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Research on Issues of Teacher Leadership

Research Article 1:

Researchers Espinosa and González (2023) explored the relationship between teacher

leadership and student relationships, purposeful learning, and character education. The

participants were 200 first-year university students in Spain who answered a short survey

regarding their most influential high school teacher and their teacher leadership skills and styles.

The findings were that effective teacher leaders seize purposeful learning opportunities during

moments of student vulnerability, have commendable values and virtues, engage in situational

leadership to teach life moments, and are communicative, empathetic, and motivational

individuals. The authors suggested that effective teacher leaders exhibit the following leadership

qualities: empathetic, comforting, motivational, exemplary, and wise. This literature is related to

CSTP 2 in that it emphasizes how effective teacher leaders can hone in on their leadership skills

and personal qualities to help create and maintain effective learning environments. As a teacher

leader, this article reminds me that I should be constantly seeking those learning moments where

my students feel vulnerable and need additional support so that I can effectively provide

guidance to my students.

Research Article 2:

In this position paper on teacher leadership, the National Association of Secondary

School Principals (n.d.) explored how to create effective and sustainable collaboration between

teachers and principals to support student learning. Data was drawn from the 2012 MetLife

Survey of the American Teacher, National Network of State Teachers of the Year, the

Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, and the U.S. Department of Education. The

findings were that teacher and school leadership qualities greatly influence student learning,
culture influences leadership and learning, leadership involves the entire school community, and

there should be more voices in the determination of school policies and practices. The authors

suggested and recommended that federal policies focus more on teacher preparation and

leadership, state policies focus more on professional learning and shared leadership, district

leaders focus more on providing leadership positions, and school leaders help create a culture in

which teacher leadership is valued and expected. This literature is related to CSTP 6 in that it

focuses on developing professional leadership roles for educators and how to support continued

personal growth and reflection through leadership practices. As a teacher leader, this paper

reminds me that I should be at the forefront of advocating for more teacher leadership roles

within my school to ensure that my colleague’s voices and professional skills are being

considered and valued to support continued school growth.

Compare/Contrast Articles:

These two articles suggest that teacher leadership involves everyone in the school

community and that it is an invaluable skill for all teachers to have and refine. However, whereas

Espinosa and González (2023) recommend that teacher leadership focuses on individual

classroom relationships and demeanor, the paper from the National Association of Secondary

School Principals (n.d.) recommends that teacher leadership roles are more at the broader school-

wide and district-wide levels in which teachers seek more voice in policy and decision making.

As a teacher leader, these articles inform my teaching practice by helping me realize that teacher

leadership is both at the micro-levels in my classroom but also at the macro-levels within my

school, district, state, and federal governments. These articles also inform my teaching practice

by helping me realize that my individual relationships with students and demeanor in my

classroom are as influential in the development of my leadership skills as is assuming more roles

and responsibilities at my school site.


Espinosa, V.F., & Gonzalez, J.L. (2023). The effect of teacher leadership on students’ purposeful

learning. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1), 1-12. 10.1080/23311886.2023.2197282

National Association of Secondary School Principals. (n.d.). Teacher leadership.

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