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Name: Jeffrey Casing

Froms of police corruption

Negotiate graft
=Negotiating graft refers to engaging in discussions or agreements involving the
exchange of money or favors for illicit gains or advantages. Graft, often synonymous
with corruption, involves the misuse of power or position for personal benefit.
Negotiating graft is illegal and unethical, and individuals involved can face severe legal
consequences, including prosecution and imprisonment. It’s essential to promote
transparency, accountability, and integrity in all dealings to prevent graft and uphold
ethical standards.
=Extortion is the act of obtaining money, property, or services from someone through
coercion or intimidation. It typically involves threats of harm or other forms of
intimidation to compel someone to hand over something of value. Extortion is a serious
crime and is punishable by law. It can occur in various contexts, including organized
crime, business, and personal relationships. Victims of extortion often feel vulnerable and
may suffer emotional distress as a result of the threats or coercion. Law enforcement
agencies take extortion cases seriously and work to prosecute those responsible for such
Acceptable of petty bribes
=Some examples of the use of petty corruption include bribes paid to enforcement
officials, customs personnel, health service providers, and other government officials.
Facilitation payments, also known as “grease” payments, fall under this category.
Taking kickback and similar rewards
=A kickback is an illegal payment intended as compensation for preferential treatment or
any other type of improper services received. The kickback may be money, a gift, credit,
or anything of value. Paying or receiving kickbacks is a corrupt practice that interferes
with an employee’s or a public official’s ability to make unbiased decisions. Kickbacks
are often referred to as a type of bribery.
Opportunistic theft
=Opportunistic theft refers to stealing that occurs when an individual takes advantage of a
situation or opportunity without careful planning or premeditation. It often involves
seizing items or valuables that are easily accessible or left unattended. While
opportunistic theft may not involve intricate planning like some other forms of theft, it is
still considered a criminal offense and can result in legal consequences if caught. It's
important to take precautions to prevent opportunistic theft by securing belongings and
being mindful of one's surroundings.
Taking bribes from other officers
=It constitutes corruption within law enforcement agencies and violates the principles of
justice and integrity. Such actions can lead to criminal charges, dismissal from duty, and
severe penalties. Law enforcement officers are expected to uphold the law and serve the
public with honesty and integrity, and accepting bribes undermines this fundamental duty.

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