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Below are some examples of business rules (business rules are like user/system

requirements, they give designer guidelines on how to design the database). Database
design is based on business rules, therefore business rules should be detailed enough so
that designer can design a good database. Do not write anything in the business rules which
are not related to the database.

1. A Customer can have zero, one or many ORDERS, ORDER is made by one customer
2. CUSTOMER_ADDRESS can be associated with only one customer, however a
customer can have multiple address such as mailing address, delivery address.
3. A DELIVERY and PAYMENT is associated with just one ORDER.
4. An ORDER can be associated with one or many PRODUCTS. Products may appear in
more than 1 order
5. An Order will generate one and only one PAYMENT. Payment needs to record
payment date and payment method
6. A PATIENT can make many APPOINTMENT, but each appointment belongs to only
one patient. Appointment must record date and time.

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