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Alluring Lore

Isla de las Munecas

Date: 2/6/2024

The Island of the Dead Dolls, or Isla de las Munecas, is an island in

Xochimilco, Mexico that has four thousand (possibly more) dolls

amongst the island. So, what’s the reason for all the creepy, old

dolls? Well, it all starts with the history of the island. In 1950, a

man named Julian Santana Barrera moved onto the island. There

he found a drowning girl in which he tried to save. He had failed in

doing so, however. Shortly after she had died, he found a doll

floating down the canal towards him. In honor and respect for

the little girl, he had hung the doll on a tree. He had been

haunted by the ghost of the little girl and had hung up more

dolls to keep her spirit happy. Soon they were all over the island.

In 2001 Julian had died of a heart attack, being found in the same

spot the girl had died. Now visitors can come to the island and bring

dolls and hang them on trees. Some even say they can see the

dolls watching them. Beware, though it’s said that if you take a

doll from the island, you’ll be cursed. None of the dolls are named

except for one. Her name is Augustina and she wears glasses and a

turquoise dress. She was one of Julian’s favorites and is said to have

gifts, such as performing miracles and and would heal/cure Julian

and would protect him. Augustina would even walk around the

island at night. If you go to visit, there are plates to leave small

offerings for her. It costs $100 in USD (2,000 pesos) to get a boat ride

to Isla de las Munecas and the entry fee is $2.34 USD (40 pesos). To

get to Xochimilco, Mexico from Massachusetts (just using

Massachusetts as an example), it’s a 46 hour drive (without traffic

or stopping). And make sure to go to the real Island of the Dolls,

because there is a fake one on google maps and many people will

scam you for your money and take you to the fake one. The address

is: Parque Ecológico de Xochimilco, 16043 Xochimilco, CDMX, Mexico.

The island on a map looks like this: @i_am_skyler333

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