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It is taken from two Greek words “Alpha” and “Beta” which means any symbol produces sound, so the
alphabet means any letter produce sound.

The alphabet means A to Z letters, which is used in a fixed order to write a language.

There are two kinds of alphabet:

1) According to shape
2) According to function.

According to shape:
• Capital Alphabet
• Small alphabet:

We have further three kinds in the small alphabet.

• Sky letters: Small letters that are written in the upper three lines.
Eg: b, d, h, etc.
• Grass letters: Small letters that are written in the mid two lines.
Eg: a, c, e, etc.
• Root letters: Small letters that are written in the last three lines.
Eg: f, g, j, etc.

According to function:
• Vowels: The letters, which make a sound of a word, are called vowels.

I.e. A, E, I, O, U.

• Consonants: The letters, which cannot make a sound of a word, are called consonants. We use
vowels with it to make a sound of a word.
Eg: b, c, d, f, etc.
• Semi-vowels: The substitutes of vowels are called semi-vowel.
I.e. W, Y.
They are known as a vowel as well as consonant. When there is a vowel in a word then it acts as
a consonant but when there is no vowel in a word then it acts as a vowel.
Copy. (Acts as a consonant because there is vowel “o”)
Sky. (Acts as vowel because there is no other vowel)

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