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‘ '

576 578
Tenth S t r eet , Oakland , Calif .




The S cience of Chinese Herbal R emedies

C auses of V arious Ailments
H OW Chines e Herbs are Pre p ared
Herbs Part of Nature s V egetation E lement

The Di fference Betwee n a Drug and a Herb

Th ey S ee N O S moke : They S ay There s N O Fire’

The Blind L ead the Blind

G inseng is E xtensively Used to Increas e the Circulation
of the Blood and the Breath
G inseng as an Air or Breath R estoring T onic
R idicul e
The Worl d is Awakening to the V alue of Chinese
Herbal R emedies
Chaulmoogra Oil Digitalis E ph edrin etc
, , ,

The Compass and Chinese Herbal R em edi es

The Human V oice and Chinese Musical Tones
Five Colors R epresent the Five E lements in Nature
The Five Tastes R epresent the Five Pr i ncipal E lements
in Nature
An E lement of Nature is Humanity s G reatest Healer

People of a Young Nation S hould be Healthy


O akland Physicians Helped the M ost 37

Chinese Theories R egarding the S tomach and S pleen 7

Testimonials C oncerning S tomach Troubles Ulcers Dysentery

, , ,

and Unbearable Pains 4 1 - 51

Chinese Th e ories R egarding the Heart
H OW to Care for the Heart in Nature s Way

Digitalis for the Heart—A n Anc ient Chines e Di sc overy

Theories R egarding G oiter Held by the Chinese
R ecent Pronouncements with R egard to G oiter
Testimonial s C oncerning High Bl o od Pressure E nlargement ,

of the Heart Dizziness Hardening of th e Arteri es G oiter

, , ,

and P a lpitation 7


C h ines e Theories Regarding the Lungs
Chinese Th eories R egarding Throat Di se a se s
Influe n za Doesn t Worry the Chines e

Chinese Theori es R egarding S inus Trouble—I t s C au ses

and S ymptoms 72 - 73
Testimonials Concern ing E czema F ever Infl uen z a Bron chial
, , ,

Trouble Asthma S ore Th roat C ough and S inus Trouble

, , , , 73- 80

Chines e Theories R egarding the Liver and G all Bladder
How Chinese Herb s are M arshaled to Combat Di se a s e
Testimonials Concerning Piles Yellow J a un d i ce and
, ,

L iver and G all Bladder Troubles


Chinese Theories R egarding the Ki dn eys
The Change of Life in Man
“ ”

N O E xcuse for Aching Teeth

S u fferers Without Teeth
Testim onials C o n cerning Kidney Trouble Pain in th e Ba ck , ,

Diabetes and Bloody Urine



TH E N ERVE S 1 0 4- 1 1 5
Chinese Theories R egarding R heumatism Paralysis , ,

Neuritis Convulsions and Ap oplexy

, ,

E arthquakes S imilar t O N er vous Attacks


Testimonials Concern ing R heumatism Paralysis Nervous, ,

Att a cks A I t h r i t i s and S ciatica

, , 1 0 6- 1 1 5


Chinese T heories R egarding the Blood
Herbs are the Best S pring Tonic
Chinese Theories R egarding Dr opsy
Are V ricose V eins Incurable
a ?

CHAPT ER IX ( Continued )

The Best Time to S have

The B est E ye G lasses are of Chinese Origin
Chines e Methods for R elief of Cross E yes
“ ”

Testimonials Concerning Blood Disease E czema Dropsy , , ,

V aricose V eins Cross E yes and Hemorrhage

, ,
1 1 7- 1 2 8



Chinese Herbal R emedies Have a History of Ye ars
Chines e Herbs R ank With R oman L aws
Ancient Chinese E ngineering and Herb al S cience
How Herbs S top Pain Without Drugs
Chinese Theories R egarding Cancer
Chinese Methods of Prevention and Healing
Both E lectric R a ys and S un Baths Dangerous
Wisdom R idiculed and C ondemned by Ign oranc e
The Human Ton g ue Indicates Inte r nal Conditions
S ummer Ills
Testimonials C on c erning L umps in the Breast T um or Deafness , , ,

Obesity S ore on Tongue S prained Back Headaches

, , , ,

Bleeding Piles S ore on L eg Poison O ak Agonizing

, , ,

Pain and Intestinal Flu

1 34 -
1 55


E NT R APM E NT LE TT ERS 1 56 1 67

L etters C oncerning S tomach Ulcers Cross E yes Dropsy

, ,
1 56- 1 67
Chine e F ormulas S till Used
s 1 64 - 1 67



The Fong Wan Herbalist
The Home of the F ong Wan C ompany
Fong Wan s Horoscope

Peculiar Drinking Habits

Bamb oo L eaves
Bean S prouts are Holy Food
Water Chestnuts
R ecipes for Preparing Nouri shing Chinese Di s hes

T he demand of Americans for C hine se Herbs h a s for sev eral years

been steadily on the in c rease C ons eq uently whereas some f orty years

ago t h e sale of Chin es e Herbs in the United S tates w s c onfined almost a

wholly to the C hines e p o pula t i o at t h time of this wri ting the A mer
n, e ,

ican patrons far outnumber the Chinese .

Our c ompany h as b een doing bu siness in Oakland Cal if ornia for th e , ,

past t went y years During this p eriod we have a ff orded genuine and
, , ,

in most cas es p ermanent re l ief to num erous persons v a riously affli ct ed

, ,

Our ha r mless life gi ving herbs h ave s o built up their b od ies purified

their bloo d an d renewed their strength that they have again felt l ike

their former selve s and h ave j oyful ly taken up t h e burdens of l ife anew .

We are here presenting the testimonials of a number of enthusiasti c

patrons some of whom testified in th e F ederal C ourt in S an F ran c isco
, ,

C aliforni a M a rch l s t to 8t h 1 932 as to t h e authenti c ity of their p rint

, , ,

ed statements ; th e more rec ent address es of whom may be obtained

at our Offic e .

T h e office hours of our herbalist are fr om A M to P M . . . .

daily S undays
, A M to 1 2 Noon H erbs are c ooked and t h e tea
. . .

served at the office daily to those pat r ons wh o either prefer to drink the
tea at the o ffi ce or who have n o facilities for c o oki ng th e herbs at home .

Alth ough there is no charge for co oking th e h erbs 9 0 p er c ent of our ,

patrons prefer to boil them at h om e several p ack ag es being p ut up at a ,

time .

Herbs are comp oun ded to m eet the needs of the individual In all .

c ases the price is the same b eing ten d ollars per week i n advan c e for
, ,

seven packages one to be co oked e ach day either in a cc ordance with


directions given or cooked in f our cups of cold water and b oiled down

to one cup in about 30 minutes th e tea t o be strained and drunk wh ile ,

warm .

Believing that the American public w ould be interested to know

something of the Chinese theories regarding the fun c ti oning of t h e va
r i ou s organs of th e body and of the Chinese meth o ds of healing that

have come down t o u s thr ough t h e ag es we are al so p rinting several ,

articl es from the p en of our r enown ed herba list .


Oakland C al if ornia
, ,

M ay 1 9 36
, .




The Chinese S cience of Therap eutics is as Old as Chines e c iv ilization
itself In the primitive p eri od of the nation s history there reigned an


emp eror kn own as S hin N ong which means Divine Fa r mer

B ecau se


of his wonderful knowledge of Botany he was regarded as a god While


searching for cereals and other plants that might serve as f ood for h i s
p eople he learned of the curative properties of certain pl ants and s et
, ,

himself the task of na ming and describing them .

He b elieved that all things on earth were included in five natural

elements : water fire vegetation mineral and earth The color pre
, , ,

dominating i n th e vegetation element is green Becaus e the liquid con .

t a i n ed in the gall bladder and the juices secreted by the liver a r e gre en

ish he c oncluded that the gall bladder and liver belonged to the vegeta

tion element The natural color of the fire el ement is red A s the heart
. .

controls the circulati on of the blood of the body and as the blood is r e d , ,

he said that the heart b el onged to the fi r e element The n atural taste .

of the water element is salty A s the urine which pas s e s through the

kidneys into the bladder is salty these two organs were classified under

the water element The n atura l c olor of t h e earth el ement i s yellow A


S hin Nong beli eved th a t th e stomach gets i t s power from the spleen ,

and as t h e gas tric jui ce of t h e st oma ch is yellow h e classified the ,

splee n and the st oma ch as be lo n ging to th e earth el em en t A s the color .

of th e natural element i n mine r al is white and a s th e l ungs are white

, ,

he c o n clu ded tha t th ey belong ed to the mineral eleme n t .

S hin Nong n ext classified the medicinal plants acc ording to their r e
la t i on s to the five natural elements Those t h a t wer e black and had a


salty taste were classified under the water element He b elieved they .

had an influence u pon the kidneys and bladder T he col or in the vege t a.

tion element being green and the taste s our herbs of greeni sh color and

sour taste were believed to be allied to the vegetation eleme n t to have ,

S hin No g an ancient Chin s e E m p eror H erb alist liken ed the
n ,
e ,
man system unto the univers e A S all life i s depe n d ent on Na ture for .

suste n anc e he c o nclude d that in the b ody of each pe rson were to be


foun d the five pr incip a l form ative elem ents of Nature vi z : minerals
, ,

vegetation water fire and eart h In other words h e held that each
, , .

human being res embl ed Nature i n miniature .

Wh en Nature s five elements are working with equil i brium of p ower

and ba l ance there are n o th understorm s volcani c eru pti ons earth

, , ,

qua kes u pheaval s or sinking of the earth ty phoons etc Lik ewi se
, , ,

wh en in our hum an systems equilibrium is ma i n tained am ong the five

elem ents we are strong a n d! well ; free from com plaint s of all kinds

The m ost active element in b oth Na t ure and the hu man body is fire .

Wh enever the water element ( blood ) is over heated or there is too much -

fire we hav e th e co n dition kn o wn as Inflamm ation of t h e S ystem



It resembles a heat wav e on th e earth which p roduces wind otherwise ,

kn own as gas or air circulation The hum a n system contai n s two ci r . .

cula t i o n s : t h e br eath and th e bl o od The Chines e wri ters s ay that the . .

bl ood is man s glory and th e breath his pr otection If th eir circulation


is im peded th e viscera are inactive Wh e n the i nt ern a l organs cease to

, .

function p roperly t h e entire syst em bec omes poisoned F or example .


the lungs of Influe n z a vi ctims were congest ed and cl ogge d wi th bl ack !

blood The bl o od s ometim es p oured from t heir mouths and no s es even


after death Likewise in bad ca s e s of cancer of the breast there is a


purplish black col o r and th e edges are upt urn ed Ninety per cent of .

such cancers a r e i n cura ble the po ison being s o deep -rooted that noth

ing is able to drive it O ut E ven op era tions do littl e or n o g ood a s the


cancer either ap p ears again or the s uff erer di es b efore long Whether .

a cancer can be dealt with su cces sfully or not depends u pon its co n di
tion .

The devastations of the fire element or i n fl ammation caus e the , ,

most suffering In fl a mmati on of t h e h eart causes v a lve en la rgemen t


palpitati on hardening of the arteries and h i gh bl ood pressure I n fl a m

, .

m ation of the kidneys ca use s Bri g ht s disea se ; of the pa ncre a s diabetes ’

, .

Inflammation of the bladder causes dis cha rges ; of the nerves n euritis ,

or infl ammatory rheumatism In flam mation of th e b owels or rectum .

c auses piles or bl eeding b owels Inflammation of t h e uterus cau se s tu .

m ors and hem or rha ge ; of the eyes blind n ess ; of t h e throat soreness , , ,

tonsilitis and swellings Inflamm a t ion a n d c old in the head cause s


heada c hes and cata t r h It thickens and c ondenses the moisture ch ang

ing it into mucus or phlegm Inflammation of the liver or the gall

cau s es gall stones or enlarge ment of the liver When infl a mmation a f .

fe ets one or more of the internal orga ns trouble develops in th e ex ,

t r emi t i es of the b o dy through the media of blood c ircul ation and nerv es
, .

Therefore in order to aff ord permanent relie f the Herbalist must b e


conversan t with the connection between the internal organs and the
part of the body aff ected .

Inflammation of the human system comes either from what we eat

or drink or as a foreign invasion such as attacks consequent upon ,

changes in temperature ( cold or fever ) or upon contagion or other

infection .

Inflammation in any part of the system impedes its proper function

ing Merely taking a physic and moving th e bowels every day do es not

necessarily imply that the blood and organs are t h ereby cleansed and
rid of pois onous inflammati on S ome pers ons try to drink a gallon or

more Of water each day in order to flush the kidneys an d bladder The .

result of such m easures is frequently the bringing on of indigestion and

the weakening of the bl adder and kidneys for life Other peopl e eat .

quantities of fr uit in order to kee p th eir systems from b ec oming i n

flamed However one who takes into his system too much f r uit and

water wi ll thereby destroy the fire elements th erein and his f oo d wi ll ,

lie there undigested He will s o on l ose his vitality and become liable

to tumors di scharges pallor of complexi on sens ations of cold and

, , ,

weakness sour stomach vomiting and s ometimes even dropsy

, , .

In ad di tion to tracing various ailments to foregoing elem ents Chi ,

nes e Herbalists also attribute path ological c onditions to other causes ,

1 . Overexcitement or great joy affects the heart .

2 . I ntense anger a ffects the liver .

3 . Deep thinking ( mental strain ) and sadness aff e c t the spleen .

4 . G reat fear ffects the kidneys

a .

5 . S udden fright affects the heart .

Any specific ailment may b e due to the inflammation or derangement

of one or all of thes e organs .
There are more than a thousand varieties of Chinese M edicinal
Herbs m o st of which are gathered by specially trained persons in the

gre a t province of S z e Chuan in Weste r n China Th ese herbs c o n s ist

, .

Of leaves bark berri es and roots all of which must be cleaned and
, , , ,

stea med in order to steriliz e them Th e roo ts moreover are given a .

, ,

special scrub and then steamed for twenty four ho urs After having -

been steamed the herbs are either put in t o the s un to dry ; Or in c ase

the weather is rainy are dried under shel t er in sp ecially c onstructed


ovens .

AS a rule however the herbs are not put th rough these processes in
, ,

the provinc e in whi ch they are gath ered but are shipped immediately ,

to Hong Kong to exp o rting firm s having s pecial facilities for cl eaning ,

cutting s t eaming and dryi ng herbs on a large scale a s well a s for sani
, ,

tary p acking and for shipping While the proc esses to which the herbs

are subj ected in preparing them for market s erve both to re move all
foreign matter and to thoroughly sterilize them they do not h owever , , ,

rob them of their h ealing p roperties or of their delicate fragrance .

When a well seal ed b ox of t hes e c areful ly prepared herbs is received


in th e Uni t ed S tate s an d opened the ro om is fill ed with an aroma com ,

parable only to th at of the forests in M ay .

There is one cons picuou s di ff erence between Chinese and Occidenta l

herbs The l a tter are generally sold in sma ll packages and a r e ground

almost to a p owder while the Ch ines e h erbs from which one CU p of tea

is made are in large pieces each leaf b erry or pi ece of bark or roo t be
, , ,

ing distinct from the others In fact a p ackage of Chinese herbs i n

, ,

stead of cont aining two o r three teaspoonful s of p owdered herbs con ,

tains about three cupfuls of herbs of approxi mately twenty varieties ,

each in its natural color and form Again most Occidental herbs are .

merely steeped before drinking but in order to make a cup of tea from ,

a package of Chinese herbs one must add four cups of water and boil

them for half an hour after which they are strained b efore drinking


If we cut grind or boil it any herb carried by the F ong Wan CO

, ,

can be eaten without th e slightest harm to the human system When .

these herbs are comp ounded by our S pecialist who has a n ext ensive
—1 8
knowledge of their properties they work wonders in the regeneration

of the b ody .

N O crea ture can live with out vegeta tion B ecaus e of la c k of vegeta .

tion on the great deserts there i s no anima l life V egetation that is


mild in taste is used for man s daily food S om e vegetation Of sour or


bitter taste p ossesses curative power and i s v aluabl e a s a correc tive .

Hundreds of varieties of herbs are u sed a s foods Anyone wh o .

doubts this statement can make the test by ordering Chinese dishes in
accordance with the advice of the F ong Wan S pec ialist The whole .

some and delicious Chinese Herb dishes a i e unequaled in b ody building -

valu e by any other foods A table for 8 persons co sts about $ 30

. .

wehave heard many persons s a y : I have no c onfid ence in herbs .

These people do not stop to think that 9 9 per cent of their daily food is
of vegetable o r igin and that even fi s h meat milk butter and sugar
, , , , ,

come under this head If there were n o vegetation neither cattle nor

fish could sub sist It would s eem as if those people who do not believe

in h erbs do not believe in the wisdom of G od who gives us vegetation ,

so freely Futhermore h ow c an they believe th at their strength and


vitality can b e main t ained by eating three meals a day ?

Besides our common food and the remedial h erbs t h e building mate ,

rial and furniture of our homes and the b eautiful fl owers in our gardens
all belong to the vegetation element Without vegetation there would .

be no fuel ; neither could mineral s be welded into instruments .

T h e colors of flowers attract the human s ense of sight They cor .

respond to th e colors of the human organs G ree n besides being the .


most prevalent and most restful color has the greatest attraction -for ,

the human eye Green i s the vegetati on c olor T he liver belongs to the
. .

vegetation of th e body T herefore th e liver is al so attracted by th e


color green Th e Chinese b elieve that th e colors in the eyes repres ent

the colors of the internal organs F or instan c e th e color of the iris rep

resents the color of the liver ; the whi t e of the eye represents the ligh t
color of the lungs ; and the dark pupil represents th e color and strength
of the ki dneys Therefore various colors attract not only the human

eye but als o the senses of th e internal organs


Why do children like sweets ? Be c aus e the stomach and the spleen
are yellow thus re sembling the color of the earth element The taste
, .

of the earth is sweet ; therefore the stomach and the s p leen naturally

develop earlier and with greater rapidity than any of the other organs .

Children like sweet things alm ost im me d iately after birth The liver .

belongs to the vegetation element The ta s t e of vegetation is s our. .

When a pers on craves sour food h i s liver has need of them The kid , .

neys and the bladder b elong to the water element The ta ste of urine .

and of water i s salty Wh en a p erson craves salt the kidn eys and the

bladder are in ne ed of it .

Just as the organs c rave various food el ements ev en s o a r e they a t ,

tracted by the di ff erent c olors If any o rgan in the human bo dy fai ls to


function properly Nature s herbal remedi es are required to revi t aliz e it




N a t ur a lly wh en we look at th e words drug and h erb we think
“ ” “

of them as being related E ach consists of four letters T here how

. .

ever the resemblanc e ends A herb is a n organic substan ce of vegeta


ble origin It h a s life and it supplies nour ishm ent for th e building up

and strengthening of th e b ody It also eliminates p oisons from the h u .

man system A herb is a food whi ch if eaten correc tly eradicates and
, , ,

prevents many ailments A herb b elongs to the vegetation element and


can be grown in many different l ocalities It has no habit forming or .


other bad eff ects .

A drug is u su ally of mineral Ori g in and is an inorganic substance .

S ometi mes h owever a dr ug is derived from vegetabl e s or herbs but

, , ,

only through a chemical proc ess It has no life and has a dea deni ng o r .

killing effect A drug is frequ ently a poi s o n which at times i s use d to


destroy other poisons Th erefore the after effects are often harmful



E xtracts of va i ous Chines e herbal reme d ies hav b een subjected to

r e

chemical processes in order to precipitate th eir el ements However .


many kinds of herbs an d root s S how n othing in th e te s t tube ; co u se

quently the che mi sts cannot d etermine th eir uses For exampl e a
, .

chemist is never able to discover the elements in th e G inseng R oo t

which is a wonderful remedy in building up the air circulation in the
body For th e p ast fifty c enturies the Chinese have u s ed G inseng R oot

to strengthen the air circulation a n d have combined it with other h erbal

remedies to improve the blood circulation .

Articles written by chemists or pharmacists frequently ap p ear in the

newspapers ridiculing th e Chines e as being sup erstitious in believing
that Ginseng has great me d icinal value Bec ause thes e writers cannot
s ee the curling of the s m

oke they s a y th er e is no fire , .

In this twentieth c entury human su ff eri ng may be c lassified under

three groups viz


( 1 ) N euri tis headaches nerve

, p ai n s in the b ack of the neck or in

the h ead or pain in the Sh oulder blades T hes p ai ns are generally due
, . e

to either infl ammation of th e bl o od stream or to the improper func

t i on i n g of the kidneys and th e bladder G enerally th es e conditi ons are

not manifest in either bl o od tests or urine tests I n c onsequence pa .


t i en t s are told tha t their kidn eys and bladders are i n go od c o ndition

( 2 ) The bl ood around the val v es of the heart be c omes p oisoned ,

heated by the fire element and conges t ed Pains run through the

chest the nerves the arms and th e shoulde r blades

, ,

( 3 ) The improper fun ctioning of liver or of the gall bladder

th e .

The p ain runs along the right side through t h e back and m or e or less
through the stomach Pers ons suff ering fro m the aforesaid ailments

h aving failed to se cure relief are generally ad vis ed to h av e even th eir


go od teeth extracted their ton s ils removed ( even though they may be

small in size ) the gall bladder drained the appendix removed and one
, , ,

kidney taken out Yet after all this they still su ffer Th e b asic causes
, ,

are to be found in the blood stream Why should peopl e suff er thus .

The result of having teeth extracted is faulty m astication faulty di ,

gestion and broken h ealth How many pers ons are free from suffering

after the gall bladder has either been drained or tak en out ? How
many young people wh o have their appendices rem oved become subje ct
to either nervous attacks or to epil ep t ic fits ?
How m any little folks
who have had their tonsils removed have either died or had their ey es
sunken in ? L acking a fundamental knowledge of thei r ailments suf ,

f er er s are l ed by S O called medical advisers just a s the blin d lead the


blind Is this to b e regarded as advance in twentieth century scien c e



As far back as the beginning of Chinese civilization the people of ,

China had learned through their h erbalists tha t in th e bo d ies of all liv
ing creatures there are two circulations ; viz the circulation of the .

blood and that of the breath In the ancient literature on herbs we find

the statement Man s bl ood is hi s glory ; h i s breath i s 11 1 8 protection



_ 21 _
If the circulation of either of t hese is impeded the five viscera do not ,

functi on norm ally and t h e system be c omes p oisoned .

In the Chines e methods of tr eatment th e c irc ulation of the breath i s


deemed Of more importance than that of th e blood because if the breath ,

circulation is imp eded t h e blood c annot follo w just as in a water pipe

, , ,

unless the air goes through first th e water c annot mak e its way .

In Occidenta l schools Of medicine t h e scientists fr equently s a y that


such and such a pers on is anemic or la c ks blood M oreover we Ofte n .


hear peopl e s a y I am short winded and cannot get my breath H ow

- .

ever the medical me n never claim that the s hort winded pers on lacks


breath or air On the o t her hand when a person i s anemic blo od trans
, ,

fusion i s commonly resort ed to ; whil e sometimes iron is injected to build

up th e blood or electr icity is applied to the b ody to accelerate the ci r cu
lation of t h e blo od Again the su ff erer may be advise d to drink alco

holic liquors or even the fresh warm blood of a calf from a S laughter
, , ,

house .

On the other hand we never hear of people who are short of breath

being taken t o a servic e station to have air p ump ed into their b odies .

In fact nothing is done to i ncrease the air supply in th e system If the


Chinese th eories are c orrect Occidental Medica l S cience which omits

, ,

the stu dy of t h e breath or air circulation i s only 50 per cent e fficient

, ,

even granting that its methods of building up th e blood are successful .

While expen s ive deerho r n is used a s a blood restorer in China herbs ,

compounded for this purp ose have proven m ore successful and are com
mo uly used .


In th e Chin es e herb treatment various kinds of ginseng roots are used
to strengthen the air circulation and restore the p ower to the breath .

In order that the bl ood may not become i n flamed gi nseng Of the more ,

common varieties i s generally compounded with different kinds Of herbs

to produc e blo od a n d air in people who are run down and weak In the -

Occ ident people who are we a k and sick are often given iron tonics o r

injections of iron which cause headache and pain in th e nerves of the


neck and temples together with afternoon fever red lips and hot
, , ,

cheeks .

The Chinese know po sitively that ginseng is a Tonic and Res t or a

tive The highe st priced North Ch i n a Gi n s en g c osts $ 1 0 0 per oun ce
- ~

Thi s ma kes but one cup of Gins eng Tonic Millions of dollars worth of .
intensive studi es and carrying on num erous experiments in order to
determine scientifically the exa ct eff ects of c ertain Chine s e Herbs upon
the human system .

On March 1 9 1 9 2 8 some of the Officials of the University of C ali

, ,

f o r n i a ordered through the Fong Wan C omp any ten p ounds of M a ,

Huang to be sent to Washington D C s o that the curative p owers of , . .


this plant might be investigated there The manner in which M a .

Huang is u sed by the Chinese in Herbal C omp ounds i s quite different

from t h e ways tha t the Americans use it in combination with other
things The Chi nese method is not h armful Th e authorities of the Uni
. .

versity Of Californi a have also bought mainly from the Fong Wan ,

Company more than three hundred specimens of other he r b s for use


in their laboratory research .



have been u se d in China for

thousands of years However dur .

ing the past few centuries the use ,

of Mercury and S alvarsan has b een

gradually abandoned as the Chi ,

nes e have discovered that these

drugs contain too much poison for
the human system to c ope with .

The Chinese have therefore resorted

more and mor e to herbs which , ,

while having great healing p ower ;


leave none of the bad after effects

common to drugs Di gitalis an ex .

tract of F oxglove R oot is b eneficial ,

to the heart E phedrin is an ex .

tract from the Chinese herb Ma

Huang .

Chaulm oogra Oil for leprosy so ,

A b h f m th
ra nc ch ulm o
ro m0
e recently acclaim ed by the Western
a oo n .

I xt ct ds e ra World was known to the Chinese

e .

long before any foreigner ever visi t ed China The Chinese E n cy clo .

pedia of Herb al S cience whi c h was p ublished by th e Chinese G overn

ment about 300 years ago contains formula s setting forth the u ses

of Chaulm oogra O il This i s but one illustration of the fact the Chi

nes e possesse d knowledge of medi cinal remedies far in advance of

westerners and that many of the s o called new disc overies in West
“ -

ern Medical S cienc e have their origin in Chinese knowledge and u sages


The comp as s was invented by th e Chinese many thous ands of years
ago ; yet today according to the statement of Li euten ants L J M ait
. .

land and A J H eg en ber g er published July 1 2 1 9 2 7 in the S an Fran

. .
, , ,

cisco Chronicle the compass beats all new instrum ents


Not only do the world s avia t ors u s e this C hines e invention to guide

them but it is als o used by steamships warships engi neering works

, , , ,

and even in getting direction for long range guns All nations great .

and small use this invention to help them find their way in the world

Now that the world is gradually awakening to the valu e of Chines e

Herbs the young Chinese student s in the M edica l Colleges are f r e

quently asked by the doctors under whom they study what one or a n
other kind of herb i s us ed f or While thes e m edical men are deeply i n

t er es t ed in the scraps of information thus gleaned they do not realize ,

that these Chinese studen t s are n ot herbalists and that they know only
a little of but a very few kinds of th e herb s that are use d by th e Chi
nese to relieve human suff ering .

M oreover these few kinds of herbs in the hand s of Occidental doc


tors are comparable to what a few sel ecti ons from E n glish L iterature
would be to a Chinese wh o had just learned his A B C s E ven th ough ’

th ese medical men might le a rn the us es of hundreds of kinds of Chinese


Herbs yet bec au se of their lack of fundamental and experiment al

, ,

knowl ed ge of herb treatment they would s oon f o rg et wha t they had


learned and the five thousand fo r mulas that have been worked out by

ancient Chinese Herbalists would b e valueless to them .

While the us e of the Chinese invention th e comp a ss has never been , ,

attacked and prohibited because of j eal ousy the practice of Chinese ,

Herbs i s continually under fire for the reason t hat pra c titioners in other

s chools of healing realiz e t hat the marvelous success of the herb tre a t
ments h as s h ow them of much of their business The Fong Wan Herb .

alist h owever h a s been able to aff ord relief to s o many people whose
, ,

c ases had be en pronounced hopeless that he has not only withs t ood ,

_ 25 _
these attacks but h a s gained th e applause gratitude and friendship
, ,

of thousands of Americans .

Just a s the compass i s s o efficient th at it cannot be either improved

upon or repl aced by something m odern neither can a substitute be ,

found for the an ci ent Chinese Herbal R emedies nor their formulas
chang ed and improved May it not be in the not far distant future that

the medi c al men of the world will di s cover t hat Chinese Herbs and
An c ient Chines e M eth ods of Healing surp ass the newer medical dis
cover i e s just as the ordinary comp ass beats all new instruments a s
“ ”

a guide t o direction ?


It is a m atte r of c ommon inform ation that the a ncient Chinese based
their knowledge of herbal remedies upon the relationship between the
five principal internal organ s of the human body and the five natural
elements ; viz the Mineral V egetation Water Fire and E arth ele
, , , ,

ments However very few people know that the an c ient Chinese went

s o far as to b as e the five principal musical ton es ( 1 Kok ; 2 Ching ; -

, ,

3 Ko ng ; 4 S heng ; 5 Yi i ) up on the five princip al elements in connec

, , ,

tion with the internal organs of the human system .

The first one Kok is identified with th e vegetation element and

, ,
related to the liver ;
The second Ching with the fire element ( the he a rt ) ;
, ,

The third Kong with the earth el ement ( the stomach and the
, ,

s p leen ) ;
The fourth S heng with th e min ral
, , e ele meri t ( the lungs ) ; and
The fifth , Yi i , with the water element ( the kidneys ) .

If a Ch ines e musi c i a n plays without knowi ng how t he five principal

musical tones were deriv ed he lacks ability to ap p eal to the five prin

ci p a l organ s of the hum a n system L ikewise the Chinese Herbalis t who


lacks a fundamental knowledge of the five pri ncipal elements and their
relation to t h e five principal human organs is incapable of detecting the
ai lm ents of thos e suff erers wh o are in such p ain that they cannot talk
cohere ntly but only groan and murmur .

To ci t e a local c as e by way of ill ustration : In the year 1 9 1 8, the

—2 6
s on of a former p asto r of the Chinese Pr esbyterian Church became d es
per a t ely ill T he poor b oy wa s in such p ain that he c ould not tell h i s

father where h i s p ain was but could only howl and g roa n with pain day
and night The father an ex p erien c ed herb al ist with a fine stock of

herb s at hand did the very best he c ould for his s on a ll to no avail
, ,


Finally in desp air h e called up F ong Wan and begged him to come at
, ,

once to s ee h i s s on Immediately upon stepping inside the house and


before he had reached the room where th e boy lay in agony F ong W an ,

knew exactly what wa s t h e matter upon hearing the voice of the b oy

in the loud cry of p ain .

He told the father that his son s liver had b ec ome overheated by the

fire element and that his trouble wa s infl amm ati on of the liver and i n
t es t i n es He then directed the father to c ompound immediately cert ain

varieties of herb s to allay the inflamm ation T he father ha vi ng every .


thing a t hand pro c eeded at onc e to prep are the herbs and after the boy
, ,

had drunk a c up of the tea he fell into a restful sleep Th e father c on

, .

t i n ued the treatment and within a few days the boy was not only out

of danger but had pra c tically recov ered Although prior to that time .

the boy had suffere d from the same ailments off and on for over ten
years there has been no r eturn of the mal ady sin c e
, .

A similar c a s e was that of Mr Ben N or wi ck who suffered terribly .


from the Flu and who after the physicians h ad given up a ll hope of
, ,

his recovery was t ak en back to his hom e from the temporary hospital

at the Municipal Auditorium in O akland He also groaned with pain .

day and night Up on hearing his voice Fong Wan rec og nized the first

tone the Kok which is associated with the vegetation element and the
, ,

liver After the first cup of tea Mr Ben N or wi ck slep t nearly all

night and h i s recovery was rapid

, .

M any suff erers make a low m o aning s ound This is the tone of th e .

Y1 1 and signifies kidney trouble A loud cranky qui c k tempered v oice

, .
, ,

indicates an ai lment Of the h eart A crying ch oking voice signifies .


trouble in the lungs while a sighin g s ound dire cts one t o the spleen

mt es t i n es etc ,

The detection of ailments in th i s way by listening to the voices i s

frequently far more accurate and successful than are many of the ex
h a us t i ve exami nations m ade by medic al men Any r eader of this .

article by c arefully following suggestions will be able to discover for

, ,

himself the ailment of a person who i s suff ering severely .

_ 27 _
1 . RE D repres ents t h FI RE ELE M E NT e .

2 . YE LL OW represents the E A R TH ELE M E NT .

3 . B LA CK ( dark ) represents the WAT ER ELE M E NT .

4 . WHIT E represents the MIN ER A L ELE M E NT .

5 . GREE NI S H B R OWN represents the VEGE TATION ELE


M E NT .

Not only does each of thes e c ol ors represent an element in Nature

but it also represents one of the five di visions of t h e human race There .

fore in each hum an face one or more of t hese five colors is present
, ,

For example : S ome indi vidual s of the White R ace are very white ;
others are a darkish brown ( liver color ) while oth ers are a greenish ,

white a yellowish white or a reddish white In each person there is a

, ,

co mbinati o n Of one dom i nant color with others of these five col ors .

A red i n fl amed face signifies that the blood is overheated there be

, ,

ing too much of the fire element This condition causes nerv ousness .

high blood pressure headache dizziness and heart trouble Persons

, ,

with a liver c olored or wi th a yellowish gr een complexion are v ictims

- -

of ailments of th e gall bladder and S pleen .

In addition to the fact that th e maj ority of internal disorders are

made manifest by th e c ol or of t h e S kin it is als o true that th e color of ,

the hum an tongue reveals th e condi tion of the internal org ans F or .

th ousands of years Chine se Herbalists have studied th e c olors Of the


tongue because it i s possible in ma ny cas es to discover with certainty


the diseas ed conditions of the internal organ s by simply looking at th e

tongue .

The key to the method of to n gue reading i s a s foll ows : The c olor -

of the tip of the ton g u e represents the heart ; of th e c enter the stom a ch ,

and spleen ; of the edges the liver a n d gall ; and of the under side of

the tongu e the kidneys A brownish color signifies an over heated

, . .

syste m Not infrequently do tongues turn s o deep a brown that they


change to a co a l black The color under th e tongue b ecomes a blackish


purple beca u se the fire element burns s o fiercely in the stomach th at


the inflammation extends even to the kidneys M any people are skep .

tical regarding the si g nifica nce of a coated tongu e Howev er g reat .


suff ering can be prevented if people will but watc h their tongu es
closely and take treatment at the very beginning .

Th e di fferent colors also influen c e the desires and preference s of the

different races F or instance the colored people lik e red ; the Chin ese

like yellow and light red ; the white people lik e white L ikewise in the .

human system b ec ause the spl een and t h e stomach belong to the E arth

E lement they naturally crave sweets and things of yellow c oloring

, .

C ons equently if a person whose spleen is a ff ected is sad a n d down


hearted a bouquet Of yellow flowers would b e a good gi ft for him I n


case a person h a s h eart troubl e or his mind is affected d a rk blue or ,

dark green would b e the most suitable c olors for h i s envi ronment in ,

order to overcom e the fire element .


1 . A pungent taste influences the action of the lu ngs wh i ch belong ,

to t h e mineral element .

2 . A s our taste has p ower to contract th e a i r in the blood and to

assist in th e functi oning of the ga ll bladder and liver which be ,

long to the vegeta tion elem ent .

3 . A bitter taste rushes through the system a n d works espec ially

upon the heart which belongs to the fire ele ment
, .

4 . A sweet taste b elongs to the earth element ; anything sweet has

a special effect upon the stomach and spleen .

5 . A salty taste b elongs to the water element I n nature the water .


of the ocean is salty In the human body the kidneys and their

s ub organ the bladder be long to the water element

, ,
Anything .

that i s s alty affects these organs .

In the early dawn of Chinese c i viliz at ion the Chines e c lassified all ,

things in n ature under the five prin c ipal elements Th e five tastes are .

just as imp ortant as the fiv e colors or the five musi cal tones I f a p er .

s on understan ds these five tastes he can tell approximately how any


given food will aff e c t his system I f any food h a s a deleterious eff ec t

upon any part of his system h e ca n easily abstai n from that sort of

food .

Of the five tastes the most destructive to the hu man system is the

bitter ( or h ot ) becaus e it influences t h e blood p assing through the


heart .


Year after year since the establishment of the F ong Wan herb busi

nes s in O akland the public has been repeatedly inform ed that the com

plaints of th e human system and the ailments of any part of the body
can be c orrected and overcom e by bringing the five principal internal
organs viz : the lungs liver kidneys heart and stom a ch into harmon
, .
, , , , ,

ious functioning A person is then free from all ail ments just the same

a s when the five principal elem ents of Nature ( the mineral v egetation , ,

w a ter fire and earth elements ) work in unison there is no extremely

, , ,

hot or cold weather ; neither are th ere earthquakes volcanoes thunder , ,

storm s epidemics nor p estilenc es

, .

China is a nation of people S he h as exp erienced pesti .

l ences and epidemics of various kinds S O far however during the .

, ,

last 50 0 0 years of her history not one of those epidemics had ever last

ed long and never has one of them ever done China any real harm How .

ever foreign physicians have practiced in China for approximately only


thirty years E ve n at the present time m o st of th em are stationed at


treaty p orts or in the foreign settlements The Chinese rely up on the .

E lem ent furnished by G od to keep down their epidemics and p estilences .

In coping with individual ailments the Chinese base their entire s y s


tem of healing upon the five pri ncipal elements The herbs belong to .

the veg etation element When cooked with the water element they erad

i ca t e dis e a se This method of healing has been handed through the


ages F or over 500 0 years th e great men of China a s well a s the com

mon people have used the herbs Chinese students h ave been sent

abro ad to study the healing methods th e s o called new inventions and


discoveri es of all the principal n ations in the world but so far th ey ,

have not discovered an y especi ally successful methods excepting that

of surgery E ven in surgical practic e moreover a gr eat many mis
, ,

takes are made , M any unnecessary operations are perform ed and many
premature deaths ca used i n cases that might have been easily and
quickly reli eved by merely dri nking a few cups of herb tea instead of
submitting to dangerou s operations .

T he herb s c onstitute a p ortion of the v egetati on element The five .

princi p al elements were created by G od Therefore the h erbs are pro .


vi d ed by G od Through his extensive and int ensive knowledge of herbs


the F ON G WAN H ER BA L I S T h a s relieved over su ff erers Thou .

n early all over th e United S tates Millions of dollars worth of cattl e

either died of the di s ease or were kill ed when found to b e infected .

E very method of preventi on th at the human brain could de vise wa s em

ployed to prevent the spread of this dis eas e with but little or n o result
until when a fter repeated rainfalls the disease gradually dis appeared
, , .

Illu s tr a ti o n N o . 4

About June 1 926 cablegrams received from S hanghai repeatedly

, ,

rep orte d that due to the long p eri od of drought in the districts around ,

S hangh ai whi ch are thickly populated Cholera had broken out among ,

the Chinese ju st as bad as the Influenza broke out here in the United

S tates a few years ago It was later report ed that American physi

ci a n s helped the Chinese to check the Cholera It wa s a lso reported .

that the diseas e originated in the water from a main from th e river .

Then a cabl egram received at S an Francisc o under th e date of August

1 7 1 9 2 6 ascribed the outbreak of the Cholera to the long duration of
, ,

drought an d said that since th e downpour of heavy rains the disease

, ,

had been almost stamped out This proves that Ch olera is checked

by the Water E l em ent of Nature .


For more than 50 00 years the Chinese have through the wisdom ,

granted th em by G od combined with their study of th e five principal


elements of Nature based t heir m ethods of h ealing the ailments of the


human body up on the connection between the five principal intern al

organs with the five princip a l elements of N ature .

Just as a hea vy fall of rain washes away diseases th at affect the

c ommunity c ollectively s o do the herbs which the herbalist combines

and cooks with water wash away the diseas e s from the b ody of the indi
vidual The p ower of the water element s ent by G od is great and far

reaching T h e power of the h erbalist extends only to the ailment of


the individual relieving but one p erson at a tim e

, .

The F ong Wan Herb business has now b een established in Oakland
f or m o re than twenty years during whi ch period i t s herbs have

washed away the ailm ents of no l ess than individuals As the .

water element of Nature cannot wash away disease which is t o o far

advanced jus t s o the treatments of the herbalists cannot wash away

the ailments of individuals in advanced stages It therefore follows

that those afflicted with dise as e should early give the F ong Wan Herbs
an opp ortunity t o wash them away .

The population of the United S tates of America is practically com

p osed of foreigners ; that is most Americans are of the first second or
, ,

third generation . Wh en either they or their forbears left their native

lands they were as a rule a healthy class of peopl eb ent upon improv
, , ,

ing their finan cial s ituation in thi s new uncrowded land of opportunity ,

and promise . Many of the people in the old nations are leftovers “ ”

who by reason of poverty illnes s or of home ties were unable to p ack , , ,

up and come .

China which is one of the oldest of the civilized nations has a teem
, ,

ing population . E ven as early as the time of the first emperor S hin ,

Nong who ruled China approximately

, 50 00 years ago the Chinese ,

prepared herbs to comb at dis e ase . By reason of their long ex p er

i en ce they are but rarely surprised by any of the s o- called n ew sick

nesses most of which have b een known to them for ages

, . Here in
Ameri ca scientists m edicos and h ealers of various s o rts either for
, ,

the s ake of publicity or due to th e fact that they lack ad equate knowl
edge of the diseas es and their treatment have re c ently broadcasted ,

to the p ublic what they c onsider to be new discoveri es for curing c an

cer etc as well as n ew diseases such as Parrot
, .
, F ever S leeping S ick

nes s Infantile Paralysis etc

, ,
. E ven when p eople are not ill the fear ,

thus instilled into them sometimes causes them to worry until the y
become sick .

Had the Chinese discovered so m any new diseases every few months
during th e past 50 0 0 year s as are continually cropping up here in
America in so old a nation with its teeming p op ul ation ther e would
, ,

be so much nam e s sake sickness that a large buil di ng would

be re

quired to house even the names of all these diseases . Am erica is a

young n ation her p e ople having settled on this clean
, , V i rg i n s oil but a
few centuries ago . Wh en they do not feel well , 99 times out of 1 00 , it
is because due to something they have either don e or eaten their
, ,

blood is out of order . These simple ailments can be quickly overcome

by the Fong Wan Herb s which cleanse the impurities from the bl oo d ,

For 2 0 years F ong Wan ha s conducted a 1 00 per cent honest herb

business in O a kland .

He is not only abl e to det ec t the numerous ca us es of various a i l

ments of the human system but he h a s also b een able to discover and

to bring to naught the machinati on s of various jealo us enemies as is ,

evidenced by the foll owing :

1 .PO L I CE COU R T : S ince th e t of h i s Herb Busin es s
in Oakland in 1 9 1 5 he has won,
2 0 M edical C ases in the

Poli c e C ourt .

2 .S UP ER IO R COU R T : In 1 9 2 4 1 9 2 5 s ome lawyers and Chinese


women combined to s ue him for in a trump ed up slan der suit -

( t hat had be en predicted in h i s horos c op e at t h e tim e of h i s birth ) He .

won this cas e in b oth the A pp ellate and the S tate S upreme courts This .

suit cost the plaintiff s at least $ 3000 .

3 .S T A TE A SSE MB LY : In 1 9 2 5 the Anti H erb Bill wa s intro


d uced An investigation by the S tate Ass embly at S acramento wa s


start ed It cost the S t ate of California no less than $ 60 00 and sh owed


many indications that it wa s a bill of graf t .

4 .F E D ERA L C OU R T : F or more than 2 0 years F ong Wan h a s ,

realized that the m edicos after having failed in t h eir attempts to put

the chiropractors and h ealers of other schools out of bu si ness would ,

cen t er their attention on the Chines e herbalist s B eing the most r e .

n own e d herbalist in Ameri ca Fong Wan als o susp ected that he would

be the target H e als o fores aw that the agent of the medi c os would

u s e the p ostal authorities as their instruments in persecuting the Chi

n ese herbalists .

Having been c a reful in all his correspond ence with regard to the
sta t ements and promises made Fong Wan cannot be legally convi c ted

The decoy letters wri t ten by the postal inspector together with the r e ,

_ 34 _
plies to the same are on file at the o ffice of the Fong Wan C ompany .

They ma y be read by any person who s o desires .

A great campaign was condu c ted against the Chinese herbalists

from 1 9 2 9 to 1 932 The postal inspector sent out letters to entrap them

and on the assumption that the herbs poss es sed no curative qualities ,

the postal authorities is sued fraud orders sto pping the mail of several ,

Chinese herb alists A chemist from the east testified that he had s ub

j ect ed t h e herbs to chemical tests and analys es but had found in them ,

no remedial value I n July 1 9 3 1 the prosecuti on us ed this testimony

, ,

together with evidence rushed from Wa s hington D C to S an Fran ,

. .

cisco in the ind ictment of a S an Francisco h erbalist on eight c ounts


This cas e was t ried on July 2 4 1 931 in the F ederal C ourt When

, ,

the defendant was fa ced by a number of p ostmas t ers and chemists from
eastern states he b e cam e frightened and pleaded guilty He wa s put


on probati on for 5 years an d thought himself lucky While th is ca se .

wa s being tried in th e Federal Court Fong Wan sent three gentlemen ,

and one lady of high repu t e to court to get a line on the case and learn
what the special ag ent of th e medi cos a n d the p o stal inspector were con
t r i vi n g . The sp ec ial agent of t h emedic o s confided t o t h e lady th at he '

had the strongest evi dence against F ong Wan .

Fi ve days later on July 29 1 93 1 ,F ong W a n wa s indicted on 1 6

, ,

counts The medical men exhibited their i gnoran ce with regard to


strabismus ( cros s eyes ) which acc ording to Chines e theories is gen

, ,

er a lly due t o a blood infecti on t hat c auses t h ene r ves o f the eyes to be
drawn t o one side Th e prosecution h ad 3 c ounts ag ainst F ong Wan

regarding this parti cular form of eye trouble alone F ong Wan has wit .

nesses with regard t o three cases of strabismus in ea ch of whi c h he

was su c cessful Fong Wan was c onfiden t th at h e wa s able to refute a ll


charges .

Besides the postal i nsp ector fro m Washington D C a chemist and , . .


a nu mber of postmasters were brought to S a n Fr a nc isco from variou s "

states When they assembled in court Fong W an mistook them f er


ano ther p anel of j urors Pharmac ologists professors from two uni

ver s i t i es physicians from O akland an inte r ne and a diagn ostician all

, , ,

testified against F ong Wan .

I n condu c ting this tri al of Fong Wan the pro secution spent a huge ,

slic e of the taxpayers money The federal jury n ot only returned a


verdict of N OT G UI LTY but through t he testim ony (i f th e pros



ecution s w ’
itnesses the trial proved to the authorities that the F ong

Wan herbs had marvelous curative qualities .

Prior to the trial Fong Wan had appealed to 60 of h i s former p a

trons to te stify for him in cou r t E very one of these cheerful ly respond .

ed a n d expressed a willingness to do s o However but few were a c .


c orded the opportunity The posta l insp ectors were so badly beaten in .

F ong Wan s case that n o other Chinese herbalist has since been i n

dicted .

The defense tested the k nowledge of the chemist of the prosecution

with regard to herbs by asking h im how many kinds of herbs a certain
p ack age contained ; wheth er certain individual herbs tasted sweet or
sour ; whether he had spent any time in the University of C alifornia L i
br ar y looking up the uses of Chinese herbs and whether he had con ,

s ult ed Dr S tuart s translation of an authoritative work on herbs He

. .

had don e none of these things This sort of questioning revealed that .

neither the chemist nor any of the other prosecution wi tnesses under
stood anything about C hi nese herbal remedies .

p ostal ins pector c alled o u abou t 2 0 of Fong Wan s form er p a

T he

trons and found that th ey were strong for him These patrons told .

F ong Wan all ab out t h e inspector s visits However none of them ’


were called by the prose c ution wh i le on the other hand F ong Wan had , ,

s ome of these sam e patrons testify in h is behalf .

In the Fong Wan offi ce there are five books of transcript of the
court proceedings Any person wishing to learn how wonde r fully the

F ong Wan herbs have h elped sick p eople i s welcom e t o read these
books duri ng the o ffi c e h ours .

The following peopl e suffering from Arth ri tis Tuberculosis S tom , ,

ach Ulcers Diabetes Heart Trouble Malignant G rowt h s Prostate

, , , ,

G land Paralysis Kidney Trouble and Ob esity have been b enefited by

, , ,

taking t h e F ong Wan Herbs S ome of them hav e testified t o the


post a l inspector from Washington D C and others have cheerfully , . .


testified b efore t h e Federa l Jury as to their gratitude in obtaining

relief from thei r ail m ents by the use of the F ong Wan Herbs .

Res i di n g in O akla n d and V ic i nity

Mrs C E Gr a pen t i n Mr s
. . .
, . J Mead Mr O E Foster Mr William
. . .

DeMooy Mrs C A Brown Mr Ch a s Cushman Mrs F McK eever

, . . .
, . .
, . .

Mr John O Br i en Mr s L Paxton Mr s N Lo ng Mr R Lemieux Mr


, . .
. .
. .
, .

W Lentz and Mr R Mitch ell

, . . .

Mr John Hocker and Mr M F Cain of Hayward ; Mr J Wortman

. . . . . .

and Mrs E Kennedy of V allej o and Mr Harold Hodge of B erkeley

. .
, . .

—3 6
After hav ing been treated for a S wollen Gland ( or tumor ) by an
Oakland physician without being helped Mr L entz took th e F ong Wan ,

Herbs in 1 9 2 7 The tumor burst open and healed Despite th e fact

. .

that he was then over 70 years of age his relief was good for four ,

years until he suffered from a large stone Prior to th e trial th e Postal .


Inspectors had called on Mrs L entz at her home and had learned that

Mr L entz had thus been relieved of his s wollen gland Mrs L entz
. . .

phoned Fong Wan about the inspectors call Next day an O akland ’

physician made a statement regarding Mr L en t z s case in court F ong .


Wan raised his hand and called the attention of th e court and of his a t
torne y to the real facts Under the cross examination th e physician a d

mi t t ed that the Fong Wan Herbs h ad relieved Mr William L entz of .

S wollen G land .

Mrs Morehouse who for two years had been unable to rais e either

of her arm s because of neuritis was r elieved by the Fong Wan herbs in

two weeks Four years later s h e died of heart trouble F ong Wan

wa s n ot consulted with re gard to th e h eart ai l ment The prosecution .

tried to make the jury believe that th e Fong Wan herbs h ad killed Mrs .

M orehouse An Oakland physician was forced to admit that the Fong


Wan herbs had cured Mr s M orehouse of neuritis . .

The following excerpts are from the testimony of th e physician who

testified in the Federal C ourt in S an Francisco M arch 3 1 9 32—from , ,

transcript V ol 2 p ages 1 70 1 72

Pros ecuting Attorney : B efore I a s k this witness any questions I

would like to b e permitted to read another testimonial ha ving to do with

this particular case I am rea d ing from page 1 1 1 of this book of Herb

Lore ( 1 9 2 9 edition ) published by the Fong Wan Herb C ompany which

, ,

i s in eviden c e .R eading from page 1 1 1 th e heading i s ,

O akland Calif ,

I su ff ered with Neuritis in both my shoulders and my arm s for two

years Failing to get relief elsewhere I went to the Fong Wan Herb

C o After I had taken their herbs for two weeks my pain was entirely

gone ; s o I discontinued This was a year and a half ago but I have

not been troubled with Neuritis since .

M RS J E M O RE HOU SE . . . .

That is dated 1 9 2 6 .

Q Doctor you are a practicing physician

? A I am . .

— 37
Q . Admitted to practice in th e S tate of California ? A . I am .

Q . Practicing in O akland are you ? A Yes , . .

Q I have a dea t h certificate here showing th at th at particular per


s o n died on or about J a nuary 4 1 9 2 9 I s that right ? A Yes , . . .

Q Thi s death certificate gives the cause of death a s my oc arditis

. .

A Yes
. .

Q Wh at is myoc arditis
? A It i s an inflammation of the heart .

mus c l es .

Q Anything to do with neuritis A They are very often associ

. .

at ed in the s am e patient .

Q Th ey are very often ass ciat e

. o d together ; i s that it A Yes
? . .

Prose c uting Attorney : That i s all I o ff er in e viden c e t his dea t h .

c ertificate is s ued by the S tate of C alifornia De partment of Pu blic

, ,

Health V ital S tatistics properly authenti c ated purporting t o sh ow the

, , ,

s h owi ng t h e death of V E
Moreh ous e on Janu ary 4 1 9 29 , , ,

the caus e of death given b ein g myoc arditis .

De fen s e Attorney : I object to it a s absolutely immaterial It is n ot .

remotely co n nected with this case The certifi c a t e which h a s been read .

i s by the woman who s ays she suff ered f or a long time with neuritis
and had been cured an d no longer su ff ered At a later date s h e died of .

a c ute dilation of the heart ; in other words heart di sease ,


Pr osecuting Attorney : Do e s it s a y anyth ing on that death cer t i fi

c ate about heart dis ease Mr ,

Defense Attorney : Yes it d oes , .

Pros ecuting Attorney : You may take the witness .

Defense Attorney : Q D oc tor does it s a y anything on that cer t i fi

cate about he art dis ease ? A Yes myocarditis .

, .

Q D octor didn t you s a y that sometimes neuritis and myoc arditis


might exist in the same patient ? A I said t hey very often exist to .

gether .

Q Ye s one might have two diseas es at the s ame time A Yes

, . .

Q . Do you kn ow if Mr s Morehouse at any time ever had neuritis ?


A Yes
. .

Q S he did A Yes
Defense Attorney : That i s all
. . .

Prosecuting Attorney : N 0 furth er questions I s that a ll Mr .

, .

Defense Attorney : Yes except that we cured her , .

Prose c uting Attorn ey : I obj ect to counsel testifying your Honor , .

The acid or fire element in the blood of the stomach may cause
ulcers just a s the acid or fire element in the blood caus es pimpl es to a p

pear ou the face M any physicians mislead their patients to believe that

the acidity is in the contents of th e stoma ch Therefore they advise the


patients to have the stomach s c ontents pumped out S ometimes they


find in the contents too much acid or la c k of acid They do not tell the .

patients how th e fire element works in the blood of the s t om a c h and i t s

adjacent organs S ometimes they find a lack of acid then they advise

the taking of acid or acid forming foods into the stomach F ollowing .

the advice of these physicians usually is the cause of canker s ores in the
mouth and pimpl es on th e fa c e .

If either the stomach or the spleen is inflamed or weak gas pain , , ,

vomiting indigestion biliousnes s a grating sensation an empty a n

, , , , ,

noying feeling after each meal cancers or ulcers may result When
, , .

the stomach is merely weak or is lacking in the fire element the fo od

, ,

ma y li e t h er e undi gested and cause continuous pain until it is vomited .

T his condition causes many people to fear that they h ave cancers
or ulcers Frequently surgeons opera t e upon the st omachs of p eople

thus afflicted but upon finding neith er c ancers nor ulcers sew them up
, ,

again without discovering the cause of the p ai n .

Weakness of the spleen of long standing causes protr uding rectum

and bleeding after bowel movements diarrhoea dysentery rupture dis
, , , ,

charge of mucus from the i n t es t i n es lo ss of appetite displ a cement of t he

, ,

stomach a tired feeling and


weakness of the limb s Physic .

tends to weaken the spleen

and causes constip ation If .

the bowels fail to move do ,

not be in haste to take physic

unless there is a high fever ,

for it is likely that they will

m ove naturally the next day .

The Chinese people wi th the ,

exc eption of a few opium

sm okers are seldom troubled

with c onstipati on .

Acute infl ammation in the

stomach and spleen are the
The S tom ach causes of hemorrh a ges p im ,
ples around the mouth canker sores pain in the rectum pain and s ore
, , ,

ness in the fingers and toes inflammation of the eyes and even blindness
, .

The stomach and the spleen are liable to be a ffected by acid in t h e

blood in conjunction with fever in the liver and kidneys In such cases .

the su fferer experiences gas pressure a grating sensation an empty , ,

feeling and an annoying p ain for about an hour after each meal If he .

ea t s f r u i t or sour food his condition is aggravated When he takes

something hot either liquid or solid he fe els better for a little while be
, ,

cause the acid burns the food However a s s oon as the foo d is digested
, ,

the acid begins to bur n the walls of the stomach and the pai n returns .

When a su fferer from stomach trouble goes t o a physician the latter ,

generally X rays the stomach to se e if th ere is a gr owt h of any kind

- .

Di s c overing none he then watc h es t h e digestion with an X ray T h e


only things the physician finds is that the fo od i s digested rapidly but ,

h e does not know that this is because of th e fire element burning up the
food too fast While quite common among Americans this sort of

stomach trouble is rarely found among the Chinese beca use the Chinese
food is better s uited to their human system than are the highly refined
foods eaten by Am ericans I t therefore follows that Chinese Herb alists

whose patrons are m ainly Chinese know nothing of this condition and , ,

are therefore helpless in the face of such su ffering Beginning in the .

year 1 9 1 6 the Fong Wan Herbalist has made a careful study of these

complaints from which Americans su ffer so intensely His formula .

contains herbs for kidneys and liver herb s for freeing the stomach and ,

spleen of acid h erbs to eliminate gas and herbs to improve the diges

tion When the blood in the stomach is in goo d condition the ulcers

heal The Fong Wan Herb Comp ound for the stomach and spleen h a s

benefited thousands of people .

T ES TIM ONY G I VE N BY M R W A DeMOOY . . . in the S uthe n

o r

Divi s i on o f t he UNIT E D S TAT ES DI S T R ICT CO U R T f or t h e N orther n

Di s trict of C alifo rn i a .

The foll owing excerpts are from the transcript ,

V ol . 4, Marc h 8,
1 9 32 , p g s . 382 - 386 .

Questi ons by Attorney for defens e

Q . What is the condition of your health ? A . It is good now .

_ 41 _
Q. Was it always good ? A Not when I had stomach trouble it

was not .

Q When did you commenc e to have stoma ch trouble

A Back .

in 1 9 1 6 .

Q Were you under the care of physicians ? A I had a terrible

. .

stomach I wa s working for the railroad at that t ime Th ey ordered

. .

m e to go to the railroad h ospi t al .

Q Des c rib e the symptoms that were afflicting you A I had

. . .

awful pains in my stomach When I went to the hospital they suggest


ed I take a trial brea kfast which consis t ed of to ast and tea I t ook the

t oast . Th ey could not pump it out of my stomach T hey suggeste d I .

have X rays n i ade They m ade several X rays which didn t sh ow any

thing I was there for about two weeks when they decid ed I had bad

tonsils and I had better have my tonsils taken out S o they t ook out .

my tonsi ls .

Q. Di d th a t help your st o m ach ? A N 0 They then th ought that . .

was not the cause Th ey decided I should have my stoma c h w a shed

. .

Q Di d you remain in the h ospital long after that ? A I was there

. .

s i x weeks all told .

Q After you left the hospital did you commence to ta ke Chines e


herbs ? A No I went b ack to work


Q . Then what happ ened ? A Then the trouble starte d again .


the p ains started in my stomach .

Q Were they severe

? A They were I had to keep eating all
. .

th e time in order to keep the pains down It s eemed that the m ore I .

ate the less trouble I had .

T h e Co urt : Q S ubsequen ly you took the herbs di d you

t .
? A , .

They were rec ommended to m e and I went to s ee F ong Wan '

Q F or how long did you take them

. A F or s i x week s . .

Q With what results

. A I never had a bit of stomach trouble

since .

Q . Af t er that were you afflicted with any other trouble ? A I .

had a case of pleurisy .

Q H ow seri ous was your condi tion with res pe ct to that last

trouble A There was some water in my hip that they c ould not get

out and they were going to tap me

, .

Q .Did the doctors declare it n ecessary to tap you ? A . They did ,

the last time .

—4 2
Q . Did t hey tap you ? A . No they did not,

Q . What did you do ? A . I went b a ck to the Fong Wan Herb

people .

Q How long did you take their treatment

. A Two weeks ? . .

Q W hat
. w a s the result ? A They took the water out and I nev .

er h ad any more trouble .

Q Are
. you a healthy man today ? A Yes . .

Q Have
. you taken any other treatment for these two troubles ex
cept the herb s ? A No . .

The post o ff ice inspectors rec ently have c alled up on you have
Q . ,

they not t o s ee wh ether or not some statements you made were correct
, ,

and you told t hem they we r e A Two of them called yes .


Q And
. you are here without sub p oena to testify for the defend
ant ? A Yes . .

Prose cuting Attorney : Q Did y ou give the F ong Wan C ompany .

a testimonial ? A I did . .

Q . Yes I , s ee it is on pages 24 and 2 5 of the b oo k Herb L ore

( 1 9 29 edition ) . When did you h ave thi s troubl e A Ba ck in 1 9 1 6
? . .

Q When did you give this testimonial to the F ong Wan C ompany

A In the year 1 9 1 6 I am not p ositive of any dates

. . .

Q . At their offi ce ? A . At their office , y es .

Q . Did you write it just as it is here ? A . Yes .

Q Have
. you seen this b efore ? A . Yes , I have . I back checked -

against it .

Q . When did you check it ?

A . When the postal authorities came
to s ee me .


Mr P Chioc ca wa s in a most cri tical condition when he met a drug
. .

gist in Albany Cal i fornia who had b een relieved of terrible suffering
, ,

in his stom ach by the Fong Wan Herbs T h e druggist urged Mr . .

Chiocca not to be discour aged but to try the Chinese Herbs He said ,

that Fong Wan was a wonderful man and a ren own ed Herbalist He .

suggested that Mr Ch iocca give t h e Fong Wan Herb s a ten day trial

and said that he felt certain the results would b e good Mr Chi oc ca . .

acted upon the druggist s advic e His testim onial follows ’


_ 43 _
Albany Calif Jan 1 2 1 9 2 7 , .

I su ffered from stomach trouble on and off for years In the early .

p art of last year I became considerably worse and for f our m onth s it ,

was diffi c ult for m e to retain f o od or even water At times the pain .

was s o severe that I had to walk the fl oor day and night I was in s o .

weakened a condition that I felt sure death was near .

F ailing to get relief from medicine or from healers of other schools ,

I t o ok the Fong Wan Herbs Although I drank the herbs for only

th ree weeks my tr ouble was c ompletely overcome I a m now feeling .

fine and am able to do my work I am thankful for what the Fong Wan

H erbs did for me .

PI E T R O CHIO C CA ( Contractor ) .


O akland Calif June 7 1 9 2 7 , .
, ,

For several years I was troubled with swollen legs and c atarrh of
the stomach I wa s in a rundown condi tion and I tried everything that

I knew of I got n o relief however until I began to take the Fong Wan
, ,

Herbs In just about a m onth I felt splendid It i s now more than a

. .

mon th since I discontinued drinking the Herb Tea and I still feel fine .

Nothing can compare with this wonderful Herb Treatment and what it
has done for me .


Oakland Calif ,

My stomach was my ma s t er f or many years After every meal I


had an annoying grating sensati on together with an empty feeling in

, ,

my stomach Through lack of nourishment my health was broken and

, ,

I was in the h ospital for several weeks The doctors first cleaned me .

out with a stomach pump Then they treated me for ulcers and finally
, , ,

as I did not improve they obse r ved my digestion with an X ray Con -

elu di n g that they could do nothing for me they sent me home suggest , ,

ing that I underg o an operation .

Then a fellow employee in th e S P Go who had been greatly bene

. .

fi t ed by the Fong Wan Chinese Herbs s u ggested that I try them The
, .

first cup of tea gave me genuine relief and after a few weeks I wa s ,

entirely well I am back at the office and shall be glad to give my per

sonal testimony to a n y desiring it .



Oakland Calif J an ,
, . 6, 1 93 1 .

I had p a in in my stoma c h th at was well nigh unbearable I wa s in .

su ch agony at tim es that I walked the flo or at night I gained no relief .

elsewhere but when I t ook th e F ong Wan Herbs I b e c a me a well man


The herbs als o help ed my ki dneys .

B L E AKIN . . .


Mill V alley Cali f J an 2 1 930 ,

Myself and family h ave taken the F ong Wan Herb s for various ail
ments and received great benefit My father in Italy who i s 70 year s
. ,

old suffered from S tomach Trouble Doc tors pronounced it a case of

, .

E nlarged Liver and Intestinal Obstruction He was t r eated in a h os


pital but experiencing n o improvement he returned h ome F inally I


, ,

sent him som e herbs comp oun ded by F ong W an Having taken t h e .

herbs for a while he gained in strength can eat well and is feelin g
, , ,

fine in every way .

I also have a sister in the Old Coun try wh o su ff ered pain in all p a rt s
of her body especially in the stomach S he took the F ong Wa n Herb s

that I s ent her and after pas sing a gr eat many worm s has enj oye d ,

splendid health ever since .

E D ES PO S T I . .


O akland Calif July ,
, 1 7, 1 9 2 9 .

My stomach troubled me for years S ometimes the pain ran around


to the right side It was decided that my app endix sh ould b e rem oved

but after the operation my stomach wa s no bett er An operation for .

stomach ulcers was then recommended .

At this I quit and t o ok Fong Wan Herbs Af ter having drunk the .

herbs for five weeks I was completely well and have sinc e been a ble t o
eat almost anything This wa s two years ago but my s t oma c h t r ouble

has not return ed .

A p ostal inspector called on Mr O B r i en to fi n d out whether the

following te stimonial was authentic Mr O B r i en said that it was

. .


Oakland Ca lif April 1 1 1 9 2 7 , .
, ,

For more than 2 0 years I suffered with ulcers of the stomach I .

was unable to work for years and every thing that touched my stomach

caused me terrible agony I could scarcely stand the smell of food I

. .

was s o weak and had such a n empt y ; p ainful feeling that I could neither

walk nor raise my voice to talk .

During the past 2 0 years I have been treated almost everywhere and
have had n o less than 30 doctors S om e of them claimed that I was too

weak to stand an operation About two years ago prompted by curios


ity I c onsulted a Fortune Teller and asked if by any means my stom


ach could ever be cured The Fortune Teller advised me to go to the


G reatest Chinese Herbalist in O akland I acted upon the advice and .

went to the o ff ice of the Fong Wan Co b ec ause the people of California

call F ong Wan T h e King of the Chinese Herb a lists


Although I took the herbs for many months I improved but very
slowly and at tim es I wa s s o ill that I could not get out of bed to ta ke

the trip to the office Many times I sent my wife to get the herbs f or

me I did not get discour aged when I felt bad because I had gone

through the experience of doctoring for nearly 2 0 years C onsequently .

I did not expect to get well in a short time .

I stuck to the Fong Wan Herbs and was finally rewarded with good
health and recovery from my terrible malady Now after almost two .

years I am still feeling fine

, .



L o s Angeles Calif May ,
, 2 8, 1 9 2 9 .

Five years ago while traveling as a salesman I found I was having

, ,

continuous S tomach Trouble At the instigation of a friend I was per


s ua d ed to try your herbs .

After taking them for a short time I not only felt better but I have ,

continued to improve and I have had no S tomach Trouble since I can .

f ully recommend your herbs for derangement of the stomach .

V ery truly yours ,

L PA L MA R . .

—4 6
Q Were you some years ago
. with vari ous troubles A a fflic t ed ? .

Ulcerate d stomach .

Q Were you under care of physicians for this particular trouble


A I was
. .

Q In what variou s cities

A Philadelphia New York Boston .
, , ,

Chicago S t L oui s S an Francisco Oakland

, .
, , .

Q In all of those cities you were treated by physicians for this


particular trouble with which you were su ff eri ng ? A I was . .

Q Will you just describe what was exhibited to you on the X rays

A When th ey held the plate before me and us ed the rubber gloves in


back to see themselves a s they manipulated my intestines I could s ee ,

little spots some as big perhaps a s the old f a shi oned silver fi ve cent
, , ,
- -

piece They were on the tube from the big intestine down to th e lower

p art and there were small S p ec ks on the lower intestine where the bis

muth had gone in .

Q Prior to taking the X rays do you know what was administered


to you in the way of internal m edicine ? You said bismuth didn t you ? ,

A I did yes

Q Was that before the rays w

. X ere finally taken A Yes
? -
. .

Q How numerous th at is how many in number were those spots

, ,

that were p ointed out to you by the surgeons ?

A I don t know the .

count but there were quite a few There were four or five on the big
, .

tube a nd then there were little specks on the upper par t of my lower

intestine th a t I could see but I did not count them or try to , .

Q With out stating what it was did the surgeons diagnose your

troubl e and tell you what it wa s A Yes . .

Q How long were you under the care of physicians for this dis

tress A Off and on for about seven and a half years

? . . .

Q At the time you are S peaking of when you had your last confer

ence with the surgeons wh a t wa S y our condition just describe it ?,

‘ ‘

Pr osecuting Attorney : What time a n d place -

Def en s e Attorney : In S an Francisco at the A

Colleges , .

A I could not r est I coul d not get an y S leep at night I was in



. , ,

more or less agony all the time E verythi n g I ate distressed me They .

t o l d m e i fi I h a d a n y a ff ai rs to a t t én d t o
Q For how long a period had you been in that conditio n A Not
? .

in that actual condition but up to that time I had been suffering m ore

or less right along for the seven and a half years and it kept getting ,

worse .

Q And in that period of time how many physicians and surgeons


had attended you ? You don t need to give t heir nam es A There ’
. .

were twelve or more .

Q A s a result of their treatment did you receive any cure


A No s i r .
, .

Q you.get any relief

Di d ? A At times for a li t tl e while yes .
, .

Q Then it would recur All right After l eaving the A

. . Col .

leges did you have an operation ? A No Th ey told me I had gone . .

too far to have an operation .

Q After you left the A

. C olleges where did you go for treat
ment ? A Nowhere right away Mr . I had considerable money, .

and I thought I would rather blow it in than leave it to! someone s o I ,

started E ast to dissipate this money and have a good time as t h e boys ,

say .

Q . Well you finally went to the F ong W an Comp a n y

, ,
di d you ?

A . Y es I came back to the Coast and then I went there

, .

Q Did you commence to take F ong Wan s herbs as compounde d


by him ? A I did . .

Q J ust tell the jury the story of what happened A Well I didn t

. .

have much faith in the Chinaman s herbs after having the doctors ’

through out the country tell me they could not do much for m e other
than give me a diet to relieve my distre ss .

Q Well Mr Wortman go right ahead from that point

, .
. A . I
went to Fong Wan and I wa s rather skeptical ab out the man .

Q . Tell us what h e b egan to do ? A . I went over there and he told


A I went over there and took s ome herbs rather under protest

The result was that after four or four and a half months I could e at
anything S ince then I have not been distressed or tr oubled with my

stomach .

Q S ince the time that you c ompleted the c ourse of taking these

herbs have you h ad any further trouble or distress ? A

, Not with .

my stomach n o sir , , .

Q Have the tr oubles which distressed you for the seven and a half

years ever retu r ned t o y ou A N 0 S ir .

, .

Q In no respec t whatever
? A N one wha tever
, .

Q Did you take any other treatment than the herbs tha t were c om

p ounded for you by Mr F ong Wan A S ince then I have never tak
? . .

en any o ther treatment .

Q Th ere i s i n this book entitled Herb L ore ( 1 9 2 9 edition ) at


page 35 a testimonial letter Did you give m that le t t er A I did

, hi ? . . .

Defens e Att o rney : M ay I read this letter at this point your Hon or ,

It i s al r e ady in evidenc e .

Defens e Attorney : It reads as foll ows

After having suffered from S tomach Troubl e for eight years my ,

pain become well nigh unbearable Although I wa s treated by many


physicians I grew gradually worse I co uld scarcely eat or drink with


out pain I had several X rays taken by physicians at th e c ollege all


of whom agreed that I had Ulcers of t h e S tomach My c ondition wa s .

s o critical that they ad vised me to have my personal affairs adjusted

before l ong as they b elieved I had but six or eight months to live
, .

Fortunately a fri end of mine urged me to try t h e Fong Wan Herb s


After having taken the herbs for about three months I wa s abl e to eat ,

almost anything without th e slightest distress I am a sale sman for .

the Fry V isible Pump Co and am on the ro ad most of the time f r e .

, ,

quently eating each meal in a di fferent town Nevertheless I have not


yet experienced any symptoms of y former complaint .

J S W O R TMAN . . .

Q Is t hat tru e ? A Yes s i r

. .

Q And in this you state that the physicians advised you to have

your pers onal affairs adjusted a s they b elieved you had only s i x or ,

eight months t o live I s that correct A Yes

? .
. .

Q Where were th e physicians l ocated that told you that

Y ou
don t need to give their names A At the A

Colleges . . .


Prosecuting Attorney : Q . Do you remember when you gave F ong

Wan that testimonial A No It was quite a while ago I c ould n ot
. .

ex a ctly s a y .

Q About how m any years ago A That I c ould not s a y It was

? . .

over t hree years ago .

Q . M ore than three years ago ? A . Yes .

Q Where were you living then

, do you remember ? A . I wa s liv
ing in Oakland .

Q Did you write it out for him or did he write it out for you

A I wrote it out
. .

Q At h i s request
A . I didn t write it my wi fe wr ote it out at


my ins t igat ion .



The S ketch reproduced here is one of many S imilar sketc hes that p

p d about thre e centuri es ago in a revised edi tion of Th e E

ea r e nc y l p
c o e

dia of Herb al S cience published by the Chinese I mperi al C ollege in

Peking Chin a It shows how th e vari ous parts of the body are affec t ed

by the di fferent organs and it also S hows the connection of the blood
vessels wi th the heart .

Although thousands of years have ela p sed sinc e the original of t h e
Chinese sketc h was made by eminent herb alists in China y et gr eat ,

numbers of suff erers from heart trouble in t h e United S tates a s well

as in the Orient are daily obta ining great benefit from this ancient
C hinese knowledge by using the Chinese herbal remedies .

T he heart which is red like

, cla s sified under the fire elet he s un , is
ment Wh en the five principal elem en t s are working wi th e qu a l b alan c e

and power t h e heart is fre e from disease T h e two main causes of di s .

ease of the heart are inflammation and weakness of the heart .

If the blood of th e heart is infl amed it causes high b l ood pressure ,

and enlargement of the heart in which latter c a se t h e heart swells

, ,

cracks and leaks Inflammation produce s pain gas p alpitation sore

, , ,

chest shortness of breath hardening of the arteries angina p ectori s

, , , ,

swollen legs dropsy fits nervou sness headache fatigu e after slight
, , , , ,

exertion a pounding noise in the heart insanity and heart failure

, , .

According to the Chinese theories insanity and fits belong to the ,

same class of ailments the only di fference b eing that one is m ore vio

lent than the other Inflammation of the hear t and nerv es which run

from it to the brain is the ca use in both cases The i n flammation con .

denses the moisture which is the reason why most of the people who

have it foam at the mouth Inflammation of the heart sometimes ex .

tends to the small intestines and causes t hem to bleed This is the .

blood that appears in the urine .

Weakness and inflammation combined cause blood clots in the eyes .

S uch cases frequently baffle th e eye sp ecia list s Weakness of the h ear t .

s ometimes causes on e to be a fraid of the dark or to fear that someone

is plotting to kill him S uch sufferers cry out lament or have disturb

ing dreams .

When the heart is weak it cause s low blood pressure paleness s wo l , ,

len legs drop sy etc A cas e of sudden fright a fl ect s the heart and r e
‘ '

, ,

quires immediate a ttention S light indigestion will cause gas and p al


pi t a t i o n of the he a rt temp orarily but is insu ffi cien t caus e for alarm

E ach herbalist has his own methods of compoun d ing herb s The .

herbs prepared for he a t trou ble by th e F ong Wan specialist cannot b e


obtained elsewhere While the herbs in these c om poun d s

. ar e mild and
harmless ; yet they are e ff ective .

The F ong Wan herbs take away the inflammation from the heart ,

after which the gas and pain disappear S ome varieties of herb s are .
put in to enrich the blood and eliminate gas When the i n flammation .

i s gone the heart returns to its norm al S ize and leakage is s t opped .


Just as t h e s un i s the fire el ement of nature s o is th e heart the fire


el ement of the human body Of all the elements the fire element i s th e

m ost active A su dden shock h a s a more noticeable eff e ct upon th e


h ea rt than upon any of the other organs When the blood the muscle

of the valve of the h eart or the heart its elf is inflamed or is overtaxed

b ecause of exertion or sudden fright the heart beats fast Pain leakage .

or rush of bl o o d t o th e h ead may ensue Physi c ians have term e d the


latter high blood pressure

. It is vario usly a c companied by gas diz ,

z i n es s
sleeplessness difficult breathing paralytic stroke etc
, , ,

A cablegram to the press received
from S hanghai in May 1 9 26 stated , ,

that the discrepancy between the per

centage of insane in China and in the
United States was indeed great A l .

though the population of China a p

pr o xi ma t es the United
S tates has 20 insane pers ons to every
one in China .

A telegram to the press from Wash

i n g t on D C dated Dec 2 7 1 9 2 5 sta t
. .
, .
, ,

ed th at t h e investigations of the De
p a r t men t of C ommerce had revealed
that in 1 9 24 twice as many persons in
the United S tates had died from ail
ments of t h e h ea r t as from all other

Heart diseases combined .

The foregoing are sta tements of genuine facts The explanation may .

be found in the fact that thousands of years ago the Chinese arrived at
the c onclusion that insanity is caused by inflammation of the heart ,

which condition a ff ects the nerves lea di ng to the brain ; and that there
_ 54 _
paralytic strokes angina pectoris apoplexy dropsy sleeples sness i n
, , , , ,

sanity fits neuritis rheumatism of the h eart hemorrhage nosebleed

, , , , , ,

etc S ome persons are born hot bl ooded while in others i n fl a mma
“ -


tion of th e heart is caused by alc oholi c drinks over use of spices fried , ,

food hard work worry or anger

, , ,

O n an average more persons in America su ff er from heart dise ases


than d o th e people of any other nation The people here strive for .

riches and have m ore law suits than do ot her p eoples Fong Wan .

wrote and published art icl es with regard to heart ailments 1 7 years
ago which was b efore any other herbalist or even the medical men of

the United S t a t es G over n men t had noti c ed t hat so great a number of


persons were dying of diseas es of th e heart .

OVer 3000 years ago the a ncient Chinese herbalists discovered that

Foxglove R oots were good for the heart Thes e roots are very bitter . .

They are used to clear away t he p ois onous inflammation in the blood
around the heart When these roots are used according to Chines e

methods they are always comp ounded with many other kinds of herbs

to suit individu al requirements Digita lis and Di gi t alin are now u sed

extensively in the Occident .

B oth Digitalis and Di gitalin are from Foxglove R oots They are so .

powerful that only licensed physicians are permitted by law to pres

cr i be them Now all over the world physicians are using these drugs
, ,

for heart ailments .

Numerous people su fferi ng from various sorts of heart trouble have

been perm anently relieved by Fong Wan s harmless herbs S ome have ’

taken but a few p ackages an d have stayed well for a long long time , ,

while in chronic and complicated cases it h as been necessary to take the

herbs for many weeks in order to obtai n full benefit The Fong Wan .

Herb C omp ound is di fferent from all others It is both mild and safe .

and is far b etter than drugs at any tim e .


Oakland July ,
1 7, 1 9 2 9 .

To Whom It M ay Concern
For years I suff ered from high blood pressure p alpitation of the ,

heart dizzines s and hot flas h es Although I had tried many many

things in a fruitless quest for relief I d e c ided to give the F ong Wan

herbs a trial as a last resort .

I now feel as well a s t hough I had never been ill It is a pleasure .

for me to give this testimonial . M RS E CA N T E T . . .


O akland Calif April
2 7, 1 9 2 7 .

To the Fong Wan C o .

You saved my mother from the m ost dangerous of h eart ailments ,

aft er our physi c ian had given her up Our family rej oices over her r e

cover y and we S hall al ways tr ust F ong Wan a s our healer no matter
, ,

what complai nt or ailments we may have .

Although I have been a hospital nurs e for the past fourteen years ,

I have never seen anything to compare with th e mirac ulous relief a f

forded my mother by the Fong Wan H erbs for heart trouble and high
blood pressure .

After her terrible suff ering had been overcome I took the F ong ,

Wan Herbs myself for piles ( inflamm ation of the bowels ) hea dache , ,

and pain in my neck After the first three days I already felt better

and now at the end of five weeks I feel like a new woman .



Martinez Calif Nov 4 1 9 2 5

Th is is to certify that our baby Myrtle had been ailing for about
, ,

two years during which time we had taken her to many physicians
, ,

none of whom knew what was the matter with her .

M yrtle steadily gr ew worse Her heart beat rapidly and noisily



she had but little blood and the pallor of her face was lik e the white

nes s of a sheet of paper S he finally grew so weak t h at s h e could


neither walk nor eat .

It s eemed as though there was no hope of saving her S ome doc .

tors said that i t might b e her teeth that caused t h e trouble However .

her teeth had all come through but she wa s getting worse every day
, .

A friend recomm ended us to see F ong Wan It was found that o ur.
baby wa s really suffering from Heart Trouble S he has now taken .

the F ON G WAN H ER B S for 3 months and is in fine health .



M RS .


Benicia Calif March
, .
, 5, 1 9 28 .

After my baby granddaughter had been given up by our doctors ,

wh o not having been able to determine the actual cause of her com

plaints had pronounced her condition hopeless S h e wa s taken to F ong

, ,

Wan who gave her herbs for Heart Trouble S he wa s completely r e


li eved and is now a h ealthy child .

Personally I have a world of confidenc e in Fong Wan and hi s


Herbs Previ ous to consulting him I had been fruitlessly treated by


medical doctors for Diabetes Dizziness and General Debility over a


p eriod of years M y he alth however did not improve until I went to

, ,

Fong Wan nearly a year ago All my ailments were overcom e by his

mild Herbs and I am still enjoying splendid health .

( S igned ) MRS J E DU V A LL . . . .




In the early dawn of their civilization the Chinese attributed G oiter ,

to the foll owing caus es :

( 1 ) To the L ungs : They believed that G oiter was due to the lungs
in pers ons who were either stout h ad low vitality drank to excess or
, , ,

were inactive They claim ed that women were especially subj ect to

inflammation due t o the gathering of mucus either in the throat or

, ,

in the glands of the throat that had become enlarged in the form of
G oiter and that such su ff erers might have a certain amount of cough

ing of choking and of di ffi culty in breathing

, , .

(2) To the L iver : Th ey believed that G oi t er was due to the liver

in pers ons who either became over excited or who were subject to anger
and melanch oly They believed th at when such persons even talked in

a loud voice the glands of their neck s becam e swollen and that if the
, ,

swelling continued a form of G oiter resulted


(3) To the S tomac h : They believed t hat G oiter was due to the
stoma ch through indigestion whi ch c aused a sort of muscular lump
eith er inside or ou t side the throat the latter being vi sibl e There i s

also a form of G oi t er in whi ch the lump moves up and down when the
su fferer either talks or swallows .

(4) T o the Heart They b elieved that G oiter was due to the hear t

in pers ons i n whom the fire element either in the he art or in the

v alves of the h eart causes heart enlargement ac companied by a

, ,

fast wild palpita tion I n this s ort of action the heart extends and
, .

expands to the glands of the throat the ne c k and even t o th e inside, ,

of the ears The rep etition of this wi ld palpitation of th e heart h a s a


tendency to enlarge the glands of the neck in t o Goiter which is a c ,

companied by the protruding of b oth eyes T h e G oiter serves a s a sort .

of safety valve for this wild action of the heart When G oiter is either .

operated on or cut out through loss of this saf ety valve the eyes are
, ,

forc ed outward gi ving a pop eyed appearance -


( NO TE : Herbs are compounded ac c ordingly to meet individual ,

needs ) .

In this twentieth century medical scientis t s in all p arts of the


world have bo th claimed and led people to believe that G oiter in any

form is caused by the t hyroid glands In c ases where there is i n s uf .

fi ci en t thyroid secretion the sufferers are advised to tak e Thyroid


Tablets While we believe that these tablets do some g ood in cases


that come under the first classification given ab ove we a lso believe ,

that they do great harm in all others because the animal thyroid g i ves

a certain amount of animal vita lity to the weakened human body We .

speak from experience having s een young women who were not su ff er

ing from G oiter who were advised to take Thyroid T abl ets by medical
men These patients then began to su ffer from melancholia nervou s

ness forgetfulness and sleeplessness T hey also had c ryi ng sp ells


l a ck of mental ability itch ing of the Skin irregul ar monthlies and

, , ,

were unable to think clearly We have also heard of numerou s S imil a r


complai nts .

The 2 0t h century scientists in various parts of the world use the

dumb animals in their experi ments They watch the reactions of these

_ 59 _
poor creatures and then jump at conclusions and pass the treatment on

to human sufferers These scientists really do not know how much the

dumb anim als have suffered under their s o called new discovery The
“ -

Thyroid Treatment .

Dr William J Kerr of the University of California Medical S ch l
. . oo

hasrecently made a statem ent to th e effect that G i ter is a symptom of o

general body trouble rather th a of the Thyroid G land only as is c om

n ,

mon ly supposed Despite the fact that for many years Medical S ci en

t i s t s have attri buted all cases of G oiter to the swelling of the T hyroid

G land Dr Kerr has found that G oiter may also b e due to affections of

other org a ns of the b ody including th ose of the Heart the Lungs the
, , ,

Liver and the Kidneys Although this fact has but s o recently becom e
, .

known in Am erica the C hinese have had knowledge of it for thou


sands of years and have treated the affected organs accordingly


The testim ony printed herewith i s one with regard to a case of

G oiter due to an aff ection of the Heart Fong Wan h as als o relieved .

cases of G oiter caused by S tomach Trouble and by L iver Trouble .

T ES TIM ONY G I VE N BY M R 0 E F O S T ER IN the S o uth er n . . .

Divi s i on o f t h e UNIT E D S TAT ES DI STR IC T CO U R T for the

Northern Di s trict o f Cali f or nia .

The following excerpts are from th e transcript , V ol . 2, pages 1 08

1 1 2 March 4 1 9 32 :
, ,

Q Mr Foster what is the condition of your health

. .
A . Well ,

I don t know that there is anything wrong wi th me


Q Were you under the care of physicians at one time for certain

troubles ? A Y es just for a short time


Q . Physicians in Alam eda C ounty - ? A . Yes , in Alameda County .

Q Did t hey diagnose your trouble and inform you of the troubles

with which you were afflicted ? A Yes . .

Q Were there any physical evidences on th e exteri or of your body


that you c ould obs erve A Yes

? . .

Q . Just describe to the jury wh at that was . A . It was a goiter on

the right side of my neck .

Q . Do you know a goiter when you s ee it ?

A . Yes , I do .

Q Just proceed Mr Foster A It started from my heart s ome

, . . . ,

thing that caused pressure against my heart caused the goiter .

Q You have S poken of your heart What were the symptoms that
. .

came from your h eart ? A When it first start ed my heart wa s in .

pretty bad shap e I t would just beat a little bi t and then s ort of wait

and then b eat again We called the doct or and t h e do ctor said

A My heart then started beating awf ul fast and j ust pounded like

a triphamm er You co uld fee l it anywhere a n d know that my hea r t


was beating very fast I coul d not sleep or lie on my S ide b e c au se my


heart was beating s o hard It kept up that way for quite a long time . .

F inally I got a little b etter and wa s able to get around and I thought
, ,

I would s ee what I coul d do and I went to a doctor who look ed me over , .

He wa s a heart and lung speciali st .

Q Di d the heart and lung specialist apply certain tests to your


heart ? A Yes Q The C ourt will prob ably n ot allow you to s a y

. . .

what he said to you but did he make a diagn osis of your trouble with

your heart A Yes h e did

? .
, .

Q You may state if you will whet h er or not t here were indi c a
, ,

tions that you yourself could observ e as to the c onditions of your

, ,

heart as to whether or not it wa s enlarged


Q In any event did th e do c tor m ake a diagn osis with respect to


your he art condition ? A Yes . .

Q . What did he rec ommend you to do A He recommended I ? .

come ba ck and have something done to my goiter .

Q At that ti me h ow large was the goiter

? A . I could not s ay .

I could feel it sort of pressing up like .

Q . Was it visible on the outside ? A . Yes , it wa s on this side .

Q . W a s it getting larger as time went on ? A . Oh , y es , it was

getting larger .

Q Wh at did he recommend you to do wi th resp e c t to the goiter


A He asked me to come back and s ee him and hav e s ome injection

. .

I don t know what it was becaus e I didn t go back



Q . Did you g o to any other doctor after that before you went to
F ong Wan s place A No I did not
’ ? .

Q . What was yo ur condition at th e time you went t o the Fong

Wan H erb Company ? A I was in pretty bad sh ape ; in fact I felt


tha t there was not much chance .

Q You m ay go on Mr Foster A S o I thought I would go down

. . .

and s ee F ong Wan and s ee wha t he could do for me .

Q . Had you heard of him before ?

A . Yes .

Q . F or how long a time

A Ab out s i x months Di ff erent peo ? . .

ple told me ab out him .

Q Peopl e that had treated with him

? A Yes p eo p le that had .

treated wi t h him .

Q . And you went t o h im ? A . Yes .

Q . Di d he make up c ertain h erb s for you ? A . Yes , he did .

Q How long did you take them

? A . I took t hem ab out three
months .

Q After you c omm en c ed taking them did you noti c e any improve

ment A I did not t h e first we ek After that I began t o feel better

. . .

My heart was beating more even Gradually my condition all changed . .

When my hear t got better my goiter disappea r ed .

Q And you
. say you continued the treatment three months ? A .

Three m onths .

Q At the end of the three months wh at was your condition

? A .

Well most p eople th at knew m e before didn t know me



Q . Have you ever had any recurr ence of the t rouble sin c e ? A .

Q How long ago wa s that Mr Foster

? A . That wa s in 1 9 28 .

I cann ot remember the exact date .

Q . You are a pe r fectly well man today , so far as you know ? A .

Q . No recurrence whatever of the disturbance in your h eart ? A .

Q . The goiter h as entirely disappeared ? A . Yes .

Q Di d you tak e any treatm ent whatever o t her than

the F ong

Wan herbs ? A No . .

Defense Attorney : Take the witness .

Prosecuting Attorn ey : No cross examination -

. . , .


Oakland Cal i fo r nia ,

When I first cam e to Fong Wan I was tired weak and sleepless , .

M y hea r t beat fast a n d I could scarcely breathe I wa s s o dizzy that .

I wa s in continual fear of falling .

Although I tried doctors who used the X ray and who examined me -

on the table for hours at a time yet none could determine th e cause,

of my ailments Month af ter m onth I s ought relief but not a bit of


go od did I get .

When I started the F ong Wan Herbs they did me more g o od in two
days th a n I had gotten from doc tors in a year Al t hough I finished .

taking the herbs many m onths ago I am still in fine condition This , .

testim onial is promp t ed by gratitude and the ha ppiness experienced

in having obtained go od results through the agency of the F ong Wan
Herb S p e cialist . JOHN W H OOK E R . .

Q When did you begin to suffer

. w
ith your troubles ? A . You
mean h ow far pri or to the tim e I went to Fong Wan ?

Q Y ou can d escribe your c onditions then Mr Hocker A About

, , . . .

s om ething like nine years ago I was living up in Woo d land Yolo ,

County I had quite a bad side I could not raise my arm above my

head this way It would weaken right down My stomach would swell
. .

up some bit I was short of breath and all that I we n t to s ome doctors
, .

l h e C ourt : Q Did you h ave a cough
? A Yes . .

Q S putum
? A I h ave had that a little all my life I coughed
. .

but very little .

Q Did you have any night sweats

? A Years ago I did but not .

l a tely When I was a young b oy I had night sweats for a l ong while
. .

Q Di d you have your lungs

. X rayed ? A Y es -
. .

Q . At what clini c? A I tried for insurance several times and


f a iled I had a hem orrh age and I spit quit e a quantity of blo o d in my

younger days .

Q . Did you have your lungs X rayed ? A Yes -

. .

Q Di d they make a report to you

. as to the diseas e with which you
were su fferi ng ? A Y es . .
Q Di d the doctors describe to you the condition of your lungs

without saying what it wa s

The Court : Just answer ‘
Yes ’
or No‘

A . Y es .

Q Di d you.continue your trea t m ent with th ese doctors ? A They .

never gave me anything that I remember of at all ,


T he Court : Q Did you take what was called the rest cure
A .

No ,
s ir ,
I have never been abl e to .

Q . W ell finally did you go to Fong Wan s

, ,
’ ? A . I did yes , .

Q About . how long ago ? A Close to . s ix years ago . I think it

was a little less than s i x years ago .

Q . Di d you personally go and consult Fong Wan ? A . Yes .

Q . Did he compound certain herbs for you ?

A . Yes .

Q About how long

. di d you take them ? A . I took th em I think , ,

for around five m onths .

Q Will you just state to the jury in your own language what o c

curred as the result of your taking them ? A I beg a n g et t i n g better .

r ght away I never felt better in a ll my life I was more c ompetent

i '

. .

to do work and could do more of it with less fatigue than I ever could

b efore in all my life c ounting in my young days and all M y S ide got

mu c h better In fa c t it got so tha t I took no noti c e of it at all I slept

, .

good ate good a n d I gained I c a nnot s a y t o o mu c h about them

, ,
“ .

T here is nothing else I can s a y i s better than th o s e herbs .

Q a s the trouble ever come back on you

. H A Once in a gr eat ? .

while I do have a littl e trouble wi th my S ide if I tak e a real ba d cold .

T his last winter—not this winter but last winter about a year ago , , ,

pos sibly a little over I was working up in S anta R osa and I caught

c old I we nt to a doctor up there a n d got s ome medi c ine He was a

. .

h omeopathic d oc tor It did not seem to do me any good much I came

. .

on down here and went to another doctor here Th e reason I di d not .

go to F ong Wa n s then was be c ause I was ve r y short of m oney I got


some medicine from this other doctor I to ok th e m edi c ine from both .

of these d octors without any result at all I then went to Fong Wan ,

and took a week s treatm ent from him and c le a red my side up p er

f ect ly goo d and I was as well a s ever again

, , .

Q You were not subpoenaed

. as a witness to come here were you ,

A No s i r
, .

Q . You came down on your o wn accord ? A . Yes , I volunteered .

— 65
Prosecuting Att orn ey : Q . You say you cam e down here vo lun

t a r i ly ? A Yes . .

Q I s it n ot a fact that th e reas on why you h ave not made applic a


tion for insurance in the last couple of years is that you know you c an t ’

get an insurance policy on account of your health I that right

s ? A . .

Abs olutely it i s not right I h ave had agents request me to g et i n s ur


an c e I have just told you it would c os t me entirely t oo much to ca r ry


insurance now You know that . .

Q No I don t know it A C ertainly you kn ow it You know

. . . .

what rates a r e for different ages .

Q You are not su ff ering from tub er culosis now

, ar e you ? A . Do
I look like it ?

Q I want to know if you are s ufl er i n g from tuberculosis now A


. .

D oct ors since I wa s sixteen or eighte en years of age h ave pronoun ced
m e a T B However with all of th at I h ave gain ed in flesh I e at goo d
. .
, , ,

and I weigh more as a rule and I rarely ever cough

, , .

Q . Are you w ork i ng now ? A . Yes .

Q You are taking things k ind of easy now and have been for the

last few years ? A I certainly would not if I had a j ob

. .


S an Francisco Calif July 5 1 92 8 , .
, , .

To F ong Wan
Two years ago I su ffered from Heart Trouble and pain all over my
chest Although I tried everythi ng that I heard of I s ecured n o genu

ine relief until I came across the b ay to you I t is a pl easure t o testif y .

t hat the Fong Wan Herbs banished my pain and that there has been
no recurrence of my complaints during the past two years .

M RS M L O R D . . .

O akland C alifornia
, .

Mr F ong Wan
. .

Dear S ir :
You kn ow h ow I have c ome to you from time to time during t h e
past few years for books to give to fri ends or ac quaintances wh o
wi shed to investigate your methods of h erb treatm ent after they h a d ,

l ea rn ed of my wonde r ful e xperience in being c ured of Hardening of

t h e Arteries four years a g o by but two we eks of your treatm ent .

Although I have thus been instrumental in bringing a few sufferers

to you to receive relief I feel that I have not done all I might as
, ,

there are doubtless other persons wh o a r e suffering from Neuritis ,

Rheumatism Thickening of the Blood or from Hardening of the Ar

, ,

t er i es a s I did .

As I ha ve been free from that ailment ever since I S h all be glad ,

to answer either by letter or in person any inquiry you may receive

, ,

from individuals s o afflicted .

S incerely yours ,

. . . .

( Original given many years ago ;

again verified Nov . 1 6,



S hin Nong classified the
lungs as belonging to the min
eral element Just as th e hear t

controls the blood c irculation ,

the lungs control the air c ir

culation of the human system .

If th e blood of the lungs is

in good c ondition and the,

pores of the body are kept

clean while at the same time

the lungs are free from i n

fl a mma t i on, impurities and ,

abno r mal temperature of f or

ei g n origin the lungs are

strong an d he a l thy .

Herbs of whit e color and of either pungent or insipid ta ste belong

to the mineral element Th e former cause the heat of th e body to ex

pand and to go down to the limbs and pass outward through the skin .

Th e activity of the lungs extends also t o the s ub organs and the i n


t es t i n es.Th e herbs of insi pid tas t e free the lungs and intestines of


Wh en one h a s a c old in any part or in the whole of the b ody the ,

passages of the pores are closed A s the internal h eat c annot then

escape it forces its way up to the head which begins to ache If this
, , .

heat ( fever ) reaches the lungs pneumonia may result When a cold

s ettles in any part of the body it stops the circul ati on b oth of the

bl oo d a n d of the air in that part S tiff neck and .

follow T h e internal fever causes a dryness and


thr oat If the heat in the lungs interferes with the

. r t he

air there i s coughing


For these reasons a herb compound for a col d generally c ontains


more than a dozen di fferent kinds of herbs such as : Herb s to take away ,

the fever f rom the lungs ; herbs to open th e passages of the pores s o ,

that the lungs a n d pores may work again in unison ; herb s to s oothe t h e
air passages of the bronchial tubes ; herbs to pacify the blood of th e
liver ; herbs to carry away the feverish congestion s o that the he a d ,

will stop aching A h erb c ompound for a c old i s therefore much m ore

beneficial than any sort of drugs This is th e reason why Chinese


herbalists h ave been s o succes sful in relieving c ases of L a G ripp e and

Influenza .

A certain c lass of skin disease i commo nl y kn own E cz ema B s as . e

c ause the pores of the skin work in unison with the l ungs germs and ,

impurities in the skin and pores affect the blood through the medium of ,

the lungs to a greater or less degree C onsequently herbs f or E czema

, .

must be s o compounded as to remove th e impurities from the blood ,

through the a ction of the lungs which wi ll drive out the impurities

through the pores In addition to this herb s a l ve or herb p owder is


generally applied externally H erbs are also b oiled for washing the

a ff e c t ed parts .

Wh en disease a ffects either the lower or the upper limbs h erbs for ,

c le a nsing the spleen must be added to the herbs in the compound f or

the lungs as the spleen controls the limbs Al t hough Ec z ema and

other S kin diseases are disagreeable they are not dangerous , .

When a chronic cold settl es in the lungs th ey b ec om e clogged wi t h ,

mucous congestion This condition is known as Asthma I f the case

. .

is of long standing the su ff erer s health is g radu ally impaired and it



requires considerable tim e to restore it to norm al T he FO N G WAN .

C O has a splendid record for the ab solute and perm anent relief of

Asthma c ases .


Neith er the lungs nor the constitution in general of the cough and
as thm a sufferer a r e a s strong as thos e of persons of average health ;
consequently an asthma su ffere r i s more liable to contract a c old

When a fresh cold s ets in there is always m ore or less inflammation and

fever which is scarcely detectable by placing a thermometer in the

m outh .

If the su ff erer uses an E lectro magnetic Appliance it will drive more-

heat ( fever ) into the lungs which in consequence will become more
, , ,

congested and clogged with mucus T h e suff erer then breathes with .

difficulty and becomes very weak Lo ss of appetite and a sallownes s .

and palenes s of the complexion which gi ve the appearance of approach

ing death follow ,

A number of persons who through t h e use of E l ectro M agnetic A p


pli an ces have brought themselves into the afores aid c ondition have r e

p orted to t h e F ong Wan C o Although their E lec tro M agnetic A p



pli a n ces have done them so mu c h h arm they have succeeded in regain ,

ing their health by taking the Fong Wan Herbs .


Catarr h originates in the blood When the l ungs send up fever to .

the head this fever condenses the moisture which forms big chunks
, ,

in the head These chunks of thick mucus drop into the mouth and

thr o at For this reason people look upon cata rrh as having its seat in

the head Herbs for c atarrh must be so compounded as to cleanse the


blood the lungs and the h ead L ong suffering from catarrh abates
, , .

one s energy poisons the entire system and causes ringing noises in

, ,

the ears or even deafness Many chronic su fferers from catarrh have

b een wonderfully relieved by the Fong Wan Herbs .


Wh en equilibrium of p ower and balance is maintained in the work
ing of the five elements the hum a n system i s free from disease The

throat is a narrow passage between the trunk of the b ody and the head .

In it are numerous small nerv es and glands whic h connect with the
intern al organs such as the lungs kidneys stomach liver and heart , , , , .

_ 70 _
his blood is s o thoroughly clean sed that there i s no conges t ion and his ,

p ores function freely In consequence h e rarely catch es cold

, .

Th e Chinese herbs for a cold are ben eficial to the entire system and ,

are very different from the treatments prescri bed by other schools of
healing in which alcoholic li qu or i s Often used T h e fever or i n fl a m
, .

mation in the system is thus augmented instead of being driven out .

Herbs for colds also tend to drive away Influenza germs just a s to ,

b acc o plants keep insects away from the garden and tobacco smoke ,

keep s away snakes .

A S a result of their experience in the epidemic of 1 9 1 8 many Ameri ,

cans now realize h ow speedy and lasting i s the benefit to be derived

from th e Herbal R emedies provided by Mo ther Nature .


According to Ch inese Theories S inus trouble
is attributable to th e
foll owing causes
1 . Th e nose is the cavity of t helungs I f a cold
. is c ontracted the ,

heat ( fever ) centers in the head an d lungs .

2 .The mouth is th e ca vity to the st om ach If a person either eats


t oo frequently or if he eats t o o mu ch spicy fried g reasy or ri c h food

, , ,

there wi ll be a certain amount of indigestion in the stomach and the ,

blood th ere will b ecome heate d Naturally a s t h e blood circulates and


the air p asses out and upward from t h e lungs and the stomach the ,

sinus is lia ble t o bec ome a ff ected .

If the sinus is painful and the mucus is thick yellowish brown and , ,

if dry discharges com e from the nose it indica tes that one has heated

blood in the lungs and perhaps more or less indi gestion It als o indi .

cates that there is too much of the fire element in the blood .

If the mu c us discharged through the nose i s clear thin and abun , ,

dant and if these dis ch arges are sometimes a c com p anied by p ain a
, ,

severe chronic cold has settled in the head and has c oncentrated in the
S inus When a person h a s chronic S i n lJ s trouble his h ealth i s often i m


paired and there i s an unpleasant Odor about his no se or m outh The .

entire system i s sometimes poisoned and in severe cases of sinus trou


ble the nos e swells painfully

, .

Because of the Chinese method of healing with herbs many opera ,

_ 72 _
tions have been avoided There are two me t h ods of c ompounding herb s

for sinus trouble One is to u se herbs to purif y the blood of the stom

ach and lungs and to di spel the heat c ombined with herbs to improve

the digestion and to op en the passages or cavities of the sinus The .

other method i s to use herb s to clear out t h e c old and to restore the
blood strengt h s o that relief m ay be p ermanent If a pers on i s weak

and the S inus trouble of long standing a considerable length of time


may be required .


Oakland Calif M ay
, .
4 , 1 9 31 .


I want you to know how grateful I am for what your Herb s did for
me about four years ago when I h a d a very severe c as e of E czema .

Time has proven the eradication of the di sease to be t h orough for I

have not b een ill since .

The E czema began on one arm and continued to spread although I ,

went to several doc tors They sent me t o a specialist who gave me



what is known a s auto serum treatment I was put on a very strict

“ -


diet After seven weeks of this regime I was extremely weak and ner

vous and the s kin disease had spread all over my body My arms r e .

sembled raw be ef steak and I h ad lost 1 8 p ounds The S pecialist finally

, .

advised that I go away to the country ; this was ob vi ously impossible .

We had heard that your Herb s were helping others but we feared ,

to try t hem for we had als o heard that the Chinese used their herb s to
promote dop e addiction among unsuspecting Americans Time has .

proven this to be absolutely untru e .

My husband finally brought me to your off ice and I b egan taking th e

Fong Wan Herb Tea Within a few weeks marked improvement was

evident in every way The skin on my body was entirely healed and

after four months there was new skin on my arms I had regained my .

weight and could again do all my own housework At the sam e time .

I had gotten ri d of painful Piles of long standing .

My husband used your Herb s for Kidney Trouble with good r e

s ult s Incidentally the Rheumatism with which he had been bothered

_ 73 _
and on wa s entirely overcome H e j oins me in testimonial
o ff . .

We have great faith in the Fong Wan Herbs and we recommend

them to our friends .

V ery respe ct fully yours ,

KAT E M and J . . E CHUN

. .


. .

March 26t h , 1 9 30 .

A year ago my daughter Be rnice had intermittent F e v er for many

, ,

months S he was kept out of school and had to sta y in bed Although
. .

we had tried doctors and many reme dies Bernice obtained no relief ,

until She took the F ong Wan Herbs S he als o h a d Bronchitis and .

Asthma from both of which the herbs relieved her in no time

, .

. . .

S t ckt n C alifornia o o ,

About three years ago I was left very weak after having suffered
from S panish Influenza and I contracted a cough which settled on my ,

lungs Thi s cough persisted and kept gradually getting worse I tried
. .

every remedy rec omm ended to m e but nothing seemed t o relieve me


A year ago I ha d so s ev ere an attack of coughing that I was com

p elled t o quit work I had just about believed a relief impos sible when

frie n ds and relatives urged me to go to F ong Wan the H erb S pecialist



I went F ong Wan diagnosed my case corr ectly I noticed an im prove

. .


ment after the first cup of herb tea and after three or four weeks I felt

like a new pers on .

Today thanks to F ong Wan and his herbs I ca n b oast of a good

, ,

pair of lungs and a good heart . J J F I S KE . .


( This testim onial was first given some years ago .

I t was verified November 3 ,


S an Francisco Cal i f M arch 8 1 9 2 6
, ,

My S tomach and Bronchial Tubes tr oubled me co n s iderably for the

past two years When I tried to do anything I became chok ed up and

_ 74 _
nervous and for s ome time I had not be en abl e to work steadily

Although I had obtained no results from other treatments I acted ,

upon the recommendation that I try the F ong Wan Herbs I have taken .

the Herbs for only t wo weeks and I alre ady fee l like a di ff erent m an .

In my c ase the F ong Wan Herbs have proven to b e the bes t r emedy


T ES TIM ONY G I VEN BY M RS L LON G i n t h e S outh er n Divisi on of

. .

the UNI TE D S TAT ES DI S T R I C T CO U R T f or t h e N ort h ern Di s trict

o f C al if o r n i a .

The following excerpts are from th e tra n s c ript V ol . 5, p ages 422

4 24 March 9 1 932
, , .

Questi ons by attorney for defense . Answers by Mr s . L L ong

. .

S O far a s you know are you in perfect heal th at the present

Q .

time ? A Yes . .

Q . Were you always that way ? A . No , s ir .

Q When did you first begin to su ff er with the

. physical ailment
that did af lict you
f ? A In 1 9 28 . .

Q . Did you consul t a regular physician A . Yes .

Q . Without giving her name—was it a lady physi c ian ? A . Yes .

Q . And a reputabl e member of the profession ? A . Yes .

Q . Did you continue with her for any gre at l ength of time ? A . A
y ear .

Q . At the end of that time had you been benefited ? A . No , sir .

Q What was your condition better or worse ? A

, . I t was worse ,

because I was losing m ore weight .

Q W hat were the symptoms with which you were su ff ering dur

ing that period of ti me ? A With night sweats afternoon fever

, ,

chills loss of weight

, .

Q Did you have any cough ?
A . A cough .

Q Di d you go to a specialist in th e me d ical profes sion after that ?


A Yes sir
, .

Q . What was his specialty ? A . Tuberculosis .

Q . He was a regu lar specialist in that trouble was he ,

A . Yes ,

How l ong did you rem ain under his c are ? A I di d not go
Q . .

under his c are be c ause I could not aff ord to take the treatme n t

Q Di d he dia g nose your tr ouble

A He gave me an X ray .

Q By the way did you submit t o any other tests and reactions

A Yes when I went to the other do c tor I had a tub er cular test

Q . And the result of that wa s th a t you went to a tube rc ular s pe

ci a li s t ? A . Yes .

Q . You say you c ould not aff ord to undertake the treatment ? A .

No , s ir , I c ould not .

Q . Then to whom did you g o for relief ? A . F ong Wan .

Q Did he come to you or did you t ake your case to him

. A I ,

went to him .

Q On the reco m endation of others A Of my sister wh ohad
? .

gone to him .

Q Wha t was your condition at that time with regard to strength


A . I wa s in bed .

Q How long had you been confined to bed

? A . Three weeks be
fore I went to him .

Q you have fever during t hat t i m e

. Di d A Yes ?
. .

Q Were you able to walk about A No s i r not over a block

? .
, , .

Q Were you weak ? A Y es

. . .

Q How much had you lost in weigh t ? A 23 p ounds ‘

. . .

Q Then did you begin to take the herbs that were compounded

for you by Fong Wan ? A Yes . .

Q When did you first commence taking them

? A October 1 5 . .

Q I n wh a t year A 1 9 30
? . . .

Q How lo ng
. did you continue to ta ke the treatment ? A . Until
about April l s t 1 9 3 1 , .

Q That was s omething like six months

. A Y es ?
. .

Q Just state to the jury what occurred after you commenced to

. .

take these treat ents ?
A Well I started in and I would have t o be .

taken down in the car I was not able to walk only a block I was short
, ,

winded I had the aftern oon fever I had the night sweats S o aft er I
, , .

started taking them it was quite some time until I gained weight but I ,

gained strength Then I gained eighteen p ounds after going to him


for s i x months .

Q Wh at h a.s be c ome of the sym p toms that formerly a ffl i c t ed you ?

A I ha v e no more cough n o m ore aftern oo n f evers and I can walk

, , ,

I think as far a s anybody else

, .

Q . Y ou do your own work ? A . I do my own work .

Q Have you
. any troubles or ills at al l from th at t rouble of whi c h
you are c ons c i ous ? A No s i r not at all ; my l ungs are all right
, , .

I have n o p ain .

Q And all. of the trou bles that formerly a ffl i c ted you in your l ungs
and chest the fever and otherwis e h ave disap p eared ? A Yes s i r
, ,
, .

Defens e Attorn ey : T ake the W itness .


Q Du ring this time t hat you were t a king these herbs were you

on a diet ? A No s i r .
, .

Q . Were you c areful about your eating ? A . No , sir .

Q Di d you eat anything

. A I ate anything and everything I ? .

wanted to .

Q You ate well A Yes

? . .

Q You ate full meals

. A Yes . .

Q Did you get lots of rest during this t i me A I t ook my after

. .

noo n rest He had m e take m oderate exercise outdoors

. .

Q . Di d you get that aftern oon rest every da y ? A . S omet imes .

Q . Mostly every day ? A . Yes , I t ried to .

Q . And you feel better now don t you ? A ,

. I feel fine .

Q Did the defendant F ong Wan ever tell you that he would c ure
, ,

cancer ? A I didn t have cancer and I didn t a s k him

’ ’

Q Did he ever tell you th at he would cure your appendicitis

. A .

I didn t a s k him anything about it


Q . You never had any appendicitis ? A . N0 .

Q Di d h e ever t ell you that he would cure epilepsy ? A N 0

. . .

Q You were never troubled with anything of that kind were you ?

A No
. .

Defense Attorney : I object to tha t a s not proper cross examina -

tion This witness has not been afflicted with any of those things
. .

The Court : It is not proper cross examination -


Prosecutin g Attorney : T hat i s all .

Albany Calif Jan
. 2 , 1 93 6 .

T o Whom It May Concern

F or more than three years and a
half I suffered from E czema on my

face hands a r ms and body I went

, ,

to twenty doctors and to the clinic s

of two univers ities for tr eatmen t
but gained no relief I was tol d .

that my trouble was Derm atitis

Herpetiformis Obtaining no r e .

lief I finally went to F ong Wan I


bought some h erbs from him cook ,

ed them a t home and dr ank the

herb tea I soon experienced some

relief I continued to take the


herbs for three months and I now

feel fine My skin is all cleared up
. .

If I ever have any recurr ence of the

malady I shall certa inly take the

Fong Wan Herbs again Anyone .

interested in learning more with r e

gard to my condition may call on M arti n Oluf s e n
me and I shall b e glad to both verify these statements and give
tails . MA R TIN OL U F S E N .


Oakland C alifo r nia ,

After havin g been operated on for a Tumor in my neck I had a ,

cough day and n ight After nine months the cut ma d e by the doc tor

had not heale d E ach month I became weaker my breath grew short
, ,

and I could scarcely walk I thought that I would surely die . .

My brother urg ed me to try the Fong wan Herbs at 576 Tenth

S treet Despairin gly I b egan to drink them Now after two months
, ,

I am entirely rid of all my former complaints and a m strong and well .

I thank G od for this wonderf ul Herb S pecialist Fong Wan who I , ,

believe has p rolonged my life .


( Original date 1 9 22 .

Again verified Apri l 2 1 ,

tors thought I had consumption No treatment that I took did m e any


My folks fin a lly urged that I try Fong Wan After but a few weeks

of his treatment I wa s restored to my norm a l health and although t his


was m ore than a year ago I have not had a cough since I am strong
, .

now and h ave gained many p ounds . MA RY S OU Z A .


O akland Calif Oct 7 1 9 2 9
, .
, .

T o Whom It M ay Concern
For s i x months I suff ered from S inus Trouble Catarrh and S pells

of Violent S neezing which were both dis c oncerting and embarr a ssing

Alth ough for a time it s eemed that no permanent relief was ob t ain
able now after having taken the F ong Wan Herbs for but a short time
, ,

my troubles have all been overcome and I fe el that I have entirely

recovered . W ESLE Y YOUN G .





The sketch reproduced here is one

of m any similar sketches that a p
p ea r ed about three c e n turies ago in a
revised edition of the E ncyclopedia
o f Herb al S cien c e ,
published by the
Chinese I mperial College in Peking ,

China It shows how the various


nerv es in diff erent part s of the body

are a ffected by the gall bladder and
liver .

Although th ousands of years have

elapsed since the ori gin a l of th e a c
companying sketch was made by
eminent herbalists in China yet great

numbers of su fferers from liver and

gall bladder trouble in t he U S as . .

well as in the O ri ent are daily obtain

ing great benefit from this ancient
Chinese knowledge by using the Chi
nese herbal remedies .

B ecause the liquid in th e gall blad

der and the juices secreted by the
liver are greenish thus resembling

the vegetation element in c olor S hin ,

Nong concluded that the gall bladder and liver belonged to t h e v egeta
tion element and that herbs of green color and sour taste should b e used
as correctives for disorders of these organs Upon experimenting he

—8 1
discovered that herbs of this sort hav e power to c ontract the air in the
bl oo d and that their action assists the li v er an d gall bladder in func

t i on i n g .

The liver a c ts a s a re s erv oir t o hold the blood until it i s thrown b ack
into c irculation The secretions of the liver and gall bladder enter th e

inte stines and aid digestion T h e gall bladder i s a s ub organ to the liv er

T he infl amed conditi on of the liver c auses inflammation and c on

gestion of the G all Duct ; and the Bile either ove r flows causing Yellow ,

Jaundice or solidifies into G allstones At intervals the Liver b e c omes .

greatly i nfl amed causing swelling in the entire right side of the tr unk
, ,

from the glands of the n ec k to the lower p art of the abdomen The A p .

p en di x then swells and Appendi c itis sets in When the stones are p a s s .

ing through they cause such inte n s e pain that the su ff erer freq uently

loses consci ousness A s a symptom of Gall and Liver T roubles the r e


is generally more or less pain starting be neath the right rib and run ,

ning ar ound the right side up to the shoulder blades , .

If either the liver or gall bladder i s inflamed or is weak and i n

active pain enlarg ement gall stones biliousnes s sleeplessness ner
, , , , , ,

vou s n es s discoloration of the s kin and a ringing or buzzing noise in


the ears may follow S ometimes when the inflammation i s severe it

, ,

cau ses running sores or even ulcers in the ears deafness infl am ed eyes , , ,

blindness hot fl a shes or headaches

, .

In t ense anger als o aff ects the liver Protracted s orrow causes the .

liver t o b e sluggish and the blood to become p oisoned T h i s condition .

is favorable to the formation of gr owths especially in the breast , .

Americans often laugh at the Chines e idea that the liver is p artly on .

the left side of t h e body a s well as on the right Through their studies , .

the Chinese have found th at the pulse of the circulation of the liver i s
determ ined by feeling the pulse in the left wri st instead of in the right , .

When through fright anger or other strong emotion the liver is

, ,

stimulated a bn or ma lly i t gets into a fiery condition The individual is


then liable to be quick tempered to talk fast and loud or if in p ain to

, , ,

groan or cry in a loud voice An abnormally active liver fre quently de

. .

prives one of the us e of h i s voice entirely for a short pe r iod of time .

This is why certain p ersons often find it necessary to stop and rest for
a time b efore going on with a speech at a public meeting or contin ,

uing in a private d iscussion .

The presenc e of fever in the liver c ann ot be detected by th e th er
momet er used by th e m edi ca l pro
f es s i on but must be di s c overed in

other ways T he Chine se herb s for .

the liver act independently thro ugh

th e blood c irculation Genera lly it .

is not necess ary t o p hysi c th rough

the bowels Cleansing the liver by .

physic is an Occide n tal method .

When an adult or child is suff er

ing if he groans or c ries continu

o us ly with a loud steady voice

, , .

T h e Liver a n d G all Bla dd er there i s n o doub t that h e h a s i n

fl a mma t i on of the liver and adja c ent organs .

The liver is one of the five princ i pal organs the gall bladder being ,

one of i t s sub organs Pain in t h e right side th e region of the liver is

, ,

generally caused by infl amm a tion of that organ or by the s ecretions of

the liver overfl owing into the g a ll bladder where they either b ecome

bil e or s olidify into stones Physicians frequently cut out ei t her th e


gall bladder or the appendix They prefer not to cut out the main o r

gan the liver becau se that operation would be b oth dangerous and
, ,

diffi cult C onsequently the liver i s generally left un t o uch ed and many

pers ons whose gall bladders have been removed still suff er considerable
pain in the right side and lie in bed for years .

According to Chines e theories the liver c ontr ols the nerves When

there is rh eum atic nerv e trou ble a t t en t i on mus t b e given to the liver

, ,

and herbs must also be added to the c ompound to drive out the accu
mula t ed p oison .


Chinese Herbs pro p erly compounded to c ombat dis ease may b e com
pared to an army organized to attack an enemy T h e Herbalist is the .

Commander ; his Knowled ge E xperience Intelligence and Astuteness

, , ,

are t h e S pies In order to detect an ailment the Herb alist must use

his eyes in studying th e ski n of the su fferer just a s th e A viator must ,

use his eyes in l ocating the enemy and in discovering his strong and
weak p oin ts .
When an ar my is v ery strong a n d p owerful in order to defeat it , ,

th e attacking force must secure other nations as allies Li k ewise in .


overc oming s eri ous ailments it r equires t h e combi n ed powers of a


number of vari eties of herb s a ll worki ng together in harmonious a l


li a n ce to eradi c a t e the dis ease


Let u tak e a cas e of G all stones for example The inflamed condi
s -
, .

ti n of t h L iver causes i fl mmation and congesti on of the G all Du ct ;

o e n a

and t h e Bile either ove r flows cau sing Yellow J a un d i ce or soli d ifies into
, ,

G all stones At intervals the liver b ec omes gr e atly inflamed causing

, ,

swelling in the entire right side of the trunk from the glands of the
neck to th e lower part of the abdomen T h e Appe ndix then swells and .

App endicitis sets in When the stones are p assin g through th ey cause

such intens e p ai n that the sufferer frequent ly loses c onsciousness A s .

a symptom of G all and Liver Tr oubles there i s generally more or less ,

p ain starting beneath the right rib and running around the right side ,

up to the shoulder bla de s .

In a condition of this s ort five or s ix kinds of herbs must be com


p ounded for t h e Liver and G all ; auxiliary herb s must b e added to

cleanse the blood a n d ri d it of the fire element ( i n flammation ) ; s ome
herbs must be put in to cause the air a n d the bl ood t o circulate proper
ly ; other varieties must be used to take away the swelling ; and still
other herbs must be added for the Nerves of the S houlder Blade How .

similar is t his process t o the maneuvers of an army which opens fire

with s eventeen inch guns to break d own th e defens e works of th e

enemy rushes forward its c avalry a s auxiliaries and follows up with

, ,

the infantry V ictory is thus assured !


Quite freq uently from G all stones who have won the v ic
, su fferers -

tory over them by taking the Fong Wan Herbs h a ve brought to th e ,

offi ce bottles of G all stones that have passed from them Up to the

tim e of this writing not a singl e pers on who has take n the Fong Wan
Herbs for G a ll stones has either had to be operated on or has even

suff ered again .

Most treatments for G all and Liver Trouble h ave a tendency to

physic the suff erer regardless of whether he is strong enough to stand
The Fong Wan Herbs work indepe ndently through the blood cir
culation instead of weakening the indi vidual s constitution ’

Many cases of L iver and G all Bladder Trouble have b een mistaken
for Appendicitis and the Appendix has been cut out thus leaving the
, ,

ailments of the G all and Liver untouched .

_ 34 _
. .

Oakland C alif Ma y
, .
, 22 , 1 930 .

For years I su ff ered from S tomach T rouble off and on R e c ently

15 , .

my ba ck began to hurt a n d I h a d severe headach es Notwithstanding


the fact that about five years ago my wif e wa s relieved in a c ase of
Liver and S toma c h Trouble by ta ki ng the F ong Wan Herbs I s ought .

relief through O cc idental methods of h ealing Finally however di s .

, ,

covering that I wa s getting worse instead of b et ter I de ci ded to go to ,

F ong Wa n I am happy to s a y that I n ow feel a s though I had been


m ade over new for his herbs have overc om e all my compa i n t s

R R G RE E N F I EL D . . .

O akl a nd C alifornia , .

For years I have had Piles in the advanced stages I found no relief .

in any treatment I was Operated on but this did me no good My h us

. .

band h a d been relieved of 1 37 boils by the F ong Wan Herbs so I h ad ,

faith in them I to ok the herbs for t en weeks at the end of whi ch


time I was entirely well This was four month s a g o and I am still in

splendid condition . M RS E W H OOGS . . . .

( December 1 9 2 3 ) ,

Alam eda Calif June 1 4 1 9 32 , .
, , .

I su ffered with severe pain in my stomach and could nei t her eat nor
drink without distress My skin and even the whites of my eyes turn ed

yellow My urine was as d a rk as black coff ee I wa s suffering from

. .

Yellow J a un d i ce I was compl etely r elieved by taking th e Fong Wan


Herbs . F R ANK MANAI .

O akland Calif Nov
, . 1 4 , 1 92 9 .


Dear Mr F ong .

I am writing this letter to express my g ratitude for th e s plendid

results and benefits I have received from th e use of the Chinese Herbs
prepared by you .

I had a complication of Liver G all Bladder and Stomach T rouble ,


with s h arp stabbing pains in the lower right side of my Abdomen The

region of th e L iver was exceedingly s ore and tender ; s o mu c h s o t hat

even lo ose clothing became irritating and uncomfortable My stom a c h .

was also very sore t o t h e touch and felt as if there were a lump t h e
siz e of an egg in it After meals food which wa s very sour and burn ed

the thro at was retu r ned to the m outh


This condition steadily be came worse over a period of a year Dur .

ing this time I wa s tre ated by t wo doctors without any appr eciable

results B oth decided that an operation was necessary

. .

By good fortune I cam e into c ontact with a man whom you had

treated for an Ulcerated S toma ch and he strongly urged me to take ,

your treatment This I di d . .

R esults were notice able the very first week and now after , , s ix

weeks I am entirely free from the terrible stabbing pains and the
, ,

sorenes s over my Liver My digest ion i s good The old feeling of

. .

lassitude has c ompletely disappeared and I feel much brighter , .

I am most happy to strongly recommend the herbs .

Wishing you unbounded success and again thanking you for what ,

you have done for me I am , ,

V ery cordially yours ,


Oakland C alif April 2 3 1 9 2 7 , .
, , .

My L iver and G all Bladder kept me in great mis ery for y ears A l .

though I tri ed d oct ors and as many remedies as I knew about I got ,

no better Finally a friend recommended me to Fong Wan After two

. .

months of the F ong Wan Herbs I had no complaints whatever , .

As this was three years ago I be lieve it t o be a fact that my relief

is permanent M oreover I have gained about thi r teen p ounds in
. .

weight B efore I to ok the herbs I was always underweight


. .




About 300 years
ago th e sketch r e

produced here was

revi sed and pub
li s h ed in the E n
c y c l o p e d i a of
Herbal S cience by
the Chinese I m
perial C ollege in
Peking China It,

shows every point

a t which t h e
nerves are affect
ed by the kidney s
and their sub or -

gan th e bladder

Numerou s ills are

caused by the i m
proper function
ing of these or
gans In order to

reach the seat of

t h e s e dise a s es ,

one must have

both a knowledge
of herbal compounds and of the ancient Chinese theories of anatomy
with regard to these organs .

Although the original of the accompanying sketch was made by

eminent herbal ists in China thousands of years ago the herbalists of
, ,

— 88
today ca n still learn from it However just a s there are di fferen c es

in intelligence s o are there di fferen ces in herbalists To eliminate doubt


people should consult F ong Wan a s c hol ar ly and reliable herbalist , .

In the begi n ning of Chinese c ivi lization there wa s an emperor ,

known as S hin N ong He not only classified the h erbs under five nat

ural elements acc ording to their col or a n d ta ste but he also classified
, ,

the five vital orga n s of the body un der the fi v e principal elements .

1 —Th e st omach is yellow like the earth .

2—The heart i s red like the s un .

3 —The kidneys are dark colored like th e ocean wa t er .

4 —The lungs are white like th e minerals .

5 —The se c retions of t h liver are greenish like vegetation

e .

E ach of these organs has relate d orga ns .

The kidneys are those org ans of the human system that resemble
the water in the o c ean T hey distribute n ourishment thr ough the b ody

by means of the nerves The nerves of t h e lower li mbs c ome through


th e kidneys a n d p ass up the back through t h e n eck and over the h ead

, ,

and eyes All thes e nerves depend on the kidneys for th eir strength

and nourishment just like the earth depen ds on the water element of

the o cea n s f or i t s r a ins and moisture


When the kidneys fail to function pro perly becau se of inflamm a tion ,

or by reas on of weakness th ey becom e th e source of numerous ail


ments In case of inflammation people sometimes have Bright s dis


ease floating kidneys etc The tendency of inflammation ( the fire

, , .

elem ent ) is to caus e swelling especially of the lower limb s which f r e

, ,

quently develops into dropsy S ometimes inflammation of the kidneys


causes the lower limb s to cramp This i s acc ompanied by burning pain .

from the small of th e b ack down to the toes and is commonly known ,

a s R heumatism or Neuritis When it gets a strong and lasting gr ip

, .

th e su fferer is cri ppl ed for l i fe .

Inflammation of the kidneys also causes constipation because it ,

dri es up the moisture of the bl o o d circulation in the bowels I n i n fl a m .

mation of th e kidn eys or pr o static trouble the urine is dark colored

, , ,

and there is frequent v oiding of small quantities .

In c ases wh ere kidn eys are weak and i nactive they c ause d i z z i n ,

we a kness backa che headache sti ff ness and pain in t h e back of

, , ,

n eck which continues up into the nerves


ing noises in the ear and even cros s eyes This condition is a ccomp a n

i ed by los s of vitality forgetfulness, ,

brain fa tigue poor concentration and


shortness of breath and frequent

voiding of large quantities of urine .

In a person who is consumptive or

in one who coughs fr equently for
other reasons the lungs b ecome dry

and feverish and the kidneys are


therefore liable to become inflamed .

When these organs do not fu n c tion

in unison a c ondi t i on sets in t h at i s

diffi cult to relieve The liv er stom


a ch and spleen become a ffected one

after the other the spleen being the


last to become dis ea sed When the .

The Ki dn ey spleen is affec t ed the su ff er er has


diarrhoe a which cannot be relieved He h a s then but a week or two


to live .

M O R A L : Drink F ON G W AN H ER B S and drive off the cough

before C onsumption fastens itself upon you .

The herbs for the restoration of the kidn eys to normal a r eof vari ous
kinds E ach compound for a cup of tea conta ins from 1 3 to 2 0 di fferent

kinds of herbs If the kidneys a r e infl amed t wo or three varieties of


herbs are put in to b ri ng them plenty of good blood ; two or three kinds
to accumulate more moisture in the kidneys ; two or three kin d s to cau se
the m oisture or water to flush the kidneys ; one or two kinds to work
through the nerves to th e lower limb s and upper parts of the b o dy ;
one kind to work i n to the lungs from which th e kidneys gain part of

their strength and motive power ; one kind to puri fy and cleans e the

bladder and one kind to clean out t h e liver and c ool the blood

The number of packages of thes e herbs necessary to bring perm a

nent relief depends upon the severity of the ailment and length of time
it has persisted .

G enerally the herb compound must be changed as the condition of


the kidneys change .

When herbs are compounded for weakness of the kidneys very dif ,

f er en t herbs are given from those required for inflammation Many .

persons try to get relief by merely flushing the kidneys with water
without the addition of any curative elements The result i s often t h e .

overburdening of the kidneys and the wea k ening of the bladder Fur
, .

t h er m or e t h e dr inking of t oo much water c auses indigestion and s oon

, ,

er or later the health of th e individual is broken .


While most peopl e are familiar with the term Change of Life a s “

applied to woman few realize that man also undergoes a c hange of li fe

, .

For thou s ands of years t h e Chinese peo p le have be en ta ught that the
life of both sexes is divided into pe riods of time or cycles A woman s ,

life is divided into cycles of 7 years T h e first cy c le i s that of early


childhood ; at the c lose of the se c ond cy c le s h e is 1 4 years of age and , ,

has developed into young womanhood Wh en s h e has completed 7 .

cycles of 7 years each the average woman h a s come to th e change of


life although s h e i s but 4 9 years of a g e

, .

With man each cy c le consists of 8 years instead of 7 years He de

, .

velo p s into young manh ood at th e age of 1 6 years after having c om ,

plet ed two cycles of 8 years each M o r e over he m u st compl ete 8 c ycles


of 8 years duration before he comes to the change of life at which


time he is therefore 64 years of a g e .

B ecaus e of this diff erence in the age at which men and women reach
the change of life we may infer that a man who is 1 5 years older than

his wi fe is actually of th e same age physiolo g ically and that thou gh ,

younger in y ears a wife who i s less than 1 5 years younger tha n her

h usb and is really the elder of th e two .

Du ring the period of their change of life mos t men su ffer because ,

of difficulties in th e functio n ing of the ki dneys and bladder a ccomp a n ,

i ed by more or less dizzines s of the head and pain in the back of the
neck etc This trouble may be traced to the loss of power by the kid
, .

neys due to the change of life in ma n Wh en from ab out 55 to 65 years



of age many su ffering men c onsult their physicians regarding these ail

ments the physicians generally di agnose the trouble as swollen glands


or decide that it is the neck of the bladder that is causing the trouble .

Frequently the bladder i s op erat ed upon and left leaky as long as the
m an lives However the real s eat of the trouble is to b e found in the

change of life which has lessened the power of th e kidn eys thu s weak
, ,

en i n g the circulation of the blood and th e air pressure .

It is a great blessing to have good sound teeth it is a calamity not , ,

to have them F or thousan ds of years the Chin es e Theories have


shown that the hair i s a p art of the bl ood and that the teeth are a part
of the bones Hence because the bones are controlled by th e kidneys
, ,

th e teeth are also controlled by them .

If one s vital organs the heart the liver t h e intestines the gall

, , , ,

bladder the s t omach the spleen th e kidneys and th e lungs are func
, , , , ,

t i on i n g properly and in unison and are free from inflammation there ,

i s no reason why he should have eith e r too t hache or decayed teeth .

From very ancient t i mes the Chines e Herbalists have been agreed in ,

attributing tooth troubles to the eight following c auses

1 . Pain in the upper incis ors is c aused by the fire element of the h eart .

2 . Pain in the u pper cuspids and bicuspids is c aus ed by the fire ele
ment of the stomach .

3 . Pain in the lower incisors i s caused by the fire element of the kid
neys .

4 . Pain in the lower cuspids and bicuspids is caused by the fire ele
m ent of the spleen .

5 . Pain in the upper left m olars is caused by the fire element of the
large intestines .

Pa i n i n the upp er ri ght molars aused by the fire elements of the
o o o o

6 . is c

gall bladder .

7 . Pain i n th e lower left molars is caused by the fire element of the

lungs .

8 . Pain in the lower right molars is caused by the fire element of the
liver .

One who su ff ers from too thache should secure imm ediate relief from
the inflammation of the internal organs before d ec ay se t s in or the
gum s become ulce r ated Usually a p erson with a sore gum consults a

medi cal m an and is advised by him to s ee a dentist and ei ther have his
teeth extracted or certa in drugs inj ec ted to deaden the nerves or the
roots of the teeth If the natural tee t h are extracted and fals e teeth

fitted th e food is thereaf ter either only partially ch ewed or n ot masti


ca t ed at all Indigestion and failing health result

. .

A cas e in point i s th at of a man who suffered so severely with tooth

a che that he wa s unable to eat He there fore called upon a dentist to .
find out wheth er his teeth were decaying The dentist inf ormed him .

that all his teeth were in good c ondition and that th ere wa s no sign of
decay but that the gum around one tooth h a d grown up higher than the

tooth and was therefore bitten between the two te eth whenever the
, , ,

mouth was clos ed thus causing p ain


The suff erer then called upon the herbalist wh o asked him h ow long ,

h e h ad su ffered with th e pain T he reply was : About a week


N ow .

the herbalist immediately realized that a s the su ff erer had had a gum in
his mouth ever since he wa s b orn which wa s over 35 years there was
, ,

no reason for it to sudden ly grow up in a week H e therefore pre ”


pared a cup of te a to subdue th e fire ele ment in th e man s stoma ch ’


T he sufferer drank the t ea at 5 p m and the next m orning he found

. .

tha t th e swelling and s oreness h ad all gone out of h i s g um .

Many persons after e i ther having their teeth fil l ed or p l a tes made


by a good dentist still find their gums s ore and raw at times Then

they mistakenly blame the dentist becaus e they think that their fillings
were not properly put in or that their false teeth a r e not a good fit ,

wh en i n fact the real c ause of the rawn ess and soreness of their gums
,. ,

is traceabl e to internal disorders .

With the hope of gaining relief a p proximately 80 per c ent of p eo

ple who are sick have their teeth extracted Unfortun a t ely however .
, ,

their ills continu e Through out h i s long peri od of exp erience t h e F ong

Wan Herbalist h a s found th at due t o the l ack of a fundamenta l kn owl


edge of the human system a great many p eople have a c ted up on the

merciless advice that they have either part or all of their go o d teeth
extracted This h a s been done notwithstanding t h e fact th a t these p er

s ons were su ff ering from Neuritis R heumati sm H eada c h e or from

, , ,

some other nervous derangement th at h ad absolutely n o c onnec tion

with the t eeth but wa s caused by t h e im p ro pe r functioning of one or

more of the internal organs of the b ody .

Not realizing that th eir pain was due to inflamm ation of and impur
ities in their blo od caused by this non fun c tioning these p eo p le have

mistakenly placed too much faith in blo od tests whi ch by mi c ros c o p i c , ,

or other m eth ods show germs of di sease only but do not show bl ood
, ,

impurities poison or infl ammation E ven t h e heal t h of the teeth and

, ,

gums depends upon the condition of the bloo d B ec ause persons with .

_ 93 _
artificial teeth cannot chew well they g et but a porti on of the value of

th e foo d with whi ch t o nourish their bo dies Their health is generally


rated as Third Cl ass and they have s oreness of th e gums which f r e

“ ”

quently c aus es them to go without their teeth It i s pitiful to s ee a .

grown person wi th a mouth like that of a t o othl ess inf a nt .

The F ong W a n Herbs have not only cleansed t h e systems of many

pe rs ons affli cted with various ills but they have also helped to erad
, ,

i ca t e pyorrh ea and to heal diseased gums .


Oakland C alif June ,
1 9 , 1 9 29 .

S everal years ago I su ffered from Kidney Trouble and Rupture My

, .

c ondition was such that it seemed as though I might die at any mo

ment .

Miraculous as i t m ay appear F ong W an aff orded me permanent r e


lief within a few weeks from the tim e that I began to drink his herbs .

T HO S N ADAM S . . .


S an Francisco Calif , .
, Dec 9 , 1 9 30
. .

To Wh om It May Concern
About a year ago I su ffered with pain in my back that ran down
into my legs I was in ag ony both when I moved and when I remained

still After I had tried s everal medical men I was taken to a hospital

where I spent t hree weeks E very method of diagnosi s was res orted to

but nothing was di sc overed regarding the cause of my p ain I was tak .

en home again and advised to h ave my teeth extracted notwithstanding ,

the fact that they were in go o d condition Hoping for relief I c on


s ented My upper and lower fro nt teeth were tak en out but as the

pain did n ot even subsi de,I refus ed to ha ve my other tee th removed .

Happily I was recommended t o take F ong Wan Herbs Although


at first my improvem ent under the herbs wa s slow I r eflected up on the ,

long experience I had gone through without results elsewhere and , ,

therefore kept on drinking the herb tea I now fe el lik e mys elf again

It seems almost unbelievable that while non e of the Occidental healers

who treated m e were able to a fford me relief I have obtained it by tak ,

i n g the Fong Wan Herbs .

( S i g ned ) MI SS L M S TO OP S . . .

_ 94 _
One of our friends who h a d been benefited by the Fong Wan Herb
alist suggested that we try him He su pplied my s on with herbs to .

cook at home After h aving dru nk the tea for a little more than two

months Harol d i s n ow in the finest condition Alth ough words c an


not express our happiness we are glad to give this testim onial regard

ing the a bility of th e Fong Wan Herbalist J OHN P H O D GE . . ,

Q John .P Hodge w a s your

. father ?
A Y es . .

Q How old w ere you when thi s trouble first a ffl icted you
? A .

Thirt een or fourteen .

The Court : Don t state what the doc tor said but you may state


what you did A I went to be d for a week and h a d just milk and
. .

toast and some medicine At the en d of the week there was n o rec ur
, .

rence of the blood In about two m onths it appeared again This time
. .

it wa s worse than it was b efore for the re a s on that it was thi c k er ,


After about two weeks I suddenly began to los e a l ot of weight and

became weak T h rough a friend we he ard o f F ong Wan We went to
. .

him and he gave me herbs for nine weeks and at the end of the eighth ,

week it was cured but I t o ok it one week m ore to be sure

, .

Defense Attorney : Q Have you ever had any recurrence of the


trouble since ? A No . .

Q When you went to the physician who treated you first did he

diagnos e your trouble and tell you what it was ? A Yes . .

Q When you went to F ong Wan did he tell you what the trouble

wa s ? A Yes . .

Q Did he tell you the s ame thing that the doc tor h ad t o l d you

A N0
. .

Q You .are in p erfec t health at the present time are you ? A , .

Yes s i r
, .

Defe n s e Att o rn ey : T ake the witn ess .


Prosecuting Attorney : Q This was when you w ere ab out thir .

teen years old ? A Thirteen or f ourtee n . .

Q H ow old
. are you now ? A Twenty s even .

Q S o that
. w a s about fifteen years ago ?
A Y es . .

Q Do you rem
. em b er the time th at you went to F ong Wan ? A .

Yes .

Q . It is very clear in your mind ,

is it ?
A . Yes .

Q . Di d h e test your urine ? A . No .

—9 6
Q . He di d not test your urine ? A . No .

Q you. tell him anythi

Di d ng ? A My father explained to him . .

Q In your. presence ? A Yes that the urine was bloody He .


explained what it was .

Q After y o u had gone to the doc tor the first time they found

blood in your urine h e had put you on a diet I s uppos e h e put you
, , ,

on a special diet did h e A H e put me on milk and toast

. .

Q And you continued your diet for a week and the blood d i s a p

p ar ed ? A I lay i n bed for a week
. .

Q And the bl ood disappeared

? A Yes . .

Q Did you continue that diet afte r wards

. A No . .

Q Did you ever take that diet after that A I drank milk after
. .

that for quite a while to r ebuild my weight .

Q And did your weight return

? A No . .

Q Di d you build up
? A No . .

Q But you continued

. your milk diet ? A Yes . .

Q You c ontinu ed it for how l ong A I continued it right on I

? . .

am still taking milk .

Q You are st ll on your milk diet now

. i ? A I am not on any .

diet I still dr ink milk

. .

Q And you .did th a t even while you were taking these herbs ? A .

No Yes. .

Q Which do you mean ? A I mean this at lun c h time I always

. .

drink milk .

Q What I mean is this whil e you W ere taking these herbs you

were still on that same diet A I drink milk all the time
? . .

Prosecuting Attorney : T hat is all .

Defense Attorney : Q You are not on any diet now are you Mr .
, , .

Hodge ?
A No . .



Q Do you rememb er when your father wrote th at testimonial do


you r ecall the time ? A Fairly well yes .


Q It was a n umber of years after this trouble oc cu r red wasn t it ?


A It was about three months after

. .

Q Th ree mont hs after it occurred

? A I think so . .

_ 97 _
T ES TIM O NY G I VE N BY M RS E K ENN E DY i n t h e S o uther n . .

Divi s i on o f t h e UNI T E D S TAT ES DI S T R I C T CO U RT f or t h e N or th

er n Di s tri ct of C ali f o rn i a .

T he f ollowi n g

ex cer p t s are from th e trans c ript ,

V ol . 2, pages 97
1 08, M arch 4 , 1 9 32 :

Defense Attorney : Q Mr s Kennedy you are one of the patrons .


of the Fon g Wan Compan y whos e letter ap p ears in t his b ook are ,

you not ? A Y es I am .
, .

Q . You are the sam e Mr s Kennedy ? A . . Yes , s ir .

Q When did you first b ec om e a p atron

of Fong wa s herb s ? A .

I think it wa s i n 1 9 2 8 .

Q Pri or to that time had you been under the c are of any regular

physi c ian ? A Dr A of t h e universi t y

. . .

Q . And prior to that were you under the care of any other physi
ci a n A Dr D
. of V all ej o s ent me do wn to the univers it y
, .

Q . Under the care of Dr A A Yes . . .

Q . Di d Dr A subj ec t you to tests and diagnose y our troub l e


A . Yes .

A . Di abetes .

Q Di d you go under treatm ent from Dr A A Yes


. . . .

Q Now don t get excited Mr s Kennedy becaus e this b arr age i s

. .
, , ,

running on How long were you under Dr A s c ar e in t h e U

“ ’
. .

hospital ? A I wa s two weeks in the h ospital

. .

Q D o you kn ow the remedies that he treated you with

? A All .

he gave me wa s in s ulin and he wa s taking blood tests ,


Q You m ay sta t e whether or n ot Dr A

. taught you the us e of .

the hyp odermic in using i n sulin ? A He showed me how to us e it .

before I l eft t h e h os p i tal


Q And that wa s for treating yourself with insul i n also wa s it

, ,

A Yes
. .

Q I s it or i s it not true that

. Dr . A taught you the meth od of
testing the sugar in your blood ?

A . He showed me about testing the s ug a r j n the urine .

A . Y es .

Q . What event ually was th e result of your

, , us e of that insulin ?
A You mean wh at eff ec t did it h ave on me

Q . Yes what ha ppened to you

, .

I was taking it three tim es a day and I wa s always pa ssing

A .

out ; I would get spells and los e c onsc i ousness Then he redu c ed it t o .

twice a day and then onc e a day a n d then he t o ok me off it Then I

, ,

wa s feeling fine Then I went down for an examinat ion and he said I

would have to go back on it agai n .

Q In any event as a result of your going ba c k to Dr A

, did .

you rec ommence the u s e of insuli n three times a day ? A No I didn t .



I didn t tak e it at all


Q Di d Dr A a d vi s e you t o u s e it ? A He wanted m e to us e it

. . . .

Q Then from that time on Mrs Kennedy did you or did you not

abandon the use of insulin A I did? . .

Q . Did you comm ence to take another treatment from that time

Q They won t let you testify to what you told your husb and Did

. .

you finally go to the Fong Wan H an y ? A Y es S i r .

, .

Q Upon the recommendation

. else ?

A . Yes a fr iend of mine wh o used them

, .

Q Do you kn ow of your own knowledge that your friend had b een


under the treatment of Fong Wan s herbs prior to that time A Yes ’
. .

And upon her recommendation you went to the F ong Wan Herb
Q .

C o A Yes
. . .

Q And did you commenc e to t ake th e tr eatment from the F ong


Wan Herb C ompa ny ? A I did right away .

, .

Q . How long did you take it A F or nine weeks ? . .

Q . What was the result of your treatment ? A I felt fine after .

that .

Q How soon
. did you commence to feel an improvement ? A . The
third cup of tea I took I could feel the M pr ovemen t
, .

Q What was the entire length cf treatment that you took

? A .

Nine weeks .

_1 00 _
Q What was th e effect u pon your syst em
. A I could feel alto ?

gether different ; I felt like a new woman altogether .

Q Hav e you ever suffered with those troubles since ? A N ot

. .

sin c e .

Q Are
. you to d ay a well woman ? A I am . .

Q No aches or pains or troubles or disease ? A Not any

, , , . .

Q Did you take anything else except the Fong Wan h erbs a c
. ,

cording to his directions ? A That is all I t oo k . .

Q Have you since you commenced to take the F ong Wan herb s

had tests made to determine the sugar content in your urine A I n

? .

th e urine y es

Q How often have you had that done A Well not very often
? .

Q You are able to do it yourself are y ou not A Yes I can do


it mys elf .

Q A s taught y ou by Dr A
. A Ye s . . .

Q And a s the result of thos e tests is there any sugar in your


urine ? A Not a bit

. .

Q Did you under the directions of

Dr . A take the sugar tests ,

yourself A I di d yes
? .

Q A n d how long after you commenced taking the F ong Wan


herb s was it that the sugar content in the uri ne began to decrease ,

when did it disappear ?

Q You might describ e the m ethod t o t h e jury that Dr A

. taught .

you to det ermine the sugar content in your urine ? A Wh en I left .

the hospital he told me how to test out the uri ne and he showed me
just how to do it .

Q What did he tell you to do A He told m e to take a teasp oon

. .

ful of Benedict s solution and ten drops of water and put it in the tube

and boil it for s i x minutes and if it came out blue there was no sugar in
it ; if it cam e out green there were traces of sugar ; if it came out yel
low it was heavy with sugar .

Q While you were und er t h e treatments of Dr A

. and a s a .

result of these rea ctions what was the color aft er y our t reatment ?
, ,

A After I left th e hospital it came out c lear E very tim e I t es t ed i t

. .

mysel f it cam e out blue s o I knew there was no sugar in it

, .

Q . Are you under treatment by anybody at the present time ? A .

— 1 01
Q Are you p erfectly well now A F ine
. .

Q Had y ou any return at all of these symptoms and trouble that


distressed you and for which Dr A treated you ? A N ot a t hi ng

. . .

Q And the Fong Wan herbs did it

A They did . .

Q You took nothing else except this entire c ourse of treatment ?


A Not a thing only the herbs

. .

Prosecuting Att orney : Q You s a y that Dr A . had gi v en y ou .

that insulin treatment ? A Yes . .

. How long did he give it to you at first ? A I was getting it .

three times a day .

Q At first you got it t ree times a day A Yes

. h ? . .

Q And then he reduc ed th em to two treatments a day ? A Yes

. . .

. Then he reduced them to once a day ? A Yes . .

Q T hen wh at hap p en ed after that

A I wa s a l ways getting .

t h ese spells when I was p a s sing out and h e took m e off t h e insulin
, ,

Q Then what did you do after that You discon t inued th e i n sulin

did you ? A Yes I did

, .

Defense Attorney : You d on t c ontend that insul in ever c ured dia

bet es do you

Prose c uting Attorney : I don t know en ough about it to s a y I’


wou l d h ave to a s k a doctor .

Defense Attorn ey : I t o n ly neutralizes the sugar c ontent Y ou c an .

tak e it a s long as you live and it would never cure you .


V al l ej o C alifornia ,

To Whom It M ay Conce r n
I suffered from Di abetes Heart Trouble an d Nerves for sometime
, ,

I t seemed as though n o relief could be had anywhere Two months ago .


h owever I began to drink the Fong Wan Herbs and I s oon realized

their healing p ower I am happy t o testify that my troubles h ave been


entirely overcome and that I now feel like a new woman I am writ .

ing these few lines i n order that others so a flli ct ed may know where to

find relief . M RS E MMA K E N N E DY . .

1 02



. .

These ailments originate from similar causes and belong to the same
fam i ly of dis eases R heumatism i s the more c ommon of the five T h e
. .

Chines e c haracters for R heum atism are Fu ng S ep which mean

“ '

Wind and Dampness The Chinese attribute this disease t o four

ca u s es

1 To the air circulation in t h e b ody The Fung ( wind ) ci r cu

. .

lates in the body just as the air circulates in space I f the a i r circul a .

tion is impeded it becomes wind of certain velocity The wi nd caus es


pain to move from one part of th e b ody to another .

2 To d
. n es s The dampness in the body resembles the damp

ness or m oisture in the air I f the dampness i s hea vy it causes dull

, ,

heavy pain i n the human b ody .

3 . T o infl ammation
Inflammation in the body is like the heat

waves th at cause lightning storms etc on the earth I nflammation

, ,
, .

swells the tissues and causes pain .

4 To cold The cold or chilliness in the body resembles the c old or

. .

chill Hon in Chines e ) of the earth I t causes excruciatingly sharp


shooting p ains especially in the hip s and legs

, .

In the case of a rheum atic s uff erer more than one and sometimes , ,

all four of these causes are operative to a greater or les s degree Nine .

t y per cent of t h e suff erers from rheumatism have kidney and bladder

troubles which weaken the nerves and the blood circulation Wind
, .

dampness inflammation an d cold are liable to a ffect the body b oth from

intern al and external sources Unless one s blood circulation i s ir


reparably deteri orated the Fong Wan Herbs will eradi cate the causes

of Rheum atism .

Alth ough Rheumatism may come on either suddenly or gradually ,

1 04
paralysis generally c omes on suddenly Paralysis may a ff ect but one .

side of the human body or one or m ore of th e limb s Paralysis is un .

accompanied by pain and the a ffected part be c omes s omewhat like a


piece of rubber hose entirely devoid of feeling Attacks of paralysis


are generally due to the i mproper functioning of the stom ach and
lungs together with an aff ection of the nerves Paralysis i s often c om

bi n ed with Rheumatism .

Neuritis i s b oth painful and very common but i t i s not dangerous , .

A Convulsion is a sp ell of nervous attack While it causes severe p a in .


it seldom c auses death The F ong Wan Co h a s relieved numerou s cases

. .

of N curitis and of Convulsions .

Ap oplexy is m ore dangerous than R heumatism Neuritis Paralysis ) , , ,


or Convulsi on A sudden and s evere attack of Ap op l exy c auses i n s t a n t


death If the st ri cken one h a s loc kj aw and h i s fis t i s cl o sed tight


there is hope for h i s recovery If his mouth i s wide open it sh ows that l

his heart is failing If his eyes are closed h i s liver is failing If his l
, .

hands are open his sple en is failing I f h e v oids u r ine hi s kidney

, .

strength is gone S ometimes the fa c e of th e suff erer i s b l oo d red and


the sweat pours out Any of these terrible symptoms sh ow that there

I S no hope M any apoplectics who have survive d slight attacks have


been left with a wryness of the mouth or have lost their voices or the ,

us e of one or more of their limbs .


The globe up on which we live is made up of five principal elements ,

viz the mineral vegetation water fire and e arth elements The
, , , , ,

human body is als o compos ed of the five principal elem ents As it .

draws its sustenance from the earth e a ch human body resembles the ,

ea r th in miniature
Whenever t h e fire element under the earth s crust becomes too ’

strong or accumulates in a cert ain space or whenever the planets cause ,

intense heat on the earth which then begins to contract and expan d, ,

earthquakes are felt .

S imilarly in the human body if the fire element ( inflammation ) in

, ,

the blood centers in one or more of th e organs or limbs it causes ner ,

vous attacks apoplexy paralytic strokes S t V itu s Dance neuritis

, , , .
, ,

rheumatism etc ,

_ 1 Q5 _ .
I n the universities of v arious nat ions investigat ions into the c ause ,

of earth quak es have been conduc t ed f or many years and instruments ,

have b een dev ised and installed which are supposed to in di c ate when and
where the quakes will oc cur However s o far not a single st udent h a s
, ,

been able to predict the coming of an ea r t h quake T he first intimation .

thes e savants h ave h ad of earthqu akes h as been th e ro cking of their

homes .

Physicians have similar experiences wi th su fferers under their care .

T hey may b e aw a re that the fire elem ent in the p erson s b l ood wi ll ’

c ause a great deal of trouble but they are n ot able t o tell when the

stroke of p aralysis or the nervou s atta c k will o cc ur .

T ES TIM ONY G IVEN BY M RS C GRA P E N T I N i the S uth. . n o

ern Di vi s i on of the UN I T E D S TA TES DI S T R I CT CO U RT f the or

N o r th er n District of C ali f orn ia .

The following excerpts are from the tra n script ,

V ol . 4 , pg s . 29 1 - 2 9 3,
March 8 1 9 32 : ,

Defense Attorney : A s this “

i s in evidenc e yo ur H onor I will ask
, ,

leave to read it at this time .

The C ourt : V ery well .

Defense Attorney ( reading )

Oakland Californ ia , .

Just ab out three years ago I had a stroke of paralysis in my left
arm It was pain ful day and ni ght Not only was I u nable to move
. .

my arm at all but I was unable to m ove any of my fingers F or years


als o I suffered pain in my back and around my kidneys


Your marvelous herbs have n o t only relieved my p ain but have ,

completely restored my arm to normal I shall be glad to g ive any


earnest inquirer further details about my c as e .

M RS C . . E . GRA P E N T I N .

Q . I s that true ? A . Yes .

Q .
When were you first afflicted with this trouble ? A . 1 92 4 .

Q Will you kindly describe to the jury what o cc urred A I ? .

wa s t ak en in this left arm with a very very severe pain from the shoul

der to the elbow ; it came on me very suddenly One night my arm wa s .

T his sketch was reproduced from the E n cy clo

pedia of Herbal S cience I t shows a kn ee swollen .

by arthritis or rheumatism whi c h c aused the leg

to be drawn off th e ground .

Oakl and Calif Oct ,
, . 1 5, 1 934 .

To Whom It M ay
B eg 1 n n 1 n g in 1 9 2 8 I suff ered infl ammatory pains in my knee which

was bad ly swollen M oreover I wa s in a highly nervous conditi on I

. .

was treated by one doctor for s i x months and by an other for three
months both of whom gave me up as incurable and inform ed m e th at

I would be an invalid for the rest of my life I wa s s o discouraged that .

I felt like jumping int o the bay .

Finally a friend recommended Fong Wan I to ok the F ong Wan

, .

Herbs for slightly more than two months Not only did they a fford .

me relief but they s o cleansed my system that I have kept well for all

these years I discontinued taking the h erbs in July 1 9 2 9 and have

, ,

had no illness since I can take long walks and can g o on three mile

hik es in the hills without any return of my former complaints .

M RS M HA R M ON . . .


$ 3500
S o declared Mr R Lewis formerly prop i etor of a large j ewelry
. .

store at E leventh and Washington streets in the center of Oakland ,


After drinking the Fong Wan Herb Tea h e was completely relieved .


M adera C al i fornia ,

For several years I was troubled wi th nervou s attacks I visited .

th e most prominent physicians in both Oakland and S an Francisco

1 08
without obtaining p erm anent results F inally when an operation on .

my spine had been sugg ested I quit and be g an drinking the F ong Wan

Chinese Herbs After seven weeks I f elt entirely w el l This wa s in

. .

S eptember 1 9 1 6 and up to the p resent time there has been no re cur

, ,

rence of the attack s . R LE W I S . .

( M adera 1 933 )


Berkeley C a lif Aug,
, . 2 0 , 1 9 27 .

T o Whom It M ay Concern
F or the benefit of other p eople an d a s a re c ommendati on for F ong
Wan I frankly say th a t t h e F ong Wan Herbs have re l iev ed my right

arm which wa s paralyzed F or about t wo months I could n ot move


th at arm at all Although I tried m edic a l d oc t ors and a Chiropra c t or


my c ondition remained the same .

Acting upon th e advic e of a friend I tried the F ong Wan C hinese ,

Herbs Aft er the first four days I c ould raise my arm and at t h e end
, ,

of two weeks my recovery was c omplete The Fong Wan Herbs are
, .

ni ce c lean and fragrant They are wonderf ully compounded and put
, ,

up in neat packag es I coo k them at home For such m arv el ous and
. .

speedy relief I am g l ad to give this testim onial

, .

( S igned ) MRS J E HI LL . . . .

( Att ested ) M R J E HI LL

. . . .


S an Francisco Calif M arch 1 8 1 9 2 8 , , .

I su ffered from Rheumatic S ciatica and terrible pain in my right .

side I had to walk with crutches and I found no relief whatever in


any of the treatments that I used .

I went to O akland to see F ong Wan and took his herbs for ON LY
TWO W EE K S at the end of which time I wa s com pletely reliev ed .

That was eight months ago but I still feel a s well as any man .



C orning C alif Aug
. 4 , 1 9 30 .

Fong Wan co Oakland Californ ia , ,


G entlemen : I desire to state tha t I h a ve had no recurrence of the

_ 1 09 _
F acial Paralysis from which I suffered last April and from which I feel ,

certa in I should not h ave recovered without the herbs secured from ‘

you at that time .

M oreover I have als o been free from High Blood Pressure ever since

I took the h erbs that you had previously sent me for t h at complaint I .

had not been aware th at I had High Bl o od Pressure until while climb ,

ing in th e mountains I felt a pronou n ced kn ocking in the ba c k of my


head which became so severe that I had to s i t down and rest before I

could go on with the others .

I had my first exp erienc e with your Chinese Herbs s ome y ears ago
when my eyes were so badly inflamed that both daylight and electric
light caused pain in my eyes similar to needle pricks I went to an eye .

specialist who after treating me for a w eek frankly con fes sed th at
, , ,

he did not know the cause of the ailment Being unable to obtain .

relief from the treatments of either specialists or doctors I tried the ,

Chines e Herbs I drank them for five weeks before the malady was

c ompletely overcome Thi s was some years ago but I have had no eye

troubl e since .

I know that s ome people h ave an antipathy for Chinese Herbs be ,

c aus e they have an idea that snakes frogs and other animals are u sed ,

in the treatments Having dealt with a high class Chinese Herbalist I


want to say that I have failed to find anything of that nature in t he

herbs that he has prepared for me They have been clean aromatic .

and purely vegetable Neither have the herbs contained any n a r co t


ics or drug habit producing substance s .

I am pleased to write this account of my experience I trust it may .

help pers ons wh o are suffering to overc ome any unwillingness to try
the Chinese Herbs The great benefits that I have received have con

vi n ced m e of the merits of these treatments and I feel certain that

many who try them will also get good results and rej oice in h ealth
restore d .

With kindest regards I a m respectfully , , ,

H B N ORDS T ROM . . .

T ES T IM ONY G I VEN B Y M R R LE MI E UX in the S o uthe r n Di

. .

vi s i on of the UNIT E D S TAT ES DI S T R ICT CO U RT f or the N o rt h er n

Di s t r i ct of Ca lifo r nia .

The following excerpts are from the transcript V ol 4 p ages 377 ,


382 March 8 1 932 :

, ,
received ? A . No ,
she was wors e .

Q From the ho spital where

. she taken A T aken to her wa s ? .

h ome .

Q From that
. time on did you take up any other form of treatment ?

A From that time on the doctors who treated her in the hospital

The C ourt : Q The question is did she take up any other form of

tre atment A Yes

? . .

Defense Attorn ey : Q Did s h e tak e up the treatment by Chinese .

herbs ? A Yes we went to the F ong Wan Herb C ompany


Q How long did s he continu e to take the herbs that we r e com


pounded for her ? A S he took them for about five months and then .

s h e was able to get up out of her bed and was able to c ontinue on with ,

her househol d work and do the c o oking for myself etc Th en af ter ,

about two months ti m e I was n ot satisfi ed with her condition and I


went b ack to Fong W an for a period of about two months that is I , ,

mean s h e took the treatments for a peri od of about two months and ,

s h e has never h a d treatment since that time .

Q And so far as the condition

. not with regard to the eye I
don t mean but s o far as her con d ition with respect to the affliction


s h e had had have th ose troubles bee n removed

? A S he never com .

plains of any rheumatic trouble at all .

Q Does assist in the care of her own housework

. she ? A . Not at
present not since she becam e blind in that eye
, .

Q Up to the time that she had her troubles relieved and no longer

suff ered for how many years ha d she b een su ffering with it s o far as
, ,

you can recall ?

A S he had been su ffering with it a s I s a y from .
, ,

about the time s h e was 4 5 years of age This last ailment of rh euma .

t i s m was about twelve years ago .

Q . S he had it c onstantly ? A . Yes .

Q .
And she had it no more ? A . S he never complains of it .

Q By th e way from the time s h e commenced to take the Chinese

. .

herbs comp ounded by the Fong Wan Company has s h e ever taken any ,

other kind of treatment ? A N 0 . .

Defense Attorney : Take the witness .

Prosecuting Attorney : Q . How old did you sa y your mother is ?

A S he is past 76
. .

— 1 12
Q H ow long ago was it that
. she took these herbs ? A . About
twelve years ago .

Q B efore s h e had taken t hese herbs s h e had been in a number of


hospitals ? A Not in a number only in the P

. hospital and she , ,

had b een to the Hot S prings .

Q . S he had been in the hospita l how long ?

A . Close on to five
weeks .

Q Then she went to the springs A No s h e didn t go to the ’

. .

springs then S he went home and to bed

. . S he was b edridden at that
time .

Q What . di dshe do after that ? A . F or two months Fong Wan ,

the herbalist ,
wa s trea ting her

Q . You mean while she was in bed ? A . While sh e wa s in bed .

Q You s a y that she was in the ho s pital for ab out five weeks and

she got good m edical treatment in the h ospital ? A T hat i s c orrect . .

Q And then she came home from the hospital a n d stayed in bed

for about two months ; i s that right ? A S he didn t get up out of .

her bed .

Q I mean she was home for about two months

. A As far as ? .

bed is c oncerned s h e was in and out of bed f or about five months


Q . That is what I mean . S he was in t he hospital ab out five weeks ?

A . Y es .

Q And when s h e came from the hospital she was bedridden and

had to go home and go to b ed ?

A Y es . .

Q And she stayed home and in bed for ab out two months
? A .

S he didn t get out of bed for about two months


e Du ring that tim e she was taking herb s ? A . Yes .

e And s he was resting at home and in bed ?

A . Yes .

e And she was g etting good food ?

A . Yes
e Did she have a nurse ? A . A practical nurse yes ,

e You had a practical nurs e wi th her all the time A . Yes .

e And the nurse was giving her every thing she required ? A Yes
. .

Did she have any rubs or things like t t A No


h ?
Q .
a . .

Q How about her diet

? A . S he didn t care for any food at all

, .

to speak of .

1 13
Q Di d s h e ea t very much A S he began to eat quit e cons ider

. .

able .

Q S.he was on a restri c ted diet for some time was h

s e ? A There , .

were certain things s h e wa s not able to take wi th th ese herb s .

Q And during the two mon t h s s h e wa s home s h e t oo k i t easy a n d


did n ot Work at all ? A S he c ould n ot work s h e wa s bedridd en

, .

Q And that wa s twelve ye a rs ago ? A Yes

. . .

Q S ince that time your mo t her h a s not done any of her house

work ? A S he has had som ebody t o do the work for her

. .

The C ourt : He h a s testifi ed to all that . You a r e simply repeating

h i s testimony It is not c ros s examination to repeat what a witnes s

says on direct examination You must foll ow the t estim ony Y ou c an

. .

not waste our time that way .

Prose cuting Attorne y : Q How long h a s it been sin c e your m other


has been blind in one eye ? A S in c e June 1 931 .

, .

T he C ourt : Th at i s just repetition You have a h a bit of doing .

that and you must bre ak yourse lf of it .

Prosecuting Attorney : Th at i s all your Honor , .


Oakland Ca l i f,

F or years I su ffered s o from Rheumatic Paralysis tha t I was un

able t o leave my bed My hands and face were swollen and I had

agonizing p ains all over My bladder and kidneys were in a terrible


c ondition and I had pleurisy pains .

I had been treated by numerous d oc tors and had stayed in a h o s

pital for m an y month s but m y condition wa s n ot at all improved
A .

friend urged me to try the F ong Wan H erbs We bought and cooked .

s ome of the herbs at home and my bladder and kidneys were relieved

almost immedi ately

I took the herbs for about four months and words cannot express

my gratitude for my complete recovery I am als o h appy to s a y that .

although I have taken no herbs at all for a long time I st ill remain ,

well .

M RS G STA F F . . .

( Original given many y ears ago .

In 1 9 36 her friend reported her a s being well ) .




The blood i s the vi t al fluid that circulates through the a r teries and
veins of the huma n system By reason of the derangement of one or

all of the vita l organs the blood becomes poisoned through infection
, ,

inflammation or contagion Impurities in the bl ood often c ause er up

, .

tions to appear on the skin in di fferent parts of th e body Mi c roscopic .

tests of the blood show various figures and signs of luetic i n fection and ,

the results of blood tests are often reported a s from one to thre e p lus
p ositive When this i s t h e case the su ff erer frequently becomes wor

ried and downh earte d M any such have taken dozens of h yp odermic i n

j ect i on s and have been under the treatmen t of medical men for years ,

yet their bl ood tests still show X s or one to three plus positive To

, .

ob t ain permanent relief is a hard proble m .

According to the Chinese theories there are two classes of su ff erers ,

from blood disorders for each of which a different method of treat


ment should be empl oyed .

First if a person inf ected with poison ous inflammation has robu st

health the treatment should be a compound of herbs to cool the blood

, ,

thus eli minati n g the infl am mation , and of herbs to cleans e all th e inter
nal organs If erupt i ons occur in certain parts of the body some herbs


should be put into the comp ound to reach those place s through the
vital organs Anyone who faithfully gives his b ody a chance to get

clean alway s succeeds .

S econd if a pers on has chronic luetic infection and is in a weakened


condition the compound should contain herbs to rebuild the entire s y s


tem and insure the proper functioning of all vi t al organs Herbs .

should also be added to expel th e impurities through the air and bl ood
circulations especially to drive the impurities out through the pores
, ,

thus helping the lungs in their work It takes much longer to over .

come the trouble when the sufferer is i n a chronic weaken ed condition , ,

than when he i s strong M any pe r s ons seek to drive out the infection

by taking repeated doses of physi c but the result i s on l y t o weak en t h e


blood circulation and to p ermit the infecti on to become m ore deeply

rooted .

The FON G WAN 0 0 some time a g o h ad a c ase of a ma n who had


suffered from inf ection of the blood for 1 4 y ears Twe lve bl ood tests .

h ad bee n taken at diff erent times H e h a d also be en given seven big.

hyp odermic inj ect ions ( 60 6 ) an d fif t y four smal l shots ( 606 ) but h e -

had g otten n o reli ef He had sores in his mouth and throat and on

different part s of h i s body His hair c ame out by h a n df uls After

. . .

having taken th e F ong Wan Herb s for nine months h e is c ompletely ,

well and is like a new m an .

Hundreds of cases of blood dis orders have been p ermanently r e

li eved by t h e Fong Wan Herbs The following testimonial i s one of

the latest given to F ong Wan :


F or some time prior to the case against F ong Wan brought by th e ,

postal insp ector Mr C orcoran resided in New York I n N ovember

, . .

1 9 2 9 he wrote for a week s supply of herb s for prostate gland tro u


, ,

from which he obtained wonderful relief He then sent for more herbs .

but by that t i me the postal authorities had placed a restriction on the


mail of the Fong Wan Herb Co mpany Mr C orcoran s letter was . .

therefore returned to him marked Fraudul ent “


R ealizing how marvelous had be en the relief already obtained

through the use of the Fong W a n herbs Mr Corcoran tele g raphed f o r ,

more They were sent to him by express As he continued to i m

. .

prove Mr Corcoran decided to come to Oakland to see Fong Wan and


take his herbs He has now used the herbs for nearly three m onths
. .

His letter given voluntarily in h i s own handwri t ing and reprinted here
, ,

speaks for itself .

To Whom It M ay Concern
This i s a t rue statement that on March 1 1 932 I G eorge C orcoran , , , ,

broke out with a V en er ea l Di s ea s e known as syphilis or blood di sease


Then after havin g tri ed various treatmen t s for months my blood test
, ,

on Nove mb er 3 1 9 32 came back 3 plus and a test on December 1




1 9 32 cam e back 4 plus

“ ”

I t hen decided to come to Oakland Calif and take Fong Wan s , .


herbs I started with the herb s on December 1 0 1 932 and after hav

, ,

—1 1 7
ing taken them for about 1 2 weeks steady my blood test c am e b ack ,

Negative on M arch 3 1 9 33 ,

I honestly believe that regardless of what the disea s e may be ,

there is no b ett er or qui cker method of restoration to health t han

by taking th e F ong Wan herbs I shall c h eerfully recommend them

t o anyone in ill health regardles s of what the disease may be

, .



During the winter people have eaten more and richer food and have
been less active In consequence their blood h a s become laden with

impurities According to the Chine se almana c the real spring season


sets in about Febru ary 5 Just as the plants lie dormant and abs orb

quantities of n our n i s h men t in the winter and begin to put forth leaves
and buds in the s pring s o in the springtime does the human system

throw off accumulated impurities in the way of cold sores itching skin , ,

pimples and other eruptions .

d Calif April
, .
1 3 , 1 930 .

To Whom It M ay Concern
For many years I suffered from a on my nose and fa ce A l .

though I p ersistently tried everything I could h ear of I obtained no ,

lasting results until I went t o Fong Wan for his herbs I am happy to .

say that they afforded me complete relief M oreover I believe that the

E czema h a s b een permanently as well as completely overcome as it is ,

now more t h en a year since I took the herbs and that annoying ailment ,

has not reappeared . L OUI S LO MBA R DI '


Because we draw our sustenance from Nature if there is anything ,

wrong with our b o dies we must look for relief to Nature s way of heal ’

ing If any of the five vital organs ; viz t h e heart the liver the
. .
, , ,

spleen lungs and kidneys fail to fun ction properly a dropsical c on

, , ,

dition may ensue .

—1 1 8
Oakland Califo r nia ,

I su ffered from Dropsy in the t r unk of my body and in my limbs ,

which were so badly swollen that I could neither eat drink sleep nor , , ,

breathe with comfort I had pains all over and had been in bed f or

m onths Five different doctors gave me up and s aid that I could live

only a few days My entire family was in despair and they decided to

try the F ON G WAN CHIN E S E H ER B T E A which made me e n tirely ,

well in three weeks I am now working every day I am so thankful

. .

to the F ON G WAN H ER B S P E CIA L I S T that I shall be glad to make

it known that my life has be en s aved through his wonderful skill .


( A g ain verified 1 930 )


For thousands of years the Chinese have believed that the veins

of the lower limbs p ass over t h e regi on of the kidn eys and th at the ,

kidneys have power to control th e circulation of the blood in the lower

limbs When a p erson either walks too much or has to stand lon g

hours at his work the blood bec omes inflamed In such cas es a cer

tain amount of infl ammatory poison from either the kidneys or the
bladder naturally enlarges in t h e veins and forces into them poi s on
which congests i nt o lumps .

In many cases neither blood nor urine te s ts show this B oth Chem

i s t s and Medical S cientists after having spent a few years in school

, ,

someti mes act as though they know everyt hing under the s un It does .

not occur to them that the kidneys and their sub organ the bladder -
, ,

may not be functi onin g at full strength They do not know how much.

pois on is retained in these organs and s ent through the blood stream .

The blood of all sufferers from varicose v eins i s red black and blue , .

Many such su fferers are advised to wear Rubb er S tockings To wear .

stockings for varicose veins is similar to attempting to relieve either


catarrh or sinus trouble by bl ocking up the nose S ometimes su ff er . .

ers from varicos e veins are advised t o d r i n k lots of wat er in order


1 20
to flu sh the kidneys However water of itself is n o t a curative
, , ,

agency Consequently persons who drink qu antities of water in seek


ing re lief frequently get wors e .

Although m edical scientists believe that the brain controls all th e

nerves yet they never attempt to do anything to the brain in order

to relieve varicose veins They als o believe that paral ytic stroke is

caused by a blood clot on the brain so far they have not attempted to

remove the blood clot in order to afford the su ff erer even temporary
relief .

O akland C alif October ,

, 2 8, 1 9 33 .

To Wh om It M ay C oncern
I s ufl er ed for 1 5 ye ars with varicose veins and large lumps in


leg And the veins in my leg and thigh p ained me terribly

. .

After having taken F ong Wan herbs for three months my leg be
came normal . J O SE P H E R WIN -


October 28, 1 9 34 .

After having suff ered for a number of years from poor blo od cir
culation and varicos e veins I had a general b reakdown Acting

upon the advice of a friend I went to s ee Fong Wan After taking the

F ong Wan Herbs for about a month I felt considerabl e im provement


Having found that the F ong Wan Herb s are the be st for my ailments ,

I take pl easure in recommending them highly .



In t h e dawn of c ivilization herbalists compounded four kinds of roots
of plants to be used as blood builders by the pe o ple in general while ,

deer horn was used by the wealthy At present however numerous

, ,

varieties of herbs are compounded to purify the blood and to eradicate

the p oisons from the bl ood and the nerves Wh en the bl o od is thu s .

cleansed pain gradually subsides Any person wh o doubts that won

, .

d er f ul results are derived from Chinese herbs may wr ite the Depart
ment of Agriculture of the University of Californ ia at Berkeley The .

— 1 21
profess ors and the Chinese students there will not only t ell t h e i n '

qui r er something about the valu e of the he r bs but also how well ,

versed i s our herbalist in thousands of herbal varieties .

Du ring our business c areer in Oakland many people have come to ,

us who h ave :
1 . Drunk S teer Blood or Calf Blood ;
2 . Had transfusion of blood from other persons ;
3 . Had injections of Iron ;
4 E ten Calves Liver

5 Had inje ctions of C alves ’

Liver Blood .

These are Occidental meth ods of increasing the blood supply but to ,

our knowledge n on e of them have even 5 % of the effi ciency and value

of our herbal r emedies for that pt fr po s e .

The following resul t s are attributable to th e Occidental meth ods

listed above
1 .E ven though the scientists may not be able to dete c t any germs
whatever under their microscopes yet t here are pois onous subs t an c es

in the S teer Blood a n d C lf Blood that inflame the large intestines and

c ause soren s s of the rectum Moreover persons who have drunk

e .

much Calf s Blood generally have dull pain in the back of the neck


and at the b a s e of the spine due to the p ois on G rowths and tumors

are frequent i n persons wh o drink Calf Blood for any l ength of time

E ven uneducated Chinese warn their friends not to drink or eat any
animal blood ( cooked ) very often Why then should su fferers in O eci
, ,

dental countries be advis ed to drink blood in quantity at regular inter

vals when it is actually poisoning their systems
2 . In c a se of illness not due to los s of bl oo d the transfusion of ,

blood from another per s on i s harmful rather than b eneficial because ,

when a person is very ill his air c irculation i s impeded and the blood
transfused does not function Not only therefore i s the su ff erer not
, ,

benefited bu t the h ealth of the person wh o h as given h i s bl ood may


be a ff ec ted even to the ext ent of an untimely death .

3 . The inj ection of Iron often i n fl a mes the blood and caus es nerv
o us n es s. To feel the pulse of a pe rs on into whom I ron h a s been inject
ed gives one a se n sation similar to t h a t of touching a l iv e wire The . .

nerves of the p atient vibrate and jump and Headaches are fre quent , .

4 . T o eat Calv es L iver to make blood i s about the same a s to eat

1 22
For m any centuries the Chinese have worn eye gl a s ses not only to ,

improve their vision but also to restore their eyes to normalcy Be

, .

fore m anufacturing eye glasses the Chinese studied Nature and b a sed

their ideas on her five pri ncipal elements vi z the mineral v egetation , , ,

water fire and earth elements


The b e
st Chinese eye glasses are made of natural water crystal -

r o ck in stead of being manufactured from artificial glass This wate r

, .

c rystal rock i s obtainable either in high mountain streams or in places

wher e the s un s eldom shines It is always as cold as snow When it is
. .

made into eye glasses it has a tendency to draw the heat from the
eyes When a pers on uses h i s eyes st eadily for any length of tim e the

eye muscles are weakened and the eyes sometimes b ecome inflamed a s ,

well as very tired The cry stals being so cold and belonging to the

water element counteract the heat the fire element in the eyes and

, ,

keep them c ool .

In additi on to benefiting the ey es by using r oc k crystals for eye

glasses the Chinese us e tortois e shell eye glass rims The tortoise
, .

spends most of its life in deep water It is dark in c ol or Both its . .

nature and color b elong to the water element Th e water crystal rock .

and the tortoise shell rim s therefore harmonize and constitute a com
plet e outfit for protection and benefit of the eyes .

These crystal eye glass es with tortois e shell rims are worn chiefly
by Chinese offi cials and scholars Only recently has the Chines e idea

for making eye glasses been adopted by other nations However these .

nations make extensive us e of i n flammable celluloid ( composed chiefly

of s oluble gu ncotton and camphor ) and arti ficial glass in imitation of
the color and appearance of th e Chinese glasses Not only does this .

imitation fail to give the benefit of the genuine cry stal and tortoise
shell r i m eye glasses but it perhaps a c counts for the fact that eye

glas ses have to b e changed or refitted s o frequently in Occidental

countries Pers ons wh o wear eye glasses are seldom able to diff er

en t i a t e b etween g ood a n d poor glass worn in front of their eyes,The .

writer of this article prefers to care for hi s eyes by taking properly

compounded herbs .

In addition to the rock c r ystal which is Nature s element there are


, ,

herbs for t h e ey es which have helped many people when th e eye spe

cialis t s have failed .

1 24

The ne r ves of the muscles of the eyes are similar to those of the
muscles of the legs and arms The nerv es of the eye muscles may be .

affected by poisonou s inflammation of the blood that passes through

th em from certain internal organs of the human sys te m T he nerves .

thus aff ected draw the eyes to one side t hus causing Cross E yes just

, ,

a s the nerves of the arms and legs cau se them to becom e crooked and
deformed .

If herbs can be compounded to strengthen and c leanse the internal

organs and purify the blood through the nerves t here i s no reason why ,

the ne r ves should not straighten out again M edi c al scienc e re sorts to .

exercises ; the wearing of glasses stereosc opic pictu r es and t o opera , ,

tions The following testimonials have been selected from among


many given by persons who have been relieved of Cross E yes by

“ ”

taking the Fong Wan Herbs .


O akland Calif ornia

For months I was cross eyed and I s a w everything double Natur


ally I could do no work During th ose awful months I went to nine

, .

different doctors but none of them helped me in the least One E ye


S pecialist suggested that I wear eye glasses but I didn t relish the idea ,


The climax cam e when the doctors at the University Clinic gave me a
hypodermic which made me s o swollen and sore that I could neither
walk nor sit down I desp a ired of retaining my sight
. .

F ortunately one who had been my f ellowwor ker urged me to try


the Fong Wan Herb S pecialist Without mu c h h 0 pe I went to him .

for consultation He showed m e a testim onial of Mr I C R owland

. . . .

of R ichmond C alif whose case was alm o st ident ica l to mi ne I took


the herbs on ly f our weeks and my eyes h ave b een in good condition
ever since .

Almost unbelievable isn t it It is a matter of wonder and surp r ise


to m e th at the F ong Wan S pecialist was thus able to straighten my


eyes when modern scientifi c do ctors and E ye S pe c ialists had failed H i s .

success in my case and that of Mr R owl and proves that what he c an .

do for me he c an als o do for oth ers . I stand ready t o certify to th e
fac t s contained in this testimonial . J B PINTA R . . .

( First given years ago and

again v erified 1 9 29 )

Oakland C al i fornia , .

F or about eight months I was confined to the h ouse and part of th e

time t o my bed wi t h an exceedingly strange malady My fa ce and the .

upper p arts of my b ody wer e fearfully swollen my eyes b eing p art ially ,

clos ed Whenever I went out into the air my fa c e and ha nds b urn ed

a s though they were on fire M y skin itched s o that I wanted to scratch


and tear at myself c ontinuously Als o I had C ros s E ye s because of


Blo od Poisoning .

I treated with s everal physicians who termed my tro uble Bl ood ,

Poisoning None s eemed to understand the case a n d s ome were even


fra n k en ough to s ay th at de ath alone coul d give me relief S ix weeks .

ago I rea d of t h e ren owned Fong Wan Herb S pecialist I immediate ly .

sent to him and began to drink the herb tea I cooked my own herb s .

at home Now all the infl amm ation and swelling are gone E ve r y
. .

thi n g is normal again and I am in pe rfect condition .


. . .

( F i rst given ye a rs ag o and

again verified F eb .
1 9 32 )


B erkeley C alif Jan

, . 29, 1 92 6 .

I had a H en i or r h a g e f r om a Tumo r off and on for several months .

Alth ough I tried many physicians none could do me any good wi thout

res ort to t h e knife La st summer my c ondi tion bec ame s o serious that

I lay in bed for three m onths We did n ot give up hope h owev er and
, ,

my husba nd went t o s ee Fong Wan That eminent herbalist to wh om . ,

s o many go when a ll others fail t old my husba n d that there was noth

1 26
Oakl and Calif,

January 31 1 9 35 ,

To Wh om It May Concern :
For years I su ff ered from

Hemorrhages and f om a r

Tumor which felt as though

it was about the size of a
cocoanut .I had vomiting
sp ells heaviness and c ramps .

I su ff ered untold agonies and

had to stay in bed I was .

tol d that no medicine could

help me and that my only
h ope was in an ope ration as
my condition was s o compli
ca t ed
. I am happy to s a y ,

however that after I h ad


taken t h e Fong Wan C hinese

Herbs for s ome time the ,
J osefa Padilla
Tum or gradually disappeared
and all my c omplaints vanished I feel that I really owe my life to

F ong Wan I thank him a thousand times for what he has done for m e


Ida M eltzer testifies that the above is true .


H I S T O RY OF 5000 YE A RS
Throughout Chinese history many reno wned herbalists hav e held,

resp onsible p o sitions Am ong them have been emperors viceroys

, ,

governors and other magistrates Innumerabl e volumes have been com.

piled by these herbalists S ome of th ese work s c ontain from t hree to


four million words In c onsequence the Chinese methods of healing


are am ong the most b eneficial and the gre atest things on earth .


In the dawn of Chines e civilization there reigned an em peror known ,

as S hin Nong Through his extensive kn owledge of botany and the


wisdom given him by G od he b ased the Fundamental Th eories of Heal


ing on the Five Principal E lements of Nature : viz : the mineral veg e .

tion water fire and earth Dur ing the tho usands of years that have
, , .

el aps ed since the reign of S hin Nong numerous volumes have been ,

written by fam ous herbalists century aft er c entury upon the us e of

, ,

herbs .

A great forward stri d e wa s made in 1 735 when the Chinese E m

per or Kang Lung in the fourth year of h i s reign summoned the most
, , ,

renowned herbalists of his time numbering 370 to the Imperial C ol , ,

lege at Pek ing Not only did these learned m en s et forth th e metho d s

of treating the sick intern a lly but they a ls o made drawings of the

entire human body to illustra t e the vari ous external diseases specified ,

in separate books for men women and children and gave fo r mul a e
, ,

for their relief .

The volumes compiled by these herbalis t s are k nown a s G olden

Text Books of Healing Their content s are based entirely on t h e


— 1 29
theories of the E mp eror S hin Nong Just a s the laws of modern na .

tions are bas ed u p on R oman L aws so di d this learned body of herbal ,

i s t s find it im p ossible to improve upon the Fu ndam ental Theori es of

He a ling s et forth by their ancient emperor T oday th e Chine s e c om .

p ound their herb s i n accor d an ce with th e ancient theories just a s


Occidental lawyers practic e l aw based upqn Roman principles U p t o


the present time neither he rbalis ts nor la yers h ave been abl e to i m

p rove up on the fundam ental t h eor 1 es Th ere are individual herbalists

. .

just a s there are individual lawyers who are able to a c complish much ,

a n d gain re co g nition while others in the same rofes s ion are unable
, p
to earn a living .

The prin c iples and m ethods of Roman L a w h av e b een adopted by

many nations L ik ewis e, C hinese h erb s are not o n l y extensively u sed

in other pa r ts of Asia but have als o b een introduced on a smal l scale


into m ost of th e countries of the world One takes no chances in u sing .

C hin ese Herbs Th ey are backe d by the expe r ien ce of the ag es Hav
. .

ing been used by billions of hum an beings with beneficial e ff ects f or

approximately 500 0 years Chinese Her bs have long since p assed the

experimental stage and th eir various properties and eff e cts a r e d efin

i t ely known.

Approximately years age an ancient C h ines e E mperor named
Hsia Yu ruled China ; H e wa s not only one of the most ca pa ble men

in China but his engineering work wa s of s o high a grade that no


engineer in any coun t r y h a s ever paralleled him When t h e Yell ow


R iver fl ooded Cen t r a l Ch i n a it became a veritable o c ean T h e E m peror



Hsia Yu p ersonally supervised the division of the fl ood into nine

rivers and s o di r ect ed their cours es th at they emptied through Tients i n
into t h e Yellow S ea There a fter for 1 300 yea rs the people enjoyed
, ,

freedom from flood s S ince tha t time h owever perhap s due to chang
, ,

es i n the river bed China has suffered from numerous floods N either


the emperors nor the governm ent have succeeded in c oping with this
di ffi c ult problem Believing that her native engineers were infe ri or

China empl oyed Ameri c an and E urop ean engineers a s advisors S he .

—1 30
eru pt ion o c curs on the earth Therefore when a cancer i s formed
ca n i c .

anywhere in the body there must be something wrong with one or


more of the vital organs .

Acc ording to th e Chinese definition the difference between a tumor ,

and a cancer is that the former i s a growth l oc ated inside th e body ,

which cannot be seen from the outside while a cancer is a growth that ,

forms benea th the skin and devel ops above the skin i t s size being an ,

inch or more in diame t er .

When a cancer form s in a neck gland it ha s originated from the ,

blood of the liver Breast cancer in women is due to poison in the


spleen whi ch affects the milk gl a nds because women a r e liable to ,

periods of sadness worry a n d melancholy Cancer of the privates may


be traced to the improper functioning of the bladder and kidneys C an .

ker sores and bo i ls in the mouth a r e due to impure blood in th e st omach


becau se the mouth is the outer cavity of the stomach .

T he air and the bl oo d circulations cause soren es s t o be exp osed in

the mouth and a ls o by a red sore nose by boil s on t h e nose or by hem
, ,

or r h oi d s because the nose i s the cavity of th e lungs I f t h e bloo d or


the air in the lungs i s impure or if there is t oo much fire ( i n fl a mma


t i on ) these m ala d ies of the nose are caused .

Wh en hemorrhoids or s ores or noi ses a r e lo c at ed in t h e ears they

, , ,

are due to improper fun c tioning or to impure blood in t h e liver and

kidneys because according t o Chinese theories the ears are the cav
, , ,

ities of the liver and kidneys Inflammation of the rectum piles or .


fistulas are du e to the larg e i ntestines and th e lungs a s th e large ,

intestines are t h e s ub organs to the lungs When eruptions or itches


appear on the skin on t h e upp er part of the body blood purifiers a r e ,

necessary for the lungs which control th e pores of the body C ertain

cancers may b e easily overcom e before they spread and eat into the
tissues However there is n o help if they are allowed to go until the

tissues are consumed for a fireman cannot save a house that is already

burned to the ground .


When a cancer begi n s it commenc es t O s well to have pain and

fever and to form lumps At this stage according to Chinese theori es

, .

if the herbs are compo unded to cleanse th e blood of the vital organs ,

and external applications are made the cancer will generall ydisappear ,

—1 32
In a case however where cancer h a s not bee n completely eradicated
, ,

before b eing formed herbs must be com pounded to cause t h e blood


circulation t o force the poison to coll ect at the spot W here external
treatments can draw it to a head and help it to ripen and to break out
, , .

The Chinese do not believe as do the Ameri cans in th e possibility of

, ,

discovering some one thing such as serum radium X Ray or applica

, , ,

tion of ele c tricity to cure all kinds of cancer regardless of location , ,

whether on the he ad the rectum or the mouth Numerous c ancers

, ,

where X Rays electricity or radium have been used have been baked
, , ,

into h ard chu nks of poisoned flesh T he cancer keeps right on grow .

ing underneath this big chunk of fl e s h and the condition is a thousand ,

times harder to relieve .

Scientists are continually making new inventions and discoveries ,

but the members of the medical profession in n opart of the world have
discovered a nything to cure cancer They have become afraid of it and

have had a law p assed forbidding anyone to advertise a cancer cure .

S ome of the large dailies even refuse to print the word can c er in th eir
sheets Thus is knowledge of how to gain relief in case of cancer

kept away from the people .

Although for fifty centuries China has had numerou s books which
have taught the peopl e how to c ope with vari ous ailmen t s in c luding ,

cancer still in th e case of the latter further rese arch wa s n ec essary

, , , .

About three hundred years ago a kind hearted E mperor summoned


the herb alists from all over the c ountry to a great conference Among .

them were several hundred who h ad p as sed the Imperial E xaminations

with the first and second degrees As a result of the c onference an d

the diligence of these s cholarly herbalists a great work of twenty ,

volumes was compiled to b e us ed as text b oo k s on th e healing of dis

ease by the government and people This work gives c lear i n structions

regarding all kinds of cases but it takes an intelligent experi enced

, ,

h erb alist with an extensive knowledge in th e dispensi ng of herbs to


se c ure results a s the system of each indi vidual suff erer diff ers in

strength and ea ch cas e has its own c omplications .


The secret of th e Chinese methods of healing is th e bringing of the
elements of th e human body to function properly and evenly F or .

example just as we begin to su ffer when th e weather is too hot or too


— 1 33
cold we also su ffer when any part
, of the b ody i s overheated .

R ecently several persons h ave rep orted to F ong Wan that certa i n

parts of their bodies were inflam ed and terribly p oi soned by S un B ath s

and E lectric Rays B ec ause pe ople do not understa nd th a t p ortions

of t h eir systems are inflamed intern lly they turn on the E lectri c Ra ys
a ,

wit h resu lts similar to t h ose of p ouring oil into a fir e .

E lectric R ays an d S un B a t hs may be benefici a l t o some persons

while they are injuri ous to others B ecause the F ong Wan H erbs are

c ompounded for eac h individu al need they bring abo ut wonder ful ,

results .

No p er s on can exp ec t t o f org e a si n gle knif e that wil l be go od for

chopping w ood for us e in th e bu t c her sho p for sha ving the beard and
, , ,

for household u ses in general .

This is also an an cient sk etc h fr om the En

cycloped i a of Herbal S cience . I t repre s ents the

location of br ea s t lumps or form ation of c an
fi y

cers in th e bre a st glands .


O a kland , Californi a , August 1 6, 1 9 35 .

To Whom It M ay Concern
In 1 930 I wa s tr oubl ed with pain ful lumps in my breast F ortun


ately I learned of the Fong Wan Herb s and began to t ak e the Herb Tea .

Af ter a Wh i le t h e lump s dis app eared e ntirely t h a nk s to the Herbs



A lth oug h st h i s wa s five years a g o I have not been t r oubled since


—1 34
Q After that on t h e advice of anyone did you take the herbs of
, ,

the Fong Wan Company ? A I went down to s ee F ong Wan and s ee


what he c ould do for me .

Q . Did he compound herbs for you ?

A . Yes .

Q You have never had an operation for the removal of that


growth have you A No I never had an operation

? .
, .

Q And you never t ook any other remedy for th e relief of it other

tha n the F ong Wan herbs ? A That is all . .

Q . And you are in perfect health today ? A . I b elieve I am .

Q Di d the p ost
. inspectors call on you recently A Yes
o fli ce
? . .

Q And ask you whether or not the statements c ontained in c er


tain advertisements w er e true or not ? A Yes ,

. .

Q And you inf or med them that the y were ? A I did

. . .

Q You were not subpoen a ed to com e here were you

? A No I ,

wa s not .

Q You cam e a s a matter of gratitude to F ong Wan ? A Yes

. . .

Q Did
. you give to F ong Wan a statement of your c a se ? A Y es .

I gave him a testimonial .

Q D d you g ive th at to Fong Wan

.i ? A Yes . .

A Yes I went to h i s ofli ce


Q Y ou went t o his office did you


especially and told him that I would be glad to gi ve him a testimonial .

Q You s a y y ou went esp ecially to h i s o ffice to tell him that did


you ? A I did y es .

Q H o w long af ter you had taken the herbs was it th at you went

to his office to tell him tha t A I had taken the h erb s for that tum or

ou s condition about seven or eight years ago and it was ab out three ,

years ago that I gave him the testim onial .

Q Wha t pr ompte d you t o g o d own to h i s ofli ce ab out four y ea rs


after you had taken this herb treatment to giv e hi m the testimonial ?
A Bec a use I received s o much help from h i m and I sent s o many

others t o him that were helped that in apprec iation of wh at he did I

thought I would g i ve h i m the testimoni al

Q You just did i t out of the goodness of your heart di d y ou ? A

, .

Yes just to show how much I appr ec iated what he h ad done for me
, .

Q And it was not prompted by him

. A No . .

1 36
Attorney for defendant
Q And what you said in that testimonial was the truth was it

A Yes it was

Oakland C alif S ept 1 2 1 9 29 , .

S even years have elapsed since I was told by a physician t hat I had
a tum or that could n o t be removed without a c apit al operation A l .

t hough I suff ered intens ely and was very nerv ous I decided to avoid ,

the knife if I po ssibly could S o I took up th e F ong Wan Herb treat


ment instead I wa s completely relieved and I have had no return


sympto ms I have also recommended numerous friends v ariously a f


fl i ct ed to go to F ong Wan
, All have obtained good results
. .

M RS C A B R OWN . . . .


O akland C alif N ovember 2 8 1 933 , .
, ,

E arly in January 1 9 32 I was bedridden for t h e first time in my

, ,

life Never ha ving b een s eriously ill before I c ould not understand

why I was no longer able to perform my household duties I grew .

weaker day by day and suffered from bleeding a s well as fr om p ain .

Our family physician pronounced me pregn a nt L ater however he .

, ,

said that I had a Tum or and must be operated up on imme diately .

My husband and I concluded that I should go to a d oc t or whom

we believed to be an eminent surgi cal spe cialist H e advised an i m .

media t e operation for Tumor I went to the hospital fully resign ed I

. .

lay in bed in the hospital for a bout a month while they built up my
vitality took X Ra ys an d had a sp ecial i st ex ami n e m e

They finally ope r ated on me and then s ent me back to my room in

th e hospital as hopeless I s a y OP ER AT E D but all they really did


was t o cut me op en and s ew m e up On lea r ning from th e doctor .

h im s elf that nothing could be done for m e my hu sband went to Fong

, ,

Wan and descri bed the case to h i m in full Herbs were prepared for .

me and my husband brought them to t h e h ospital .

Within two w eeks I wa s able to drive home with h i m and I have

, ,

not had a sick day since even though I have taken n o herbs sin ce

— 1 37
April 1 5 1 933 The d oc tors had told my h us ba n d t h a t while I might

, .

be able to leave th e h o spital I woul d be an invalid for the rest of my


life a n d would hav e to have a nurs e T hey miscal cu l at ed , h owever


for from the very day that I arrived home fro m the hos p ital I ha ve ,

done the housework for a family of four .

F or all thi s h e ling and return of strengt h I h av e

a th ank F ong , to
Wan I might add that my husb and want ed me t o go to him in the

first pl ace Th i s s tatement i s given v oluntarily t o F ong Wan in gra t e


f ul a ckn owl edgment of what he h a s don e for me .



The Chines S cience of Therapeutics is b ased on th e principal for

m t i v elem ents of Nature I t takes a p erson of int elligence who is

a e .

educat ed in Chines literature to lea n the u se of e a ch of the thous

e r

ands of herbs and to master the met h od s of determining t h e caus e of

hum an ailm en t s In order to a c quaint hi mself with the bro a d knowl

ed ge of healing handed down th rough the ag es h e must delve into ,

the volumes of the ancient autho r s In ord er to learn h ow t o properly


c ompound herbs so that one will neither confli ct with nor c ounteract
another he must m emoriz e th ousands of formul a s
, .

Whil e yet in hi s teens and before h e h a d any ide a that he would

ever devote his life to herbal studies F ong Wan ridiculed th e Chinese ,

Herb alists As at th at time Fong Wan ha d abs olutely no kn owl edge


of the prope rties of h erbs he thought that t h e Herbali st s were foo lish

t o m ak e believe that their h erbs could help sick peo ple H e made fun .

of them and frequ en tly pulled th eir qu eu es .

La ter however he began to mak a seri ous study of t h herbs

, ,
e e .

F or ten years he devoted hi ms elf to it learning m o re and more and ,

continually discovering that there was much more to be l earned He .

then realized with regret h ow ignorant he had b een and how f o olish it
was to criticiz e th e wise .

S ince the year 1 9 1 5 he has relieved thou sa nd s of suff erers He h . as

enjoyed the p rivilege of restoring to h ealth numbers of men and women

whose case s had been given up as hopel es s Man y tim es howev er he .
, ,

has been haled into court by the S p ecial Agents of t h e Me di cos ; h i s

com p any s mail h a s be en restrict ed ; hi s herbs have b een condemn ed a s

being without cur a t iv eg qua li t i es and worthless ; h i s method of healin g

hearing Its only effect wa s to c ause me awful pain and bleed ing
. .

T hen my nos e b ecame stopped up and my suff ering was wors e than
b efore

At last I s a w a F ong Wan Herb T ea Advertisement I wen t to .

their wonderful Herb Spe cialist and now after s i x weeks am entirely , , ,

well in every way T hi s l et t er of r e c ommendation i s prompte d by


gratitude . A S AND R AD E . . .


R i chmond C alif M ay 2 8
, ,
1 927

We first mad e the acquaintance of Fong W a n in the early S pring

of 1 9 1 6 whe n he was located at E ighth and Clay S tre ets My husb and

wa s very deaf He had an annoying noise in his ears and his head wa s

stuffe d with C atarrh Pri or to this ti m e he had s ought relief contin


u ou s ly but in vain
, .

B eing a deputy sheri ff h e wa s naturally very anxious to have h i s


h earing rest o red H e h ad b een to the U n iversity Clinic where the


physicians had tried to relieve his ear trouble by ins erting an i n s t r u

ment into his no se However h i s suff eri ng h a d b een only increas ed

thereby as the instrument c aused terribl e blee ding and sorenes s T he

, .

blood clots stopped up the n asal cavity thus impeding the fun ctioning ,

of t h e nose as well a s of the ears A s a result my hu s band c ould .


neith er smell nor hear .

We chanced to g o to Oakland and there consulted F ong Wan who , ,

s aid that the deafness wa s due to th e kidneys M y husband began .

drinking the herb tea and in but six week s tim e his heari n g wa s r e

stored and his C atar rh gone Years later he wa s again treated by .


Fong Wan for an i n fection in his hand whi ch caused B oils and for a ,

pain in his leg due to infl am ed nerves .

S ome years af ter that my children also took treatment for Catarrh
, ,

and I took the herbs for Dizziness High Bloo d Pres sure N er vous n es s , ,

a n d Hot Flashes All the members of our family one after another
, ,

have been relieved by the F ong Wan Herbs in every ailment that has .

c om e t o us .

We have known Fong Wan for a ll these years and have s een him
from th e very beginning of his career in O akland He has gone through .

many kinds of trouble but h e has valiantly breasted them all wi t h out

any real harm Today Fong Wan is the most successful and prosp er
o us herbalist in the B ay R egion We c onfidently rely upon him a s our

h ealer in whate v er kind of su ff ering m ay c om e t o us .

MA R I A S AN D R A DE . .


S F ran cis c o C a l if ornia an , .

F ong Wan C o .

G entle men : I am writing this out of gratitude t o F ong Wan F or .

many years I suff ere d with a R inging in my R ight E ar Ab out a year .

ag o my left ear als o began to ring Both ears bec am e s o ba d that I


could hardly hear my b aby cry .

Although I am still but a young woman I h a d treated every where ,

with m any doctors None of them were abl e to do me any good My

. .

peopl e told m e that my ears had t oo mu ch a i r in them I h a d b een


troubled with them ever s i nce I wa s a little girl .

I wa s very anxiou s t o go t o O akland to s ee F ong Wan ; but be ,

c aus e my baby was very young I wa s n ot able t o g o until this s p ring

, .

Now I am entirely well and a healthy woma n .

( 1 92 7) MRS K A M Y O KE C HON G . .

T ES TIM ONY G I VE N BY MRS J M EA D i n the So uth er n Di vi si on

. .

of the UNIT E D S TAT ES DI S T R I CT C OU RT f or t he No rth ern Di s

tri et of C a li f o rni a .

The following ex cerpts are from t h e trans cript V ol 3 p ag es 2 39 , .


248 March 7 1 9 32
, ,

Defens e Attorney : Q Mr s Mead were y ou a c ustomer of the

. .

Fong Wan Herb Co mpany A Yes

? . .

Q Di d you ta ke their herbs ? A Yes

. . .

Q About
. how long ago ? A I t h as been between four a n d five

years ago .

Q For what purp os e did you take them

? A F or redu ci n g .

weight .

1 41
Q :

Was y u w
ei g ht ac c o mpa nied by any physical di str es s of any
o ra

kind A Well i n m
? .
y w erk I s ta nd,
on my feet
and I just s i mply h ad ,

to o much w eight on them and it aff ec t ed my feet and it wa s hard f or

me to get around .

Q Di d it affect your ankles ? A Yes

. . .

Q A swelling of the ankles A Yes

. . .

Q . And about what wa s your weight A Wh en I started ta king

? '

the herbs I weighed around 1 70 .

Q And was that causin g you di stress A Yes

. .

Q F or h ow lo n g did you tak e t h e F ong Wan herb s in order to a t


tempt to co r rect that situation A Between five and s i x weeks . .

Q Wh at was the result


A I r ed uced eighteen pounds

. .

Q Has your flesh remained stati onary at th at

. p oint ever si n c e ?

A Yes I vary from two to four p oun d s

, .

Q What
. was the result on your general health ? A . Oh I have

had wond erful health ever since .

Q A ben efit to you were they

A . Yes , they were a wonderful
ben efit to me .

D efense Attorney : That is all .

Prosecuting Attorney : Q How much do you weigh now M adam .

A Between 1 50 and 1 54 I have not weigh ed rec ently I s t ay around

. . .

that weight .

Q The last t im e you weighed yours elf you weighed about 1 54 ?


A N o 1 52
, .

Q Did Fong Wan the defendant in this action c ome to y ou and

, ,

ask you about this ? Have you sp oken to him lately ? A No . .

Q When wa s the last time you s a w the defendant F ong Wan or

, ,

some representative of hi s o ffi ce ? A I don t just understa nd what .

you mean .

Q Do you know Fong Wan when you s ee h i m A Yes

? . .

Q . D o you s ee him h ere in court ? A Yes . .

Q . When w as the last tim e t hat yo u s a w th e defen da nt himse lf ?


A B efore Chri s tmas

. .

Q . H ow l o ng ago did you take these herb s from him ? A Be .


tween f our a n d five years .

Q . Between four and five years ago ? A Y es . .

would be lost very slowly I decided t o try the herbs a s my a bdom en

wa s burden ed with exc es s fat and my stomach wa s bloated After .

h aving completed a four weeks treatment I weigh ed 1 8 pounds l ess


, .

Before I began to take t h e h erbs I told my friends of my new pl a n ,

for reducing but none of them would believe it would b e possibl e for
the herbs to relieve me of my exce s s upholstery .

Now I a m happy and grateful not o n ly for flesh reduced. but al s o

for ha ving been relieved of that tired drowsy fe eling which made work ,

a burden I am feeling stronger all over a n d I work from 9 a m until

. . .

5 p m without being tired

. . . J E A N M E AD .

Q Just out of a clear thin s ky wi thout any prompting or request


by anybody you wrote it in this way You us ed just the words that are

in that book right there is that ri ght ? A Yes

, . .

Q E xactly th o s e words
. A Yes . .

Q .you rec eive

Di d any com p e nsation for it ? A No . .

Q And that l etter was uns olicited from you by anyb ody ; nobody

ever asked you to writ e t hat l etter or send it to the defendant A No

? . .

Prosec uting Attorn ey : That is all .

Defe n s e Attorney : Q Mrs Mead this let t er was written ab out
. .

how many years ago A Between four and five . .

Q P rior to going to t h e F ong Wan Her b Company had you b een


i n conferenc e with other people that had gone to him A I beg par .

don what is th a t ?

Q T h e questi on is before going to the Fong Wan Herb Company

, ,

had you talked with oth ers who had used the herbs A Y es . .

Q M ore than one person

A Yes . .

Q S everal ? A Yes

. . .


I n gi vin g in struction in Chines e Methods of Healing a teach er , re

quired his Chinese students to rec ite the following :

1 The ti pof t h etongue indic a t es the c ondition of th e heart
. .

2 The center of t h e tongue indicates the condition of th e stomach


—1 4 4
3 . The edges of the tongu e indica t e the c ondition of th e liver and
gall .

. The sub lingual ar ea ( floor of th e mouth ) indicates the condition

of the kidneys .

V ario us intern al disorders are indicated when any p art of t he tongue

is dry white yellowish inflamed or s ore Nothi ng can b e ascertained
, , , ,

by merely looking to see whether the tongu e i s c oated or not H erb al .

i s t s com po und h erbs according to the ancient formulas to o vercome

, ,

the complaints of each indivi dual .

In Occidental c ountries many suff erers have had t h eir tongu es r e

m oved and have died after a short tim e Others have had their t on gu es
, .

treated with radium In s ome c as es th e tongue has b ecome s o har


d en ed that it was immovable thus ma king speech impos sibl e , .


O akland C alif M arch ,
, 2 5, 1 9 2 9 .

I suff ered s o severely from a S ore on my Tongue that I c ould scarce ~

ly eat or speak with out intens e pain M oreover my eyes were badly ‘


inflamed and my h ealth in general was poor I tri ed several d oc t ors . .

Most of them deci d ed that relief could b e obtained only through an

op eration on my tongue .

Fortunately I was rec o mmended to try Fong Wan I took the


herbs h e comp ounded for m e and I a m n ow n ot only rid of that sore

on my tongue but my eyes are better and I feel like a n ew person

through out .

If it had not b een for Fong Wan s skill I should have b een in a ter ’

rible fix Perh ap s I should have lost my ton gu e and possibly my life

, ,

also It is needless to say that I am sincerely grat eful

. .



O akland Calif Jan 2 1 1 9 29 ,

F or six month s I suffered day and night from terrific p ain in my


hands and arms I was in the hospital for several weeks and I tried all

kind s of E lectri c treatm ents X Ra ys and adjustments t o say nothing

, ,

of nine doctors S till I suff ered agoni es and s ecured no reli ef One

—1 4 5
healer said on e thing and the next said anoth er I became s o t ired of .

them and s o disc ourag ed with th ei r futil e atte mpts t o help me that I
dec ided t o give th em all up and t r y t h e F ong Wan H erbs .

I took the herb s fai t hfu lly for five weeks c ooking t hem at h ome

, .

F rom th e first , I n oted a slow but steady improvement The p ains l eft .

m e gradually and even th ough five m o nths have n ow ela p sed s i n c e I


discon t inu ed the treatm ent m arvelous t h oug h it s eems th e pa i ns have

, ,

not r eturned ( S igned ) M RS L M CR OW LE Y

. . . .


Oakland C alif O c t 1 1 1 92 7 ,
, .
, .

For ye ars I su ffered from Heada c he Rundown Hea l th and Bl eedi ng

, , ,

Pile I tri ed in vain t o get relief from v arious heal ers I w s o ill
s . . as

that I had t o be carr i ed into the Fong W n offi c e Aft er I h a d taken a .

the Fong Wan Herbs for ab out two m onths all my troubl es had been ,

overc ome .

This was ab out four yea r s ago but I still rem ain well I h ave en ,
. .

j oyed th e very best of health ever since .

M RS L E JO NE S . . . .

Oakland Calif J a n 1 92 6 , .
, . .

I had a severe S prai n in my back from which I suff ered f or fully four
years It was torture to move around I wa s tre ated by d octors and
. .

Chiropractors for months at a stretc h but neither their drug s nor th eir ,

adjustm ents a ff orded me any relief .

A r elative of min e wh o had been relieved of long suffering from

nervous breakd own rec ommended that I try the F ong Wan H erbs .

After five wee ks of his treatm ent my p ain wa s gone and I h ave been , ,

well ever sinc e As this wa s two years ago I b eliev e th e reli ef to b e


permanent I am givi ng this testim onial in gratitude

. .

CHA S F MA LLE Y . . .


. . . , .


O akland Cal if July 1 8 1 9 2 7 ,
, , .

In connecti on with my experience of over twen t y year s in t h e p r e c

1 46
time the wound h a s refused to h eal although I hav e tried everything

that I thought might help it N ow however I rej oice to s a y that

, ,

aft er having take n t h e F ong Wan H erbs for but s ix w eek s t h e w ound
has healed and my n os e i s well again Naturally I feel grea t ly i n .

d ebted t o F ong Wan MRS LU E LLA P R E S AU

. . . .


O akland Cal i f O c t 28 1 9 33 ,
, .

F or abou t ten years I was troubled with a badly swoll en l eg and a

s ore on th e same I had u ndergone s ev eral diff e r ent treatm ents and

had alm o st given up h op e of ever being cured .

Having b een advised to s ee F ong W an I did s o and c omm en ced t o , ,

take h i s herbs They gave m e alm ost immediate relief and I wa s


finally cured .

It is five years sinc e I stopped ta k ing the F ong Wan herbs but my
l eg has not troubl ed m e sin c e I t i s now in fine condition
. .

I cannot say too much for the herbs I rec eived from F ong Wan .

GE O P R I S I N G . . .

Healing by the ol dest methods the Chines e as sociated the five p rin

ci p a l elements of Nature wi t h the seasons of th e y ear E a ch of t h e .

four s ea s ons belo n g to one of t h e four principal elements viz : th e v eg , .

etati on fire mineral and water elem ents S pring b elongs to the y ege

tati en element ; su m

mer to the fire element ; autumn to the mineral

element a n d winter to the water element

E ach year during the summer the fire element ( th at is th e h eat or ,

fever el em ent ) caus es the bl o od t o b ec om e warm and expand The


pores of the skin open more freely during th e sum m er than at any
other s eason and the pois ons of va ri ous disea s es b egi n t o multi ply
, .

Therefore ecz ema poison oak hop pois on rashes and inflamm ation
, , , ,

in the different organs of th e hum an body increase a n d spread more

during summ er than at any oth er tim e .

All of these c omplaint s can be eradicated by the Fong Wan Herbs .

Herbs are not only u sed interna lly to thorough l y cleanse t h e entire s y s
tem but in some cas es herbs in powdered form are applied externally
, .

It is advis a ble that diseases such as th ose menti oned above be relieved
before t h ey h a ve tim e to spread .

1 48
B erk eley California , .

In the summ er of 1 9 2 2 while I wa s at tendin g t h e seven day C o nf er


ence o f the Pre s b yt erian Young P eople a t S an A ns elm o in the midst of ,

my enj oym ent I c ont racted a very s evere ca s e of Po ison O ak My


friends fairly whitewashed m e with soda and I tried other remedies

without any p erceivable eff ect as the Poison O ak c ontinued t o s p read

T h e pus dripp ed s o copiously from one of my f orearm s t hat on e of the

C onference lead ers went to a private hom e and begged an old sheet
wi th which to bandage me My face and neck were s o b ad that I tri ed

to isolate myself fr om my compan ions for fear t h at they might c at c h it .

I retu r ned in to r ment t o Berkeley with my face swollen almost

beyond recognitio n and one o f my eyes nearly cl osed Wh en I entered .

th e house my m other wh o has great faith in t h e F ON G WAN H ER B

, ,

A L I S T lost no tim e in pho ning him and describing my condition He


s ent me a package of white powder by S pecial Delivery I wa s n t par .

tial to Chines e Herb s myse lf for I hate d the smell of t hem wh en th ey


were c oo king and I lik ed their tast e less but a s this w a s an odorl es s ,

white powder which neither burned not discolored th e skin and whi c h
, ,

required onl y to be mixed with a little water into a thin paste I wa s ,

willing to give it a trial .

Within an hour after the first application the pus had c eas ed to ,

drip and th e terrible burning and itc hing were almost g one Four a ppli .

cations had b een made before bedtime and the i n flammation was a l ,

ready beginni n g to sub side My sleep was undisturbed and when I got

up the n ext m orni n g I scarc ely recognized myself in th e glass a s the ,

s welling in my face wa s gon e b oth eyes were op en wide and th e

, ,

erupti on had begun to dry Within twenty four h ours after the first

application it had practically disappear ed Three days later when I .

went to church with my s kin sm ooth and natural my fr iends who h ad ,

come home W i th me c ould hardly believe their eyes Th ey insisted upon .

knowing what had wrought the magic .

My own prejudice against Chines e Her bs had been completely o v er

come and in M arch 1 9 2 3 wh en I came d own with a b ad case of F lu
, , , ,

accompanied by high fever and bloo dy urine I dran k the herbs with out ,

protest and was back at College within a week .

I n th e spr i ng of 1 9 24 my mother h eard that a y oung girl friend out

at Danville had planned to come to Berkeley on a certain day to buy
her E aste r hat but had been prevented b ecau se s h e wa s suff ering s o

—1 4 9
with Pois on O ak that sh e could scarcely s ee one eye bei n g ent irely ,

closed As I had not used all of the p owd er my moth er promp t ly


maile d what was left to G ladys Th ree days later our bell ra ng and in

c ame G ladys looking like a picture in her new E aster hat and brim

ming over with gratitude for the wonderful rem edy Before I w en t t o .

S an Anselm o in 1 9 2 4 I g ot s ome more of th e p owder I didn t con

, .

tract Poison Oa k this time but two othe r boys did I gave them some
, .

of th e p owder and after but two or three appli c ations their Pois on Oak

not only ceased to spread but dr i ed up and disap peared

, .

In closing I wan t to s a y that alth ough FON G WAN h a s an en y i


able fundam ental knowle d ge of the properties and uses of Chin ese
Herbal R emedies he do es not rely entirely upon wh at h e already knows
, ,

but continues t o study and thin k H e ac com plishes s o many big things .

that he d oesn t con si der the dr yi ng up of a c a se of Pois on Oa k w orthy

of mention but I do Therefore I am gi ving this unsolicited testimonial



( V erified 1 9 32 )

T ES TIM ONY G I VE N BY M RS J CA LLA HAN i n t h e S o uthern . .

Di vision o f t he UNIT E D S TAT ES DI S TR ICT CO U R T f o r t he N or th

ern District of Cali f o r nia .

The foll owing excerpts are from the transcript , V ol . 4, pages 300
306 M arch 8 1 9 32 :
, ,

Defens e Attorney : Q W ill you kindly state to the jury your


first connec tion wi t h F ong Wan a n d just wh a t you applied t o him for
, ,

and what happened Just stat e it in your own word

. s ?
A I su ff ered .

very badly with my thighs They had been infe c ted in a hospita l The
. .

agony wa s very great I went to him to get s om et hin g to alleviate the


agony not to help me b ecaus e no t hing can be done p er manently for

, ,

me He alleviated the agony to a marke d: ex tent

. .

Q T hat was with resp ect to the inf ection on your thigh
A .

Yes .

Q After tha t pe riod of tim e did y ou ha ve occasi on to ap p ly to

hi m for reli ef again ? A Yes . .

Q In what year wa s that M s Call ahan A That was a ppr o xi

. r ?
. .

ma tely the 4 t h or 5t h of last November 1 9 31 It was just this last , .

Novem ber .
Prosecuting Attorn ey : Q Your case was a wfully bad wasn t it .
’ ?

A V ery
. .

Q And there was almost n o hope for your re c overy you th ought
, ,

from what the doctor told you ? A Th at wa s my impression . .

Q The doctor
. seemed t o indicate to you —I mean this osteo p ath
that if you didn t do som ething right away about it you would die ?

A That was not th e osteopath

. .

Q Well the other d octor A Y es he indi c ated it wa s a terrific

. .

cas e .

Q And in an hour after you too k those herb s you were a p erfect

woman A N o I was not a perfect woman

? .

Q But you didn t have any m ore pain

? A I won t s a y I didn t

’ ’

have any pain but I was relieved and I went to sleep

, ,

Q Didn t you feel altogeth er relieved one h our af ter you to ok


th ose herbs ? A I c an t say I did in one hour .


Q But you said that a few minutes ago didn t you A I wa s

? ’
. .

relieved ; I didn t say however I was greatly relieved You can t g et

, ,

over such agony as that in an hour .

Q You are quite a n ervous pers on aren t you

. M r s Calla an
h ?

, .

A No I am not ne r vous

Q The type
. of work you do i s very nervous work isn t it ? A It ,


is all mental work .

Q You are not the calmest person in the world are you
? A I , .

don t think mental work gives you a calm phlegmatic temperament


Q You are rather a high str u ng woman aren t you ? A No I -



Q The osteopath that came first why didn t you call up a recog

n i z ed physician and surgeon instead of sending for an osteopath ? A .

He was all three .

Q He was all th ree in one A Yes he was all three in one

. .
, .


B erkeley Calif June , .
2 7, 1 9 3 1 .

To Wh om It M ay C oncern
While working in the copper mines at E ly Nev I twice contracted ,

Flu The ph y s i ca n s at the h ospital call ed the second atta ck Intestinal


Influenza P was very w eak c ould not eat and had pain thr oughout

—1 52
my inte s tines As the physicia n s al so s aid that I ha d Ap p endicitis I

had my appendix removed but my c ondition was not improved I was

, .

then advised to go to a lower altitude ;2s o I c ame to my brother s plac e ’

in B erkeley .

However a s s oon a s I arrived in Berkeley inte n s e p ain shot through


my intestin es and I felt that I might dr op dead Neith er my kidn eys .

n or my bowels functioned prop erly l axatives h a ving no effec t My ,


bro t her urged that I go to s ee F on g Wa n right away I was brou g ht -


to his office I c ould scar cely take a step wi thout excruciating pa in The
, .

tea from the first package of herb s cooked for m e aff orded instant relief .

Now after thr ee we eks of the herbs I feel able to return t o N eva d a
, , .

I am pers onally ac quainted with several folks in Neva da who have

been helped by the F ong Wan: Herbs .

P J H E AN E Y . . .

The followi ng letter wa s received by Mr P J Heaney of McGi ll . . .


Nevada wh o having secured relief from terrible agony by taking the

, ,

F ong Wan Herbs s ent som e t o a friend in Irela nd


Newry June l s t 1 9 32 Cor r og s, , ,


Dear Pat : Just a few short lines t o thank you very mu c h for t h e
Chinese Herbs which I received a n d took accordin g to the direction s ,

and am pleased to s a y th at for th ese last three weeks I ve nev er felt ’


the pain I have t h e pain now for over 1 4 m onths and tri ed thr ee

doctors and also went under a course of treatm ent with the ultra violet -

ray and all was n o us e After taking the fifth dos e of your medicine

th e p ain b ec ame less frequent and now as alr ea dy stated I haven t, , ,

felt it for almost three weeks .

I will always feel very thankful to you for your thoughtfulness and
kindness and o n ly hop e that I will have the p leasure soon again
of see ing you and going out for a shot again over the mountains hills ,

and glens as we often di d befor e

I ve tried the Newry doctors but it wa s all in vain

, ,

The violet ray it wa s no use and woul dn t stop the pain ;


Th e Ch i n a ma n you s ee wa s grand I do not know his name

f . .

His herbs they did work well and put away the pain .

I ve got no more to tell

as I exp ect you get all t h e news
y ou n o w
from h ome Again thanking you for your g reat kindness and assuri ng

you I will never forget it I remain your old friend , , ,

Berkeley C alif April 6 1 93 2 , .
, , .

T o Wh om I t Ma y Con c er n :
I n January 1 930 I caught a severe , ,

cold wh i ch s ettled i n my chest a n d ma d e j

the entire t h or a ci c;a r ea a s s or e a s a bo il


I fail ed to obt a i n r eli ef els ewhere in the

medical line F our m onth s la t er this
. ,

sorenes s spr ead t o all part s of my body .

I t fel t a s i f every bone of my b ody was

being cru shed From then o n for a year.

an d

a h alf I s uff ered dai l y to r ture , .

T here was not a s p ot on my b od y that

was not s o r e My t horax shoulders ribs
, ,

and back were s o sore th at even to take

S ta nley R Maas
a breath above the ordi n ary would c ause

the most excruciating pain ; my legs felt as th ough th ey were made of

clay and ached all th e tim e ; my throat was s o sore I could scarc ely
ta lk ; every to oth in my head wa s sore and ached all the time ; my
tongue felt like a pie c e of r aw b eefsteak ; my eyes felt a s t h oug h t h ey
were f ull of lemon juic e ; my fac e b urned all the tim e ; even t h e insi de

of my n os e felt raw and inflamed ; my face turn ed a grayish green ; -

my elbows were s o sore and stiff t h a t I could scarcely move t hem ; my

h ands and fingers b ec ame s o sore t hat I co uld sc arc ely hold a pen ; my

b ack felt as though it we r e about r eady to break in two ; my arm s felt

like rags an d ached from my shoulder blades to my fi n ger tips .

E very hour of every day for over a year and a h alf n o matt er what ,

I did no matt er where I went my entire b ody was wra cked with sting
, _ ,

ing burning itchin g sickening pa ins that would shoot from my toes
, , ,

c lear up into my t h r oat and mouth Wh en t h e weather wa s hot I f elt .

as if I were burning up a n d when it wa s c old I felt as if a current of

el ectricity we r e running through me Th e nerves all over my bo dy

would c ontra ct a n d I f elt as if I were being drawn up into a knot


Many and many a time I writhed and cried with p ain

During a ll this ti m e I had fif te en di ff erent m edi c al exami n ations

but not one of them coul d diagnos e my ca s e or relieve my misery T hen .

I h eard of F ong Wan It t ook t hi s w onderful man just abou t three


seco n d s to tell my c as e and I noti ced i mwovemen t upon drinkin g my


first cup of h erb t ea All th ose fires in my b od y h ave b een quen ched ;

a ll impuriti es salts and acids hav e been dri ven out ; my blo o d h a s b een

Th e public may b e in t erest d in reading a few specim ens

e the nu of

mer o u s entrapment letters sent to F ong Wan by th e Pos t al I n spec tor

under assumed names Th ese sam e letters were part of the evi dence

offered by t h e prosecution in the trial against F ong Wan in th e S outh

ern Division of the United S tates District C ourt for the Northern Di s
tri ot of C alifornia Ma r ch 1 9 32 The prosecution o ffered 1 6 di ff er en t
, ,

sets of letters am ong which the following were included :


From pages 2 7 4 1 transcript V ol I Mar c h 3 1 932 dated S e p tem

, ,
, , ,

ber 5 1 9 2 9 reads as foll ows :

, ,

Carl A Miles .

I n the V al e of the S henandoah

G rottoe s V irgi nia ,

F ong Wan Herb Co .


576 Tenth S treet ,

Oakland Ca l i f
, .

G entlemen :
I saw your advertisement ab out stomach ulcers and I am troubled ,

with my stomach about an hour or s o after I eat food when I h ave a w ,

ful pains in my stom ach ,s o that I a m not able to do anyt hi ng I hav e .

been to th e d octor and h e says I h a ve ul c er of the stomach and th at the

ulcer is where the stomach empties into the intestines and th at th e fo od
cannot get out of the stomach because of t h e ulcer H e s ays the .

ulcer has healed s om e a n d has formed scar tissue around th e opening

and that th e pain is du e to th e fact that the food can not get out of '

the stomach into th e intestines and that there are probably other

ulcers down there .

According to Mr Mi t chell of E l C errito you cured him of ulc ers of


the stomach Pleas e have your doc tors go over my cas e and let me

know if you can cure me .

Yours ,

( signed ) C A MI LE S . . .

( Th e above letterh ead wa s printed ) .

1 56
R eply dated S epte mber 1 0, 1 9 29 , reads as follows
Mr Carl A Miles
. .

In the V ale of the S henandoah ,

G rottoes V irginia

D ear M r Mil es

Our herbs are compounded to meet indiv idual needs Our herb s .

sp ecially c omp ounded have relieved many inst an c e s of s t oma ch u lc ers .

S hould y ou desire complete inform ation about healing by herb s es p ec ,

i a lly in regard to stom ach troubles you may send us 1 3c in p os t age , ,

and we will m ail you free of charge a c opy of our H erb L ore This ‘

contains explanations of the theories regarding st omach ailment s and ,

numerou s testim onial s from relieved su ff erers .

T h e p rice of our herbs i s ten dollars p er week in advan c e for a

week s supply of h erbs one packag e t o be cooked daily in a c cordan c e


with directions an d t h e tea drunk ea ch day All pa ckages are mai l ed

, .

postpaid and insured The money may be s ent either by c heck or by


money order .

Out of town pat rons who cannot com e to the office write in detai l
, ,

the f a cts duration of ailment physical c ondi t ion etc and k eep i n
, , , .

tou c h with the herbalist with weekl y letters .

Y our s truly ,

F W H Co /J

S econd s et of letters same sta t ionery

b ef ore
as .

O ct ob er 8 1 9 29 , .

Gentlemen : Y our letter of th e l 0t h ultimo duly to hand In c lose d .

find 1 3c for Herb Lo re ‘

Will you kindl y t ell m e t h e name of the

herbs whi c h you us e in your treatment and a l s o wheth er the t reatm ent ,

will cure th e troubl e des c ribed in my p revi ous l et ter Than king you .

I am ,

R espe ctf u l ly ,

C A MILE S . . .

Oct ober 1 2 , 1 929 .

De ar Mr Miles .

We are in receip t of your lett er r eques t i ng a c op y of H er b L o r e ‘


and we have mailed you a c o p y under s ep ara t e co v er .

We regret t hat we are not able to c om ply with your re quest f or the
— 1 57
names of herbs used a s all our herbs a r e ca t alogued und er Ch i n es e

names If you will l o ok at the picture of our herb room in t he front of


the bo ok you will realiz e th at w e c a rry a comp lete stock of herb s I t

, .

i s in this room that the herbalist oversees the preparation of a ll herb s

to be sent out Herbs are compounded t o mee t in di vidual n eeds and

about 20 vari eties go into e ach p ackage dependi ng of c ours e on t h e ,

ailm ent .

Your s truly ,


Third s et of letters ( same s tationery as before ) .

Nov ember 9 , 1 929 .

G entl emen I have rec eived your letters of S ept 1 9 and O c t 1 2

: . .

19 2 9 a nd also c opy of H erb Lore The testimoni a ls abo ut stomach

, .

t ro uble lead me t o c onclud e t h at y ou c an c ure all kinds L ike I wrote .

you I am bot hered ab out a n hour or s o a f t er I ea t food when I have ,

grea t pain s in my s t om ach T h e doc tor s ays I have ul c er of the s t om .

a ch and that t h e ul c er i s where the stom ach empti es in t o t h e intes

tine s and t hat t h e fo od c annot g et out of th e stom a c h b ec aus e of t h e
ulcer, be c aus e the ul c er h a s h ealed some and had f ormed scar tissue
around t h eop en ing an d that the p ain i s c aus ed from the fa c t t hat the
food c annot get out of th e stomach in t o the intestines He says th ere .

may b e other ulcers down there .

I am enclos ing $ 1 0 for y ou to send your tre atment if it will cure ,

this c ondition Of c ours e i f it w on t c ure me plea se return t h e money



Y ours ,

. . .

November 1 3, 1 9 2 9 .

Dear Mr Miles : We are in rec eipt of your letter of th e 9 t h and


also your money or d er f or A s s t at ed befo r e herb s c an be comf

f '

p ound ed t o me et y our p articular needs but we wo uld lik e to hav e y ou


under s t and that a week s s upply b f herbs will not be s uffi cient t o re l i eve


y our a ilm eh t n f fi ome in d ividuals r es pond quicker than oth er s diff erent


individuals vary in the length of tim e th a t t h ey have t o tak e t h e h erb s .

I t may t ak e s ever a l week s a n d it ma y take t wo or thr ee m onths de

' ' ' '

' '

, ,

p ending on t h e rapi dit y With wh i ch y our syst e m resp onds t o t h e h erbs '

i t W e r eg r et thi s d el a

y but since y ou are s o far a w ay we wan t t o be

, ,
send th e supply for which you have already acknowledged receip t of
the ten d ollars .

R esp ec tfully ,

C A MI LE S . . .

January 1 1 1 9 30 , .

Dear Mr Mil es : You will take these herbs acc ordi ng to the en

closed directions and pl ease write h ow you feel after ta king the h erbs
, ,

s o th e Fong Wan Herbalist can keep in touch with your condition and

compound your h erbs accordingly .

Yours truly ,


S ixth s et of letters —plai n stationery used .

G rott oes Va , .
, Dec ember 2 4 , 1 9 30 .

F ong Poy ,

578 l 0t h S tre et ,

Oakland Ca l , .

S ir : S om e whi l e ago I bought herbs from F ong Wan and n ow t h e ,

ad s ays writ e to you an d I want to get some m ore How much sh ould
, .

I s end for the second supply ?

Yours ,

C A M I LE S . . .

Mr C A Miles
. . .
Decemb er 2 9 1 930 ,

G rott o es V irginia
, ,

D ea r S ir
A new campaign against Chines e Herbalists of California has r e
cen t ly been started pr ob ably due to the efforts of enemies
Th e result .

has been th at the p os tal authorities have i s sue d fraud orders against
the mail of th e leading herba lists and h erb com p anies .

It is claimed that th e herb compani es have bee n us ing the mails to

defraud a s t h e herb s have n o r emedial va lue The fa ct that test tub es
, .

chemical tests micro scopic tests etc do not show anyt hing with r e
, ,

gard to t h e value of herbs seems t o s ome people suffi c ient evi den c e to

c ondemn the herbs as worthl ess They do not realiz e t h ere is a p os si


bi li t y that h er bs c a nnot be thus analyzed and that the herb s work


thr ough t h e human system .

1 60
Therefore n o herb s can be sent to you through the mail I f you
, .

feel that the herbs have helped you and you would like more herbs y ou , ,

m ay send s omeone to get th em for you .

Yours truly ,


From pages 63 64 V ol I transcript M arch 3 1 932

, .
, , , .

Dated Augu st 2 8 1 9 29 —reads as follows :


G ents : R ead your advertisement and am sending for the book ,

which you say is distributed gratis What I want i s a treatment to .

straighten crossed eyes or a cure for strabismus Plea se advise

, . .

Y ours ,


R eply dated August 30 1 9 2 9 reads as foll ws

, , ,

Our b ookl et Herb Lore is distributed gratis but we ask tha t thos e
‘ ’

wishing their b ooklet mailed to them furnish u s with the p os t age If , .

you will send us 1 3c in postage we sh all b e glad to mail you a c o py ,


Our herb s are c omp ounded to meet individual n eeds an d the price
i s ten dollars p er week in advance On e package is to be c ooked daily .

according to directions a n d the tea drunk each day All p ackages are

m ailed p o stpaid and insured S hould you desire th at our herbalist .

c ompound herbs for y ou you sh ould writ e in detail t h e facts of y our


ailment how long you have been a ffl ict ed etc

, , .

Yours truly ,


R eply dated S eptember reads as follows 1 7, 1 9 2 9 ,

Yours of Aug 3ot h received an d in c lo sed find 1 30 for Herb L ore I


do not have any facts t o give regardi ng the trouble strabismu s except
that I have h ad it pra ctically since a child Please let m e know if you .

can cure the trouble Y ours ,


From page 65 transcript V ol I M arch 3 1 932

, , .
, ,

E xhibit in evidence Numbe r 1 1 .

Dated O ct 2 2 1 9 2 9 reads as follows

, ,

I read your advertisement in the Italian newspaper of S an Fran
1 61
c isco Th erefore enclosed you will find thirte en cents in stamps for

your book which I beg you to se n d m e a s soon a s possible M y case is .

one of convergent strabismus I am forty years old and I wa s born .

with this condition of the eyes I beg you t o let me kn ow if you c a n .

c ure m e with your herbs Thanking you and awaiting a p rom p t rep l y


R eply dated Oct

, . 2 8, 1 9 2 9 , reads as foll ows
Our herbs are compounded to meet in di vidual ne eds and the price ,

is ten dollars per week in advance for a week s supply of 7 packages ’


one t o b e cooked daily according to direc tions and the tea drunk e a c h ,

day All p ackages are mailed p ostp aid and insured

. .

The h erbalist has never had an instance similar to yo urs Th ose i n .

sta nces of strabis mu s that h e h a s relieved have all been a c quired after
birth an d not since birth as yours i s The herbs no doubt will help

you but he cannot s a y whether your condition can be completely r e


li eved or not .

Your s truly ,

Herb L ore was rec eived on N ov 2 5 1 929 .
, .

That concludes the correspondence in this case .

F rom pages 70 72 trans c ript V ol I Mar ch

, , .
3 , 1 9 32 .

R eads as follows
August 30 , 1 9 29 .

I had heard of your herb treatment and am suff ering fr om drop sy , ,

where the fl esh pits and l egs are all swelled up . T ee t h a r e g etting

black and lips are swollen What I want to know i s whether y ou hav e

a tre atm ent to cure th e trouble ?

Y ours ,

M G MA S T E RS Box 2 0 1 G rot t oes Va

. .
, , ,

R eply dated S ept . 3, 1 9 29 , r eads as follows

Our herbs c ompounded to meet indi vidual ne eds have su cc essfully
relieved m any instances of dropsy In your case t h e Fong Wan herb .

alist can not ascertain whether the herbs will bring permanent relief ,

b ecaus e being s o far away he will not b e able to s ee you I t all depends
, .

on the s everity of your c ondition whether t h e herbs will gi v e p erma ,

nent relief At any rate the herbs will undoubtedly aid you
, .

—1 62
R eply dated November
, reads as foll ows 5, 1 9 2 9 ,

We are in receipt of your letter describing more fully your co mfi
tion and also the money order
, .

We are retu r ning your money order for ten dollars becaus e the ,

F ong Wan herbali s t thinks that it would b e very di ffi cult for him to
comp ound h erbs for you without seeing you We regret that we can .

not be of service .

Yours truly ,



T ES TIM ONY G I VE N BY JO HN E GA RDN ER i t h S outher . n e n

Di vi i o f the UNIT E D S TAT E S DI S T R I CT CO U R T f or t h e N rt h

s n o o

ern Di s t r i ct of Cali f or nia .

The following exc erpts are from the transcript ,

V ol . 5, pages 39 9
4 03 M arch 9 1 9 32
, ,

Defense Attorney : Q D octor G ardner ar e you a student of the


Chines e language ? A All my life Next year I will b e 70. . .

Q Wh ere were you b orn

? A I wa s b o rn in C hina of Ameri c an .

Q H ave you occupi ed a chair in the Chinese language in an y edu


ca t i on a l institution ? A I have in connecti on wi th the Univers ity of


C alifo r ni a I have taught the Chinese language


Q F or how many years have you been familiar with the C hinese

tongue ? A I have handled the Chinese language all my life from


th e time I began to speak .

Q And are you familiar with its literature A Yes

. .

Q Have you made a transcript of thes e formulas of h erb s whi ch


has been identified by the witness who h as just p rec eded y ou have y ou ,

made a translation ? A I did . .

Q D o ctor I a sked you whether or not in response to my request

, , ,

you made o pposite th e names of these herbs in Chines e if you put down ,

their descri ptive equi v alents in L atin in order to conform to th e botani

cal uses A Yes I compared th e Chinese nam es with the names in

Dr S t ewart s book and attached the L atin equivalents of th e Chinese


, .

Q Are you familiar with a s et of volumes known as the Chinese


E ncyclop edia of M edicine and Materia Medica publish ed under the a u ,

t h or y t of the Chines e G overnment ? A I am . .

1 64
Q Do es that volum e c o n t a i n a s tatem en t o f the purpo se t o which

each one of these herbs is a pplic a ble in t h e treatm ent o f d iseases ?

Pros ecuting Attorney : Obj e cted to as im ma ter i al i r r eleven t and , ,

inc o m p etent and c a lling for the opinion and c onc lusion o f the witness
, ,

and calling f o r hea rsay matters .

T h e Court : Obj ec tion o verru l ed .

A :I h ave l o oked care fully o ver ma n y pa ges of tha t work a n d I can


s ay th a t diseas es a r e m entioned a n d h er bs f o r th o s e d i s e as es given .

Defens e Attorney : Q L et m e c all your a t t en ti on to th e third .

column h er e f or a m om ent B efore calling yo u r at t ent i on to that let

i .

me a sk you this : From what p arti cula r v olum e wa s thi s th ird column
taken h ea d ed Curative pr opert y ? From what Chin es e treatis e wa s
‘ ’ ‘

that t aken ?
A I t is call ed Yee T s u n g Gum Gham . e .

Q . Which in E ngli h is what

s .
? A . G l d en T ext B ok of M edical
o -

Terms .

Q . P ubli s hed by the a uthority of whom A The Imp erial a u ? .

t h o ri t y i n t h e y ear 1 739
, .

Q Opp o s i t e each on e of thes e he r bs t h e nam e of which is given


in C hines e a n d op pos i te its L a ti n e quivalent t o i ndicate its botanical

connection h ave you set forth from t h e C hin es e M ateri a M edica to

which y ou hav e j ust referred t h e s tatemen t with regard to its curative

pro pert ies ? A Yes . .

Q And do es this statem ent contain a c omple t e and a true t r a n s la

. :

tion from that v olum e of those statements ? A Yes This is made . .

by me .

Q . Both p a ges D o ctor ? A Yes ,

. .

Q The) first c o lumn as I und erstand it contains the name of the

, ,

herb in Chines e with its E nglish equivalent taken fro m the book i d en t i
, ,

fi ed b y the witness pr ec e ding y o u ? A Yes . .

Q And the s econd c olum n i t s e quival ent in L at in to indi c ate its


bota ny ? A Yes . .

Q And i n t h e t h i r d i t s curativ e property as indicated a n d tak en



from the Chines e Materia Medica ? A Th at i s c o rr e ct . .

Defens e Att o rney : I o ffer this in evi d ence .

The C ou rt : Q Is the pa p er that th e defense attorney holds in h i s


h a nd to which h e h a s just r ef err ed a tra n s latio n of the p aper you hold


i n your ha nd an d which is Defendant s E X h IJbI t A ?

A Yes a trans ’
, ,

lati on .

Q And no thing more

. A N o nothing more .
, .

1 65
Defense Attorney : Q That is you m ean the first column of thi s

is t h e literal tra n sl a ti o n ? A Yes . .

The Court : Is th a t in E nglish ?

Defense Attorne y : Y es you r Honor both in E nglish and Chinese , , .

The C ourt : This pap er is m o re tha n the transl at i on isn t it ?


Defense Attorn ey : T h e first col umn is a com pl ete translation of

th es e d o cumen ts ; t h e s ec ond he h a s te s tified is the L atin equival ent in

botany Th e third is taken from t he E n cyclop edi a I will offer them

. .

separately if your Ho n or pl eas e I offer first the compl ete translation


of ?th e document identified by t h e wit n e ss and which this witnes s n ow

holds i n his ha nd .

Th e Court : Q You s ay this Chinese medi cal book to which you


refer i s the informati o n co n ta ined in Co lumn 3 a n d th a t th at was ,

taken from t h e certain Ch inese M ater a Medica ; i s tha t a standar d b o ok


in Chi n a ? A Yes yo ur Hon o r It is as much a standard b oo k on

, .

h erbs as W ebster s Di ctionary is on the E nglish l angu age in thi s

count ry and in E ngl a nd It i s a standard work . .

T h e C ourt :
Wh at I have in mind is this defe n s e a ttorney It th ere ,

any evi denc e in th i s c as e t o s h ow that t h e defendant here l o oked to

that b ook for the i n formati on in c o lumn 3

Def ens e Attorn ey : To be fran k with your Honor there is the t esti ,

mony of Miss Jue that h e consulted the Materi a Med ica and h e con

s ult ed other b ook s I am not insistent on it at all if your Honor pl eas e


rosecuting Att o rn ey :
P M ay I as k a question on that just before
you o ffer it ?
The C ourt : Yes .

ros ecuting Attorn ey : Q

P . Doctor you have examined the first

column have y o u
? A Yes . .

Q And th at first c olumn is exac tly t h e E nglish

. of wh at th a t is in
Chines e t hat y ou h a ve in y our ha nd ? A Yes . .

Q . W o rd f or w o rd ? A . W o rd for word .

Q It is just a transl ation

. A Just a tran slation ? . .

Prosecuting At torney : I h ave no objec tion to th at . If you j us t

tear that off I have no o bjec tion to it .

Defense Attorney : And s econdly your Honor I offer the s econd , ,


column containing its equivalent in Latin to indicate i t s botan i cal ,

sign ifican ce .

1 66


Fong Wan who is now mi ddle aged has long been r ec og n ized a s
, ,

the most successful herbalist in th e Western Hemisphere Thousands .

of p ersons on the Pacific Coast give him credit for th eir restoration to
he alth He is perhap s the most widely recomm ended Chinese herbalist

in the United S tates In fact approxim ately ninety five p er c ent of


thos e who come to him for h ealing do s o upon t h e rec omm endation of
former patrons He works from early in the m orn ing until long after

d ark and although he has many assistants he gives his p ersonal atten
, ,

tion to every ca s e In addition to being a learn ed Chines e scholar with


an extensive knowledge of Chinese Materi a Medi ca Fong Wan b oth ,

re ads and speaks E nglish with great facility He is straightforward .

and courteou s in his business dealings He combines up to date meth .

- -

ods with those of the ancients thus assuring the quickest pos s ibl e r e

lief and he supplies his patrons with fresh herbs of first quality at

m oderate prices Pers onally Fong Wan is a man of excellent health

, ,

remarkable vigor and energy Never for even a day h a s he b een k ept
, .

from his work by illness H i s main purpos e in life is to relieve su ff er


ing and to that end h e devotes hims elf almost exclusively He neither

smokes drinks plays cards nor takes a hand in any gambling or l ot

, , ,

t er y game He keeps himself 1 00 p er cent efficient When confronted

. .

wi th an especially di ffi cult or unusual case h e pores over the an c ient ,

books far into the night He loves his profession and gives hims elf to

it unstintingly .

The foundation of Fong Wan s remarka ble succes s was laid years ’

ago when while yet a s chool boy he lived and worked with his uncle
, ,
, ,

Dr Wan otherwise kno wn as Wan S ee Mon Dr Wan was one of

. .

those wh o successfully passed the old Imperial Chinese literary exa mi

nations of t h e first degree of M edicine L ater he pass ed other exa mi .

1 69
nat ions by which he gained the first and se c ond military degrees C on .

sequently h i s official stan di ng wa s higher than that of any other Chi


nese h erbalist in America Dr Wan came t o the United S tates a s a

. .

m emb er of the diplomatic c orp s of th e second Chinese minister t o

Washingt on After the expiration of h i s official c ommission he c on

du cted a herb business at 1 1 33 S tockton S treet S an F rancisco at whi ch , ,

pla c e Fong Wan resided and stu died with him for several years T h e .

es t ablishment was totally destroyed by th e fire th at fo ll owed th e S a n

F rancisco earthquake in 1 90 6 Dr Wan did not again s et up in busi
. .

ness but accepted the appointment of Chinese C onsul at New York


F ong Wan continued his study of E nglish in California for some tim e

and then went back to China Upon hi s return to the Uni t ed S tates

h e established the F ong and L ee Herb Cc at 20 9 F ourth S treet S anta .

, ,

R osa with which c oncern he was a ss oc iated for five years S eeking a

wider fi eld he founded the F ong Wan C o in Oakland in 1 9 1 5

. .

At th e time that Fong Wan cam e t o Oakland none of the Chines e ,

Herbalists were doing much business Many had b een driven out of .

town by th e i n t er ef er en ce of the M edical Board while others owing t o , ,

their inability to relieve an appreci a ble percentage of th e sufferers wh o

cam e t o them had been unable to gain the confidence of the public
, .

With Fong Wan it was di fferent He wa s successful f rom the begin .

ning That success attracted numerous herbali sts to O akland who


s ought in vain to imitate his m eth o ds S ince 1 9 1 8 more than 1 4 n ew .


h erbalists have opened establishments in O akl and ; 80 p er cent of the m

have failed to make good and have left town Before F ong Wan began .

to s erve the p eopl e of O akland there were very few Chinese herb com

p a n i es in that city but at the pres ent time although S an F rancisco i s

, ,

three times as large as Oakland it has but half as many Chinese herb ,

a li s t s .

Th er e is no Chinese herbalist in S an Francisc o wh ose succes s has

b een so outstanding as that of F ong Wan Consequently herbalists .

h ave not been attracted to S an Francisco as b eing a plac e where t h e

people have received g reat benefits from the use of Chinese herbs .

Du ring the past 2 0 years Fong Wan h a s given personal attention t o


ab out suff erers m an y of whom have come to him n ot o n ly fro m

, ,

S an Francisco but from distant cities and towns Thr oughout t hi s


p eriod with the exception of a brief business trip to China Fong W an

, ,

h a s bee n on hand day af t er day year after year He is the company s ’


s ole herbalist and no person is ever substituted for him and represented
a s Fong Wan All su fferers are therefore assured of the opp ortunit y

—1 70
Wan finds th at a p erson s trouble is such that it can not be rea c hed by

the herbs h e frankly s ays so ,

2 .F ong Wan i s a student ; h e h a s original ideas He pursues n o .

hit and miss policy in the dispensing of herbs Although his wide


and varied experience makes it p ossible for him to decide immedi ately
in most cases what herbs are best suited to the needs of h i s patron yet , ,

in unusual cases h e burns the midni ght oil an d delves deep int o the

writings of the Ancient Chines e S ages Thu s fortified he m akes a ppli .


cation to th e cas e in hand .

3 . Fong Wan ha s a good c ommand of the E nglish language thu s ,

obviating th e ne c essity of an i n t er p et er F ong Wan believes th at a .

Chinese lik e any other foreigner of intelligence is capable of acquirin g

, ,

a vocabulary of at l east words of lea r ning the eight parts of ,

speech and of expressing his thoughts both orally and in writing in

, ,

pla in E ng lish He doubts whether a Chinese who after h aving lived

, ,

in Americ a a number of years is still unable to speak E nglish has s uf , ,

fi ci en t intelligence to prop erly administer the herbal rem edies .

4 .The Fong Wan Company imp orts its herbs di rect from China ,

th u s making it possible for i t s herbalist to dispense first quality f resh ,

herbs of a wi de variety as well a s to fu r nish i t s p atrons wi th t h e

, ,

more expensive kinds of herb s for the s a m e money that they woul d
p ay for inferior and less e ff ective ones elsewhere I n addition to t h e .

herbs in t h e drawers in the h erb roo m the company generally h a s from ,

45 to 65 large cases in the basem ent .

S om e of the more intimate s crets of th e suc c ess of the F ong e Wa n

Herbalist may be gleaned from a conversation he held with an Ameri
can friend duri n g the course of which he casu a lly remarked that h e

would retire at the age of sixty

R etire at sixty ! Wh at s the great idea ’
queried hi s friend in s ur

prise .

S imply this Being a comp etent herbalist is c omparable to bein g

a successful busines s or professi onal ma n in other lines It requires ‘


vitality energy and power of conc entration A herb specialist under

, , .

goes great mental strain as he work s on the individual case At sixty


t h e faculties are much less acute than when one is in the prime of life ,

and the p ower of c oncentrati on is greatly abated F utherm ore an .


older man is less susceptible to new ideas and later meth ods I have .

met many herbalists of long exp erience who in th eir old age la ckedi , , ,

1 72
judgment and were therefore helples s in th e face of emergen c y They .

found it im p ossibl e to m eet t h e exigencies of strange and un us ua l

ailments because they were c ap able of doing only the things t hat they

h ad been a ccustomed t o do ; to plod along in well worn ruts O c ca -


s i o n a lly aged herbalist s become childish and act in a mysteri ous way

as though they posses s some occult power by means of which they are
able t o ch arm away p ain .

I shall retire before I reach that stage I d o not feel it would be .

honest f or me because of my reputation to continue in my profes si on

, ,

after I shall h ave reached an ag e when I am n o l onger 1 0 0 p er c ent

effi cient It would be wronging my patrons to carry on my business at

their expense and to waste their time and money Wh en th e time .

c om es that my s ervices are of doubtful v alue it wil l be my bounden ,

duty to resign the field t o younger and keener men .

K eener in what way ?” inquired the interes t ed listener .

Keener in four ways , wa s th e ready res p onse .

T here are f our
methods of examina tion .

F irst through listening to
, the su fferer s voi c e ’
. T his ne c essit a t es
keen ears .

S econd through judging from the expression of the face and eyes

as well as by the c ondition of the skin . This necessitates keen eyes .

Third through ability to ask p ertinent questions

. This n eces s i

tates keen judgm ent .

F ourth through feeling the pulse This necessitat es keep p erc ep


tion in addition to thorough knowl edge and great power of c on een

t r a t i on .

While F ong Wan has experienced t h e j oys t hat accompany real s uc

cess especially when one s profession is that of all evi ating su ff ering


yet he has n ot been free fro m trouble and anxiety Although the herbs

that he sells ar e legally imported from China and duties paid on them
to the Uni ted S tates G overnment an d despite the fa c t that most of ,

his patrons take their herbs home to cook the M edical Board h a s f r e ,

quently interr upted hi s business by cau sing h i s arrest O n thes e oc .

casio n s Fong Wan h a s always demanded trial by jury


At a trial on M arch 1 2 1 9 1 8 th e jury was deeply interes t ed in the

, ,

testimony before t h e c ourt of Mr R Lewis a well known O akl and . .


—1 73
jeweler to the eff ect that having been troubled with nerv ous attacks
, ,

for years he had spent over , with doctors and that finally when , ,

a n operation on h i s spine was suggested he had quit them and h ad , ,

taken the F ong Wan Herbs which had restored him to health in seven
weeks Fong Wan was speedily acquitte d
. .

Again on M ay 8 1 9 1 9 when Fong Wan was on trial in Police C ourt

, ,

No 2 his p a trons rallied to h i s aid It was publicly declared that th e

, .

F ong Wan Herb Tea had relieved stom a ch trouble kidney and bladder ,

c omplaints and dropsy Never before had there b een such an array of
, .

witnesses in a local court for any treatment The jurors were greatly .

interested and the herbalist wa s again acquitted .

During the years that have elaps ed sinc e that trial stool pigeons ,

have been repeatedly parked outside of the Fong Wan office and F ong

Wan has be en haled into court many many times by the agents of b oth ,

the M edical and the Pharm acy B oards In no case has any charge been .

sustained against him .

Despite t hese hindrances and interrupti ons F ong Wan h a s attained ,

unprecedented success a s a herbalist H i s remar kable judgment and .

business ability have received reco g nition on b ot h sides of the Pacifi c ,

and some years a g e h e was made a m ember of one of the oldest and
largest companies in Hong Kong China , that exports to foreign lands ,

The reconstructive ability of F ong Wan has also be en evinc ed in

other lines Twenty one years ago b efore establ i shi ng th e Fong Wan

C ompan y in Oakland Fong Wan ,

the educati on , the herbal
knowledge the intelligence the ,
th e honesty of the her ,

ba li s t s herb sp ec ialist s and herb doctors then doing business in O ak

, ,

land Actuated by c onfidence i n h i s own ability to bec om e the leading


herbalist in that city he moved to Oakland from S anta R osa E ven


at that time h e fore s aw that O a kland was destined to be c ome the


Chicago of the West .

He found a roomy old hous e at E ighth and Clay streets wh ich for
many years had been occupied by a Chinese Herb Company that had
ch anged hands many ti mes but never for the better He paid the ow ,
n .

ers of the old c ompany $ 75 for the g oo d will of the trade and op ened
up afresh with an entirely new stock and new methods .

Because of his success in relieving the thous ands of su ff erers who

came to him at that location Fong Wan s herb business s oon outgrew ,

its quarters He is now t he b est known herbalist in America

. .

_ 5
1 4
ists . The term s King and Palac e may be aptly combined A l


though the King lives i n h i s Palace yet he does not occupy it solely ,

for his own enj oyment He works hard every day and the Palac e i s

devo t ed to the relief of su ffe ri ng .


As h as already been intimated F ong Wan s path has been a rugged ,

one B ecause many O ccidentals take an interest in horoscop es and the


prediction of sages Fong Wan i s including thos e regarding his life


in this treatise .

Fong Wan s succes s has brought him over

American and
Chines e friends and also a small number of jealous enemies H i s suc
, .

ces s was pre d icted by Chines e philos ophers and other wise men of
China as well as by his horoscope

He has known year by year and almost month by month what good
fortune was t o be his and what una voidable troubles he would have to
contend wi th In 1 9 2 5 which acc ordi ng to his h oroscope was to be
, , ,

the year most full of troubles Fong Wan had t o fa ce a slander suit a
, ,

number of medical cases and the Anti Herb Bill All told th ere were

about seven law suits that year .

When the lawyers who represente d his accusers in th e slander suit

, ,

attacked him he kept on smiling and even made faces at them and
, ,

joked with them He was able to take things in this way b ec ause he

knew through the predictions that h e woul d win in th e long run He .

was always right and di d not go wrong He advised his lawyers to .

prol ong the trial to five or six weeks s o tha t his enemies would h ave ,

heavy court expens es to pay in the end One of his l awyers remark ed .

that he had never before had a client with such wonderful fighting
spirit .

Fong Wan looked upon h i s enemies a s the frosts the s n ows and , ,

the storms which so mercilessly attack and beat against a tall pine
t ree He kn ew however that after the peri od of hardship had passed
, , ,

he would be the richer in experience and would profit by his har dships ,

just as does the pine tree when the cold snows m elt and give i t n our .

i s h men t .

The foll owing are translations of Chinese poems written by Chinese ,

Philosophers who gave the wonderful characterization of Fong Wan


1 76
With th e increas e of wealth and rise in rank ; steeper and more dan
g er o u s precipices loom before one .

Whenever treasure and fortune be s ought there are hardships and ,

difficulties .

To show respect to the Heavenly ( Imperial ) Court while on the ,

way meeting a cow or encountering a dog he shows kindness .

L ike a deer on the bank of the stream he return s h om e robed in ,

riches honor and glory

, .

Now it is autumn . Thr ee geese fly in the wide sky .

The lones om e and s a d cr y of one of the three makes Chu and Han ,

( the people of the whole of China ) to shudder .

R ivers and mount ains exten d over myriads of miles and no one can
se e where they end .

Calmly and quietly following the edge of an exp anse of cloud he , re

turn s home .

Peace and happiness were so earnestly sought even as if his i n ,

t es t i n es sh ould b e broken into inch lengths b ec ause of the e ff ort and

struggl e .

R ecollection of his past life in later years causes his wide collar to
b e wet with tears .

Yet friendly and good news may be found in the direction of the
northwest .

However it need not to be pres sed hard for and painfully sought

( Note z— I t will come of itself ) .

M ale and female M andarin Ducks in the days that are warm make
happy mates .

Unexp ec t ed storm s and violent winds will n ot permit their happi

ness to last lon g .

—1 77
H er on wi ll come in later da ys d enjoy a hap p y l if e together

an .

Under the shade of the willow in a d ee p and qui et p l a c e sw eet , ci n

namon flowers emit fragran c e .

Because a ci n namon tree m et rain in the flower season tw o ,

pe aches
were left unrip ened half green and ha lf yellow
, .

N our i s h ed and cultivated thank s be offered for great p o t enti al and


enduring p ower .

N ow happy smiles c ome full of j oy . Plum fl owers later be c ome

more and m ore fragr ant .

In old age like th e Wate r
, Ra il ,
his later life is all destined and
cannot be changed .

Whenever the water is blu e an d the mountains are green he s eeks ,

h i s old friends .

With a lonely monkey and a crane isolated and aloof he enjoys life , ,

listening to the songs of the fi sherman .

No t e : These s i x stanzas come under the heading “


Note : This p oem is full of figu res of spe ech Th e nam es of plants .

fruits and ani mals are used not literally but figuratively with symb olic ,

meanings Although in some places the thought appears to b e dis


connected if one studies it from a literary sta ndpoin t and s earches out

the hidden meanings it is b oth conn ected and c ompl et e F or instance


under the head V Children the first line speaks of the Cin n amon tr ee
, ,

and in the second line peaches are mentioned whil e in the fourth li ne , ,

plum flowers are spoken of The cinnamon branch i s the M other . .

Cinnamon like the laurel in the Occident refers to a woman of high

virtue honor and chastity The peach in Chinese mythol ogy i s r e
, .

garded as a fruit which gives one everl asting life The referen c e here .

is to the two children which though left motherles s whi le young will

nevertheles s perpetuate the family Th e plum is the fl ower wit h um .

usual fragrance I t usually blo oms in early spri n g before th e snow


and frost are gone The meaning here is that the ha lf orphans be

—1 78
, ,

A tall pine tree towers above all others and habitually endures snow
and frost .

He like the pine tree has sound principles and a superior heart
, , ,

which always remains unchanged just as the pi n e t r ee always remains

green .

Two geese fl ew up into th e high clouds and disappeared .

An outline of a flower on a bran c h may b e more c learly distin

g ui s h ed with the shining of the moon .

The a ffe ction of his p a rents is onl y for him . His welfare even
enters into their midnight dreams .

B ones and flesh ( brothers ) are like ice in the water in th e same
well .

His ship has encountered and p assed over stormy waves and , h as
at last reached calm and quiet wat ers .

sails filled with wind triumphantly as c end th e way to the I m

I ts , ,

peri al C apital .

Kwai Kuo T s z a great Chinese phi los opher who lived i n th e sixth

century B C wrote the two foregoing p oems In thes e p oems a p er

. .

s on is described who has character sound principles a superi o r h eart , , ,

and is kind and truthful He would not criticize the acts of other p er

sons thereby bringing upon himself the enmity of others He always

, .

show s respe ct t o pers ons with W hom he associ a tes No matter what .

circumstances he has to face he i s never frightene d or fearful of the ,

ou t come He h as dignity and p ower which h e kn ows how to u se

. .

However kindness and generosity shown by hi m on many occ asions


produce feelings of enmity and jeal ousy in other p eople H i s di gnity .


power f earlessness and kindness have their sourc e in his heart and

intestines whic h are full of warmth a n d energy The phrenology of

, .

this perso n reveals brilliancy and cleverness wealth and nobl eness , ,

unlimited genius and a bility and continuous luck throughout his long ,

life He steadily approaches the rank of nobility ( Herb King of the


Pacific Coast ) He accumulates wealth and always thinks out practical


working plans He has abundant fo o d which he cann o t consume He

. .

—1 80
has vitality and will therefore live to a good old age . E verythi ng is
accomplished with great suc c ess .


The life of F ong Wan a gre at scholar wi t h t h e p ower to he al i s
, ,

pre di cted in thes e two p oems In the first poem entitled A G o o d

, ,

Horse Draws a Wagon L oaded With S al t it i s explained that F ong ,

Wan after pa ssing through great diffi c ul t i es and hardships attains

, ,

marv elous success and like s alt will b e of great use in the world
, , , .

I n the secon d entitled T h e G reen Pi ne T ree in S nowy

p oem ,



Winter Weather it i s predicted that F ong Wan will overc ome and

destroy all obstacles and dangers of every descri p tion He l ike the .

pine tree wi ll su ff er from the weight of th e snow but will grow

, ,

stronger and spread more luxuriously He will ha v e wealth luck and .


a fa mily He W ill have mansions and a prosperous busine ss

. .

All this was destined to be and did not come by chance F ong Wan .

a medical scholar had a n elder and a younger brother m aking three

, ,

in all but Fong Wan alone was destined to b ecome di stinguished and

to obtain the highest point of development At pres ent h e has s i x .

sons The first two already are b eing educated in both Chinese and

E nglish In the future they will b e well prepared to succeed t o their


father s business However h e has l ost t wo wives But now h e surely


enjoys a very wise and intelligent wife and h i s home life will be ,

always happy and harm onious However from tim e to time he wil l .

have controversies and troublesome disputes wi th outside pers ons Th i s .

als o was preordained F inally th e clouds will op en and the moon


appear It will shine W ith great brilliancy and F ong Wan will g et a

glorious name .

We can find great tru th in the s ayings of an an c ient s c hol a r
Wealth and nobility always h ave their seat in heaven T hey always .

wait to be best o wed upon p ersons who are kind and generous S uch .

persons will be blest with both of them .


People of different nation a liti es h ave diverse ideas ab out drinking .

The Chinese people generally drink hot tea in all kinds of weather .

1 81
When a friend calls it is customa r y for h i s host to serve him with a

cup of hot tea whether he needs the tea or not The people in Ch ina .

seldom drink cold water They allay thirst by drinking either hot water

or hot weak tea .

Here in America many persons have the habit of drinking water

, ,

not because they are t hirsty or bec ause their sys t ems n eed the water ,

but b ecause through hearing a lecture reading an advertisement or , ,

conversing with a friend they have b ecome imbued with the idea th at

the more water they dri n k the heal t hier they will be S ome pe r s ons .

co nscientiously drink a gallon or m ore a d a y and then wonder why

they are sick By drinking too much water these p ersons in their

zealous pursuit of health have overburdened th eir ki d neys and bladder


and have brought about indigestion and stomach trouble .

In their drinking habits animals are wi ser than men ,

You may .

lead a horse to water but you cannot mak e hi m drink

He i s gu ided .

by his natural instincts a s to wh at his system needs H uman b eing s .

should be careful not to flood their kidneys wi th water as this causes ,

the blood to get h ot and rush to the head In s ome instances it i s con .

t r i but o r y to high blood pressure When a p erson is not thirsty it is


not n ecessary for him to pour col d water into h i s stomach just for the
s ake of drinking E ight Cups a Day


If one has a temporary cold and fever has eaten salty food has , ,

worked hard and perspire d freely or has talked t oo much thus over , ,

heating the liver it i s ne c es s ary for him to d rink a cup of water to


quench his immediate thirst H owever one wh o is continually dry and


thirsty must seek perm anent relief by taking treatment Those who .

seek to get well by merely drinking cold water which in itself has no ,

curative p ower will in time injure on e or more of their internal

, , ,

organs .

F ong Wan drink s no liquor of any kind and but seldom drinks ,

co ffee tea cocoa milk or even water What he does drink is go od

, , , ,

s oup at every meal ; soup th at is wholes ome and delicio us .

Amo ng his fav orite soups are : Chines e 1i root with duck ; turtle
soup ; Chinese waterm elon boiled with duck and mushrooms ; s i x herbal
comp ounds with p ork ; Chinese dried oysters in lily root s ou p ; edible
bird nest with chicken ; and g in s eng roo t with squab While rather .

expensive these soups are very nourishing B esides benefiting and


building up a ll p art s of the human system they also have curative ,

1 82
su r pl us t o their neighbors who being delighted with the new dish
, , ,

learned the sisters process and pass ed it on to others Thus the


kn owledge spread and the sprouts were eventu ally off ered for sale ,

fresh every day in the m a rkets

, .

At the present time in all parts of t h e world wherever Ch ines e liv e

, ,

Bean S prout Chop S uey and B ean S prout Chow Y oke are enj oyed by
p ersons of all nationalities Besides being a m ost digestible food bean

sprouts are very nourishing When skilfully prep ared nearly every

one finds this wholes ome foo d inviting .

R esidents of the B ay Cities may verify thes e statements with regard

to the food value and palat ability of b ean sprouts by ordering them at
the New S hanghai Cafe 4 2 5 Tenth S treet Oakland a beautiful sani
, , , ,

tary eating place where Bean S prout Chop S uey and Bean S prout Chow

Yoke are co oked with p eanut oil ( no substitute being use d ) by a fi r s t

class Chinese cook wh o was selected by the Fong Wan Herbalist
, .

While lettuce belongs to the vegetation element yet each kind of ,

vegetable has its own taste color and particul ar eff ect up on t h e sys
, ,

tem In China the study of ve g eta bles and pl ants di ffers wi dely from

the Occidental chemical analysis In Am erica we often hear p eople .


say that everyone shoul d eat lettuce be c aus e it contains a high p er

centage of iron which is ve r y benefi c ial to the human b o dy

The Chinese analysis of th e c omposition of any ve g etable i s b a s ed

s olely up on t h e five princip al elements of Nature For instance the .

c olors of lettuce are green and whi te I t s taste i s slightly s our and it .

contains considerable water Its sour taste has a tendency to contract


the air passing through the liver and gall bladder I t s color resembles .

that of bile the secretion of the liver Therefore b oth the sour ta ste
, .

and green color of lettuce indicat e that it belongs to the liver and gall
bladder which also belong to the vegetation element
, .

The white color in lettuce is s i mu a r to the color of the lungs and the
l arge intestines T his white color belongs to the mineral element The
. .

lungs and their s ub organ the l arge intestines also bel ong to the min
, ,

eral element Consequently the whit eportion of lettuce h a s a strong


—1 8 4
i nfluenc eu p on the lu n gs a n d th e large i n testin es Its wa tery fluid .

naturally g o es throu gh t h e kidneys and th eir s ub org a n the bla dder ,

, .

W hen l ett c e
taken cold a n d raw it que nche s t h e h e a t the fire
u is “

, ,

element of the human syst em Therefore peo pl e who are c old -blooded
, .
, ,

or have low bloo d p ressure or wh o la ck blood h ea t in th e s tomach or


other o rgan s s houl d not eat raw l ettuce very oft en It sh ould be
, .

co oked with a s mall slice of ging er to equa liz e i t s eff ects

, .

Wh en l ett uc e i s eaten by h ot b loo d ed pe ople it c l eans es the over -


h ea t ed bl o od o f the fire element in the stom ach th e lungs and the large
, ,

intestines L ettuc e t a ken on an empty stoma ch s om etim es a cts as a


physic I f pe ople ea t l ettu ce t oo frequ ently their inte s tine s a r e li a bl e


to b ec ome fill ed with h a rmful ger ms Dysen t ery a n d C o litis m ay res ult . .

In S outh China wa t er ch estnuts grow i n t h e w a ter just a s do t h e
! ,

water lilies T h e eh es t n ut s are eaten r a w as a fruit an d also used in


co oki n g T he pee l i s d ark br own whi le t h e i nside i s sn owy white

. .

Water chestnu t s are bri ttle sweet i n taste and rea dily d i ge s tible Th e
, , .

Chines e ex p ort them to a ll part s of the world where Ch ine se Ch op S uey

i s coo ked .

In Ameri c a frui t gr ows a n d ripens u n d er the heat of t h e sun It


thus a b sorbs much h eat ( t h e fire elem ent ) and h a s a c e r tain p ercent
age o f a cidi ty M any p ersons who eat co n s ide r a ble fr uit s uff er with

an an n o yi ng f eeling h avi ng a g ra ting s ensation or a r e trouble d with



ulc ers of th e s to mac h .

W ate r chestnuts are free fro m a cidity an d hav e a tendency to rid .

the b loo d o f fever In m aki ng a b everag e for chil d r e n tha t ha v e high


fever th e Chinese m e sh t h e che stnuts a n d b oil th em in water wi th a


sm all quantity o f s u gar In prep ari ng a di sh f or t he table the Chi nes e



slice them and coo k with minced p o rk This d ish is known a s Water .

Ch estnut C ho p S uey ; it is e s peci a lly well p rep ared a t the New S hang
hai Cafe Ten th S treet Oakland
, ,


NOT E — The Chinese but t wo h eart y meals a da y while a t noo n

they t a k e only a lig ht lunch whi ch ma y consist of st eam patties co n ge

, ,

— 1 85
a bowl of n oodles or some small cakes and fruit At th e main meal
, .

ri ce is th e principal food and is eaten wit h all the other dishes Or din .

a r i ly ( banquets excepted ) there is but one course t here being no des


sert and all t h e food is s et on the table at the s ame tim e th e rice i s

s erved ; no matter whether these dishes be soups vegetables fi s h eggs , , , ,

meat or p oultry
, .

The Chinese cook rice until it is dry and each grain stands out from
the others While Americans p our water over th e cooked ri ce to wash

out the sta rch the Chinese do all the washing before cooking Th e rice
, .

to be cooked is wa shed in several waters by b eing stirred ro und and

round the pot either with the hand or a perforated cook spoon until
th e water becomes white when it is poured off and th e wate r c hanged

This process is repe ated some ten or twelve times until the water pours
off cle a r All t h e col d water is then drained off and boiling water in

th e proportion of two cups to one cup of rice is added After the ri ce .

has come to a b oil the fire is tu r ned v ery low and th e rice all owed to
, ,

c ook ( or rather ste a m ) a half hour or more until firm and dry A .

heavy Chinese p orcelain lined iron pot i s best but a doubl e b oil er also
, ,

serves the purp ose .


1 cup small picked ,

F ong Wan shrimps .

1 s mall onion sliced , .

5 or 6 dried mushroo ms washed soaked till s oft and sliced into

, , ,

strips .

Fry shrimps mushr o oms and onion in oil ov er slow fire


Pour in 4 well be aten eggs and mi x


Add a teaspoonful of Chinese S au c e ( Pak Yau ) and salt to taste .

Fry quickly until light brown .

1 86
Break int o short lengt hs 1 bunch ( on e half pou n d ) Chinese n o o dles

Boil in plenty of h ot water till s oft S train through colander a n d wa s h


starch out with cold wa t e r Put into g o od rich p ork chicken or b e ef

, , ,

sou p containi n g finely cut piec es of p ork or chicken or mu shrooms

, , , ,

tog ether with c h o pp ed gree n onion . salt a n d eith er Chinese or


t oma to sauce Brin g t o boil

‘ .
Ch i n es e F o od i s U n i v er sa ll y R ec o g n i z ed as Ra n k in g
A mon g t h e B es t on E ar th
In th e dawn of Chinese civilization its tastes in food a n d in co ok ,

ing were or i gi n a lly cla ssifi ed unde r and base d upo n th e five princi
3 1 e ements of Nature : viz Miner a l V egeta tion W a te r Fire and
, , , ,

Th e genuine methods of t h e A n cient Chinese are a dh ered to by

the cook s i n the N ew S hanghai Cafe i n a cc o rda nc e with t h e i n s t r uc
ti ons of F ong W a n the m ost emin ent herbalist i n Am eric a Its ,

divisi o ns of food a n d tas t e a r e as follows :

1 d h t bi r b l
F oo t r l E l m t l di
t ta s w rd tt e to t he Mi n e to
. a es e on g s a e en , ea n g a s
d ht t ur l i k r r bl
e n g s .

2 F i t t th V
a s t es t i v n eg a t
d t r r d G ll
oo a so e or g ee n s , e on g s o e eg e a on
El m

t th i th fLi t a ct s e a ct o n ve
d h t l bl r El m t d h i flu
e en an a o e an a .

3 F h W t t a s te ty to t a te a ve a n
u h Ki d
. oo s a sa e on g e e en an n en ce
d h uh h l i u r b l t h Fi r
e n ey s .

4 F h t i it a t; taste t ta t
T h ru h t h h d d i flu r
oo s o s c as os e co n n n g q o e on g o e e
El m
, ,

t th ti f h H t t t
d h w t b l E r h E l m r d b th
e en . ey s o e ea an n en ce e ac on o e ea .

5 F t h t
t t a s t es I i t t t t

a ve
St m h
oo a s ee e on g s o e a e en s c y e
h S l
. .

d b y t e
E u li mbi t i d i b fi i l t ll r f t h
o ac an p ee n .

i i h f f
z a t on t e ts
hum b d q a n co n a on o oo s s en e c a o a pa o e
an o y .

The N ew S h a ghai C afe 4 2 5 l ot h S tr et Oakland serves both n , e , ,

A m erican Chi n ese F oods It is not ed f or its cle a nlin ess its
an d .

qui et , a n d
its truly Oriental atmosphere I t s p a trons are m ainly .

family parties and merchants who lunc h there .

Pu blic I n vited to Dance Bet w ee n I n t er v al s of F lo or S how !

Dine D ri nk and Dan ce at this completely E quipp ed Cabaret

Our S pecialty— M eals That App e a l — a t R easonable Prices
, ,
“ ”

Featuring th e finest Ch inese American and S ea Food Dishes , ,

425 T ENT H S T RE E T , O A KL A N D
A . M T O 1
. A . M . S A T U R D AY S FRO M A . M . T O 2 A . M .
3” Br o a d wa y
O a kla n d , Ga I if .

WH O L E S A L E RET A I L Pho n e n ate 56 7 3

WE s h o uld ea t s h r i mp s a s s ea foo d t o bui ld up t h e vi t a li t y

of t h e bod y an d t o en a ble i t t o r es i s t cold s a n d t o pr ev en t t h e m
fr om s e t t li n g d own o n t h e br o n ch i a l t ube s a n d lun g s T h os e .

p er s on s wh o ha ve mp s fr om F ON G WA N r en own ed
s ecur ed s h r i ,

h er ba li s t h a v e r ep or t ed t h a t s h r i mps a s foo d h a ve r eli ev ed t h em

, ,

of co ug hs , con g es t i o n an d h a v e d i sc h a r g ed phleg m o ut of t h ei r
br on chi al t urbes .

A ccor di n g t o t h e Ch i n es e E n cy clo pedi a , s h r i mp s po s s es s t h e

followi n g o ut s t a n d i n g fea t ur es be n efici a l t o t h e h uma n bod y .

1 . S h r imps con s t i t ut e a fin e s ea ~ foo d a s t h ey g i v e bo t h

s t r en g t h an d n o ur i s h men t t o t h e bo d y .

2 . S h r i mp s h a v e po wer t o eli mi n a t e po i s on o us pus fr om t h e


h uma n s y s t em .

3 . Bla ckh ea d s , B oi ls , T umor s , P y o r r h ea t o g et h er wi t h o t h er


i mp ur i t i es ma y be t h r own o ff fr o m t h e bo d y by ea ti n g s hr i mps .

4 . S h r i mps eli mi n a t e phleg m a n d ot h er ca t a r r h a l con d i t i on s

5 . S h r i mp s t h en wea k g la n d s a n d build up vi t a li t y
s t r en g .

I t is h i g h ly r ecomm en d a ble t h a t people ea t s h r i mp ch op s uey ,

s h r i mp omelet ( F oo Yo un g H ar ) , s h r i mrp cockt a i l a n d s h r i mp

Wa n S br zmp Wha rf

Vi si t Fa n g
Cut t i n g B lv d . Ma r k et Ri ch mon d Ca li f
, , .

Cockt a ils , Be er an d S o ft Dr i n k s S er v ed E v er y Da y of t h e Y ear

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