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The samples were provided along with milk (for soaking) and sugar (for taste). The data obtained
following In vitro initiation of nodal cuttings and meristems are presented in Tables 4 and 5
respectively. This has culminated from years of cropping yam with infected planting material. Yams
are perennial monocotyledonous plants with a vine and underground tubers. I plated several versions
as well as bulbils and nothing has happened. Shoots differentiate from buds and within each bud are
clusters of meristematic cells which are capable of differentiating in shoots when the growth
conditions are appropriate. Producing yam mother plants to collect vines for propagation Producing
yam mother plants to collect vines for propagation Effects of moult and breeding on the body
condition of some forest birds in s. RVA profile, Water Absorption Index (WAI) and Water Solubility
Index (WSI) of RS, RY and RST. T he five levels of the proc ess variables were coded as ? 1.682, ?
1, 0, 1, 1.682 (Mon t- gomery, 2001) and the design in coded (x) form is given in Table 1. This study
presents a revised view of Egyptian foreign relations in the eastern Mediterranean during the Old
Kingdom (3rd-6th Dynasties) based on an extensive analysis of old and new archaeological data, and
its relationship to the well-known textual sources. However, compacts from yam presented a
relatively lower tensile strength. Hence if only a few meristems are successful in vitro, mass
propagation is achieved. All Right Reserved. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign.
Optimization was done following Response Surface Methodology (RSM) using Central Co m- posite
Design. The experiment was 3 x 6 factorial arranged in a completely randomized design with 3
replications. Traits for which the populations were developed included multiple tuber production,
cooking quality and virus disease resistance in D. The nodal cuttings for Kukrupa and Mankrong-
Pona when grown in yam initiation medium, had higher success rate than CRI-Pona ( Table 4). This
confirms that to achieve rapid multiplication of yam in vitro, the inclusion of kinetin is critical. This
present study used a set of yam simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed in different species
of yam ( Dioscorea sp.), where microsatellite-enriched bank was created from Dioscorea alata,
Dioscorea abyssinica and Dioscorea praehensilis. Katharina Streit Download Free PDF View PDF
EGYPT IN THE FIRST MILLENNIUM AD Perspectives from new fieldwork John-Peter Wild
Download Free PDF View PDF Egypt and Nubia in the 5th-4th millennia BCE: a view from the
First Cataract and its surroundings Maria C. Finally, the optimized solution that was obtained with
the values of predicted r esponses are shown in Ta b l e 4. However, this method cannot be reliable if
pathogens especially viruses have to be eliminated from the crop variety. Physico - chemical
properties Pasting Properties The pasting properties of the 3 extrudates - R S, RY a n d RST are
shown in Table 11. T he flour samples were put in sealed pouc h- es and kept in covered plastic
containers until used for extrusion processes and analyses. Improved Seed for Nutrition and Food
Security for Farming Communities in Mada. The cultivation of the edible tuber is mostly in Africa,
Asia, Latin America and the Oceania regions. A number of factors come into play when establishing
crops in vitro, and these include the plant part used (explant), its developmental stage, conditions
under which it was grown, and the choice of growth conditions. Adu-Gyamfi Council for Scientific
and Industrial Research, Crops Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana Ruth N. Four months old yam
meristem (A) differentiating into multiple shoots after 10 months in culture Yam meristem explant
forming multiple shoots after ten months (B) in culture. 3.1.2. Selection of appropriate rapid
multiplication medium Media supplemented with kinetin at different concentrations as well as MS
medium enriched with vitamins and growth additives were used in this study.
OPEN A CCESS 16 in Tabl e 5 and physical properties are given in Ta b le 6. The sea level rose by c.
0.21 m during the twentieth century, and this caused the flooding of dry land and the destruction of
ancient coastal cities throughout the world. Shoot differentiating from most of the Makrong-Pona
meristem cultures had more than ten leaves and up to eight shoots per culture however, on the
average, there were 4.43 shoots per culture, whereas CRI-Pona had 1.25 shoots per culture ( Table 5).
RST sample tha t had to mato p ulp powder had diluted the starch and therefore its viscosity was lo
wer than RS. However yam farmers encountered inadequate capital, lack of land availability,
government policy, diseases outbreak and inadequate transport facilities, bad road, and access to
good market for their farm produce as a major constraint. Generally, emulsion index (0.337e0.621)
increased insignificantly with citric acid modification, while annealing and acid hydrolysis had
variable effect. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Centre, University of Alberta, Canada. There
was least difference among the samples for appearance. The responses of the three released varieties
on different media are presented in Figures 1 1 and 12 below. This kind of information is vital to
document the identity of crop varieties released to facilitate the ability to trace individual at any
point in time. It is argued that similarity above 95% is indicative that the two samples are duplicates.
Results revealed a significant (P Download Free PDF View PDF Biotechnology Journal International
The Response of Local White Guinea Yam Cultivars to the Vine Cutting Propagation Technique
Using Locally Available Rooting Substrates ZIBLILA SAYIBU Good quality planting materials for
yam cultivation is a major challenge and adapting the most preferred local varieties to high ratio
propagation methods such as the vine cutting could help ameliorate this constraint. The
archaeological data shows that the foundation of these relationships was established at the beginning
of the Early Dynastic Period and essentially continued until the end of the 6th Dynasty with ebbs,
flows and changes of geographical and political emphasis. The interaction of other components and
the degree of starch damage during extrusion could affect the peak viscosity of extruded flours.
There was significantly very high positive correlation between leave and shoot development during
rapid multiplication ( Table 9). Four months old yam meristem (A) differentiating into multiple shoots
after 10 months in culture Yam meristem explant forming multiple shoots after ten months (B) in
culture. 3.1.2. Selection of appropriate rapid multiplication medium Media supplemented with kinetin
at different concentrations as well as MS medium enriched with vitamins and growth additives were
used in this study. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 5 seun olowote effect of drying
method on caroteniod content of yellow maize 5 seun olowote effect of drying method on
caroteniod content of yellow maize International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 4 ayodele adenitan
survey of dried plantain (musa paradisiaca) chips processo. 4 ayodele adenitan survey of dried
plantain (musa paradisiaca) chips processo. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. In vitro germplasm conservation is a very useful tool in yam improvement strategies but very
little is known about the genetic integrity and stability of in-vitro conserved yam plants. The variety
Kukrupa was however not included in the apical meristem experiment. Success of most tissue culture
works depend much on the levels and kinds of plant growth regulators included in the medium. The
phytochemical screening of the ethanolic extract of the tubers showed the presence of phenols,
tannins and saponin in only ADB. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads.
Extrusion cooking is one of the most important food processing technologies which have been used
since the mid 1930s for the production of breakfast cereals, ready to eat snacks, and other textured
foods. This present study reported 3 to 8 shoots per culture, it is therefore indicative that Kinetin is
an appropriate growth regulator to be used for rapid multiplication on yam. Analyses of all
parameters are reported with standard deviation error bar. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1.
Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis Response Surface Met hodolo gy ( RSM), wh ic h ex
plores the relationship between several explanatory variables and one or more response variables, was
applied to the experimental data using the package, Design expert ve r- sion 7.1.1, (STATE - EASE
Inc, Minneapolis, USA. The study therefore recommends that, provision should be made for
subsidized input and Public Private Partnership (PPP) should be explored by government so as to
help the education of farmers with regard to new technology and innovations in yam production in
the study area. Hammond, Bobby L. W. 2083 downloads Home News Contact Careers Climate
Change Hub About Our Authors and Editors Scientific Advisors Team Events Advertising
Memberships and Partnerships Publish About Open Access How it Works OA Publishing Fees Open
Access Funding Peer Review Editorial Policies. Our Authors and Editors We are a community of
more than 103,000 authors and editors from 3,291 institutions spanning 160 countries, including
Nobel Prize winners and some of the world’s most-cited researchers. Factors found to significantly
influence adoption were awareness, education, distance to farm and extension access.
It is therefore possible that CRI-Pona accumulated biomass at the expense of sacrificing organ
differentiation. Similarity matrices from each primer were compared pair wise using a randomization
test. In vitro germplasm conservation is a very useful tool in yam improvement strategies but very
little is known about the genetic integrity and stability of in-vitro conserved yam plants. Factors
found to significantly influence adoption were awareness, education, distance to farm and extension
access. The analysis also indicted the presence of carbohydrate, flavonoids and alkaloids and absence
of steroids and glycosides in both biomass. In order for farmers to maintain the clonal materials yams
have been propagated vegetatively. However, extrusion cooking of sweet potato and grater yam with
rice has not been reported. For both years, application of Pueraria residues improved tuber yield by
an average of 15.8% compared with control. RST sample tha t had to mato p ulp powder had diluted
the starch and therefore its viscosity was lo wer than RS. Also, Otoo (1980) observed that staking of
yam vines is known to promote tuber yield. Work on extrusion cooking of sweet potato - soybean
blend (Iwe et al., 1998) and sweet potato - whole wheat bran (Dansby et al., 2003) has been
reported. Oke et al. (2012) and Chiu et al. (2013) have worked on e x- trusion cooking of yam (
Dioscorea alata ). The various media used in these experiments are presented in the Table 1. Figure 6.
Actively growing yam cultures. Irrespective of the relative humidity (39, 67, 78% R.H.) yam starch
exhibited higher moisture uptakes than maize starch and lower than potato. Practical methods for
evaluating the area cultivated to. Product hardness is the average force required for a probe to
penetrate the sample. On that point, Ibn ?awqal’s description of al-Wa?at offers a glimpse into the
hospitality given by the oases’ rulers to the travellers who crossed Egypt’s Western Desert. For 100g
DW, the mean crude protein, starch, total sugars, soluble sugars, total lipid, crude fibre, vitamin C,
calcium, iron contents and energy values for Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. In this study sweet potato
and grater yam powders were blended with rice to obtain a ready to eat breakfast product. Afrique
occidentale sont D. alata et D. rotundata (Orkwor, 1998). More broadly, this study shows that
Egyptian interaction in the eastern Mediterranean fits the pattern of state-to-state contact between
ruling elites which was underpinned by official expeditions engaged in gift and commodity
exchange, diplomatic endeavours and military incursions. E ) of RST showed a much significant
colour change compared to RY and RS. Blends were prepared from sweet potato flour and rice flour
in definite ratios for carrying out 18 different runs in the ext ruder. International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture 3 akinsola carotenoid apparent retention in ogi flour made from different pro. 3 akinsola
carotenoid apparent retention in ogi flour made from different pro. Extrusion cooking is one of the
most important food processing technologies which have been used since the mid 1930s for the
production of breakfast cereals, ready to eat snacks, and other textured foods. The data obtained
following In vitro initiation of nodal cuttings and meristems are presented in Tables 4 and 5
respectively. OPEN A CCESS 16 in Tabl e 5 and physical properties are given in Ta b le 6. Four
months old yam meristem (A) differentiating into multiple shoots after 10 months in culture Yam
meristem explant forming multiple shoots after ten months (B) in culture. 3.1.2. Selection of
appropriate rapid multiplication medium Media supplemented with kinetin at different concentrations
as well as MS medium enriched with vitamins and growth additives were used in this study. Culture
development is slow as it takes up to ten months for shoot to develop. Results revealed a significant
(P Download Free PDF View PDF Biotechnology Journal International The Response of Local
White Guinea Yam Cultivars to the Vine Cutting Propagation Technique Using Locally Available
Rooting Substrates ZIBLILA SAYIBU Good quality planting materials for yam cultivation is a
major challenge and adapting the most preferred local varieties to high ratio propagation methods
such as the vine cutting could help ameliorate this constraint. The extrusion processing paramete rs
were opt i- mized by using a conventional graphical method of RSM in order to obtain extrudates
with acceptable properties.

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