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Writing task

Daniel Vanutti Mometto
Randall Hell Vargas Pradinett

São José dos Campos
April, 2021
A brief history of the time it was written by Stephen Hawking in 1988, this book
it is about from the begin of the universe until black holes. The author uses many
scientific idioms in order to explain all the process inside the universe, for example:
what is the big bang? what happen when a star is near to die? why the light is deflect
near to a heavy bodies?.

The author starts to explain what or who trigger the big bang, besides that he
explains what is definition between past, present and future.

First, He introduces the idea of what is time? and try to explain in simply words
that the present, past and future is just the same, as Albert Einstein said: time is just
a illusion. Second, He add the idea of what is gravity and how this force can twist the
space-time. Third, He explains about the general relativity and how this new concept
of the gravity is a fact that nothing can overpass the speed of light. Finally, He speaks
about what is a black hole and how this ”weird body” can absorb everything, even light
for that reason is a perfectly black body, besides that He explain how the time and the
reality is break inside a black a hole and tries to answer to the most deep questions
such as: What would happen if someone or something enter inside a black hole? What
is the singularity? Is a bridge between one universe and another universes? Is there
other universes?

In my opinion, this is the best book that I have ever read because he tries to ex-
plain in simply words what is the universe, why are we here, what or who created the
universe? and what will happen in future?

I can say: this book it is really interesting for people who wants to understand the
universe, in other words, for dreamers like me.

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