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Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

Child-Friendly School in Inclusive Education (A Study of School

Leadership in SPNF SKB Medan)

Mhd Fazlul Rahman, Candra Wijaya, Inom Nasution

Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia, ,

Corresponding Author: Mhd Fazlul Rahman

Article History Received : September 13 2023

Revision : November 17 2023
Publication : Des 30th 2023

This study aims to determine the principal's leadership in increasing the
competence of teachers who are ready for inclusive education at SPNF SKB Medan,
to find out the principal's leadership in increasing parental concern for the
handling of children with special needs at SPNF SKB Medan and to find out the
principal's leadership in forming inclusive classes at SPNF SKB Medan. This study
used a qualitative descriptive approach with research subjects directed at
collecting data from school principals. Data collection was carried out using
observation, semi-structured interviews and document studies. The results of the
study show that the leadership of the principal of inclusive education at SKB
Medan is to provide the best service that is owned by the existing school's
capabilities, move learning from ordinary classes to the computer lab, give
teachers freedom to adjust learning methods and subject matter to students'

Keywords: inclusive education, leadership, principal

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere
and learning processes, aiming to actively develop students' potential in spiritual,
religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and necessary
skills for themselves, society, the nation, and the state (Tim Perumus UU
SISDIKNAS, 2003). This study investigates the role of the school head in
implementing inclusive education in SPNF SKB Medan, addressing the challenges
and opportunities associated with fostering a child-friendly learning environment.
Introduction: Education is fundamental for individual and national
development, playing a crucial role in creating competitive human resources
globally(Dewi & Wajdi, 2022). Inclusive education is a strategic approach aiming to

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

expand educational access for all children, including those with special needs. This
study focuses on the leadership qualities and challenges faced by the school head
in SPNF SKB Medan, a non-formal education institution practicing inclusive
The comfort and enjoyment of schools are essential for effective learning
outcomes (Ghani et al., 2021; Syukur Ghazali, 2021; Tran-Duong, 2023). The Child-
Friendly School concept promotes the vision of healthy, intelligent, cheerful,
morally upright, and patriotic Indonesian children. It emphasizes protection and
education rights, creating a conducive learning environment.
Inclusive education is a system that provides opportunities for all children to
learn together in regular schools, considering diversity and individual needs,
fostering optimal development(Ansory et al., 2021; Ariastuti & Herawati, 2016;
Mansur et al., 2023; Moya et al., 2020). However, challenges include teacher
inadequacy, parental involvement, operational costs, expert educators,
discrimination, and limited facilities.
Leadership is the ability to influence and mobilize people to work together to
achieve common goals (Aliamsah Ritonga Syamsu Nahar, 2020). The school head,
as a leader, needs qualities such as humility, helpfulness, patience, self-confidence,
honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, and expertise. Effective leadership is crucial for
successful inclusive education.
Challenges in implementing inclusive education include inadequate teacher
competence, limited parental involvement, operational costs, the need for expert
educators, discrimination against students with special needs, and insufficient
facilities (Windarsih et al., 2017).
This study underscores the significance of leadership in inclusive education
and the challenges faced by the school head in SPNF SKB Medan. Addressing these
challenges is crucial to creating a truly inclusive and child-friendly educational
environment. The findings contribute to understanding the complexities of
implementing inclusive education and provide insights for improving leadership in
inclusive educational settings.

Data collection serves as a critical step in research, particularly concerning
the effectiveness of meeting national education standards. In this study, data
collection involves the utilization of observation, structured and unstructured
interviews, as well as documentary analysis. The primary data source is the
headmaster of Medan, also referred to as the key informant.
Meanwhile, in analyzing qualitative research data, the process includes data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. To enhance the validity of
the findings, the researcher adheres to the standards of data validity

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

recommended by Lincoln & Guba, comprising credibility, transferability,

dependability, and confirmability(Lincoln & Guba, 1985).


School Principal Leadership in Preparing Teachers for Inclusive Education
at SPNF SKB Medan
Based on the research findings regarding the school principal's leadership
in preparing teachers for inclusive education at SPNF SKB Medan, the first
discovery in this study is that the principal provides an understanding to teachers
about the implementation of inclusive classes at the school. Having students with
special needs in the class is expected not to be an obstacle and issue for the
implementation of learning in the classroom. Providing an opportunity for
students with special needs to receive education is one of the goals of inclusive
education. According to Minister of National Education Regulation No. 70 of 2009,
inclusive education is defined as a system of organizing education that provides
opportunities for all students who have differences and have the potential for
intelligence and/or special talents to participate in education together with other
students. The acceptance of students with special needs at SPNF SKB Medan is a
new idea adopted by the school principal, aligning all elements to fit into inclusive
In the learning process, the school principal gives teachers the freedom to
adjust teaching methods and learning materials according to students' abilities. It
is also evident when a teacher encounters difficulties in providing materials, such
as being afraid of offending students with special needs either when giving
lessons or assisting them, to ensure they do not feel degraded unknowingly by the
teacher. In this regard, the school principal helps teachers provide better services
to all students.
However, it is also known that teachers' needs in developing inclusive
learning are still not optimal, such as the absence of specific training on inclusive
education. Although training on developing teachers' knowledge and skills exists,
specific training on inclusive education has not been found. This is one of the
needs of teachers at SPNF SKB Medan. The relocation of classrooms from regular
classes to the computer lab is also an adjustment for students with special needs
to facilitate mobility from the beginning to the end of the learning process.

School Principal Leadership in Preparing Classrooms for Inclusive

Education at SPNF SKB Medan
As an educational institution with a complex nature, the school experiences
a teaching and learning process. Classroom arrangement is crucial in inclusive
education; an unoptimized classroom may hinder teachers, students with special

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

needs, or all students from mobilizing and interacting with their peers.
In organizing inclusive classrooms, the school principal, as a leader,
instructs teachers to move the learning process from regular classrooms to
computer labs to facilitate learning for students with special needs who use
wheelchairs and face difficulties in writing. Classroom arrangement also
considers the mobilization of all students and interactions among students or
between teachers and students.
Classroom arrangement is done by placing students with special needs
(using wheelchairs) near the entrance and closest to the teacher. This is to ensure
that the movement of students with special needs is not obstructed by other
students. It also makes interactions with the teacher more accessible, affecting
interactions with students to prevent those with special needs from feeling
excluded or considered inferior to other students. In everyday interactions, the
school principal provides guidance that there is no difference in the class in any
way. The same applies when outside the class, impacting positively on daily social
UNESCO developed a definition of inclusive education in the Guidelines for
Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All, stating: "Inclusion is seen as a
process that responds to the diversity of needs of all learners through increasing
participation in learning, cultures, and communities and reducing exclusion
within and from education."

Leadership of the School Principal in Increasing Parental Awareness of

Inclusive Education at SPNF SKB Medan
The third finding in this study discusses the school principal's leadership in
increasing parental awareness of inclusive education at SPNF SKB Medan. From
the observations and interviews conducted by the researcher, it was found that
the perspective of most parents has accepted the presence of students with
special needs in the class. In this case, the school principal's leadership in
educating parents is crucial because the results would be different if the
communication conducted by the school principal is not optimal.
The school principal provides opportunities and convinces parents to enroll
their children with special needs in the school by explaining that the school has a
diverse student background, ensuring there will be no discrimination within it.
The school principal increases parental awareness by providing maximum
learning services within their capabilities, such as the use of computer rooms in
learning, and giving students with special needs the opportunity to showcase
their talents simultaneously with other students. This increases acceptance and
awareness of inclusive education across all levels.
In this regard, the researcher sees that the school principal's leadership at
SPNF SKB Medan can contribute to the realization of the Republic of Indonesia

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. Article 5

states, "1) Every citizen has an equal right to obtain quality education. 2) Citizens
with physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and/or social differences have the
right to special education. 3) Citizens in remote or underdeveloped areas and
isolated indigenous communities have the right to receive special education
services. 4) Citizens with special intelligence and talents have the right to special

Based on the research findings and analyses discussed in the previous
sections regarding child-friendly schools and inclusive education, particularly
focusing on the school principal's leadership at SPNF SKB Medan, it can be
concluded that inclusive education is a service system that involves children with
special needs, allowing them to learn alongside their peers at the nearest school
to their residence. This is an effort to fulfill human rights without exception.
The leadership of the school principal in realizing inclusive education at
SPNF SKB Medan involves providing the best services within the school's
capabilities. Moving the learning process from regular classrooms to computer
labs is one of the steps taken, considering the limitations of students who use
wheelchairs and face difficulties in writing. The arrangement of seating by placing
students with special needs close to the teacher and the entrance/exit aims to
facilitate mobilization and interaction among all students and teachers.
Changes in teaching methods and the adjustment of learning materials to
students are allowed in inclusive classrooms at SPNF SKB Medan. This is
beneficial to align the needs of students with teachers in the learning process.
Increasing awareness of various elements towards inclusive education is done by
organizing inclusive classes, providing education about education that does not
discriminate, and allowing children with special needs to showcase their talents
alongside other students.

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