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Crafting an argumentative research paper on domestic violence is an arduous task that demands

meticulous research, critical analysis, and persuasive writing skills. Delving into such a sensitive and
complex issue requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, as well as empathy and sensitivity
towards the victims.

From gathering relevant data and statistics to examining scholarly articles and legal frameworks, the
process of writing a thesis on domestic violence can be overwhelming. Moreover, navigating through
the emotional and psychological aspects of this topic adds another layer of complexity.

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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on domestic violence overwhelm you. Take advantage of
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In its turn, this strategically significant approach would say more about the overall atmosphere
within the family. There are various forms of domestic violence and while most of it may be
physical, there are instances where it may be emotional or otherwise. Long and Short Essays on
Violence for Students and Kids in English We provide students with essay samples on a long essay
of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of Minimum wage for reference. You can
now access more Essay Writing on this topic and many more. Family therapy as the remedy against
violence is widely practiced in order to save the families in their completeness. Studies in this area
have experimented with different levels of treatment intensity, duration, and staff expertise. About
seventy percent of this offspring externalizes their cultured conduct. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Sexual violence will occur at associate degree
social or collective level. It is more rampant for boys to externalize their thoughts in a hostile way
than girls are. This may be an innocent enough comment in the right moment that the woman
believes her partner is giving her a compliment and so she complies. Drug abuse can also begin as a
result of the prolonged hostility, victims tend to look for comfort in substances such as drug and
alcohol. Families suffer from violence due to their identities and aggression imposed form the
majority. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The said program aims to ensure
safety and justice for victims and survivors of domestic violence and their family (CPEDV, 2007).
Individuals of any age could also be violent, though older adolescents and young adults are
presumed to interact in violent behaviour. Two to three million women are battered every year and
three thousand of them pass away. More measures should be taken by government to ensure that
there is more intervention in those situations where domestic violence is being or is suspected of
being committed. While there is still a high prevalence of domestic violence in the western world,
laws have been put in place to combat this vice. There are two essential elements in every domestic
violence situation: the victim and abuser have been intimately involved at some point in time, and the
abuser consciously chooses to use violence and other abusive tactics to gain control over the victim.
Before mandatory arrest programs in the US were implemented, law enforcement authorities were
not allowed to arrest individuals suspected of domestic violence (Hoctor, p. 644) discusses that by
the time officers respond to domestic violence calls, they often end up being mediators in the
dispute. It will examine the effects of domestic violence on the psychological development of young
children in the US. Ultimately, the violence may show the way to severe grievance and can result in
hospitalization, or demise. Isolation, intimidation, and controlling behavior also fall under emotional
abuse.” (Stop Violence Against Women). In other words, when humans kill animals for food it is
generally not considered offensive violence in the same sense as killing a rival gang member. Last,
woman need to take advantage of the solutions in which are available today. The first session had a
total of 176 males aged fifteen to twenty one. In that goal it is to gain and maintain control of the
relationship and the other person as well. Teenagers get involved in gang violence when they get
acquainted with wrong friends and youth who are engaged in violent activities. Spanish, Asian and
of Arab decedents have cultural customs of physically disciplining their.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. For the other person
to comply with their desires, the abuser might also resort to using emotional abuse, “Emotional abuse
includes verbal abuse such as yelling, name-calling, blaming, and shaming. Violence may be an
important public ill-health and defies easy analysis. In addition, it has been noted that alcohol abuse
is also one of the causes of such behavior. Next, another important cause as to why domestic
violence begins, is substance abuse. “women at the highest risk for being the victim of domestic
violence include those with male partners who abuse drugs (especially alcohol), are unemployed or
underemployed, afflicted by poverty, or have not graduated from high school,” (Roxanne Dryden-
Edwards). Young individuals with low self-esteem have a tendency to show lack of concern in their
lessons and in additional social actions. The advocacy groups of victims of Domestic Violence also
show that more Running Head: Domestic Violence OUTLINE QUESTIONS School: Topic:
Domestic Violence Outline Questions Lecturer: presented:Question 1: Why are Women the Most
Victims of Domestic Violence. Drug abuse can also begin as a result of the prolonged hostility,
victims tend to look for comfort in substances such as drug and alcohol. Whether it is one of the
partners, or both that are having an excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs, such substance abuse
leads to violent acts. These kids feel individually accountable for what is happening at home.
Retrieved January 26, 2008 from CPEDV. (2007). Frequetly Asked Questions about Domestic
Violence. Even nonviolent individuals can turn violent when they are part of a violent crowd.
Additionally, children may build up signs of hopelessness or unease. This means that the majority of
us probably know someone who has been a victim, whether they have admitted it or not. Researchers
have found that 45 percent to 75 percent of the men who regularly batter their wives also regularly
batter their children. I am a instance director in a Prevention bureau in the. However, not all patients
adhere to outpatient therapy or even to their medications. One of the theories of family violence is
the culture of violence. Six million folks annually, creating it one of all the leading causes of death
worldwide. This cycle is always running forth from one generation to another. The domestic
violence section consisted of eight aggressive behaviors from the Straus Conflict Tactic Scale. It is an
epidemic that is emphasized particularly with the female gender. Victims may in addition, incident
pregnancy-related problems. Women who are decrepited during pregnancy are at elevated jeopardy
for miscarriage, poor mass gain, low infant birth weight, pre-term work and grievance to or demise
of the fetus. It occurs in every part of the globe, regardless of culture and economic status. It is also
established that screening is a critical component in assessing victims of domestic violence. The prior
relationship between victim and offender causes particular problems for law enforcement officials in
the area of Domestic Violence. All governmental and non-governmental organizations should
develop close cooperation and coordination to make sure instances and prevalence of domestic-based
abuses are wiped from our society. Then he is most likely angrier because he had to go through it in
the first place; therefore leaves him more likely to recidivate.These batterers need to be supervised
more thoroughly while they are enrolled in such programs to ensure their rehabilitation, should this
be the course of action the courts decide to take in a particular case. The literature suggests that
relationships with fidelity, financial issues, and other forms of.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the law in protecting victims of domestic violence. It goes without
saying that it is really dangerous to live in ghettos where poverty and criminal activity are too high.
It is something we should not take for granted since it can be a long-timed suffering, or even fatal,
for everyone involved. Also the fact that this phenomenon occurs across cultures. Even nonviolent
individuals can turn violent when they are part of a violent crowd. Ultimately, the violence may
show the way to severe grievance and can result in hospitalization, or demise. In addition, the
publisher provides various viewpoints in regard to Domestic Violence and goes ahead to provide an
in depth analysis of the situation (Lee, 2005). We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
When an intimate partner use bodily force to oblige his partner in a sexual act reluctantly or if he
used obnoxious sexual contact, that is considered a form of sexual violence. Domestic violence is on
the increase in the majority of states around the globe. Many of the corporal injuries persistent by
women appear to cause medical complexities as women grow (Rennison, 2003, P.88). Abused
women as openly caused by provoked domestic violence in the early times in their adult lives, have
acknowledged hypertension, heart disease and arthritis. National Violence Against Women
Prevention Research Center. Answer: Report crimes activities or suspicious activity to the police,
school authorities, parents, or that person that we can trust. Question 2. What violence causes. The
theory of symbolic interactionism takes place as one of the theoretical methods explaining the nature
of violence in families. Battered women misplace their work because of absence due to sickness
caused by domestic violence. Now she does not know how to escape from her abuser. Research from
a study in New York City indicates that one in five families experienced domestic violence in the
five years before entering the shelter.” ( This numerical evidence comes to
show the reality of many people today, and the detrimental effects domestic violence can have on
these victims. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, it is not only the aggressors who tend to use
alcohol and drugs. For example someone who would typically take pride in her appearance may now
dress very casually, wearing “sloppy clothing” and wearing hats and sun glasses to “hide” their face.
Whether you can see the physical effects there are other signs that may suggest they are in a violent
or abusive situation. Domestic violence affects inhabitants of all socioeconomic setting and teaching
levels. Rula alsawalqa 2002 learning from latino families afta research conference 2002 learning from
latino families afta research conference National Research Center for Integrated Natural Disaster
Management (CIGIDEN) Kimberly Ballard Capstone Paper Kimberly Ballard Capstone Paper
Kimberly Ballard More Related Content What's hot Understanding the Man Box: the link between
gender socialization and domestic. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new
creative ideas for their writing assignments. Abstract The criminal justice system is actually a far-
reaching and large segment of the legislative and judicial branches of the United States.
Understanding the Man Box: the link between gender socialization and domestic. Children whose
mothers are mistreated are deprived the type of family life that promotes healthy progress. Six
million folks annually, creating it one of all the leading causes of death worldwide. Isolation,
intimidation, financial, sexual, physical. This is enough to leave any victim afraid to ask for help.
This was aimed to ensure viability in retrieving the. The article “14 Red Flags of domestic violence ”
by GinaL.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Next, another, yet equally important cause for domestic violence is substance abuse. “substance
abuse occurs in conjunction with intimate partner violence anywhere from 40 to 60 percent of the
time. All parents have to learn to deal with their feelings accurately, all parents ought to make the call
if they are in an insulting state for their sake, and the sake of their kids. In addition, the publisher
provides various viewpoints in regard to Domestic Violence and goes ahead to provide an in-depth
analysis of the situation (Lee, 2005). Next, when the victim is under the influence of such
substances, it becomes harder for them to assess the hostile situation they are in, thus remaining in it
because of the damaging effects of drugs or alcohol. Countries lose expenses on medical
accommodations for such violence and on the decreased. The paper is excellent and written
according to all of my instructions. Two to three million women are battered every year and three
thousand of them pass away. Domestic violence has such an impact on so many lives. In its turn,
this strategically significant approach would say more about the overall atmosphere within the
family. To add, these responses to marital conflict decrease the productivity of a country’s economy
by. This research will bring to light one of the major factors related to divorce. Many nations have
relied on American jurisprudence in generating domestic refuge laws, making it that greatly further
significant for the United States to make sure that its refuge laws comport with present consideration
of intercontinental individual rights. For example, feminine sex organ accidental injury, “honor
killings” and dowry?related violence, as varied kinds of sexual violence, rape throughout the
warfare, trafficking of ladies, and made harlotry. They may also change the way they groom
themselves on a daily basis. How the Chosen Items Tie Into a Review of the Course Thus Far The
chosen topic is important in the course because it helps organisations and those in the human
resources management (HRM) to regard comprehensively, the magnitude of family violence. Testing
people who reported that they were prone to burying their angry feelings, researchers observed a 5
percent increase in violent behavior that followed a 10 percent increase in drinking to the point of
getting drunk.” ( This comes to show, that people who experience
intolerance or have anger issues are more likely to be violent when under the influence of alcohol or
drugs. Retrieved January 28, 2008 from Jewkes, R. et al. (2002). Risk Factors for domestic Violence:
findings from a South African cross-sectional study. This is a massive global health concern because
it results in mental and physical deterioration. Domestic violence is something that is very prominent
in today's age, a lot of women and men go through this. Violence may be an important public ill-
health and defies easy analysis. Like all instincts, it builds up over time and must ultimately be
discharged in either acceptable or unacceptable ways. There is more evidence to suggest that
resorting to violence in reestablishing power and order to. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. She may also believe that there is no
point in leaving because her abuser has made her believe that he is the only one who could ever love
her, and that nobody else could ever want her. A friend of Ward’s also visiting and the four of them
were going on. As a consequence these factors that increase and decrease the health of. As a
consequence of attempting to maintain power in a modern world of globalization, it seems. Drug
abuse can also begin as a result of the prolonged hostility, victims tend to look for comfort in
substances such as drug and alcohol. U.S., Turkey, India, Germany, and more show that survivors of
IPV exhibit symptoms and.

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