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Novartis Leadership Framework

Development Tips


Develops a customer-centric mindset 2
Develops and integrates strategies to achieve competitive advantage 3
Makes decisions and acts on the basis of incomplete or ambiguous information 4
Embraces change, and helps others to adapt and remain productive 5

Energizes others around purpose and impact 6
Creates an engaging work climate that recognizes individual contributions 7
Identifies, coaches and mentors talent for the organisation 8
Champions a culture of ongoing learning and development 9

Seeks feedback from multiple sources to continuously develop 10
Is mindful of the impact the own leadership style has on others 11
Continuously improves own leadership capabilities 12
Is aware of how well approach is working to see if adaptation is needed 13
Novartis Leadership Framework Development Tips


Looking to delight the customer? Anticipate customer First, identify your key internal customers. Who do you interact with
on a regular basis? Who reviews your work? Who is impacted by the
quality of your product? Second, ask for feedback. How are you
doing? What would they like to change? Continue doing? Lastly, take
Get in the habit of meeting with your internal or external customers
action to improve your internal customer experience. Think outside
on a regular basis. Set up a dialogue. Customers need assurance
the box. Consider issues from their perspective. What can you do to
they can contact you about problems or ideas to improve service.
make their job easier? How can you help them be more successful?
Create open, explicit lines of communication. The more personal
What information do you need to supply? Shift your thinking and
you can make your interactions, the clearer it is to customers that
look for ways to create internal customer delight.
you want to meet their needs. Ask customers for feedback. Solicit
their ideas. Talk about their priorities. What’s most important to
them? Explore how their needs might change over time. What will be
important next month, next year, or even further down the road? Try Disconnect between employee and customer
to anticipate their need for your products and services before they satisfaction? Construct a service-profit chain.
even know about them. A new technology update that can improve
their experience. Or a different service option for upcoming needs as It’s well known that employee satisfaction is linked to customer
their business grows. Surprise them in the best way. Features they loyalty, satisfaction, and profits. The employees closest to the
weren’t expecting. Delivery in a shorter time. Added value to what customer will have the biggest impact on customer service. In a
they ordered. Show your customer you’re in it for the long run. Show bank, it’s the tellers. A restaurant, the servers. A tech company, the
that your primary interest is their success. Period. Everything else customer service representatives. Pay attention to these employees.
follows from this. Support what they do. Help them make their work more efficient.
Provide development opportunities. Show appreciation. Empower
your people to serve the customers. Provide them with the tools
Not sure what customers want or expect? Put yourself and the training they need. Reward exceptional customer service. A
recent study suggests that employee commitment and engagement
in your customers’ shoes.
has a direct impact on customer satisfaction and business
performance. Example? A fast food chain set up a crew system
Brainstorm with your team. Ask them a few questions: If you were a
without a manager. Working in teams proved to be more challenging
customer of your organization, what would you expect? What kind of
and motivating. They learned they could get better results for
turnaround time would you tolerate? What price would you be willing
their customers working in this way. Happier employees—happier
to pay for the quality of your product or service? What would be the
top three things you would complain about? What would delight you?
Work together to design your processes, products, services, and the
overall customer experience with the answers to these questions in
mind. Consider giving a team member an assignment to investigate Not focusing on the right customers? Nurture your
customer issues. Ask them to recommend new solutions. Share most profitable customers.
accountability for the customer as widely as possible. Make sure all
team members feel responsible for investigating issues and coming Some customers may be unprofitable because of excess service
forward with ideas to improve the customer experience. requirements. You can require them to order in larger quantities.
Forego certain services, or charge for them. Use activity-based
accounting. This method links purchasing data with cost data. It
Disconnected from customers? Keep in high-quality costs between 5 and 20 times as much to get a new customer than
to keep an existing one. Old customers cost less over time and
bring more revenue. How can you go from being a 20% supplier
to a 50% one? Sometimes customers are simply not a good fit for
Satisfying the reasonable needs of customers is fairly
the business. You may need to divest the business. But do it right.
straightforward. First you need to know what they want and
A study in the Harvard Business Review suggests that the best
expect. The best way to do that is to ask them. Then deliver on
way to manage unprofitable customers is to take your time. Think
their suggestions in a timely way at a price/value that’s justified.
about the impact. Look for alternatives to make the relationship
Find ways to keep in touch with a broad spectrum of your
more profitable. Take appropriate action. Divesting customers is
customers to get a balanced view. Face-to-face. Online or phone
sometimes the best move. But, be careful. Think strategically.
surveys. Questionnaires. Social media. Response cards with your
products and services. To keep in high-quality touch, recognize the
difference between convenience for the customer and convenience
for you. Telephony (voice activated technology) and other Notes:
telecommunications innovations work when the customer experience
is top of mind. What customer hasn’t experienced the frustration of
endless computer routing, only to get no answer or get to the wrong
person? High-quality touch with your customers means getting them
to the right person in the minimum number of steps.

Just looking externally? Delight your internal

Not all customers are external. Internal customers are all
those people who work every day to make the organization a
success. There’s a complex web of customer relationships and
interdependencies across the organization. For example, a sales
person who does not work well with dispatch can cause service
issues for the external customer. A glitch in the relationship between
a designer and production can delay speed to market.

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Novartis Leadership Framework Development Tips


Developing a strategy in a vacuum? Scan the If you are engaged in activities that don’t drive the strategy forward,
make the case for discontinuing them. Reserve “thinking time” on
environment first.
your calendar to weed out distractions and make adjustments. Audit
your time allocation for a few weeks to ensure a balance between
Before crafting a strategic plan, you need to get a handle on the
short-term and long-term priorities.
context in which you operate. Pull together people with diverse
knowledge and create a detailed picture. There are a number of
scanning frameworks you can use. The SWOT analysis (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is widely used to identify Not sure how your team fits in? Identify a clear
internal and external factors that define and shape a competitive strategic line of sight.
position in the marketplace. A PEST analysis helps to capture the
big picture in terms of Political, Economic, Social, Technological Understanding strategy is important for people in every role. Learn
topics. (Some add Legal and Environmental.) Bennis and Nanus about your organization’s strategy. What primary objectives is
suggest using the Quick Environmental Scanning Technique it aiming toward? How does it plan to reach them? What critical
(QUEST). In this framework, trends are observed, potential market capabilities and resources does the organization need to succeed?
conditions are forecasted, and options are discussed to address Share this information with your team. Talk about how they support
evolving conditions. the organization’s strategy directly or indirectly. How does your
team create value? Serve customers? Contribute to growth or the
bottom line? Strengthen the brand? Support the community in
Can’t predict the future? Consider multiple scenarios. which you operate? How do other functions build on the work your
group produces? Spend time connecting the dots, and the team will
It’s not easy to develop strategic plans when faced with so many develop a better sense of what to emphasize in their daily work.
unknowns. Scenario planning can assist by generating useful
dialogue and insights. Share with your team that it’s not about
predicting the future, but about considering various possibilities. Get tongue-tied when talking strategy? Learn to speak
Discuss the prevailing assumptions about what might happen. the language of strategy.
Develop a small number of plausible scenarios (stories) about how
the future might unfold. Think through how the organization could/ You may have a knack for thinking strategically but not know how to
should respond if faced with shifts in socioeconomic, political, express it very well. Strategy is an emerging and ever-changing field.
technological, environmental, or social areas. Then do what expert At any time, there are gurus who create new words and concepts to
Peter Schwartz calls “rehearsing the implications.” How might things describe it. If you don’t use these words, others may not perceive
impact your industry, organization, stakeholders? What decisions you as being strategic. Learn from the latest experts. Watch their
would you need to make? What else might be triggered? What videos. Read their blogs and articles in the Harvard Business Review
contingencies should be in place? Scenario planning helps improve and similar publications. Read case studies about strategy and find
your team’s ability to recognize signals that warrant a response. parallels between other organizations and yours. Also pay attention
They will be better able to anticipate, plan, and adapt when changes to what your senior leaders are reading and talking about. Offer
arise. Which of the organization’s core strengths would be most ideas on topics that match their strategic interests. Use the same
relevant in each scenario? What weaknesses would be most exposed? terms and metaphors they use in their messages. Practice thinking
and speaking more broadly than your own function and level. Go for
form and substance.
Think strategy is a waste of time? Recognize the
value of strategy.
Some reject strategic work. They avoid it. They say they’d rather be
doing something useful, like solving today’s problems. That they’ve
never seen a plan actually happen as projected anyway. While it’s
true that most strategic plans don’t materialize as planned, that
doesn’t mean it was a wasted effort. A good strategy leads to
practical decisions about what to do, who to hire, how to allocate
funds and deploy resources. If you have doubts about whether to
go ahead with a project, ask: Is this in line with our strategy? If
you’re wondering which option to choose, ask: Which best aligns
with our key priorities? If you or your peers are losing steam, ask:
How will what we’re doing now position us well for the future? How
can we take advantage of the next big trend in this industry before
our competitors do? A good strategy energizes people to move in
the same direction. It makes choices clear and leads to less wasted

Consumed with daily demands? Make room for

strategic priorities.
Burning issues require attention. It wouldn’t be wise to ignore
important demands of the day. Neither would it be wise to avoid
what will matter most in the long run. You need to strike the right
balance. Talk with colleagues to be sure you agree on what projects
are mission critical vs. important vs. nice to have.

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Novartis Leadership Framework Development Tips



Holding too tightly to the past? Just let go. Identify what can be done in the midst of uncertainty. At minimum,
a shift in attitude is always possible. Research shows that there
Dealing comfortably with uncertainty and ambiguity means letting are more optimists in the senior levels of leadership. It’s unclear
go of sureness. Like letting go of one trapeze in the air to catch the whether they’re promoted partly because they’re optimistic or if they
next one. For a small amount of time, you have nothing to hold on become that way once they’ve arrived. What is clear is that optimism
to. If you cling to the first trapeze, afraid you will fall, you’ll always is influential. Although tied to one’s natural disposition, it can be
return to the same old platform—safe but not new or different. developed through consistent effort.
Staying put means it’s more likely your safe platform will keep
getting smaller and smaller until it disappears completely. Taking
that leap gets you to a new platform and a new place. Manage the Prefer to check things off your list? Redefine what
uncertainty around you by being proactive. Keep informed about progress means.
business/technological advances. Keep alert to trends and what
entrepreneurs are inventing in their garages. Visualize different Do you have a high need to complete tasks? Wrap things up in nice
pathways and different outcomes. Talk about it. Invite ideas. The neat packages? Working well with ambiguity often means moving
more you do this, the more comfortable you’ll feel because you’ll be from incomplete task to incomplete task. Some projects may be
part of the next wave. put on hold, some may never be finished. You’ll constantly have to
edit your actions and decisions. It’s the way things typically go with
emerging realities or new initiatives. When going through transitions,
Think you need to have all the answers? Convey your it’s common to put temporary structures in place—temporary
overall intention. teams, org chart, systems. After one thing ends and before
something new begins, scaffolding gets erected, torn down, then
Many feel shaky without a concrete plan. It’s understandable—how replaced. Life in flux means it’s time to change your internal reward
can you take action when you’re not sure where you’re going? How system. Instead of just feeling good when you finish a project, it’s
can you assess progress without clear targets to measure against? about moving things forward incrementally. Think progress over
Sometimes plans aren’t as clear as you’d like. There are areas perfection. Recognize it. People always need appreciation for a job
where you are unsure about what to do. So speak honestly about well done—so do you.
what’s going on. Especially when other people’s work depends on
your efforts. Explain what you know and don’t know. If you don’t
have a game plan with firm time lines for your project, share the Need inspiration? Learn from others who thrived
overall intention instead—what you’re aiming toward and how that during uncertainty.
supports the mission. Change expert Peggy Holman asserts that
intentions are “powerful shapers of action.” They energize and align There are examples throughout history of people who have done
self-directed people in complex situations. They fuel a sense of well when the environment around them was highly ambiguous.
purpose. So co-create your intentions with invested colleagues and People like Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, or Aung
your boss. Communicate with them often. Keep people in the loop. San Suu Kyi. There are those who were energized by quests into the
Check in with your leader to make sure you are on the right track. unknown—Lewis and Clark, Leonardo da Vinci, Jane Goodall. Learn
Expressed with confidence, intentions convey certainty in the midst about them through or other sources. Then take your
of uncertainty. search closer to home. Interview trailblazers in your own company or
industry—people who took risks and paved new terrain. Find out how
they dealt with similar concerns you have. Did they think the journey
Losing your cool? Manage uncertainty-driven stress. was worth it? If your team or organization is facing ambiguity
(market shifts, new regulations, geo-political crisis, you name it),
It’s not uncommon to get stressed when dealing with increased find case studies of other companies that have addressed similar
ambiguity. We lose our anchor. Stress increases the chances that challenges.
you’ll respond to conditions and people more emotionally. Maybe
you lash out. Close down. Berate yourself. Go into panic mode.
However you react, remember that your reactions probably don’t just Notes:
affect you. So take charge of it. Get familiar with what triggers your
reactions. Is it when you don’t know what to do, don’t want to make
a mistake, are afraid of the consequences, lack the confidence to
act? Pause. Observe your patterns and label your emotions—this will
provide some perspective and reduce escalation. Do some research,
then try different ways to regain your equilibrium until you find what
works best for you. There are lots of resources available online, from
breathing and mindfulness exercises to tips on tackling underlying
issues. When a situation seems overwhelming, drop the problem for
a while. Go do something else. Return to it after you’ve had time to
decompress and reflect. Practice responding more consistently in
ways that will best serve you and your colleagues.

Negativity taking over? Counter closed-door thinking.

When there are a lot of unknowns, people sometimes fill in the
blanks with doom and gloom forecasts. This can block the ability to
be optimistic—to see the advantages of change. Through years of
research, psychologist Martin Seligman has found that optimism
can be developed in specific ways. (For more information, visit

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Novartis Leadership Framework Development Tips


Team stuck in the starting blocks? Encourage small Daunted by an ambiguous challenge? Gain some
steps forward. perspective.
Imagine all the lights suddenly go out. Or you wake up in the middle Start by defining the challenge—what it is and what it isn’t. Visualize
of the night in a strange location. What do you do? You feel your it as if you’re seeing it from above. From the bird’s eye view, what
way around until your eyes adjust. You reach for a light. Embarking are the various components? How do they relate? Use mapping
on a new venture or acting on an ambiguous problem with no techniques or concept mapping software to cluster what’s connected
precedents to follow is similar. Help your people make the unknown and explore links with the larger ecosystem. Then look below
known. Suggest they break a large issue into manageable pieces the surface of the challenge. What underlying issues are causing
and take small steps and see what happens. Give them feedback problems? Keep drilling down, asking why something is happening,
and help them correct the course so they can move forward just a until you get to the root causes. For a different take on what’s at
little further. Remind them that they might not get it right the first play, generate discussion using one or more useful frameworks.
time and that’s OK. The more uncertain the situation is, the more For example, examine organizational issues using McKinsey’s 7S
likely mistakes will be made. Expect it—bumping into things while model: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style,
looking for the light is common. Help your team think of mistakes as and staff. Or explore challenges using 9 building blocks identified
valuable feedback steering them in the right direction. Make it safe in Business Model Generation. (For more information, visit www.
to talk about mistakes. Build curiosity while undertaking risk—this Whatever framework you use, look
will decrease stress and increase creativity. Experiment, prototype, for patterns and interconnections to gain perspective and inform
conduct soft launches. Engage stakeholders to make sense of what solutions.
emerges and evolves. If criticism follows flawed results, help the
team accept it and encourage them to apply what they’ve learned in
the next iteration. Negativity taking over? Counter closed-door thinking.
When there are a lot of unknowns, people sometimes fill in the
Think you need to have all the answers? Convey your blanks with doom and gloom forecasts. This can block the ability to
overall intention. be optimistic—to see the advantages of change. Through years of
research, psychologist Martin Seligman has found that optimism
Many feel shaky without a concrete plan. It’s understandable—how can be developed in specific ways. (For more information, visitwww.
can you take action when you’re not sure where you’re going? How Identify what can be done in the midst of
can you assess progress without clear targets to measure against? uncertainty. At minimum, a shift in attitude is always possible.
Sometimes plans aren’t as clear as you’d like. There are areas Research shows that there are more optimists in the senior levels
where you are unsure about what to do. So speak honestly about of leadership. It’s unclear whether they’re promoted partly because
what’s going on. Especially when other people’s work depends on they’re optimistic or if they become that way once they’ve arrived.
your efforts. Explain what you know and don’t know. If you don’t What is clear is that optimism is influential. Although tied to one’s
have a game plan with firm time lines for your project, share the natural disposition, it can be developed through consistent effort.
overall intention instead—what you’re aiming toward and how that
supports the mission. Change expert Peggy Holman asserts that
intentions are “powerful shapers of action.” They energize and align Perfectionists on your team? Help them balance
self-directed people in complex situations. They fuel a sense of thought with action.
purpose. So co-create your intentions with invested colleagues and
your boss. Communicate with them often. Keep people in the loop. Lots of people want all the data and their ducks in a row before
Check in with your leader to make sure you are on the right track. they act. Perfectionism is tough to let go of, especially when past
Expressed with confidence, intentions convey certainty in the midst success can be traced back to getting it right with zero defects. Help
of uncertainty. others recognize their perfection for what it might be—collecting
more information to improve their confidence in making a fault-free
decision, thereby avoiding risk and criticism. Help them decrease
Tentative about entering the unknown? Shift gears their need for complete information and to be right all of the time.
and welcome it. Coach them on new habits that will reduce this need slightly every
week until they have reached a balance between thinking it through
Are you the type that dips a toe in the water before diving in? Tries and taking action. Encourage them to make some small decisions
your best to avoid all surprises? Makes a habit of never changing a on little or no data. Remind them that anyone with 100% of the data
habit? There’s nothing wrong with being cautious—to an extent. But can make good decisions. The most agile people recognize when to
taken to an extreme, that tendency could keep you stuck in a bygone pull the trigger based only on what they know at the time. Identify a
era. Wake up to now. Learn to dive in and see what happens. Start few behaviors found in these brave people. Coach your team on how
with the easy stuff: order new things from the menu, take a new to apply just one or two of them over the next month. Support them
route to work, go on a mini-vacation without an itinerary. Try things with weekly check-ins along the way. Expect some bumps in the road
that seem fun and a little scary. Like taking a class in improvisation and let them know that’s OK. Praise all progress you see, including
where you’ll be forced to wing it and work with what shows up. good intentions and productive failure.
Spend time with people who are energized by adventure. Find out
how they approach risk and forge new ground, then try it out for
yourself. Remind yourself that the unknown isn’t the enemy, fear is. Notes:
So ask, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” Play out the
scenario and notice how resourceful you can be when put to the test.
Still feel queasy? Jump in anyway. It may be uncomfortable at first
but be rewarding in the long run.

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Novartis Leadership Framework Development Tips


Not sharing the big picture? Nurture commitment to Not engaged yourself? Get committed.
purpose and direction.
If you’re lacking commitment, it shows in your face. It’s apparent
When people understand the organization beyond their own role, in the way you hold yourself. It affects your pace, your demeanor,
they can better appreciate the significance of what they do. They even the way you communicate. If your “get up and go” has “got
realize the importance of their cog in the wheel. Without that up and gone,” people will see right through you. So get your own
broader perspective, a job is just a job. They focus on their own role house in order. What’s turning you off? Turn it back on. Lost interest?
but not the overall goal it contributes to. It’s the difference between Figure out what will excite you again and get involved. Something
“laying bricks and building a cathedral.” Clearly communicate the niggling away at you? Confront it. Bring it out into the open and get
strategy to them. Talk in their language. Help them see where their it resolved. Frustrated? Talk to the person who can make a difference
role fits in. How does what they deliver contribute to the achievement in the situation. If you see others struggling with these same
of the overall purpose of the organization? Use visuals that show problems, help them reconnect with their sources of inspiration.
their position in the structure. Let them see the connections that link First, acknowledge their lost motivation. Validate their feelings rather
them to the end user. Illustrate how their achievements impact other than judging them. Focus the rest of the conversation on what would
roles. restore their inner fire. Ask about their best day on the job. What
were they working on? Who were they working with? What made
that time so engaging? As much as you can, recreate the conditions
that inspired this person to perform at their peak level. Find your
Not sure how people feel about things? Encourage commitment again and bring people with you.
them to open up.
Engaging others can be a challenge if you don’t know what you’re
working with. If you want to make things better for people, you
Tend to see the gloomy side? Develop and project a
need to know the size of the gap you need to fill. Trouble is, people can-do attitude.
don’t always want to talk about why they’re disengaged. The trick
is to find a way to encourage people to open up and lay their cards If you look on the downside, before you know it, you’re surrounded
on the table. Let them know you’d like to help make things better by people agreeing with your point of view. That’s the bad news. The
for them. Ask questions, but be gentle. Be specific—ask them how good news is that while negativity is infectious, so is positivity. But
they’re feeling about something in particular rather than things in it needs to be sincere. If you feel downcast about something but try
general. Don’t rush them. Be patient. Listen attentively and actively. to sell the fact you feel great about it, people will see right through
Use a survey to establish what people are happy about and what you. So get your own head in order first. If you’re disengaged about
needs to improve. (Check with human resources to see how they can something, what’s causing you to feel that way? What don’t you
support you.) Take action to address issues that surface. In 2010, a understand? Find out who has more information. Don’t see how
UK police force did exactly this and in two years, sickness absences something can be done? Talk to those who do. Been there, done it,
reduced by 25%—equivalent to 18,600 sick days. Financial savings? and it failed? Find out what’s different this time. Once you believe in
Nearly £1,500,000 (Robertson & Cooper, 2010). it, you can bring others on board too.

Play your cards too close to your chest? Be Notes:

transparent with people.
Information is power. Lack of information can be demotivating for
people. If they feel you have a hidden agenda, they will draw up
their own. Sometimes what they imagine is worse than the truth.
If you have bad news, come clean as soon as you are able. Give
them reasons (if you can) to help them understand. Ask for their
help. Make decision-making processes as transparent and inclusive
as possible. Of course, sometimes conditions and context restrict
decisions to a small number of decision makers. You’ll need to
respect that, but share what you can and keep people informed.
Anticipate their questions and answer those you can ahead of being
asked. Make transparency your standard way of operating.

Live by “no news is good news”? Build a feedback-

rich environment.
In organizations that have created a culture steeped in candor
and straight talk, giving and receiving feedback is as natural as
breathing. Feedback is given frequently and usually in real time—
during or immediately following performance. This helps people
adjust what they’re doing along the way and allows them to make
midcourse corrections. Feedback, delivered correctly, shows people
that what they’re doing is important and you care enough to help
them get it right. Supplement your feedback with coaching and
mentoring to help people grow and progress. Encourage them to
reciprocate by giving you feedback. Welcome it. Learn from it. Apply
it appropriately. Be a feedback role model.

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Novartis Leadership Framework Development Tips


Not showing your appreciation? Recognize and reward Tend to treat everyone the same? Deal with people
other people’s efforts. fairly, but not equally.
It’s hard to imagine anyone’s level of engagement being increased Equal is not fair. Fair is what’s appropriate, what’s fitting. Individuals
by having their hard work and achievements ignored. People and teams vary in capabilities, motivation, interests, contribution,
like to be recognized in very different ways, but get it right, and and many other dimensions. It follows, then, that to be fair about
most people will feel good knowing they are appreciated. They’ll it, they should be treated differently. Different levels of support.
feel proud that they have made a difference. It’s hard to beat the Different development. Different rewards. Different, but fair.
value of spontaneous, in-the-moment, recognition. That moment Preventing problems depends on decisions being made in an
of catching someone doing something well. A report, hot off the informed and carefully calculated way, with the best intentions
press, that compels you to compliment the author on their excellent in mind for the organization and for individuals. Those intentions
recommendations. That innovative idea that you can tell its creator should be out in the open and clearly communicated. When one
led to the rescue of a failing project. Look for opportunities to project team learns it is not getting the same level of resources
recognize achievement and give credit. that another is, it’s tough to swallow if the intentions are concealed
or suspect. On the other hand, the straightforward disclosure of
intentions behind the decision makes it more acceptable. Even if the
All work and no play? Have some fun. shortchanged team disagrees with the decision, they will appreciate
understanding the intent behind it. And trust in the leadership will
When the pressure is on and the pace is fast, it’s easy to forget to be preserved, even strengthened.
relax, to let off steam, to breathe. There’s a time and a place for
everything and having a bit of fun is no exception. Free your spirit
of adventure. Cast aside the serious business of work for a little Hoarding all of the decision making? Empower others
while. Get to know your coworkers on a personal level. What do you to make good decisions.
have in common? How are you different? Who are they beyond their
day job? What do they really care about? What makes them tick? All It’s very difficult to drive engagement if people are not empowered
these things surface more readily when people step out of a role to make their own decisions. They feel their hands are tied. They feel
and become themselves. Fun is not just a frivolous waste of time. It distrust. They start to question their abilities. Encourage them to
helps you become more engaged. When people are highly engaged, think for themselves. If people come to you with questions, suggest
their commitment to achieve increases—the organization benefits. they consider potential solutions or decision points before asking
Research shows that companies with high employee engagement for your input. Give them access to the information they need. Talk
levels have 3.9 times the earnings per share when compared to through the pros and cons. Support them along the way. They may
those in the same industry with lower engagement levels (Arruda, make the wrong decision. Don’t chastise them. Meet with them to
2013). It pays to have fun! talk it through. Help them learn from the experience. What will they
do differently next time? Give them leeway to make another decision.
Check in. Provide information and support. Their confidence and
Not getting the most out of people? Show confidence engagement will grow.
in their abilities by empowering them.
The proverb gets it right: Give a person a fish and they will eat for Notes:
a day. Teach a person to fish and they will eat for a lifetime. The
trick with empowerment is framing it so it’s not interpreted as,
“Fantastic…more work to do at the same salary.” The team member
who truly experiences the positive effects of empowerment (1)
believes they can accomplish the task, (2) believes the task will
result in a positive outcome (i.e., it will work), and (3) believes
that the extra responsibilities that come along with the task are
personally “worth it.” When empowering others, focus on developing
and cultivating the three elements above. If any of the three are
missing, the person is not ready to take ownership of something by

Known for being a tough taskmaster? Remove the fear

of failure.
Failures are going to occur—the very thought of failure, however,
can be crippling to many individuals. Frame failure as an expected
part of the larger picture of progress. We tend to learn more from
our failures than our successes—innovation and experimentation
will be best realized if people are allowed to fail. They won’t feel
comfortable with short-term setbacks if you do not communicate
that such setbacks are expected and provide long-term benefits.
Share a failure that you experienced and what you learned/how you
overcame the failure. You will be more respected if you open up and
disclose failures as well as successes, and hopefully others will learn
from the lessons learned in your failures. An important component
in disclosing personal setbacks is communicating how those
setbacks were ultimately overcome or otherwise ended in a positive
way (e.g., “We ended up losing that client, but the lessons learned
allowed us to land our next big client.”).

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Can’t tell great from good? Look for learning agility. Spend time with them on a regular basis. Find out what specifically
they would like support with. Focus on being a positive guiding
To be good at anything requires some knowledge, skills, and influence. On encouraging them to look at situations from different
technical know-how. What separates the great from the good is the perspectives. On offering non-threatening critique and challenge.
ability to perform well under first-time, challenging conditions. These Work on building their confidence. Share knowledge, experiences,
“high potential” people are known as learning agile. They can take and perspectives that can help them find creative solutions
lessons from the past and fit them into new and different challenges to problems, make decisions, and shape their career. If your
they are facing. They know what to do when they don’t know what organization has a mentoring program, find out how it works. If it
to do. Look for people who find it easy to learn new tasks and doesn’t, set one up within your unit or function.
functions. People who are excellent critical thinkers who enjoy and
deal well with ambiguity and complexity. People who don’t accept
the status quo, are impatient. They are curious, like to try new One-dimensional view of development? Think
things, take different approaches. They will be the ones who tend 70:20:10.
to push the envelope and are willing to take the heat when things
fail. Learning agile people are self-aware. They exhibit the sort of Research tells us that around 70% of learning comes from
presence that builds confidence in themselves and others. When it practice—from on-the-job experience. From completing assignments
comes to talent and potential, learning agility separates the best and tasks that are challenging. About 20% comes from the
from the rest. feedback, coaching, and mentoring we get from others. And
10% comes from formal, instructional activities such as training
programs, reading books, etc. Help others create development plans
Always wait for a vacancy? Recruit ahead of the curve. that are three-dimensional. For example, if someone is looking to
develop leadership capability, you might encourage them to read a
Finding the right people can be difficult when it is done on an “as biography, attend a course. Offer to support them finding a mentor,
needed” basis. When recruitment is vacancy led. A more successful someone whose leadership they admire. Someone they could study,
strategy involves continually searching for talent—succession spend time with, listen to, and learn from. And help them find
planning. Identifying the talent needed for long-term success and opportunities to apply their learning in real situations and reflect on
finding people before you need them. Creating an internal pipeline what they learned from it. Why is this three-dimensional approach so
of people ready and willing to take on the next opportunity. An important? Research indicates that the learning that occurs outside
external pipeline of people waiting to join. What talent do you need formal classes and courses is generally more frequent and effective
to line up for the future with respect to company strategy? Which job than its formal counterpart.
classes are critical to business goals yet low on potential successors
for important roles? Where will fresh talent come from? Do you
have a replacement plan for yourself? Who has, or will have, the Want to encourage personal responsibility? Coach.
ability to take your job or another key role? Who are you sponsoring
for promotion? It’s OK to state up front, “We’re not currently Coaching puts an individual firmly in the driver’s seat of their own
hiring, but I’m always on the lookout for great people.” Keep in development. And, it requires your letting go of control and resisting
touch with people; keep them interested. Maximize opportunities the urge to “tell” them what and how to develop. As a coach, your
to onboard people early to prepare them for a future role. This role isn’t to know the right answers, it’s to know the right questions.
strategy not only builds a database of resumes, it increases your Questions that are thoughtfully constructed with the aim of
own personal network of contacts (providing referrals will generally facilitating a person’s thinking around their development. Questions
be reciprocated). Never stop looking for talent. Make your talent that help them gain clarity on where they’re heading, “What’s your
development efforts visible. Spread the word that our company is a goal?” That encourage them to explore where they are in relation to
place where people can grow their careers. their goal, “Where are you right now?” “What else do you need to do
to get there?” Questions that encourage action-oriented thinking,
“What alternative courses of action could help you move forward?”
Too busy? Prioritize the time. “What might help or hinder your progress?” Questions that commit
them to ownership and action, “What will you do now?” “By when?”
Do you try to focus on developing others but find that other activities “How will you measure progress and success?” Be specific with the
have higher priority? For most people, time is what they have the use of you/your in the questions—it reinforces that the responsibility
least of to give. But to help others develop beyond today’s job, you sits with them.
need to prioritize, on average, eight hours per year per person. Two
hours are for an annual appraisal of the person in terms of current
strengths, weaknesses, and competencies they need to develop. Notes:
Two hours are for an in-depth career discussion with each person.
Two are for creating a development plan with the person. And the
last two hours are there should you need to present findings and
recommendations in a succession planning process or arrange for
developmental events to take place. Start scheduling in time for
developing others. Make it a priority to help people grow. You, your
team, and the organization will benefit from increased performance
and people feeling happier in their jobs.

Could your experience help others? Be a mentor.

Mentors play a critical role in supporting career development
through the offer of experience-based insight and guidance. Before
you agree to mentor someone, check that they’re following a career
path that is similar to yours. To mentor well, you need to have
already “walked the path” of the mentee.

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Never have career conversations? Start talking. How can you best offer them to people? What can you do collectively
to help people gain the right skills and experience to meet the
While it’s not your responsibility to own and drive another’s career, needs of the business now and in the future? Commit to action and
you can play an essential role in supporting them to do this for hold each other accountable for following through. Let people know
themselves. That’s where career conversations come in. Even if you you’re having these conversations. Show you’re taking development
don’t have people reporting to you, you can still play a key role in seriously.
their development. Talk with people about their career goals. What
level do they want to reach? What do they see as their strengths? Key
development needs? Possible next assignment? Are they interested Limited opportunity to promote people? Encourage
in leading others? Or are they focused on deepening their technical lateral moves.
expertise? Share your own goals in these conversations. Remember,
if you don’t know where a person is headed, you can’t help them You can’t create promotion opportunities that don’t exist. For
get there. Think about activities that might be helpful to people’s those ready to step up, this can be a cause of frustration. Lateral
learning and progression. Are you on a project that may provide moves are a great alternative to keep people motivated and
development opportunities for others? Need to present findings to challenged while they wait for that promotion opportunity. Besides,
a management team? Invite someone to join you who’s working on advancement may be more likely if they’ve developed broader
their presentation skills. Provide them with some great exposure. skills and experience. Find out what skills they would benefit from
Need some research? Include someone who wants to learn about developing. What new responsibilities they could take on. What
the subject of your research. You get support. They get some great experience they’d like to gain. Help them look for a temporary or
development. permanent assignment that fits their need, moves them forward
developmentally, and increases their visibility in the organization.
Visibility is vital when it comes to being considered for new
People getting too comfy? Challenge and support opportunities. Support their transition. They may not be moving
them. up, but they could be going from knowing the most to learning the
most, which is daunting. Give others outside your team/unit the
Remember, real development is not cozy or safe—it comes from opportunity to make a lateral move into your team/unit where you
varied, stressful, and adverse tasks that require us to learn to can. Global context? Look at opportunities for international moves.
do something new or different, or fail. It involves real work. It’s
rewarding but scary. Be open with your people about this. Work
with them to identify challenges that force them out of their Want a strong succession pipeline? Focus on
comfort zone. Consider tasks that are no longer developmental for developing leaders.
you but would be for others and delegate them. Trade tasks and
assignments between two people—have them do each other’s work. Make the development of leaders, from first level to senior executive,
Assign a task that the person hasn’t done before. Provide support. a core part of your people strategy. Don’t know who the leaders of
It sends a message that there’s safety on the other side. It helps the future are? Identify them. Focus on developing them through
people cope with the pain of developing while maintaining a positive a range of techniques. Go beyond traditional programs. Use
view of themselves as a capable, worthy, valuable person who can conferences or leadership summits as development opportunities.
learn and grow. Without support, the developmental experience Devise a curriculum that focuses on supporting people through key
may overwhelm them rather than foster learning. Cheer from the leadership transition points. Raise the profile of high potentials
sidelines and celebrate their accomplishments, even the smallest. through board breakfasts or similar meetings. Offer internal or
external coaching and mentoring. Find specialized development
assignments that focus on leadership. Encourage action- and
Focused on developing skills for today? Look to the experience-based learning by bringing people together to work
future. on solving real business problems. Research shows that the best
organizations for leaders are typically twice as likely to use a variety
Take a longer-term view of developing talent. Of creating a workforce of developmental techniques for their best and brightest.
that can meet the demands of today while rising to the challenges
of tomorrow. Start with the current state. Where is the organization
now? What skills and capabilities does it have in place? What does it Notes:
need? Then look to the future. Where is the organization moving to?
What skills and capabilities will be critical to future success? What’s
the gap between the current and future state? You may have the right
level of skill and capability in place. You may find there are gaps.
Either way, you’ll have the clarity you need to create and implement
a longer-term strategy for talent development. Involve others in the
creation of the strategic plan where you need to. Share the vision
and purpose of the development effort. Tell them why it’s important
and what they and others stand to gain.

Development happening in silos? Work as a collective.

Make collaborative development conversations a regular part of your
people agenda. Seek out HR partners and talent managers beyond
your unit. Get together regularly for the sole purpose of talking
about people and talent development. Discuss what each of you is
doing. Share best practices and review talent pools (high potentials,
new recruits, graduates, etc.) and succession plans. Identify
development opportunities (vacancies, assignment moves, coaching,
training courses, etc.) that are coming up.

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Not sure how others see you? Get feedback. The criticisms that are probably not true of you. Ask someone you
trust who knows you well to help you so you don’t delude yourself.
People can be reluctant to give feedback, especially negative or (3) For those that are true, signal to the people who gave you the
corrective information. Generally, to get it, you must ask for it. feedback that you have understood, think it was accurate, and will
Seeking negative feedback increases both the accuracy of our try to do something about it. (4) For those that are not true, re-sort
understanding and people’s evaluation of our overall effectiveness. the comments into criticisms that are important to you and those
A person who wants to know the bad must be pretty good. People that are small and trivial or unimportant. Throw the unimportant
will increase their estimation of you as you seek out and accept ones away. (5) With those that are probably not true but important,
more feedback. If people are reluctant to give criticism, help by re-sort them into: (6) Career threatening—if people above me really
making self-appraisal statements rather than asking questions. thought this was true about me, my career would be damaged. (7)
Saying, “I think I focus too much on ensuring all the details are Not career stopping. Throw the not-career-stopping pile away. (8)
perfect and sometimes miss deadlines; what do you think?” is With the remaining comments, review them with your boss and/or
easier for most people to reply to than a question which asks them mentor to see what the general opinion is about you. (9) This leaves
to volunteer this point. Ask how your actions impact others. Follow you with two categories: those that people do believe—even though
up your first question with more: “How do my habits affect you and they are not true—and those they don’t. Throw the don’t-believe
your work? How can I change my approach to make things easier for pile away. (10) With the remaining pile, plot a strategy to convince
you?” Besides showing others you want to help them, understanding people around you by deeds, not words, that those criticisms are
how your actions affect others can give you additional motivation to untrue of you.

Not sure of what you are good at? Find your hidden
Want to get the real story? Keep it confidential and strengths.
You may have hidden strengths. Others see strengths that you don’t
Confidential feedback or a private discussion tends to be more know you have or don’t think are stand-out skills. If you don’t see
accurate than public feedback. Don’t assume everything is OK just them, you won’t draw upon them. How do you find these strengths?
because you aren’t getting feedback. Especially at the beginning of First, through self-reflection. What comes easily to you? What do
a new job when the learning curve is steep and first impressions of you enjoy? When does time fly by? In what settings or capacities do
you are important. For most of us, when people give us feedback in you get results? Think through situations, challenges, or interactions
public, it’s an excessively positive view. Don’t get too comfortable where you were at your best. What positive feedback have you
with what people tell you in public settings. Use private feedback received in the past? Like, “I always feel like you listen to what I am
as a means to understand how others see you and to get the most saying.” Or, “Projects seem so easy when you are in the lead.” When
accurate information. Try not to stack the deck, asking for feedback you hear something new, perk up your ears. Ask for clarification—
only from people you get along with or like most. The best way to seek to understand what the other person saw but you were unaware
get good feedback data is to choose wisely. Chose people who are in of. This can help you uncover some hidden strengths. Use feedback
the best position to observe your skills and capabilities, friendship not only to learn what you’re doing wrong, but what you’re doing
or warm feelings aside. If some feel it’s too early to give you formal right. Last, use self-reflection tools such as journaling to uncover
feedback, ask them for their first impressions. hidden thoughts and ideas. After recording your experiences for a
period of time, scan your journal. What themes do you see? What
strengths are coming through?
Getting ruffled? Manage your response.
Sometimes feedback doesn’t seem to fit and it’s easy to become Don’t have time to reflect? Build in a pause.
defensive or upset. Defensiveness is a major blockage to self-
knowledge. When you respond in a defensive manner, people suspect Life is busy. Urgent tasks get priority. Self-aware people build in time
you really can’t take it, that you are defending against something, for what Kevin Cashman calls The Pause Principle. “The conscious,
probably by blaming it on others or the job context. Defensive people intentional process of stepping back, within ourselves and outside
get less feedback. To break this cycle, you will need to follow the of ourselves, to lead forward with greater authenticity, purpose, and
rules of good listening. Work on keeping yourself in a calm state contribution.” It looks different for different people. Meditation works
when getting negative feedback. Change your thinking. When getting for some. Others recognize they need daily physical activity. This
the feedback, your only task is to accurately understand what people becomes valuable reflection time for them. Daily walks. Journaling.
are trying to tell you. It is not your task at that point to accept or The key is to take the time to reflect, however it makes sense to
reject. That comes later. Mentally rehearse how you will calmly react you. Consider. Appreciate. Debrief before moving forward or taking
to tough feedback situations before they happen. Develop automatic action. When you’ve completed a task or a project, hit the pause
tactics to shut down or delay your usual emotional response. Some button. Rewind. Press play and review. What went well? What didn’t?
useful tactics are to slow down, take notes, ask clarifying questions, What will you do differently next time? Ask others for their feedback.
ask them for concrete examples, and thank them for telling you Reflect as a team. Allow the comments—yours and theirs—to settle
since you know it’s not easy for them. While this may sound unfair, before moving on. Self-aware people learn from experience and build
you should initially accept all feedback as accurate, even when you it into their next activity.
know it isn’t. On those matters that really count, you can go back
and fix it later.

Can’t make sense of it? Analyze the feedback.

Make collaborative development conversations a regular part of your
Too much information coming at you at once? You need to prioritize.
Once you have understood the feedback, carry out the following
exercise: (1) Write down all of the viewpoints on Post-it® Notes. (2)
Create two categories: The criticisms that are probably true of you.

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Not sure how others see you? Get feedback. Come across as arrogant? Adopt some humility.
People can be reluctant to give feedback, especially negative or Arrogance is a major blockage to self-knowledge. Many people
corrective information. Generally, to get it, you must ask for it. who have a towering strength or lots of success get little feedback
Seeking negative feedback increases both the accuracy of our and roll along until their careers get in trouble. They’re so sure of
understanding and people’s evaluation of our overall effectiveness. themselves that often they’re caught off guard. If you are viewed as
A person who wants to know the bad must be pretty good. People arrogant, you may have to repeatedly ask for feedback, and when
will increase their estimation of you as you seek out and accept you get it, there may be some anger with it. Almost by definition,
more feedback. If people are reluctant to give criticism, help by arrogant people overrate themselves in the eyes of others. Others
making self-appraisal statements rather than asking questions. who think you are arrogant might rate you lower than neutral
Saying, “I think I focus too much on ensuring all the details are observers. If you devalue others, they will return the insult. When
perfect and sometimes miss deadlines; what do you think?” is others give you feedback, look at it as an opportunity to grow and
easier for most people to reply to than a question which asks them develop. Feedback is a gift. If you don’t appear to be genuinely
to volunteer this point. Ask how your actions impact others. Follow interested in what others have to say to you, you risk cutting off
up your first question with more: “How do my habits affect you and the source. If their feedback falls on stony ground, why should they
your work? How can I change my approach to make things easier for bother providing any more? By demonstrating openness to others’
you?” Besides showing others you want to help them, understanding feedback, you’re more likely to get more valuable feedback in the
how your actions affect others can give you additional motivation to future.

Got blind spots? Turn them into known weaknesses.

Want a broader view of yourself? Seek feedback from
more than one source. Blind spots are things you think you’re good at, but others don’t see
it that way. They’re an overestimation of your competence. The thing
Different people know about your performance in different areas. that gets us into the most career trouble is a blind spot that matters.
When asking for feedback, make sure you are involving people Better to have a known and admitted weakness. We know we are not
who see you from a variety of angles. It doesn’t have to be a big good at it so we try harder, ask for help, delegate it, get a consultant,
production. Seek out feedback on a daily basis by asking others get a tutor, read a book, or loop around it. Ignorance is not bliss
how they think things are going. Ask others what they’d like to see when it comes to blind spots. How do you identify your blind spots?
you continue. Do differently. Where you can improve. Bosses tend to Think about what really drives you crazy about other people. Perhaps
know about your strategic grasp, selling-up skills, comfort around you have similar challenges. Often what frustrates us most about
higher management, presentation of problems and solutions, other people is something we need to work on ourselves. Consciously
clarity of thinking, team building, confronting and sizing up people observe others’ reactions and subtle cues. Ask for feedback from
skills. Customers will have a view on responsiveness, listening, people you trust. Listen. Consider. Reflect. Bring blind spots out into
quality orientation, problem-solving skills, understanding of their the light. Turn all of your blind spots into known weaknesses and
business needs, persuasiveness. Peers observe persuasion, selling, then the known weaknesses into skills. Make it a quest to find out
negotiation, listening to find common cause, keeping the interests of what everybody really thinks about you.
the organization in mind, follow-through on promises, and attention
to give-and-take in 50/50 relationships. When you get feedback,
ask yourself if the person is in a position to know that about you. Don’t like talking about your mistakes? Share your
You may be the only one who doesn’t know the truth about yourself. learning.
Other sources agree much more with one another about you than
you will likely agree with any one of the sources. Even though your Self-awareness is knowing when you’ve been wrong and owning it.
own view is important, don’t accept it as fact until verified by more Admitting it not just to yourself, but to others. Made a mistake?
than one other person who should know. Led a failed project? Struggled with a task? Let people down? Own
up to it. Would have done something differently? Talk about it with
others. Take the lead. Identify what you think went wrong. Talk
Feeling overwhelmed? Think before you act. first about what you would have done differently. Then ask others
what they’d like to see you do differently in the future. Learn from
Feel like you’re constantly trying to change based on comments experience. Reflect. Taking ownership shows openness to reflection
from others? Head spinning? Not sure which way to go? Developing and willingness to change. Be a role model for your team or direct
your self-awareness means being open to feedback, but it can be reports. Help them learn from your mistakes.
exhausting, especially when it comes from various directions. It’s a
valuable source of information, so don’t waste it, but think carefully
how you use it. First, consider the source. Do you trust this person? Notes:
Do you look up to them and value their opinion? Do you need to
work with them on a regular basis? Second, get to the behavior. If
feedback is too general, it is not helpful. Distill the comments down
to the core behavior or message. What is it this person is trying to
tell you? Third, reflect. Is this consistent with what you’ve heard in
the past? Does it fit with what you know of yourself? Is it important?
Even if it doesn’t seem to be true, is there something here that
needs attention? Fourth, decide. Do you want to do anything about
it? You do have a choice, but think it through. The feedback was
given for a reason. Understand it before you dismiss it. Decide to
change? Make a plan. Decide to do nothing? Move on.

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See yourself as not being able to develop? Change How about a project, special assignment, or a task trade? Maintain
the clear strengths you will need in the future by testing them in
your mindset.
new task assignments. Coach others on your strengths. In turn, ask
others to coach you on theirs.
Some people are natural learners. They always look to learn
something new from every situation. Some people are not natural
learners. They are more performance oriented—get the job done and
move on. Performance-oriented people tend to avoid new situations Don’t learn from experience? Become reflective.
in which they may fail. Why? Because failing at a task translates
to judgment, in their mind. Natural learners are more willing to People who are good at self-development build time into their
take the risk because they are less worried about how they may be schedule to develop from experiences. They seek to achieve
perceived by others. To them, the learning is the outcome. It is less results but also look to learn and grow from a situation. After each
about confidence in their ability and more about growing. Did you experience—whether a project, task force, new challenge—reflect.
know you can shift your mindset? You can train yourself to be a What went well? What didn’t? What could you have done differently
learner. But you must be willing to expand your horizon. Be curious. to achieve a better outcome? What skills were you lacking? Where
Continuously look for opportunities to stretch yourself. See each do you need additional expertise or experience? Take your learning
situation as a learning opportunity. and put it into practice the next time. Add the learning to your
development plan. How can you continue to build on it? Use your
experience to help drive your future growth. Watch out for the
“haven’t the time” trap. There’s always something that seems more
Not sure where to start? Do a skills audit.
important than reflection. But check yourself. Don’t rush to the next
task. Plan to reflect.
First, get a good multi-source assessment, a 360 questionnaire, or
poll 10 people who know you well to give you detailed feedback.
What are you doing well? Not so well? What should you keep doing?
Stop doing? You don’t want to waste time on developing things Need support? Show others you take your
that turn out not to be needs. At the same time, rate yourself. development seriously.
What do you see as your strengths? What areas do you need to
develop? Where do you suspect you have strengths but you haven’t State your development needs and ask for their help. Research
had the opportunity to try? Group your skills into categories. shows that people are much more likely to help and give the benefit
Clear strengths—me at my best. Overdone strengths—I do too of the doubt to those who admit their shortcomings and try to do
much of a good thing. So much so that it is limiting my success. something about them. They know it takes courage. Don’t stop at
Hidden strengths—others rate me higher than I rate myself. These asking for feedback. Ask people for their help in your development.
are untapped resources. Blind spots—I rate myself higher than Can they act as a coach? Can they teach you a new skill? Can they be
others rate me. These are behaviors that get in the way of your a springboard for new ideas? Utilize the people around you to help in
success without your awareness. Weaknesses—I don’t do it well. your development.
Obvious areas that you know you need to improve upon. Untested
areas—I’ve never been involved in that area. Don’t knows—I need
more feedback. Once you have your skills grouped into categories, Notes:
create a plan of attack. What is most important for you to work on
now? Where can you have the biggest impact now and for the future?
Figure out a plan for how to grow in this area.

Know what you need to develop? Prioritize.

Compare your skill set to what is important for success now, in your
next role, and for the organization. Talk to your boss about which
skills will be in highest demand in the future, based on the current
strategic direction of the organization. Then, work together to
identify your development priorities. But not too many! People are
most successful when they work on one or two things at a time. Set
your development goals. Make a plan. Share your plan with someone
else—your boss, your peers, your direct reports. You are more likely
to achieve success if you have built in accountability measures.
Ask for their help. Make sure that your goals are SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. Start small
and work up as you experience success. Share your progress and
learning with the team. Show them that self-development is time
well spent.

Not applying your talents? Leverage your strengths.

A Gallup study found that individuals who are coached to utilize their
strengths are more engaged employees in terms of productivity and
tenure. Part of self-development is knowing when to draw upon the
strengths you already possess. Where do you have skills that aren’t
being utilized? What have you mastered? What do you learn quickly?
What gives you the most satisfaction at work? What are three things
you can start doing today? Where can you use your strengths to help
others? Can’t use your strengths in your current job?

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Unsure of your impact in certain situations? Get Doing two opposing things at once isn’t comfortable for everyone.
Many pride themselves on being just one person, believing and
following one set of beliefs. Situational adaptability doesn’t really
violate that. It just means within your normal range of behaviors and
People can be reluctant to give you feedback, especially negative
style, you use two of your extremes—being as quiet as you can be in
or corrective information. Generally, to get it, you must ask for it.
the first half of the meeting and as loud as you ever are in the last
The best time to ask for it is while the situation is happening or
immediately after. If people are reluctant to give criticism, help by
making self-appraisal statements—“I think I talked too long on that
topic in the meeting, what do you think?” Do some self-refection too.
How did you think, feel, and behave in the situation? Did you achieve Adjusting too much or too little? Redress the balance.
the right outcome? How did others react to you? Use the feedback
you get from others, and yourself, to determine what you’d do Focus too much on pleasing and accommodating others and not
differently next time. Research shows that people who reflect on their enough on being you? You could be at risk of adjusting too much,
performance are more likely to be flexible in adapting to changes in too often. People may perceive that you’re inconsistent and waffling
their environment. And therefore better able to identify alternative or, even worse, manipulative and inauthentic. If you’re making wild
ways of behaving to be more effective in given situations. swings in personality between different interactions and situations,
stop. Take steps to redress the balance. Pay as much attention to
your own needs and values as you do those of others. Focus on
being authentic while being sensitive to the needs of the situation.
Afraid to make a mistake? Laugh at yourself.
Maybe you’re the opposite? Maybe you don’t adjust your approach
for fear of not presenting your “true self” or projecting a “false
Are you seen as a stern, task-focused, or humorless leader? Having
image.” If you neglect to adjust, you risk being seen as someone
a sense of humor about yourself only serves to humanize you.
who tramples over others, is overly rigid, or dogmatic. Remember,
Funny stories about situations where you were embarrassed, did the
adjusting your approach isn’t about being disingenuous or
wrong thing, fumbled a well-rehearsed line, or committed a faux pas
inauthentic. It’s about introducing the right approach and behavior
are opportunities to learn while entertaining yourself and others.
at the right time to get the right result. Don’t stick rigidly to one way
When you fail, reflect on what went wrong, adjust course, and don’t
of operating. Pay attention to what the situation requires of you and
repeat the same mistake next time. Learning and improving your
adjust accordingly.
adaptability along the way is the goal, not perfection. When you can
laugh at yourself, you set the example for the rest of your team and
create a more forgiving, lighthearted, and adaptable environment.
Changing priorities? Acknowledge the challenges.
Be up front about the difficulties that invariably accompany a change
Too much of a good thing? Pull back on overused
of priorities. Expect disruption and admit that 20%–40% of time will
skills. be spent shuffling responsibilities around and removing roadblocks.
Treat each occurrence as a chance to develop—document difficulties
Tend to overdo things, especially things you’re good at? Lots of and learn from them. If something doesn’t turn out quite right,
people overuse their strengths. Push for results too hard. Analyze present it as a work in progress to be improved over time. People will
data too long. Try to be too nice. For those overdone behaviors, it’s always say it should have been done differently. Even great leaders
hard to do the opposite. Get feedback to find out what you overdo. are wrong sometimes. They accept personal responsibility for errors
Either through a 360 feedback instrument or by polling your closest and move on to lead some more.
associates. Find out how adaptable people think you are under
pressure and how well you handle the fragmentation of a typical
day. Work on balancing your behavior. If you get brusque under
pressure, take three deep breaths and consciously slow down or
use some humor. If you’re too tough, ask yourself how you’d like to
be treated in this situation. If you run over others, tell them what
you’re thinking about doing and ask them what they think should be
done. If you habitually go into an action frenzy or grind to a halt, ask
yourself what would be more effective right now. Strengths become
overused skills when you use them, regardless of the situation. Be
more precise and adjust to the specific need.

Trouble finding balance? Combine seemingly opposite

Many situations call for mixed responses and behaviors. Kaiser
and Overfield (2010) labeled this type of approach the “mastery
of opposites”—combining opposing but complementary
behaviors. Delivering a tough message on layoffs but doing it in a
compassionate way. Taking strong stands but listening and leaving
room for others to maneuver. Having a strong personal belief about
an issue but loyally implementing an organization plan which
opposes your view. Being playful but firm. Being loose with parts of
the budget but unyielding in others.

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