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Committee: United Nations Development Programme

Authors- India, United States Of America, Brazil

Editor: Argentina

Signatories-Denmark , Ecuador ,Algeria ,Finland, Spain, Mexico, Syria, Chile, Germany

,Ghana, Austria, Canada, Japan, France, South Africa, United Kingdom, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Venezuela, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Ireland, Greece, Jordan,
Netherland, Saudi Arabia, Italy, New Zealand, Rwanda, Portugal, Argentina ,Cuba, Qatar, Iran
,Egypt, Central African republic,

United Nations Development Programme

Reaffirming resolutions 45/94 (1990) of the UN general assembly which states that all
individuals are entitled to live in an environment adequate for their better water upliftment ,
the resolution specifically called for enhanced global efforts towards ensuring a better and
healthier environment considering safe water,

Emphasizing the misuse of water on national level and to ensure proper water conditions

Drawing attention to the importance of water internationally noting with satisfaction the past
efforts of various UN bodies and Non Governmental organisations which have jointly
collaborated to solve water challenges arising globally ;

1) Emphasizes on improving water quality by reducing pollution ,eliminating dumping and

minimizing release of hazardous chemical materials
a) Addressing Pollution measuring and monitoring water quality is essential besides
improving the sewage system in specific areas globally

2) Fully aware of the issue of the discharging of untreated water recommends the setting up
of WWTP(Waste Water Treatment Plant)

3) Deeply concerned by the increasing water scarcity further requests the setting up of
desalination plants

4) Taking into consideration, the nonstop wastage water promotes awaring people on
individual level to conserve water
5) Realizing the water scarcity in arid regions would suggest using water dispensers

6) Further reminds the protection and restoration of water related ecosystems , including
mountains , forests, rivers, aquifers

7) Recognizing the importance of rain water solemnly affirms the setting up of storm water

8) Declares accordingly to implement integrated water resources management at all levels

including through the transboundary co-operation as appropriate

9) Draws the attention towards the broken network of water distribution and supports
improving distribution of infrastructure

10) Further proclaims the use of special UV lamps which destroy harmful microbes

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