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Struggling with the demands of academic writing is a common experience for many students,

especially when it comes to crafting a thesis. The process can be overwhelming, requiring extensive
research, critical analysis, and the ability to articulate complex ideas coherently. Amidst the pressures
of coursework, exams, and other commitments, finding the time and energy to dedicate to such a
substantial project can feel like an impossible task.

One area where students often seek assistance is in the realm of depression research papers.
Exploring this topic requires sensitivity, thoroughness, and a deep understanding of the complexities
surrounding mental health issues. From delving into the causes and symptoms of depression to
examining its impact on individuals and society, the breadth of material to cover can be daunting.

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The client’s mother behavior, her father’s unavailability and her five siblings who constantly cried for
attention precipitated the client’s social anxiety and withdrawal from society. It does mean that
depression is probably not a major disruption to your life right now. Difficulty in sleeping, loss of
appetite, poor decision-making capabilities, and loss of sexual activity, suicidal attempts and
thoughts of death, irritability and anxiousness are other clinical features associated with depression.
Encouraging her to expose herself with things that she thrives in. Here rather is a list of the top
explanations that history specialists and economists have referred to as creating the Great Depression
(Walton and Rockoff). Seeking help and support from a mental health professional can be an
important step in managing and overcoming depression. This can be explained by the social triggers
and the neuro-endocrine factors that lead to the development of depression in obese children. Her
speech was at a normal rate and there was no evidence to show any signs of neither delusions nor
hallucinations. These include genetics, negative thinking patterns, past experiences, personality traits,
coping styles, and life events. DASS-42 (Depression 21) The multidimensional child and adolescent
depression scale: Psychometrical properties were used to assess her behavior. Before visiting my
clinic she visited some psychiatrists for treatment because she had become very aggressive and
started to throw things and whatever was in her physical approach. It can be very helpful for adults
or young adults with forms of depression. The lingering ravages of Great Depression are still visible
in terms of the economic crises it created to successive generation of families. At this level, it’s a
good idea to get some treatment advice from a doctor and perhaps a therapist, in addition to the
steps you can take on your own. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Prior to the counseling an initial
interview was done on the 10th of June 2011. For the present investigation, the researcher used the
tool constructed and validated by L.N. Dubey (1993) to asses the Mental Depression of Higher
Secondary students. This exercise taught the client the importance of controlling her thought
process. 4. To reduce avoidance of social performance by enhancing her exposure to social gatherings
(exposure therapy). These negative thoughts can feed into a cycle of low mood, leading to a
worsening of symptoms. Past experiences, particularly those involving trauma or abuse, can also
increase the risk of developing depression. What is the most common type of disease that affects the
present day people. Case Formulation: The client’s upbringing predisposed her to suffering from
extreme depression and fear of rejection. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. She described her relationship
with her mother as loving yet demanding. This is because the same questions, processes, hypothesis,
and objectives that may be used to get the desired outcomes or to prove that the previous findings
were in fact correct. Her parents are both Australian and were also born and brought up in
Melbourne. She was not comfortable talking about her siblings and her mother. Once I got the
completed paper, my last doubts were gone. When these individuals were further assessed for major
depressive disorder, the study showed that only 38% met the criteria for depression (Aragones et al.,
363-368). However, all these individuals were currently on one or more antidepressant medications.
Evaluation of Treatment Interventions: The interventions applied above were able to assist the client
to fulfill each treatment objective effectively. When asked about her parents and siblings, the client
was uncomfortable and was quite depressed.
For further modification, the Supervisee will explain her ethical principal and the nature of her work
at the beginning of the counseling session. References Lawson, W. (2003, May 01). The Obesity-
Depression Link. This exercise taught the client the importance of controlling her thought process. 4.
To reduce avoidance of social performance by enhancing her exposure to social gatherings (exposure
therapy). There’s always a way out and ways to cure depression disorder that is thru antidepressants,
or psychotherapy’s. Report this Document Download now Save Save Depression Outline For Later
93% (15) 93% found this document useful (15 votes) 30K views 8 pages Depression Outline
Uploaded by Erica This is a paper that i've been working on for a while and i was wondering what
people thought of it so far and i would appreciate feedback if possible. Older children may sulk, get
into trouble at school, be negative, grouchy, and feel misunderstood. (Depression in Children and
Adolescents, 2011). Studies show that treatments like antidepressants and brief psychotherapy can
successfully treat depression across many settings, including low-resource areas. These moods may
go back and forth over a period of hours or days. Her grades dramatically drop due to her inability to
concentrate and her emotional withdrawal from the class. The client is reported to be extremely
intelligent, mature for her age, creative and talented. What created the Great Depression, the most
noticeably awful financial misery in US history. Individuals who are falsely diagnosed with
depression and prescribed certain treatment are often given false hope. Between 2- 6% of children
and teenagers experience Depression. Depression to a certain extent is a physiological condition and
is similar to other emotional states such as happiness. When asked about her relationship with her
other siblings she interpreted her relationship as turbulent. The client reported significant reduction
depression and gained self confidence. Behavioral assessment conducted during the recesses and
lunch hour at school. If the manifestations are left untreated or unattended, various bodily systems
are affected and signs of headache, gastrointestinal signs and chronic pain also become evident
(Psychology Today, 2012). She also stated that she hates attending extra circular activities in school
and any other types of social gathering as it makes her depressed. Psychotherapy, medication, and a
combination of both are effective treatments for depression. Depression in such individuals affects
their clinical course and leads to a poor prognosis in the coronary heart disease (CHD) individuals.
The investigation was undertaken by using normative survey method. In the present study, both of
the patients r lat recovered in 30 days e ed to depression treated by PMR wer. Instructions and
awareness were given to them about cognitive, psychological and behavioral components of
adolescent depression. Individuals should not aim to attribute their sadness to an illness and rather
strive to alleviate the cause of the problems. Depending on antidepressants and other forms of
psychiatric treatment for sadness could lead to more adverse psychological impacts. The psycho-
education was able to teach the client and her family about her disorder and it taught them that there
are possible interventions to this disorder. The mother also described the client childhood days as
happy and social. He discovered that the antidepressant treatment and very little effect and in fact
had similar results to the placebo. Teach the client about Psycho education of adolescent depression.
The application gives notification of the placement of various objects and also gives a remainder of
which medicine is to be taken It likewise tracks the patient's location utilizing the Global Position
System and gives the location to the overseer i.
This exercise taught the client the importance of controlling her thought process. 4. To reduce
avoidance of social performance by enhancing her exposure to social gatherings (exposure therapy).
Individuals should not aim to attribute their sadness to an illness and rather strive to alleviate the
cause of the problems. Depending on antidepressants and other forms of psychiatric treatment for
sadness could lead to more adverse psychological impacts. Other medical practitioners also share the
same viewpoint, for example Gordon Parker believes that the only thing current depression
diagnostic criteria do is medicalise sadness (Parker, 328). To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. She also had
ongoing long absence from the class and avoids making any contributions or presentations in the
classroom. The Picture City was a well a designed location for a production center of movie.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT is an evolutionary paradigm that came about a from the merging
of the established paradigm of behavioural therapy and contemporary cognitive therapy Clarke and
Fairburn 1997. Before visiting my clinic she visited some psychiatrists for treatment because she had
become very aggressive and started to throw things and whatever was in her physical approach. It
does mean that depression is probably not a major disruption to your life right now. More than two
of these symptoms must be present: binge eating or poor appetite, lack of the ability to sleep or
excessive sleep, fatigue or low energy, lack of self-esteem, difficulty with decision making, and
general feelings of hopelessness American Psychiatric Association 169. It was the longest, widest,
and deepest Depression ever of the twentieth century. She further explained her large family and the
deterioration in the relationships with the family members. This is a great example of profound
research work. One of those psychiatrists recommended ECT for treatment but ECT only affected
her memory badly. Postpartum Depression Essay Example - Green Adviser. Reducing the burden of
depression will require greater access to evidence-based treatments in primary care settings. Hicke
acknowledges the usefulness of antidepressants and believes that the disorder is still under diagnosed
(Hicke, 329). It includes chronic health and behavioral disorders. In this study, 52% of the
adolescents did not have depression, whereas 18% had moderate, 8% had moderate to severe
depression and 2% of them had severe depression. One of the main reasons why this occurred is that
the diagnostic method and model is unreliable and product marketed beyond their true potential,
therefore heightening people’s expectations. This research paper will uncover such unpleasant states
of the economy as recession, and depression. She hated even just the ideas of interacting in a social
group as she felt that they always judged her. She currently lives with her parents and her five
siblings. This non-pharmacological treatment strategy enables people to make them feel responsible
for their actions and teaches them how to control their condition. The socio-demographic
information, Perceived Social Support scale and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) were adopted
to collect the data. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The subject of the disorder was Mrs. RJ (Initial
instead of real name), 43 years old housewife and mother of four children. The client does not have
any difficulties settling in primary schools and her grades were above average. The cognitive
restructuring interventions provided the client with alternative coping strategies and constructive
thinking patterns. The feelings of a person who is affected by this condition is boring.
Depression is caused by many genetic, environmental, biochemical and psychological factors. As a
pathological symptom, depression often occurs in association with other psychiatric and medical
illnesses, which makes precise diagnosis even harder. What is the most common type of disease that
affects the present day people. Those patients who are unable to take the pharmacological treatment
can benefit from the cognitive behavioral therapy and physical exercise regimes. Semi- structured
interview with the client’s mother. Pollack confronts the conventional wisdom and suggests rather
strongly that psychological causes are also important to understanding Adolescent Depression in
males. The client described herself as shy, efficient and reliable person. A signal from one part of the
brain travels to another-as a series of electrical impulses-along neurones. The exposure therapy helped
her act accordingly in intense anxiety environment. It leads to sadness, discouragement, and a loss of
self-worth and interest in their usual activities” (Berger, 2011). When questioned about it she would
just withdraw herself to the room and would not talk with anyone in the house for one or two weeks.
The findings also showed that Depression scores increased with increasing severity of food security
with scores of 14. Postpartum Depression Essay Example - Green Adviser. After the fifth kid, the
client started showing extreme behavior which often led her parents to wonder why the way she did
acted. The investigation will explore the question: How did the Great Depression begin in Germany
and what are its impacts on the economy. Report this Document Download now Save Save English
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to Page You are on page 1 of 2 Search inside document. The lingering ravages of Great Depression
are still visible in terms of the economic crises it created to successive generation of families. If the
manifestations are left untreated or unattended, various bodily systems are affected and signs of
headache, gastrointestinal signs and chronic pain also become evident (Psychology Today, 2012).
The client also reported to have improved relationship with her peers. Past emotional trauma can also
lead to depression in an individual. When talking about herself, she time and again displayed
negative thoughts and inferiority complex about herself. The client’s parents stated that she failed to
have any bond with her peers and often felt excluded. Assessment made after taking semi-structured
interviews from Mrs. RJ and her husband. In light of assessment and DSM-IV, Mrs. RJ was
diagnosed by Major Depression Disorder. The aim of the article is to focus on the effectiveness of
medication that can be used to treat Depression in adolescence. Download Free PDF View PDF
PROFESSIONAL Sky Institute On the basis of results of th applicatio o o ic l treat e technique, it
may concluded that e n f psych log a m nt PMR is h ti echniqu of bipolar and major depre sion In tr t
n h i l t e most effec ve t s. Adolescent Depression - Case Study Referral Information: The client is a
14 years old girl who as referred to the student support center by her teachers. When asked about
how she feels and state of mind, the client replied saying that she often fell sad, lonely and
unworthy. It was the longest, widest, and deepest Depression ever of the twentieth century. The
client is a 14 years old girl who as referred to the student support center by her teachers.
Psychotherapy can be used alone or in combination with medication.
Final Research Papers, Winter 2008: Postpartum Depression. An example of such a disorder is
depression, which is one of the leading disorders in terms of pharmacological expenditure. Older
children may sulk, get into trouble at school, be negative, grouchy, and feel misunderstood.
(Depression in Children and Adolescents, 2011). He based this argument on the fact that he himself
had been part of a clinical trial and also researched extensively on trials elsewhere (Greenberg, 22-
30). Depression is prevalent among all age groups, in almost all walks of life. Teach the client about
Psycho education of adolescent depression. In the Anxiety Disorders Index total T-score of 68
(Much above Average), and Social Anxiety total T-score of 75 is clinically significant which is very
much above average. He does not undermine the devastating effects of depression but opposes the
approach which doctors and pharmaceutical companies have taken towards the condition
(Greenberg, 22-30). There are many psychological factors that can contribute to the development of
depression. The client does not have any difficulties settling in primary schools and her grades were
above average. Treatment Plan: 1. To impart awareness and give in-depth insight about depression.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This exercise taught the client the
importance of controlling her thought process. 4. To reduce avoidance of social performance by
enhancing her exposure to social gatherings (exposure therapy). The cognitive restructuring
interventions provided the client with alternative coping strategies and constructive thinking
patterns. In conclusion, there are many psychological factors that can contribute to the development
of depression. There were also regular counseling sess o er e encouraged t te out i n aft t r l a o
period was over. The aim of treatment is release of neurotrophic proteins in the brain that can help to
rebuild the hippocampus that has been reduced due to depression and to optimize patients’ physical,
psychological and social functioning. To reduce the client low esteem and augmentation her self-
confidences. This doesn’t mean you’ve never had depression before, or that you can’t benefit from
the tips in this booklet. The exposure therapy helped her act accordingly in intense anxiety
environment. He is given credit as being the one who first considered Depression to be a mental
illness. All these factors made her believed that she is not lovable, neglected as well as rejected. I can
help others identify if they are going thru depression or have it but don’t realized it and can give
them information on how to get help and treat it. When questioned about it she would just withdraw
herself to the room and would not talk with anyone in the house for one or two weeks. The client
was encouraged to take up a hobby to occupy her free time. The clinical presentation of depression
varies from one person to another. They further explained that she never completed her homework
and never pay attention in the classroom. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think,
and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. It was observed that between 9.3%
and 23% of the individuals involved in the study had depression along with any four of the physical
diseases mentioned above.
Keywords: Depression; Therapy Download Free PDF View PDF Depression - Symptoms, Causes,
Medications and Therapies Shravan Paswan Depression is the most common of the affective
disorders; it may range from a very mild condition, bordering on normality, to severe (psychotic)
depression accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. They do not have a nanny as her mother is
not comfortable with strangers taking care of her children. Depression should not be considered
merely the disorder of the brain for it has very strong associations with the whole body. She further
explained her large family and the deterioration in the relationships with the family members. He
also informed about her weak memory, negative dreaming which disturb her sleep, fidgety and
restless most of the time, aggressive behaviour and sometime weeping and shouting without any
reason. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT is an evolutionary paradigm that came about a from the
merging of the established paradigm of behavioural therapy and contemporary cognitive therapy
Clarke and Fairburn 1997. After the fifth kid, the client started showing extreme behavior which
often led her parents to wonder why the way she did acted. It is important to note that depression is
not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. Another antidepressant would be ABILIFY or known as
aripiprazole it is a prescription medicine that helps treat depression in adults as an add-on treatment
to an antidepressant when an antidepressant alone is not enough. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The client’s mother behavior, her father’s
unavailability and her five siblings who constantly cried for attention precipitated the client’s social
anxiety and withdrawal from society. Depression is led to by numerous causes and associated with
different risk factors, but even in its most severe form, it can be treated through medical and
psychological therapeutic methods. The investigation was undertaken by using normative survey
method. Her speech was at a normal rate and there was no evidence to show any signs of neither
delusions nor hallucinations. The client’s father is a well do businessman and her mother is a
housewife who takes care of the kids. More than two of these symptoms must be present: binge
eating or poor appetite, lack of the ability to sleep or excessive sleep, fatigue or low energy, lack of
self-esteem, difficulty with decision making, and general feelings of hopelessness American
Psychiatric Association 169. The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions.
Discussion of Evidence Based Theories: “Adolescent depression is a disorder that affects teenagers.
When questioned about her mother her voice became shaky and she started crying. Pollack confronts
the conventional wisdom and suggests rather strongly that psychological causes are also important to
understanding Adolescent Depression in males. The above mentioned interpretation of depression is
not just a disease of the brain and mood swings; it also affects various systems and normal functions
of the body. Treating depression in such patients is very important to achieve maximum therapeutic
results (Litchman et al, 2008). It is a serious medical illness affects an An Annotated Bibliography of
Severe Depression s The article provides the definitionof Depression and factors that contribute to
Depression, including a combination of chemical, genetic, biological, and social, and psychological
factors. One of the main reasons why this occurred is that the diagnostic method and model is
unreliable and product marketed beyond their true potential, therefore heightening people’s
expectations. It has been observed that s indi idu ls i guidance it may be maintained properl
Symptoms were v a feel qu te tense but by proper y. Depression may become a chronic disorder and
if in appropriately treated may lead to disability or more serious consequences such as suicide.
DASS-42 (Depression 21) The multidimensional child and adolescent depression scale:
Psychometrical properties were used to assess her behavior. Instructions and awareness were given to
them about cognitive, psychological and behavioral components of adolescent depression. Hence, the
abnormal functioning of the HPA-axis can contribute to the co-morbidity of depression and obesity.
While depression takes a large toll, effective treatments do exist.
This exercise taught the client the importance of controlling her thought process. 4. To reduce
avoidance of social performance by enhancing her exposure to social gatherings (exposure therapy).
Advertisements and other media factors utilized by these companies have made people of today feel
the urgency to quickly seek treatment for just temporary bad moods as they have been brainwashed
with the thought of depression. Formal Diagnosis: A specific and detailed client history from
interviews, a mental status examination, direct observation, and the client’s results on the
psychometric assessment tool was basis for the following Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders-IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR) diagnosis. Exercise is another effective treatment method
which improves the tolerance of body against stress and soothes the hyperactive state of the nervous
system (Marano, 2007). Limitations and Future Modifications: Further sessions involving parents
with treatment intervention is mandatory to reinforce positive, supportive and cooperative strategies.
The exact causes of depression are vast and unknown. In conclusion, there are many psychological
factors that can contribute to the development of depression. She was lacking behind academically
and always looked sad, withdrawn and unwilling to cooperate with the teachers and her classmates.
There were also regular counseling sess o er e encouraged t te out i n aft t r l a o period was over. The
present research categorises selected variables as work and family related factors to study work life
balance. Retrieved Dec. 09, 2011 from Depression in Children and Adolescents, (2011). Case
Formulation: The client’s upbringing predisposed her to suffering from extreme depression and fear
of rejection. She helped her parents whenever she could and she even helped her mother take care of
her younger siblings. This is explained by the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This
doesn’t mean you’ve never had depression before, or that you can’t benefit from the tips in this
booklet. The social and environmental factors like peer pressure, low self-esteem and body weight
issues also play an equal role (Lawson, 2003). Depression reduces the response to medications and
the cardiac rehabilitation measures taken for the CHD patients. The patient of bipolar disorder n eds
to o cou lin s on i her he e ax ti n e m re nse g essi s n regular treatment ses io. His business is
demanding and he rarely stays at home. Depression can also lead to physical symptoms such as
fatigue, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. As a pathological
symptom, depression often occurs in association with other psychiatric and medical illnesses, which
makes precise diagnosis even harder. Depression is curable no matter how dangerous the symptoms
are. Works Cited An-Add On Treatment For Depression. (2011). Retrieved from ABILLIFY web
site: abilify. A signal from one part of the brain travels to another-as a series of electrical impulses-
along neurones. Prolonged physical illness can lead to development of depression symptoms and vice
versa. Relevant Client History: The client was born and raised in Melbourne. He also informed about
her weak memory, negative dreaming which disturb her sleep, fidgety and restless most of the time,
aggressive behaviour and sometime weeping and shouting without any reason. In addition, the
individuals who were observed had experienced a depressive episode within the past year. It was the
longest, widest, and deepest Depression ever of the twentieth century. She experienced great anxiety
in the classroom and other people and often felt short in comparison with other students in the

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