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Last year I ___________ (spend) my holiday in Ireland. It _______ (be) great.

I __________
(travel) around by car with two friends and we __________(visit) lots of interesting places.
In the evenings we usually_________ (go) to a pub. One night we even ____________ (learn)
some Irish dances. We _______ (dance) all night long. We _______ (be) very lucky with the
weather. It _________ (not / rain) a lot. But we ________ (see) some beautiful rainbows. We
_______ (not / see) any waterfalls. We ______ (eat) a lot of good Irish food. It ______ (be) a
very fun trip!

Conversation Questions:

1. What was your favorite class last year? Why?

2. What did you learn last year?
3. What did you do over the semana santa break?
4. What did you do over summer break?
5. What made you laugh recently?
6. What was the last song you listened to? What was it called?
7. What was the last book you read? What was it about?

Re-tell a children’s story in English using the past tense. Be sure to include descriptions
and use both the affirmative and negative versions of the past tense.

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