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In the heart of the verdant glade, where shadows dance,

The tiger prowls with silent grace, a golden trance.

Stripes of dusk upon a coat of sunlit flame,
Eyes aflame with secrets, a wild creature untamed.

Majestic monarch of the jungle's mystic lore,

Whiskers whisper tales of ancient forests, evermore.
Velvet paws tread softly, like the moonlit dew,
A symphony of stealth, the tiger's waltz anew.

With amber orbs that gleam like twilight's glow,

A carnivore sovereign, in shadows it does bestow.
Graceful and lethal, an enigma of the wild,
In every flick of tail, a story reconciled.

A symphony of power, a melody of might,

A creature cloaked in starlight, the sovereign of the night.
In the hush of the jungle, where shadows weave,
The tiger reigns, both elusive and naive.

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