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Struggling with the intricacies of crafting a thesis on bipolar disorder research paper topics can be an

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Delving into the complexities of bipolar disorder, a condition characterized by alternating episodes
of mania and depression, demands a comprehensive understanding of various aspects, including its
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MEDICATION TREATMENT FOR BIPOLAR DISORDER: Most people with bipolar disorder
need medication in order to keep their symptoms under control. Shorter explains that lithium had
been used medicinally for hundreds of years. GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric
pharmacology is a specialized field focusing. You can help control your symptoms by exercising
regularly, getting enough sleep, eating right, monitoring your moods, keeping stress to a minimum,
and surrounding yourself with supportive people. Ask how you can help and volunteer to take over
some of the person’s responsibilities if needed. Since stress is a trigger for bipolar disorder, this
relationship-oriented approach can help reduce mood cycling. However, some of the symptoms like
inflated self-image, excess expenditure, hyper sexuality, and substance abuses that are observed in
case of type I bipolar disorder are not found in bipolar II disorder (Bipolar II Disorder, 2012). This
essay have explored bipolar disorder, its characterization, categories, symptoms, and major
indicators. Examples of problem solving statementsExamples of problem solving statements how to
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Symptoms Mania symptoms may include excessive happiness, excitement, irritability, restlessness,
increased energy, less need for sleep, racing thoughts, high sex drive, and a tendency to make grand
and unattainable plans. Light and dark therapy for bipolar disorder regulates these biological
rhythms—and thus reduces mood cycling— by carefully managing your exposure to light. Some
people experience most of the problems because of depression while for others, the prime concern
are the manic symptoms. Symptoms of hypomania or mania and those of depression may occur
simultaneously, the term used for which is “mixed episode”. Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy
Interpersonal therapy focuses on current relationship issues and helps you improve the way you
relate to the important people in your life. Although, no one is quite sure about the exact causes of
bipolar disorder, researchers have found these important clues: GENETIC FACTORS IN BIPOLAR
DISORDER Bipolar disorder tends to be familial, meaning that it “runs in families.” About half the
people with bipolar disorder have a family member with a mood disorder, such as depression. The
cookie indicates an active session and is not used for tracking. How to assess drugs in the treatment
of acute bipolar mania. The disorder may affect men, women as well as children. Some patients
experience mood shifts as quickly and often as in few hours. The signs and symptoms of major
depressive episode are feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation. The person may think that
he is called for a special mission or he is a very especial person on earth. Currently, there is no
specific cure for the condition. TYPES Bipolar Types There are several types of bipolar disorder; all
involve episodes of depression and mania to a degree. Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression can be
a blessing or a curse depending on the attitude and the strategies undertaken by people suffering this
illness. As a biological disorder, it may lie dormant and be activated on its own or it may be
triggered by external factors such as psychological stress and social circumstances. A woman’s
bipolar disorder is slightly different and is more verbal. Men and women may be equally affected
through this disorder, where the primary age of getting attacked by this disorder is between 15-25
years. Involve family members or friends in watching for warning signs. You can also find more
Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. These are defined as;
mania, are episodes of frenzy, and rage opposite of depression. Case study of dealing with health and
safety issues.
Despite the lack of acknowledgement for this research, Cade’s studies did not go completely
unnoticed and smaller studies of lithium as treatment for bipolar disorder began in Australia, France
and Denmark. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin plagiarism detection program, our custom
written essays will pass any plagiarism test. The hospitalization is required only in case of the
excessive mania and overwhelming manic activities. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. Note: To protect the privacy and security of your application, 2015 Columbia University 3022
Broadway. Risks Associated With Bipolar Disorder: Different studies reveal that there can be intense
medical complications to the patients affected with the bipolar disorder. When family and friends ask
them about these mood swings, they will brush it off and say that they feel fine. It’s a great deal to
understand the primary assets of life. These feelings, combined with the isolation that often comes
with such states, raise the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. After receiving treatment for her
neck injury, she reported a marked improvement in her health, specifically the bipolar problem was
reduced tremendously. Treatment There is currently no identified treatment for bipolar disorder.
Untreated, bipolar disorder can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and
even suicide. Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy Interpersonal therapy focuses on current
relationship issues and helps you improve the way you relate to the important people in your life. The
most common symptom is the persistent sad, anxious, or empty feeling. Depressive episode is not
just an ordinary feeling of loneliness and sadness that everybody can experience. In this way they can
remove bipolar disorder among people. The therapist will then assess the problems and the possible
factors that might possibly be triggering or causing the mood disorder, and will be able to better
understand the emotions that are felt and the problems that have happened to the patient in the past
that might be causing the mood swings and the problems. Together, they will try to work through the
different factors and aspects in order to stop this mood disorder from recurring back to the patient.
The individual with the condition may sometimes be moody and angry. If you have a family
member who has the bipolar disorder you are also at risk of developing unipolar disorder. They also
have a fear of being fired from their jobs and to avoid these issues of family, society and workplaces,
people just hesitate from taking treatment at initial stages. Making an inaccurate diagnosis can result
in making the disorder worse. One of the key reasons of mood disorders in several people is the
environment that he or she might be living in. The reasons may be many, overthinking, stress, and
heartbreak. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Psychosis’s
symptoms include delusions and hallucinations that although are false, yet are believed to be true and
real by the patient. In this way u can help your friend and remove a bipolar disorder. This paper lays
a detailed account of bipolar disorder discussing the symptoms and behaviors associated with it that
are experienced by patients that suffer from it, effect of this mental disorder on the life of the
patients in general and on their behavior in particular, findings of the latest research about bipolar
disorder, and how bipolar disorder can be treated. An individual with a bipolar disorder can take this
therapy and can be effective for the mood swings. “In administering phototherapy for bipolar
disorder symptoms, the sessions may be short to alleviate the severity or the length of a depressive
episode. Depression is a well-known affliction, and it is a common part of bipolar disorder. In this
long-term disorder a person will go through two major mood patterns.
Most people need to take medication long-term in order to avoid relapse. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Age, ethnicity, personality type, and biological
health are just a few examples of categorizations that would need to be taken into consideration in
order to attain a more complete view of a person’s day-to-day experiences with bipolar disorder, or
any other mental illness. Sometimes, these mood shifts take place within few hours. Never ignore
comments about your friend or harming himself or herself. ROLE OF SOCIETY: Role of society is
that they should not neglect the acts of the patients, they must appreciate their work, give positive
response to what they are saying, understand them and their problem. With the evident changes in
symptoms depending on the episode, many individuals do not recognize the development of the
condition. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. In contrast, Bipolar Disorder is a
medical condition in which people have mood swings out of proportion, or totally unrelated, to
things going on in their lives. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. However, certain
agents are commonly used in managing the condition. It is a personality disorder that constitutes
three types of categories. Successful treatment of bipolar disorder is not possible with medication
alone as it depends upon a whole range of factors. They may be reckless in the actions that they
perform and may become impulsive in decision making. A manic episode is a period of abnormally
elevated mood, accompanied by abnormal behavior that disrupts life. He forced each player to break
out of their shell which helped with our overall team trust. Male, Age 23 years, Bipolar Disorder,
Epilepsy, Sleep Disorder, Headaches, Back Pain This 23-year-old male suffered a closed head injury
at age 17 in which he landed on his head due to a pole-vaulting accident at a high school track meet.
With the parents’ or guardian’s guidance and supervision, the mood disorder and the many other
symptoms and signs felt by the person will lessen. For future applicants, the University of Business
School at Columbia University. BIPOLAR DISORDER DESCRIPTION Bipolar disorder involves
periods of elevated or irritable mood (mania), alternating with periods of depression. The quot. They
are Bipolar1, Bipolar2, and Cyclothymic disorder. But with treatment, healthy coping skills, and a
solid support system, you can live fully while managing your symptoms. Myth: People with bipolar
disorder swing back and forth between mania and depression. Generally majority of affected patients
undergo through phases of depression. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. However, there are treatments for the disorder, and hence
most of the effects can be reversed. People who have it experience dramatic mood swings. Don’t
stop taking your medication as soon as you start to feel better. Such an understanding develops a
basis for managing the mental disorders (Nairne, 2008). They sometimes hear a voice that they are
hopeless. Even though it is chronic, its symptoms are periodic and are manageable through
medications (Duckworth, 2006).
For example, imaging studies have shown that certain areas of the brain may be different in
individuals with bipolar disorder, and that these differences may contribute to the symptoms of the
condition. In addition to that, the patient shows increased tendency to create plans that are too grand
and unrealistic to be practicable. From children to teenagers and adults, anyone can be experiencing
this kind of illness. This involves maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding alcohol and drugs,
following a consistent exercise program, minimizing stress, and keeping your sunlight exposure
stable year round. New medications are then used in order to reduce new side effects. The premise of
this treatment was to effectively suppress emotion, and as a consequence suppress the manic and
depressive portions of bipolar disease. Cyclothymia Cyclothymia (cyclothymic disorder) is a
relatively mild mood disorder. This is because an extreme case of Bipolar disorder can even last for
close several days or even weeks. EFFECTS ON FAMILY: Siblings may experience jealousy if too
much attention is devoted to the ill member and not enough to themselves. Symptoms include: low
need for sleep, bad judgment, poor decision making, reckless behavior (e.g. binge eating,
promiscuity and spending sprees), elevated mood (e.g. hyperactivity, racing thoughts, high self-
esteem and increased energy), and acting very irrigated or agitated. In addition, it also looks into the
many causes that might trigger or start a bipolar disorder and the possible treatments, medications
and other ways in which one can be relieved or cured. John Cade’s research into lithium as a
treatment for bipolar disorder was monumental for psychiatry and pharmacology. However, the
performance of any tasks would likely be marred by carelessness and may be of low quality as a
result. Use of alcohol or tranquilizers may induce a more severe depressive phase. These mood
swings can range from periods of intense mania or hypomania, during which an individual may feel
overly energetic and productive, to periods of deep depression, during which an individual may feel
sad, hopeless, and unable to function. American Family Physician: American Academy of Family
Physicians Kidd, P. The regularity of episode occurrences can vary widely, with the fastest changes
being referred to as rapid cycling. By following these tips and being true to yourself, you can craft a
compelling and memorable essay that will help you stand out in the college admissions process. The
paper seeks to focus on physiological, psychological analysis of Bipolar Disorder. Either option has
its disadvantages, though isolation is likely the larger threat in terms of long-term negative
outcomes. During depressive episode, the patient experiences low mood and loss of interests in the
daily activities because of depression on cognitive abilities. He was taking tegretol for bipolar
disorder and pain medication for headaches. They should start some vocational centres to enhance
their skills and give employment and job security to them. A report on mental awareness depicts the
graph showing increased mental illness patients all over the globe. It is therefore impossible to look
only at a mental illness without considering the rest of the person Grande et al. The mindfulness
approach uses meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises to focus awareness on the present moment
and break negative thinking patterns. Fact: Many people with bipolar disorder have successful
careers, happy family lives, and satisfying relationships. Among the mood stabilizers, lamictal is used
in this case that is not referred in type I disorder. During periods when you feel better, you may be
tempted to stop treatment. The new mood can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, or
even months see the bipolar cycling section below.
Seasonal mood changes Some patients of bipolar disorder experience changes in mood with changing
seasons. Although, no one is quite sure about the exact causes of bipolar disorder, researchers have
found these important clues: GENETIC FACTORS IN BIPOLAR DISORDER Bipolar disorder
tends to be familial, meaning that it “runs in families.” About half the people with bipolar disorder
have a family member with a mood disorder, such as depression. This paper is focused on the origin
of the bipolar disorder. Hence, As a result, various effects arise from this disorder. Together, you will
work with your healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan. Establishing and
enforcing a daily routine— with regular times for getting up, having meals, and going to bed—can
also reduce family stress. These moods have been known to manifest themselves in various ways,
from changes in attitude, to full blown manic episodes that include blackouts and irrational behavior.
As a biological disorder, it may lie dormant and be activated on its own or it may be triggered by
external factors such as psychological stress and social circumstances. New medications are then
used in order to reduce new side effects. These chemicals may involve neurotransmitters like
norepinephrine, serotonin and probably many others. Today, although diagnosis continues to be an
area of frustration both for the parent and the psychiatrist, the knowledge that children can have
Bipolar disorder has made diagnosis more acceptable, recognition of the disease more likely, and
treatment more successful. South African Journal of psychology, 40 (3), 2010. In their manic states,
individuals experience an abnormally elevated mood characterized by extreme, grandiose gestures
and ideas, inflated self-esteem, lack of sleep, constant talking, distractibility, poor judgement, and
even aggression Griggs. Involve family members or friends in watching for warning signs. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Medications can have
unwanted side effects, and you may feel unhappy about having a mental health condition that
requires lifelong treatment. Harvard Mental Health LetterApril 2001May 2001 AN OVERVIEW OF
RATE OF BIPOLAR DISORDER: Worldwide, the rate of bipolar disorder is 2.4% - but in the
United States it's 4.4%, says a newly published study by the World Mental Health Survey Initiative
that interviewed more than 61,000 people. Unlike men, women show their emotions more by
showing and expressing their extreme feelings of happiness or depression. In 1870, Silas Weir
Mitchell spoke on the use of lithium as a hypnotic and anti-convulsant, and later said that lithium
could also be used to treat “general nervousness” (Shorter, 2). Working with a therapist, you can
learn how to cope with difficult or uncomfortable feelings, repair your relationships, manage stress,
and regulate your mood. Depression and Bipolar Disorder are parallel lines meeting at infinity.
Untreated, bipolar disorder can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and
even suicide. Although, no one is quite sure about the exact causes of bipolar disorder, researchers
have found these important clues: GENETIC FACTORS IN BIPOLAR DISORDER Bipolar
disorder tends to be familial, meaning that it “runs in families.” About half the people with bipolar
disorder have a family member with a mood disorder, such as depression. This is different from
bipolar I disorder that requires immediate medication on the maniac symptoms. The treatments are
otherwise similar to that of bipolar type I and make use of mood stabilizers, antipsychotics,
benzodiazepines, and antidepressants. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security
features of the website, anonymously. You might want to start with an interesting anecdote or quote
that relates to your theme, or you could simply state your main point right off the bat. To be
successful at self managing this condition patients need to focus on two keys concepts — stay well
and having strategies to stay well. Type II sufferers do not experience full mania, but instead have
periods called hypomania where they are highly impulsive and have high levels of energy. Having a
bipolar disorder can affect the individuals' relationship with others due to their conditions. It is a
mental illness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and can be managed with regular, ongoing,
counseling and medication.
Patients rely on treatment agents that can control mood changes. It is very important that Bipolar
disorder be treated. The primary symptoms of the disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood
swings. Studies has shown that this form of therapy has reduced the number of hospitalizations and
failed marriages.A quot. The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the symptoms of Bipolar
Disorder based on research. However, getting treatment at the earliest sign of a mental health
disorder can help prevent bipolar disorder or other mental health conditions from worsening. Having
a bipolar disorder can affect the individuals' relationship with others due to their conditions. Suicidal
thoughts can become worse when patients use alcohol or drugs. Sample college essays about
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good thesis for a paper. These problems include but are not limited to legal problems, financial
issues, substance abuse, relationship issues, loneliness, isolation, and social exclusion. It doesn’t
matter what your age, race, ethnic group or social class because men and women can develop
Bipolar. During the manic phase, individuals present high self-esteem, accompanied by poor
judgments and irritability. As we continue to study individuals with mental health disorders we
develop better understandings of the support each person needs in order to excel in our quick to
judge society. It is because of several information campaigns in the web and celebrities who are now
open about their mood disorders. Bipolar disorder appears to be an especially difficult condition
from a day-to-day perspective due to the occurrence of two different types of emotional episodes,
along with the possibility of experiencing a state that combines the two. An individual with a bipolar
disorder can take this therapy and can be effective for the mood swings. “In administering
phototherapy for bipolar disorder symptoms, the sessions may be short to alleviate the severity or
the length of a depressive episode. Instead of verbally saying it, they are inclined to grumble about
tiredness, will show bad temper, sleeping problems, and loss of enthusiasm at work and in hobbies.
The antipsychotic drugs are mainly used for the treatment of the depression phases. After receiving
treatment for her neck injury, she reported a marked improvement in her health, specifically the
bipolar problem was reduced tremendously. After receiving treatment for her neck injury, she
reported a marked improvement in her health, specifically the bipolar problem was reduced
tremendously. Age, ethnicity, personality type, and biological health are just a few examples of
categorizations that would need to be taken into consideration in order to attain a more complete
view of a person’s day-to-day experiences with bipolar disorder, or any other mental illness. This is
because an extreme case of Bipolar disorder can even last for close several days or even weeks.
Families go through a range of emotions in response to the unpredictability of the bipolar mood
phases. There are other cases where the manic and the depression phases both appear alternately.
Along with research he also provides many statistics that help us better understand the illness at
hand. On the other hand, the second major group of mood disorders is known as the bipolar disorder
type, which is also sometimes referred to as manic-depressive disorder, manic depression or bipolar
affective disorder. If both of your parents have this disorder your chances are 75%. Story of Melly
In the website of Bipolar Disorder Today, there is a story of a 25 year old mother of two children.
The person also experiences feelings o hopelessness or pessimism, guilt, and worthlessness.
indicates that people who take medications for bipolar disorder are more likely to get better faster
and stay well if they also receive therapy.

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