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NIM : H061211008

Class : Geophysics A
Homework More Reading Power

Pattern of Organization
Exercise 21
1. For the tourist in Italy , Bologna has many advantages over the more popular city of
Florence . First of all , there are far fewer tourists there . This means that museums and
monuments are much less crowded . Since there are few foreigners , you can also get a
much better idea of how Italians live . Furthermore , the Bolognese tend to be more friendly
to visitors than the Florentines .
Answer :
Sentence : C
Pattern : Comparison/contrast

2. Bologna's Etruscan origins go back at least 2,400 years . It became a Roman city in the 2nd
century B.C. With the fall of the Roman Empire , it came under Byzantine rule . Then it
fell to the armies of northern barbarians , called the Longobards . Bologna became an
independent city - state in about 1000. In 1507 , the city came under the rule of the Roman
Catholic Church . This ended with the arrival of Napoleon and the French army in 1796.
Then , in 1859 , the city joined the Kingdom of Savoy , which became the Kingdom of Italy
in 1861 .
Answer :
Sentence : a
Pattern : Sequence

3. Bologna's progressive , or leftist , city government is the result of a number of his torical
factors . Many centuries of sometimes brutal rule under the Popes undoubtedly influenced
the Bolognese . During those years , they learned to distrust the Church and all established
power . By the early 20th century , there was already a strong leftist movement in Bologna .
The conservative parties further lost influence in the 1920s and 1930s . At that time , they
supported the Fascists and the Nazis . The leftists , on the other hand , gained in influence
in those years .
Answer :
Sentence : d
Pattern : Cause/Effect

4. In their fondness for Bologna , the Bolognese have given their city a number of nicknames .
To some , it is known as Bologna " the red . " This name comes in part from the strong
leftist political tendencies of the city . To others , it is Bologna " the wise " because of its
university . The oldest university in Europe , the University of Bologna is still an important
intellectual and cultural center . And finally , some like to think of Bologna as " the fat , "
a paradise for food lovers . And indeed , the local cooking tends towards richness and plenty
- delicate stomachs be careful !
Answer :
Sentence : b
Pattern : Listing

Exercise 23
1. Sir Isaac Newton worked on many important scientific problems of his day . His best
known written work is Principia , the book that explained his law of universal grav itation .
He is famous as well for his development of the laws of motion . However , he also made
important discoveries about optics and the nature of color . His other work included
experiments and writings on astronomy , chemistry , and logic .
Answer :
Sentence : c
Pattern : Listing

2. Isaac Newton was born in England in 1642. He began his studies at Trinity College ,
Cambridge University , in 1661. In 1665 , when the plague ( a terrible disease ) struck
England , Newton left the university and returned home . The next few years in
Woolsthorpe were the most productive in his life . However , his most famous book ,
Principia , was not published until 1682. In honor of his work , he was made director of the
English Mint in 1699. Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727 and is buried in Westminster Abbey .
Answer :
Sentence : e
Pattern : Sequence

3. Although the two men were geniuses , Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein have very little
else in common . True , they both did their best work before the age of 26. However , that
is the only similarity between them . Newton cared about the public's opinion of him , and
he did not like improper behavior . Einstein , on the other hand , enjoyed being different
and did not care what others thought . Newton spent his later years in a comfortable job
with the government , while Einstein remained a full - time scientist .
Answer :
Sentence : d
Pattern : Comparison / Contrast

4. Newton did most of his best work between 1665 and 1668 , during his stay in Woolsthorpe .
Many historians and scientists have wondered how he managed to pro duce so many
brilliant ideas in such a short time . It is probable that he had begun to develop his theories
earlier while at university . Then , in the peace and quiet of Woolsthorpe , those ideas took
form . No one will ever know exactly what inspired his most creative thinking . It is certain ,
however , that his genius is still felt today .
Answer :
Sentence : b
Pattern : Cause/Effect
Making Interference
Exercise 13
1. In the early days , people thought it would have a positive effect on family life . It brought
the whole family together in one room . It also put an end to the usual family quarrels .
Everyone stayed quiet and just listened , for a change . But now it is clear that not all the
effects are positive . Some researchers believe that it prevents parents and children from
having normal relationships . The members of the family may be sitting together , but most
of the time no one talks . No one relates to anyone else in the room . The only
communication that happens is one - way : from the actors to each individual . And this
brings up another problem . Many children spend most of their free time this way . That
means that they have no idea of what family life can be . The picture they get of a family -
from what they see - is false and too simple . It leaves out many nega tive aspects and many
uncertainties . This may mean that they may not be able to tolerate real family life with all
its complexities . Topic :
How can you tell ?
Answer :
Watching Television

2. Some of us have done this hundreds of times - we sometimes think we could do it in our
sleep . But if it's your first time , don't worry . It's really a very simple procedure . First you
sort everything into piles . It's better to separate things carefully at this point or you can
cause real damage . Then when one pile is ready , let technology work . Be sure you follow
the directions . And remember that it is better not to do too many things at once . Mistakes
can be expensive . The next step depends on your equipment . You may be able to put
technology to work again . Or you may have to use old - fash ioned methods and take it
outside . In any case , it will eventually be time to make piles again and put everything
where it belongs . And then you are done - for now . All too soon the time will come to
repeat the whole procedure again !
Topic :
How can you tell ?
Answer :
Doing the laundry ( washing clothes in a washing machine)

Exercise 15
1. 1 . Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon ? If so , you are not
the only one . Many people feel this way after lunch . They may think that eating lunch is
the cause of their sleepiness . Or , in summer , they may think it is the heat . However , the
real reason lies inside their bodies . At that time - about eight hours after you wake up your
body temperature goes down . This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy .
Scientists have tested sleep habits in experimental situations where there was no night or
day . The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern .
They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later .
Main Idea :
Answer : There is a natural drop in body temperature that tends to make you sleepy in the
2. In many parts of the world , people take naps in the middle of the day . ( A nap is a short ,
daytime period of sleep . ) This is especially the case in warmer climates , where the heat
makes work difficult in early afternoon . Researchers are now saying that naps are good for
everyone in any climate . First of all , a daily nap means a more rested body and mind and
many health benefits . In countries where naps are traditional , people tend to suffer less
from stress and stress - related problems such as heart disease . Another benefit of taking
naps is improved job performance . In jobs where public safety is involved , a nap can make
an important difference . Studies have found , for example , that airplane pilots make fewer
mistakes if they take regular naps .
Main Idea :
Answer : There are several advantages to taking a nap in the middle of the day

3. Many working people , unfortunately , have no time to take naps . Though doctors may
recommend taking naps , employers do not allow it ! If you do have the possibility ,
however , here are a few tips about making the most of your nap . Remember that the best
time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up . A nap too late in the day may only
make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward . This can also happen if you sleep for too
long . A nap that lasts too long may also make it difficult for you to sleep at night . If time
is a problem , try a short nap - even ten minutes of sleep can be help ful . Some people , in
fact , find that they do not need to sleep at all . They feel rested and more awake after just
lying down for a while .
Main Idea :
Answer :
To get the most rest , a nap should not be too late or too long .

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