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Majestic Monarch of the Wild

Amidst untamed wilds, where shadows creep,

Resides the lion, fierce and deep.
With a golden mane, a crown of pride,
He roams the savannah, where kings abide.

His mane, a fiery halo, a regal display,

A symbol of strength, a wild bouquet.
Flowing in the breeze, a jungle’s accolade,
Jungle's crown, in the sunlight displayed.

With his eyes, like amber jewels aglow,

Surveys his realm, a fearless glow.
The prey trembles, senses heightened in fear,
For the king of the jungle draws near.

In stealthy grace, he stalks the lands,

Silent, patient, his hunting stands.
With sudden pounce, he claims his prize,
The wildest beast, his hunger satisfies.

No creature dares to challenge his might,

For he's the king, the ruler of night.
Let the savannah's symphony ring,
For the lion, the true jungle king.

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