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Are you struggling to find the right topic for your research paper on the war in Afghanistan?

into such a complex and multifaceted subject can be daunting. Crafting a thesis that encapsulates the
essence of the conflict, its historical context, and its ramifications requires careful consideration and
extensive research.

The war in Afghanistan spans decades, involving intricate political, social, and cultural dynamics.
From its origins to its present-day implications, the conflict has left an indelible mark on global
politics and military strategy. Navigating through the myriad of perspectives, historical events, and
ongoing developments demands a nuanced approach and a comprehensive understanding of the
subject matter.

Identifying a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of your research is paramount.
Whether you aim to explore the geopolitical dimensions of the conflict, analyze its impact on
regional stability, or examine the humanitarian crisis it has precipitated, your thesis serves as the
linchpin of your research paper.

Yet, the process of formulating a thesis can be fraught with challenges. The sheer breadth and
complexity of the topic often leave students feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about where to
begin. Diving into extensive literature reviews, grappling with conflicting viewpoints, and
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Over the course of the war it estimated that MAK raised about 1 million dollars in funds from
various donors, and trained about 100 fighters in Peshawar. There are classifications according to
content and literary form. Performers treat such subtleties with the maximum level of responsibility
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and color according to the commu. Britain and America should completely withdraw troops and
exercise diplomatic controls on the Afghanistan to ensure their safety. In total, 6 people were killed
in the bombing, 5 employees of the Port Authority and 1 businessman. Force is often deployed to get
a swift goal but yet the principles or approaches towards conflicts requires that force should be the
last option after all other options must have been exhausted. A secure payment system processes all
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foundations of IndoAfghan states. Rest assured that our team of academic experts will take not more
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whenever you need it. To this point, it should be mentioned that Dost Mohammed, who was
overthrown in 1839 by the British, also withdrew without a fight, in his case to the Panjsher Valley.
This is a certain safety net that allows each client to be sure that the purchased essay can be
corrected for free if such a need is needed. There are slight differences in cultures as most of the
population share the same religion and religious rites for leading their lives (Rall, 2002). In
December 2009, there was a suicide bomb by the al-Qaeda at an air base in Bagram, in the eastern
province of Khost. People to be surveyed will be from different races. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. Despite the US President having supreme authority over foreign policy,
the Secretary of State is charged with the role of maintaining diplomacy with other states. Accidental
deaths from prescribed drugs result from lethal dosage miscalculations, and failure to keep record of
the use of different drugs as most veterans suffering from physical and mental pain get too mush
engrossed in relieving their pain, such that they forget to put these factors into account. At this point,
it should be questioned why Afghanistan is important for the US as well as other powerful actors
such as Russia and China. It has a multiethnic culture but as far as religion is concerned, the
dominant religion is Islam. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews,
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it violates our terms and conditions. Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic: A Five Areas Approach,
Third Edition. Being in the military substantially changes the personalities of service members and
this usually exaggerates that difference between them and civilians. The war in Afghanistan has
claimed a afghanistan war essay of lives. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how
to manage cookies. Another change of attitude towards wife and children comes from the
authoritarian character that soldiers acquire. DIANE Publishing. Arnold, A. (1985). Afghanistan, the
Soviet Invasion in Perspective. Bilissel gelisim calismalarinda temel ilerlemelerden biride bireyin
kendi ogrenmeleri uzerindeki oz duzenleme durumlarini anlamak ve bunlari gelistirmek icin uygun
stratejilerin olusturmaktir. We discovered that XLPDR is caused by an intronic mutation that disrupts
the expression of POLA1, which encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase-. Download Free
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It can be considered as present in the center of Asia. As a result of a system analysis, the
requirements for the electronic laboratory practice “Flight Plan. As well as this it was the Soviet
Unions first step on the way to take over the Persian Gulf Oil Fields. Ever since the 1970s, Daoud
Khan had neglected and angered the Pashtun populace of Afghanistan. Williams states that “anxiety
becomes a problem when people feel anxious in situations that are not dangerous at all” (101). You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF
Pedestrian navigation using haptic feedback: Results from a field study to test spatial abilities and
memory recall Ricky Jacob Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF DNA polymerase-.
Additionally, people might feel frustrated with the war. Soon, tables turned and the Afghan Army
that controlled by the Soviets became ineffective; many did not support the Soviet cause and
sympathized with the Mujahedeen. The use and abuse of these substances have over time been
discouraged in the military and policies have been developed to help eliminate the problem. The
seven major guerilla groups formed the Seven Party Mujahedeen Alliance to organize their
operations. The Afghan government was not for the idea of surrendering Osama but instead offered
to try him inside its own country. Baburnama, on the siege of Kabul, 1504 The British won the
Anglo-Afghan wars One could trace the history of Kabul, backwards and forwards from the above
extract from the memoir of Babur, to establish that this is the Afghan way-give up without a fight,
and hopefully, fight another time at another place. War in Afghanistan. Learn More. This
argumentative essay on War in Afghanistan was written and submitted by your fellow student. Since
as early as 1775, the United States of America has been involved in very many foreign invasions. The
problems that Afghanistan faced regarding ethnic and sectarian friction and violence deteriorated in
the PDPA regime. This was in spite of the fact that the term is barely used to describe the current
conflict and only deployed when discussing past history and possible futures. These effects were not
sustained beyond one year, suggesting limited scope for long-term or sustainable changes. Soon
after, Nur Muhammad Taraki, Secretary General of PDPA became President and Prime Minister as
well. What was especially worrying to the Soviets is that there were the secret meetings which Amin
had engaged with the American charge d’affaires although they never amounted to much. Then,
several other associated aspects of the essay have been highlighted in the next parts of the essay as
shown below. Originally, the two groups had belonged to the same organization which was the
People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, however the two groups drifted apart in that the Khalqis
advocated a violent revolution and immediate establishment of a communist regime, whereas the
Parchamis preached a gradual move towards socialism because they believed that Afghanistan was
not industrialized enough to undergo an immediate revolution. This allowed for the first elections
that were democratic for the first time since the Taliban rule had been demolished. If everything is up
to your standards, download the text fileor send it to your email for later. Early in 2012, the U.S. and
Afghan negotiators reached a conclusion concerning the matters that had brought friction among
Obama and Karzai. By 1979, 24 of the 28 provinces of the country had surges of violence and
instability. Share your valuable thoughts in the comment section. This study will therefore conduct a
qualitative study in which 8 female and 8 male vets recently returned from deployment in
afghanistan are interviewed about their pre-deployment military cultural training and their
subsequent interactions with Afghanis. However, the hardest hit group includes members in active
military service and veterans. It will cost much more in the long term if they decide to leave
Afghanistan simply because Bin Laden has been eliminated, but before the job has been finished
making Afghanistan into a stable country, whose people will not permit their government to host
future terrorists.
Attention was diverted towards afghanistan because there was no regime as such. Who never
surrendered against any foreign rule and gained independence as a sovereign state. The effectiveness
of the program may also depend on a number of other elements, including an enabling policy
environment, financing mechanisms from the national to the local level, data transmission systems,
and appropriate monitoring and evaluation. At the time, tensions between the Soviet Union and the
US were high, and so the US was trying to combat the Soviet influence without direct military
action that may result in a war between the two nuclear armed countries. Soon, as the Mujahedeen
gained more support from the rest of the world, their fighting became more organized. This highly
classified November 6, 2009, cable, captioned NODIS ARIES, is couched as a personal letter from
Eikenberry to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, opposing the proposed troop influx, the vastly
increased costs, the concomitant need for yet more civilians, and the resulting increase in Afghan
dependency. Humanitarian Law Khan Kamrula Tusi Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Why
the War on Terror in Afghanistan Dickson Yeo Constructivist norms on domestic security, economic
benefits and short term political gains are the primary reasons for the longevity of American
engagement within Afghanistan and this will be illustrated in the following arguments. Other than
these, you can even come up to us with your own topics. Diversity Training for Classroom Teaching:
A Manual for Students and Educators. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This therefore means that it is in the interest of countries
such as the US to help stabilise Afghanistan so that they can build a pipeline so that the energy can
flow south. Wounded soldiers of the war after their comeback from combat zones struggle to return
to normal civilian life because of the trauma and the hardships they had undergone during the war. In
addition, you don’t have to worry about compliance with the requirements and canons of the genre.
Al- Qaeda re-operated in the tribal areas of Pakistan’s northwest border with Afghanistan. However,
over the last 5 years the Russians, US and Chinese all have plans to build new pipelines for their
benefit. They also traded in opium, and thus, they got a lot of income from the business; although,
poppy cultivation was banned by the end of the Taliban control of power. Later, their assistance
grew in that they started deploying major tanks, BMPS and crews to safeguard the government in
Kabul and protect and secure the airspaces. The use and abuse of substances such as alcohol and
narcotics for most soldiers usually begins with the beginning of military life. The research results
make it possible to explain up to 58% of the variations in the studied indicators. For this reason it is
possible to find many shades of civil war theory, however contradictory, present in Afghanistan.
From this, Karzai made attempts to reconcile, but Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader, did not yield. The
use and abuse of these substances have over time been discouraged in the military and policies have
been developed to help eliminate the problem. Soviet troops would usually crush the Mujahedeen,
but as soon as the coast was clear, the Mujahedeen would return and occupy their posts. The Taliban
and Al-Qaida have also had unending conflicts along the Pakistan-Afghan border. Not only does it
give them a summary of Afghanistans colorful geography and history, but it also presents an up-to-
date picture of where the war is heading and an informed discussion of Understanding The War In
Afghanistan By Joseph J Collins Understanding The U S Wars In Iraq And Afghanistan The Best
Books On Understanding The War In Afghanistan. Primeiro BAT diagnostico com acido
acetilsalicilico (AAS) foi inconclusivo. The United States' win in afghanistan meant achieving the
objectives that led to the invasion of Afghanistan. Soon the Soviets realized that the war was getting
out of their hands, and they stopped being defensive and employed a more offensive strategy.
Instead, the Soviets decided to inspect the situation in Afghanistan more closely by deploying a
commission of specialists to supervise ongoing in Afghanistan.
Change may be witnessed in attitude towards friends, wife and children. Clauss-Ehlers defines
world view as an individual’s “value-oriented philosophy about life and general framework for
understanding the world” (28). Report this Document Download now Save Save afghanistan essay
copy For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 160 views 3 pages Afghanistan
Essay Uploaded by api-284763062 AI-enhanced title and description Prior to 1996, the king of
Afghanistan, Amir Amanullah Khan, emphasised the importance of women and their role in society.
There is also a sense that Afghans as a whole were unfairly blamed in the attack because their
Taliban rulers aided Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. There was war against each other, something
that led. The slow rate at which the country reconstructed was one of the major causes of the
rebellion of Afghans against the western countries. It can be analytical, critical, narrative, and other
materials. This indicator makes it possible to determine the level and disproportions of the country’s
development and can become the basis for the formation of directions for ensuring its economic
security. So the Secretary of Defense makes sure to alert the Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice,
about this “serious problem,” claiming that the two pages “were written in as graceful and non-
inflammatory a way as is humanly possible.” Illiterate, underequipped, and unprepared, the police
force seemingly had gained little from years of training by State Department contractors, perhaps
mainly because police pay was so low that they extorted the very people they were supposed to
protect. Influence of cognitive variables in the Iowa Gambling Task. Dick Myers, Gen. Pete Pace),
Subject: “Afghanistan,” April 17, 2002, 9:15 a.m., Secret, 1 p.,(“Help!”). It dates back to 1500 BC
when Islam was far away from this region. I think this idea that we went in with, that this was going
to become a state government like a U.S. state or something like that, was just wrong and is what
condemned us to fifteen years of war instead of two or three.”. Flashbacks usually arouse very
strong physical feelings and emotions that are similar to those that occurred during the event, despite
being long after the incident and individuals being no longer in danger. This was from the Pentagon
which was concerned that Afghanistan would drag down growth of the US economy since most of
the resources were invested into the war. It has a multiethnic culture but as far as religion is
concerned, the dominant religion is Islam. Other than these, you can even come up to us with your
own topics. Testifying to the Senate in December 2009, McChrystal flatly declared “the next
eighteen months will likely be decisive and ultimately enable success. Results: Follow-up at 14
months after surgery showed satisfactory quality of life and proper functionality. He needs to
analyze the given topic and express his personal opinion. The drug trade is increasing and the
treatment of women has constantly been a problem. As a way to deal with the emotions and images
of war that still linger in the souls and minds of returning soldiers, most of them suffer from Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) and engage in substance abuse. A veteran feels that he or she has
great responsibility in preparing children to face the dangerous world. We discovered that XLPDR is
caused by an intronic mutation that disrupts the expression of POLA1, which encodes the catalytic
subunit of DNA polymerase-. According to an analysis in the United States, overdoses of narcotics
are more prevalent among Afghanistan and Iraq veterans compared to the entire US veteran
population (American-Statesman Investigative Team, The group had several
motives, such as the introduction of laws that were termed as retrogressive and violating human
rights. This allowed for the first elections that were democratic for the first time since the Taliban rule
had been demolished. Violent behaviour usually develops due to soldiers experiences during combat.
Eight healthy men were studied at rest and after 10 and 45 min of local cooling of one hand and
forearm as well as after 30 min of rewarming at sea level and again 24 h and 5 days after rapid,
passive transport to high altitude (4,559 m). This strategy of waging a proxy war was by no means a
novel idea in regards to US foreign policy, however this instance would prove to have lasting impacts
in the region, and throughout the world for decades to come.
A further controversial effort was a Pakistan’s offer to mediate Afghan peace talks. Third, the lack of
structure destroys the fragile structure of the text. Forbes defines narcotics as “medicines which in
small or moderate doses produce temporary excitement succeeded by depression, which is generally
followed by sleep” (148). Under this, there are several broader categories like the American Afghan
War, War in Afghanistan, 1979 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan that have always taken a toll among
students. Tweak the number of pages, your academic level, and the deadline to get the best price.
Even the case for legalizing military power within Afghanistan was made primarily within the
American executive branch and then imposed on the United Nations under article 51 for self
defense. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Change may be witnessed in attitude towards friends, wife and children. It can be
analytical, critical, narrative, and other materials. Nightmares are another symptom of Post-traumatic
Stress Disorder. There are classifications according to content and literary form. The voter turnout
was 80%, and Karzai was elected President for a term of five years. Download Free PDF View PDF
Free PDF See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're
Hiring. This has raised a lot of concerns about the willingness of the Taliban to try diplomacy. On
Feb 2009, he sent more U.S. troops on top of those that had already been there and the NATO
service members. The socio-political problems that burden the Australian society show that the
Australian war veterans are at high risk of PTSD. This religious motivation led to a large amount of
foreign volunteers, most notably Arabs, joining the ranks of the Mujahideen. Violence usually results
when no treatment is offered to veterans with post-traumatic stress. Removal Request. If you are the
copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. This
battle involved the U.S. and Afghan forces that fought Taliban militants and 800 al-Qaeda. It will
cost much more in the long term if they decide to leave Afghanistan simply because Bin Laden has
been eliminated, but before the job has been finished making Afghanistan into a stable country,
whose people will not permit their government to host future terrorists. Garfinkel, Renee. “Military
Service changes Soldiers’ Personalities.” 2 March 2012. Web. 7 April 2014.
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able to give returns in less than five years. Narcotics include methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana
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Through this special commission, it was reported that Amin was in effect fraternizing with China and
Pakistan, Afghanistan’s neighbors, and that his loyalty to the Soviet Union was not apparent. Such a
deed gave the U.S. a chance to exploit the fields as the peak oil period passed. The Taliban and Al-
Qaida have also had unending conflicts along the Pakistan-Afghan border. This is just one of the
aspects that we have discussed here. Cases of dual disorders are common for most veterans
especially in the United States because of the numerous combat experiences such as during the iraq
and Afghanistan wars (Amara and Hendricks, 2009). The protocol included a one-week control
period and two weeks of treatment with L. Richard Boucher was the longest-serving State
Department spokesman in history, starting under Madeline Albright, continuing under Colin Powell
and even Condoleezza Rice, before taking over the South Asia portfolio at State from 2006 through
2009. These effects were not sustained beyond one year, suggesting limited scope for long-term or
sustainable changes. The study finds that there is no electronic laboratory flight planning workshop
to train future flight controllers. This generally makes veterans impatient, authoritarian, and rude
among other values. The research will be presented in the form of graphs.III. Ethical Considerations
The ethical considerations of the research are many. The more Soviet forces were deployed, the more
the condemnation from the rest of the world began, and the Mujahedeen, backed by the United
States, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Egypt and China and others had caused heavy injuries to the
Kremlin. It has become more of an issue as many of the British troops have lost their lives trying to
protect this country. While some people can struggle to keep such emotions under control, there are
those who are unable to. Furthermore, they said that in compliance with the 1978 Treaty of
Friendship, Soviet troops would stay on in Afghanistan to secure it as the new government had
requested Soviet military assistance. The time for compromising, giving explanations and discussing
matters is hardly ever available. Afterwards, the United States officially expressed its disapproval to
the Soviet Union putting strain on U.S.-U.S.S.R relations. The Afghan Government, which now
faced massive revolt from the whole country, used the terms of their treaty with the Soviet Union to
call for help. With reference to Tilly, I concluded that a threat to Afghanistan’s future beyond the
Taliban’s insurgency could be the emergence of multiple sovereignties, where other political
groupings develop the capability, intent and support to contest state control. He further replaced
General David McKiernan, the commanding general, with General Stanley McChrystal, due to need
for radical changes. He made his meetings with the afghan leaders public in the White House in
1983. On this very day, the President of USA announced an end to combat operations in
Afghanistan. Whatever the motivations were, the 1980s saw a major deployment of forces, funds
and arms to the Mujahedeen to aid them in their fight against the trained sophisticated Soviet army.
The increased corruption by the government that was supported by the US and NATO forces cause a
lot of rebellion from the people in Afghanistan. Order now Essay to order — the right and safe
choice of every student An essay is a written creative work provided for by the curricula of
universities specializing in the training of future journalists, philologists, and representatives of
several other professions. It is not, and there is not.” “Afghanistan is the place where the world saw
fit to stash all the tribes it could not handle elsewhere.” Rumsfeld specifically asked for a copy of the
Pardo-Maurer document in a snowflake on September 13, 2002, included here as the cover memo.
The problem can persist even after service members return home. The USA, therefore, had to use all
its military power against all those who threatened it to make sure that it remained as the most
powerful state (Duncan, 2008). Al- Qaeda re-operated in the tribal areas of Pakistan’s northwest
border with Afghanistan. They began work in collaboration with groups that were against Taliban.
Notwithstanding the political progress gained by that war-torn country since the toppling of the
Taliban, there remain serious challenges to afghanistan 's political and economic transition (The
World Factbook: afghanistan 2010).

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