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What are the factors that determine what constitutes either right or wrong behavior
in an organizational context?
a. The Public, Interest Groups, Organization, Personal Morals
b. Legal regulations only
c. Managerial decisions only
d. Employee preferences only

32. In what situation can conflicts arise when individuals are faced with deciding
between advancing organizational interests and personal interests?
a. When both interests align perfectly
b. When personal interests are not considered
c. When individuals prioritize organizational interests
d. When personal interests take precedence

33. What does ethical behavior within a business involve, according to the information
a. Meeting only legal obligations
b. Avoiding harm, meeting obligations, and avoiding undue pressure
c. Focusing solely on profits
d. Ignoring business ethics for personal gain

34. What significant tool did Henry Gantt develop to coordinate the time of activities and
control work?
a. Gantt Chart
b. Pareto Chart
c. Pie Chart
d. Flowchart

35. How did Henry Gantt contribute to industrial training and worker productivity?
a. By promoting autocratic control
b. By emphasizing individual initiatives
c. By introducing time studies
d. By implementing task and bonus incentive plans

36. What impact did the Hawthorne Studies have on understanding worker
a. It emphasized the sole influence of the physical environment.
b. It demonstrated that social factors had no effect on productivity.
c. It highlighted the equal importance of social and physical environments.
d. It concluded that productivity is solely driven by individual motivation.

37. According to Elton Mayo, what role does the social environment play in worker
a. It has no impact.
b. It has a minimal impact compared to the physical environment.
c. It has a greater impact than the physical environment.
d. It is solely responsible for productivity.

38. What is one criticism of adapting Freud's theories to organizational settings?

a. Lack of empirical evidence
b. Overemphasis on individual initiatives
c. Focus on organizational culture
d. Insufficient attention to psychological demands

39. How can Freud's theories be applied to understand organizational behavior,

according to the information provided?
a. By emphasizing only external motivations
b. By analyzing individual and group dynamics
c. By ignoring unconscious thoughts and desires
d. By excluding psychosexual development

40. What distinguishes John B. Watson's Behaviorist Approach from other psychological
a. Focus on unconscious desires
b. Emphasis on internal mental processes
c. Priority on observable and measurable behaviors
d. Neglect of emotional reactions

41. What did John B. Watson believe was the primary factor in learning behavior?
a. Genetic predispositions
b. Observational learning
c. Conditioning
d. Cognitive processes

42. How does positive reinforcement differ from negative reinforcement in operant
a. Positive reinforcement weakens behaviors.
b. Negative reinforcement strengthens behaviors.
c. Positive reinforcement involves presenting rewards.
d. Negative reinforcement involves removing pleasant stimuli.

43. Why does B.F. Skinner suggest using punishment only as a last resort in operant
a. It is ineffective in behavior modification.
b. It may lead to aggressive behavior.
c. It is the least ethical option.
d. It has no impact on behavior.

44. What is the central idea behind Carl Rogers' concept of the fully functioning person?
a. Strict adherence to organizational rules
b. Emphasis on personal growth and self-actualization
c. Dependency on external motivations
d. Focus on competition within the workplace

45. How does Carl Rogers contribute to organizational settings through person-centered
a. By promoting competition
b. By creating a non-judgmental environment
c. By imposing strict regulations
d. By discouraging individual expression

46. What is the primary focus of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

a. Enhancing organizational profits
b. Identifying employee weaknesses
c. Meeting personal and psychological needs
d. Ignoring individual needs

47. According to Maslow, what is the role of self-actualization in an individual's life?

a. It is the lowest need in the hierarchy.
b. It is irrelevant to personal development.
c. It is the highest level of personal growth.
d. It only affects physiological needs.

48. In the context of Organizational Behavior, what does "unconditional positive regard"
a. Judging individuals based on conditions
b. Accepting and valuing individuals without conditions
c. Promoting competition in the workplace
d. Imposing strict ethical regulations

49. How do personal morals, ethics, and values contribute to determining ethical
a. They have no influence on ethical decisions.
b. They provide a subjective framework for decision-making.
c. They dictate strict adherence to organizational rules.
d. They encourage unethical practices.

50. How does ethical behavior within a business go beyond legal obligations?
a. By avoiding competition
b. By meeting obligations and avoiding undue pressure
c. By solely focusing on profits
d. By ignoring ethical considerations

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