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"Baphomet" is a term with complex and varied associations, primarily stemming from occult

and esoteric traditions. Here are some of its main aspects:

1. **Occult Symbolism:** Baphomet is often depicted as a deity or symbolic figure associated

with the occult, particularly with various forms of ritual magic, witchcraft, and esotericism. The
most well-known depiction of Baphomet is a humanoid figure with a goat's head, often with
wings and a caduceus intertwined between its horns. This image was popularized in the 19th
century by French occultist Eliphas Levi.

2. **Templar Mythology:** Baphomet is also linked to the history of the Knights Templar, a
medieval Christian military order. During the Templar trials in the early 14th century,
accusations of worshiping a pagan idol named "Baphomet" emerged, although historians
debate whether such worship actually occurred or if it was fabricated by the Templars'

3. **Occultism and Modern Witchcraft:** In modern occultism and various forms of

witchcraft, Baphomet may be invoked as a symbol of personal transformation, spiritual
enlightenment, or as a representation of the divine androgyny, embodying both masculine and
feminine energies.

4. **Satanism:** Baphomet is sometimes associated with Satanism, particularly in popular

culture and sensationalized media. However, it's important to note that most modern Satanist
groups, such as the Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey, do not venerate Baphomet as a
literal deity but rather as a symbol representing individualism, enlightenment, and rebellion
against arbitrary authority.

Overall, Baphomet is a complex symbol with multiple layers of meaning, often interpreted
differently depending on the cultural, historical, and religious context in which it appears.

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