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March 1, 2024

Dear Filipino Youth,

Greetings, Filipino Youth! I have heard so many good things about you: How you
wanted to break the cycle of toxicity and initiate a revolving change in the world.
However, I am also aware that some of you are not in the best situation to be motivated
to pursue your education. Getting tired is normal, I, myself, get tired too. But resting is
way different from quitting. So, please, allow yourself to acquire the knowledge that
you will need in the future. Education is the key to a better life. Something that will
always be yours, for it cannot be stolen nor destroyed. It enables you to learn new
things, understand the world, and become a better person.

I know it is tough, but you must keep going because education opens doors to many
opportunities. It is not just about being academically competent, it is also about
growing smarter, kinder, and stronger. You must also know that distractions will come
your way, that is normal since we are just humans after all. But do not take it as a
negative event, but rather, take this as an opportunity to practice your discipline and

Remember that studying now is like planting seeds for a bright future. It may appear
small and pointless right now. But it will grow and produce fruit in the future. It is just
a matter of hard work and patience. Lastly, I want you to know that you are not alone in
this journey. Do not be afraid to ask for help and accept suggestions. Together, let's
make education our priority, let us build a brighter future for ourselves and for the
generations to come.
Proud of you,

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