who live far away?

11. What role do social media platforms play in helping people keep in touch? Are
there any downsides to relying on social media for this purpose?

12. How do you handle situations when you want to keep in touch with someone, but
they don't seem as interested in maintaining the connection?

13. Why do you think some people find it challenging to open up about their thoughts
and emotions?

14. How comfortable are you with opening up about your personal experiences and
emotions with others? Why?

15. Is there a difference between opening up to friends and opening up to family

members? If so, what is it?

ESL Pals 8 Grammar Worksheet

Read the story about Paul and Joanne below, then complete the exercises.

Paul and Joanne were both new at a school in a big city. On their first day at school, they
had to work on a project together. They decided to meet at a café to hang out and discuss
their project. They were both nervous, but as they talked, they hit it off and found they
had many things in common. They both enjoyed movies and outdoor activities.

As they spent more time together, their friendship grew stronger. They would often hang
out after school, going to the park or trying new sports. They even opened up to each
other about their dreams and fears. Their bond became unbreakable.

However, like all friendships, Paul and Joanne had a small disagreement one day. They
fell out over a misunderstanding about a movie they wanted to watch. It made them sad,
but they realised that their friendship was more important than a movie choice. They both
opened up about how they felt, then they eventually made up.

After finishing school, they went their separate ways for college, but they promised to
keep in touch. They would send messages, talk on the phone, and even video chat.
Despite the distance, their friendship remained strong.

Years passed, and Paul and Joanne achieved their dreams. Paul became a successful
engineer, and Joanne became a talented artist. They were always there for each other,
celebrating each other's achievements and supporting during tough times.

In the end, Paul and Joanne's friendship showed that even though people may have
disagreements, true friends always find a way to work things out and stay connected.

Task 2: Complete the following exercises based on the story.

1. Identify the phrasal verbs in the text, and the tense the phrasal verbs are used in.
2. Retell the story to a classmate.
3. Why did they fall out?
4. Why did they hit off?
5. How do they keep in touch?
6. Predict what you think will happen next.

ESL Pals 9 Grammar Worksheet

Follow the guidelines to write a story using the phrasal verbs presented in the class.


1. Write a short story (500 words) that incorporates some or all of the following
phrasal verbs:
a. hang out.
b. fall out.
c. open up.
d. hit it off.
e. keep in touch.

2. The story can be set in any time period and location, but it should have a clear
beginning, middle, and end.

3. In your story, be sure to clearly show how each of the phrasal verbs is used and
what it means. You can do this by including dialogue or descriptive passages that
highlight the phrasal verbs in action.

4. Make sure that your writing is clear and concise, and that your story flows
smoothly from beginning to end.

5. Be creative and have fun with this writing task!

6. Once you have completed your story, read it over and make any necessary
revisions to improve it. Then share it with your teacher for feedback.

ESL Pals 10 Grammar Worksheet

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