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Name(s): _avihu pur, niv shalom,Yakir Mizrahi_______

Topic Sentencein my opinipon,using a tablet is better than using a



Beef patty its match lighter to carry.

Lettuce you can use it in your hand while walking

Mustard second,

Turkey patty you can write directly on it

Tomato you don’t have to bring a pencil and paper

Mayo finally .
Connector + Conclusion sentence
patty Chicken it can connect to a phone easily
In summary a tablet is a more useful
than a laptop Red onion for example you dinwt need a cable

TASK: Change the black words in the boxes above to red, green or yellow according to their role in the sentence

1. MAJOR Supporting Detail

2. Minor Supporting Detail (explains, or defines the major supporting detail, or gives an example of it)
3. Transition words (connectors)

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