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Just say on the homepage for me, please. So

what are the few questions about your background? First, when's the last time you
use a digital self care?

This morning? Okay, which app did you use? Cheap and Habitica?

Okay, how did you

access it? Was it mobile tablet or PC? On your phone? Have you got any self care
apps that use daily? Yes. What are the cheap tablets? And which is your preferred
app? Habitica. Okay, why is that?

Because it's easy to use and has reward systems, and it has little characters.

All right, is there a Preferred time of day that you use?

In the morning and in the afternoon, so I can check off goals that I've done
throughout the day?

Okay. What's the emotional status upon point of app usage? Like how are you feeling
that use the

neutral? Okay.

Have you used headspace before?

momentarily, but

I stopped using it because it was mostly that was fine to pay more.

When's the last time you use this app? Do you remember? Couple of years ago, maybe

like a year or two?

Okay. And what was your experience? Like?

It was okay. But I found that the better apps available for the same purpose. Okay.
I have a

few tasks for you and the headspace app, please attempt to request and toss to the
best of your ability. And please verbalize your process thinking aloud the entire
time. So, the first task is imagine you're feeling stressful burnt out, you now
find a task or activity to calm yourself and escalate the feelings, or deescalate
your feelings of being overwhelmed. Can you show us how you go about in the app?

I'm assuming if I wanted to relax,

go to meditate because they all move I guess for the stretching de stressing.


Oh, this one says I can stress less. managing stress and uncertain times, I guess I
click on whichever one related to my mood, or what was caused by the so you're
feeling stressed or stressed or burnt out? So you're trying to relax, calm yourself
down. What do you feel about that? Well, probably the meditation, I find the name
of a meditation that related to the type of stress maybe so like, if it was work
stress, it could work stress. And I'm assuming that would help. I'd also look at
the time it takes to do the meditation. 10 minutes is pretty okay. It's not like an
hour or anything's. I guess I just stopped that. Okay. All right. The

second task is imagine you're new to the realm of digital self care. You want to
find or develop your use of continuous slash building mindfulness training. Can you
show me how you go about that?

Mindfulness? You could do, I guess, focus on meditation or mindfulness? There's a
search button. I might see if they have anything from mindfulness. Yeah, they have
a few options for meditations or courses. Maybe. I click on mental health as
mindfulness or meditation. It's eight minutes. I guess that's

okay. Thanks. That completes the tasks. Give you a survey. Last you'd go through a
few questions. Please fill it out to the best of your ability and coming. Back to

Can you change your password every weeks

while it's no number one

yes because I did put a web app on my workout so I can change my password that's

given to remove the paywall

is your phone just in dark mode was the app like this

improve the app doesn't have like a quiz to ask you what you need
like at the beginning

when or when you like I had asked me like what do I want to help with yeah

maybe you could add in like a mini troubleshoot or like check in quiz and then they
recommend Are you like

to sleep is really hope you

too comments or questions

yeah no one will see

so recording the fun

all right. Let me get back to here like grab this up to the moment get back up to
the now Okay,

thanks for filling out that survey. I'm just gonna ask you a couple questions about
your chosen responses. So when you said the three things you did like about the app
you said activity or tabs like with clearly easy navigation. Can you explain a

bit more? Yes, a little activity tabs were categorized according to asleep movement
or meditation so you could easily pick which one you want to go to and access that
category easily. So I liked that.

The second thing you liked was many options for activities for improvement will be

options available depending on what you are feeling like with like different time
limits and different I don't know that looks like a you wouldn't necessarily get
bored really easily because there are so many options that look like they update
over time.

In line with that you said activities can be categorized according to mood.

Yeah, so I guess depending on how you're feeling, you can click on a task that's
related to focus or stress or anxiety or depression. And depending on how you're
feeling you can navigate which activities would suit your current mood best.

All right,

so you said he had to improve the value
chain to freefall and remove the

paywall? Yes, I'm a strong believer that whilst businesses need money of some sort,
I think access to mental health facilities outside of the context of therapy is
important, especially to be made affordable. Yes,

being a university student has anything to

Yes. Especially being a university student, is important in terms of like
maintaining mental health, because so many of us up on top and paperwork
struggling, not only university like people would decades ago, but a lot of us now
have jobs on top of that, and other personal passions that may hinder one's mental
well being or what more than other demographics with stable employment, and, I
guess, money to pay for mental health facilities, or what if students aren't

But you also said regular mental health checking quizzes that's like questions, to
reflect on the progress. See the apps really helping you operate on that?

Yes, well, to see if the app is actually helping you because some of these things
won't help everyone. You could do regular checking quizzes on the app that pop up
on a second notification to do like a monthly or weekly check in using, I guess,
questions similar to within a das question. So this question is a depression,
anxiety and stress as a way up, figure out how severe each of those parameters are
in relation to your current state of mind. So people have an idea of how they're
progressing over time, if they were committing to this every day, that could
probably help them assess whether it's worth continuing to pay for the service or
whether it just like, maybe isn't helping them and they need to seek out other
options. Not necessarily good for business, but a good for people's mental well
being and also because people aren't used to seeing the severity of their mental
health some people think they're doing better when actually the results would
suggest that they're doing a lot worse than they think. And it might encourage
people to check in with their feelings and emotions and mental well being a bit
more than they currently do.

And you said here, maybe a troubleshooter Quinn's help people not in touch with
their emotions? Which activities?

Well, yeah, I guess people that aren't sure where to start on the app, or maybe
have woken up and adjusted in a bit of a funk. And they don't know why they could
do a quiz of sorts to find out which activities would be best suited to them on
that particular day. So you could ask questions about whether they're feeling
stressed with work or study or personal or if they're going through a breakup, like
a life event, that's stressful. You could have options where you can click that. So
if you click Options relating to for example, someone's going through exam stress,
and they don't realize that maybe that's bothering them, when they answer this
quiz. And they say, Okay, well, yes, you need stressing me out of it. I am feeling
stressed, my heart rates elevated, like they list off a bunch of symptoms that
they're feeling or you click boxes, then the app could be like, Well, based on your
answers, here are the activities we suggest you do and maybe one of those
activities is a meditation relating to exam stress, or how to regulate your
emotions or just like a 10 minute breathing session to take as a study break or
something. Yeah. Okay.

And were there any other comments or questions you had about the approval process
here today? Okay, well, this was a commercial test that now pay you and since it's
not, at least some coffee cards, say thanks. I'm now going to provide you with a
list of instructions to take home so you got to use that space up over the next few
days. And then make sure that you note down how you feeling I'm gonna come back to
the three days with that little post interview finished up Okay.


you been using the headspace app, correct? Yes. All right. So I've just got a
couple of follow up questions now to ask you. So how useful the headspace app over
the past three days,

it was useful for wind down towards the end of the day.

But I found that it's not something you can use. You can use it throughout the
whole day, if you have a lot of time to stop and do regular, I guess, mental health
check ins throughout your day. But when you're on the go or at work, it perhaps
wouldn't be the best option to just stop and do a meditation or yoga. It's really,
I think it's good if you have time and you're at home, or maybe work from home, but
not necessarily great if you're on the go.

So yeah, in what ways Was it useful

ways, good for distressing for, I guess, listening to relaxing soundscapes. Mostly
just, especially the meditation component.

How usable was the app to come in handy could use easily.

It was pretty user friendly, it

wasn't difficult to use by any means. It did come in handy. Considering one of my
daily goals is to meditate daily. So that definitely helps in the context of guided
meditations, rather than just self driven meditations. You could definitely use it
easily. If you were paying with depression.

How accessible was the headspace app? Was it easy to navigate was easy to
understand the app?

Yeah, really? accessible? Definitely easy to navigate.

I think most people wouldn't find an issue with it unless you were I guess, a bit
more technologically to millions, maybe. I guess even for people in that sort of
category. There's easy ways to click on things and figure things out slowly, they
give descriptions of what each activity is. So it's not that hard at all.

How desirable would an app like headspace be to you in the future? There's a whole
new sort of, yeah, I want to

I guess it would be desirable if I had extra income to continually pay for a
subscription like that. I'm not just that they update that. I guess activities a
lot. They have themed activities, I saw some Star Wars activities, which looked
really cool. So I guess that would attract a potential demographic data. I guess
the only thing is there are a lot of free apps available free to use that, I guess,
do have similar options. And personally, I find a lot of those a lot more
straightforward to use anyhow. So I guess moving forwards unless I was prepared to
pay the fee. I don't think I continue to use it.

So how findable was everything in the app? Did you have any trouble navigating or
locating any areas?

I'm not really there was a search tab that I noticed you could use pretty quickly.
For example, if I wanted to find anything or a particular category, or I could
search stress, and it would come up with different activities relating to different
types of stress, so it was easy to find.

How valuable say the app was to you? Do you think it's worth it to justify paying
for bringing cash in the future? I'm,

personally for me, like I have paid for before, like Premium accounts for things. I
think, unless you're dedicated towards improving your mental well being like it
wouldn't be worth the subscription. But if you're somebody who continually wants to
implement these habits and routines, whether it be yoga or meditation into your
daily lifestyle, I think it would definitely be worth it. Yeah, the meditations
available good. And I find that often guided meditations for people are a big
selling point because a lot of people don't know where to start with meditation and
taking a mind off things often having the context of guided meditations is more
helpful so I can definitely, I think if I had an income I see myself using it
throughout the future, but for now, like free apps pretty good to use the people
that are students

All right. And did you find the app credible? Did you believe that the cost of the
apple grounded and based on science and legitimate? Oh,

yeah, absolutely. I've read plenty of literature pertaining to not necessarily this
app itself. But the use of meditation and yoga for improved mental wellbeing
outcomes, if that's the I'm looking for. Yeah, there's an abundance of literature,
I guess, coming out on the waves there could be used. I guess it again, the results
are variable between people and individual differences. But for the most pot, from
my understanding, there's a positive correlation that's statistically significant
between the use of I guess, yoga and meditation and improved mental well being
outcomes. Not necessarily yet again, the app there. I'm not sure if the app usage
itself but I can see how the activities will be.

Okay, awesome. Thanks for your time. This concludes the project.

You have now

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