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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Addis College

School Of Post Graduate Studies

Program: Masters of Project Management

Course Title: Strategic Management
Group Assignment on:- Term paper on Company Strategic Plan

Prepared By: Group members

1. Mikrachew Juhar ID GSR/076/2015

2. Bereket Bekele ID GSR/215/2015
3. Negusei Alemu ID GSR/190/2015
4. Hailu Birhanu ID GSR/105/2015
5. Meseret Anberber ID GSR/073/15

Submitted to: Aweke (PhD)

Date: March. 2024 GC

Addis Collage, Department of project Management Term paper on Strategic Management Page 1

Table of Contents
1.General Information On Strategic Planning................................................................................................................6
1.1 Definition of strategic planning............................................................................................................................6
1.2 Back ground of the Study.....................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Purpose /Objective of the strategic planning........................................................................................................7
1.4 Steps of strategic planning process......................................................................................................................7
1.4.1 Vision And Mission......................................................................................................................................8
1.4.2. Environmental Scan....................................................................................................................................8
1.4.3. Gap Analysis................................................................................................................................................8
1.4.4. Benchmarking.............................................................................................................................................8
1.4.5. Strategic Issues............................................................................................................................................8
1.4.6. Strategic Programming..............................................................................................................................9
1.4.7. Emergent Strategies....................................................................................................................................9
1.4.8. Evaluation Of Strategy...............................................................................................................................9
1.4.9. Review Of The Strategic Plan....................................................................................................................9
1.4.10. Strategic Thinking..................................................................................................................................10
2 .0 Back ground of the organization............................................................................................................................10
3.0 Components of Strategic planning process.............................................................................................................10
3.1 Vision..................................................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Mission...............................................................................................................................................................11
3.3) Core Value and Believes...................................................................................................................................12
3.4 Strategic Issues...................................................................................................................................................13
4.0 Planning contextual /Environmental Scanning.......................................................................................................13
4.1 SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................................13
4.2 PESTE Analysis..................................................................................................................................................14
4.2.1 Political aspect............................................................................................................................................14
4.2.2. Economic aspect.........................................................................................................................................14
4.2.3 Social & Cultural aspect.............................................................................................................................15
4.2.4 Technology aspect......................................................................................................................................15
4.2.5 Environmental aspect...................................................................................................................................15
5.0 Set the organization goal and Objective.................................................................................................................16
5.1 )Goal...................................................................................................................................................................16
5.2) General Objective..............................................................................................................................................16
5.2.1) Objective Over the short-Term...................................................................................................................16
5.2.2) Objective Over the mid-term......................................................................................................................17
5.2.3) Objective Over the long term.....................................................................................................................17
6.0) Strategic planning approach..................................................................................................................................17

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7.0) Implementation Of the Strategy...........................................................................................................................20

7.1) Implementation Strategy....................................................................................................................................20
7.2)Performances Reporting Structure......................................................................................................................20
8.0 Action plan.............................................................................................................................................................21
9.0 Recommendation....................................................................................................................................................21
10. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................................................21

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We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Aweke, A (Ph. D) for his honest and
great professional and technical advices and for giving us this Semester project, which helps us
to grasp a deep knowledge about Strategic Management for our Future career.

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Strategic Management is a set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the
long run performance of a corporation. Strategic planning is an essential function of senior
management in any business firm. Planning involves the firm’s behavior in a competitive market
and adaptation of the company’s resources towards the selected market strategy.

This Semester project on strategic planning project paper presents a methodological

procedure for strategic planning in BHMMN company strategic plan. This procedure consists
of the following stages. The project discusses a lot about the newly opening Electric
Automobile car company. First, examine the company’s organizational background, vision,
mission and goal. The vision and mission reflects the owners’ views with regard to the
company’s scope of activities and objectives. Second, survey SWOT and PESTE analysis the
company’s business environment. To conduct a SWOT analysis, identify the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to BHMMN Company. Third, analyze the company’s
main resources. The main resource in this respect include the construction capacity, the
procurement system, the marketing system, the organization, personnel, finances, and
weaknesses of each resource, in light of market needs, are identified. The Fourth stage is
developing a strategy. The development of a strategy is based on ‘’mapping’’ of the relative
attractiveness of the various possible activity areas. This strategy can follow one of several
generic types that must be adapted to particular conditions of the market and company. It affects
the subsequent choice of a strategy for development of the company’s own resources. The choice
of the optimal strategy, from several available alternatives, should follow a careful analysis of
the costs and benefits inherent in the implementation of each. After choosing the best and
alternative strategy for BHMMN Company, then the company will make a decision and perform
accordingly. And finally our conclusion will be incorporated. While doing this project on
Strategic planning as a group we conducted by brainstorming and Group discussions in order to
survey and extract imaginary data /information/ from the respondents that we choose.

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1.General Information On Strategic Planning

1.1 Definition of strategic planning

Strategic planning is a tool for organizing the present on the basis of the projections of the
desired future. That is, a strategic plan is a road map to lead an organization from where it is
now to where it would like to be in five or ten years.

It is necessary to have a strategic plan for every organization. In order to develop a

comprehensive plan for your organization which would include both long- range and strategic
elements, we suggest the methods and mechanisms outlined in this term study.

The plan must be: simple, written, clear, based on the real current situation, and have enough
time allowed to give it a time to settle. It should not be rushed. Rushing the plan will cause

1.2 Back ground of the Study

The word "strategy" comes from the Greek strategos, referring to a military general and
combining stratos (the army) and ago (to lead). The primary tasks of strategic management are
to understand the environment, define organizational goals, identify options, make and
implement decisions, and evaluate actual performance. Thus, strategic planning aims to exploit
the new and different opportunities of tomorrow, in contrast to long-range planning, which tries
to optimize for tomorrow the trends of today (Drucker 1980, p. 61).

Most company and organization currently engage in long-range planning, but they can fruitfully
augment that work by using the concepts of strategic planning and thereby enhance their ability
to steer a course in a changing external environment. This section briefly describes the traditional
models for long-range planning and environmental scanning and then shows how these two
models can be merged to provide the basis of a strategic planning process.

Traditional long-range planning in its most elementary form is based on the concept that
planning consists of at least four key steps--monitoring, forecasting, goal setting, and
implementing--which are intended to answer these questions: (1) Where is the organization
now? (2) Where is it going? (3) Where does it want to go? and (4) What does it have to do to
change where it is going to get to where it wants to go?

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1.3 Purpose /Objective of the strategic planning

The purpose of strategic or long-range planning is to assist an organization in establishing
priorities and to better serve the needs of its population. A strategic plan must be flexible and
practical and yet serve as a guide to implementing programs, evaluating how these programs are
doing, and making adjustments when necessary.

A strategic plan must reflect the thoughts, feelings, ideas, and wants of the developers and mold
them along with the organization's purpose, mission, and regulations into an integrated
document. The development of a plan requires much fact-finding, discussion, and examination
of the views of the leaders who are responsible for the plan's preparation. However, more often
than not, the development of the plan is less complicated than is the implementation.

Implementation, in essence, pulls a plan apart and diffuses it throughout an organization. Every
unit within the organization which is involved must then accept the plan, agree to its direction,
and implement specific actions. In order to effectively and efficiently implement a plan, all
individuals involved in its implementation must function as a whole or the plan is destined for

1.4 Steps of strategic planning process

Every strategic planning process is uniquely designed to fit the specific needs of a particular
organization, every successful "model" includes most of these steps.

The organization begins by identifying its vision and mission. Once these are clearly defined, it
moves on to a series of analyses, including external, internal, gap, and benchmarking, which
provide a context for developing organization's strategic issues. Strategic programming follows
and the organization develops specific strategies including strategic goals, action plans, and
tactics. Developing strategies evolve, challenging the intended tactics, and altering the realized
strategy. Periodically, the organization evaluates its strategies and reviews its strategic plan,
considering emergent strategies and evolving changes. It usually takes several years before
strategic planning becomes institutionalized and organizations learn to think strategically.

Note: Here we briefly review steps essential to success of any strategic planning process.

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1.4.1 Vision And Mission

Identification of the organization's vision and mission is the first step of any strategic planning
process. The company vision sets out the reasons for organization's existence and the "ideal"
state that the organization aims to achieve; the mission identifies major goals and performance
objectives. Both are defined within the framework of the organization philosophy, and are used
as a context for development and evaluation of intended and emergent strategies. One can not
overemphasize the importance of a clear vision and mission; none of the subsequent steps will
matter if the organization is not certain where it is headed.

1.4.2. Environmental Scan

Once the vision and mission are clearly identified, an organization must analyze its external and
internal environment. The environmental scan, performed within the frameworks of the Five
Forces Model and SWOT, analyzes information about organization's external environment
(economic, social, demographic, political, legal, technological, and international factors), the
industry, and internal organizational factors. The labor market projections provided on this site
are most valuable for the environmental scan.

1.4.3. Gap Analysis

Organizations evaluate the difference between their current position and desired future through
gap analysis. As a result, an organization can develop specific strategies and allocate resources
to close the gap and achieve its desired state.

1.4.4. Benchmarking
Measuring and comparing the organization's operations, practices, and performance against
others is useful for identifying "best" practices. Through an ongoing systematic benchmarking
process grounds find a reference point for setting their own goals and targets.

1.4.5. Strategic Issues

An organization determines its strategic issues based on its vision and mission within the
framework of environmental and other analyses. Strategic issues are the fundamental issues the
organization has to address to achieve its mission and move towards its desired future.

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1.4.6. Strategic Programming

To address strategic issues and develop deliberate strategies for achieving their mission,
companies set strategic goals, action plans, and tactics during the strategic programming stage.

Strategic goals are the milestones the company aims to achieve that evolve from the strategic
issues. The SMART goals model is essential to setting meaningful goals. Smart goals are
specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, and time/cost bound.

"Action plans ... define how we get to where we want to go," the steps required to reach our
strategic goals.

Tactics are specific actions used to achieve the strategic goals and implement the strategic plans.

1.4.7. Emergent Strategies

Unpredicted and unplanned events frequently occur that differ from the company proposed
strategies, and the company must respond. Emergent strategy is "a pattern, a consistency of
behavior over time," "a realized pattern [that] was not expressly intended" in the original
planning of strategy (Mintzberg, 1994).

1.4.8. Evaluation Of Strategy

Periodic evaluations of strategies, tactics, and action programs are essential to assessing success
of the strategic planning process. It is important to measure performance at least annually (but
preferably more often), to evaluate the effect of specific actions on long-term results and on the
organization's vision and mission (Rowley, Lujan, & Dolence, 1997). The organization should
measure current performance against previously set expectations, and consider any changes or
events that may have impacted the desired course of actions.

1.4.9. Review Of The Strategic Plan

After assessing the progress of the strategic planning process, the company needs to review the
strategic plan, make necessary changes, and adjust its performance based on these evaluations.
The revised plan must take into consideration emergent strategies, and changes affecting the
organization's intended performance.

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1.4.10. Strategic Thinking

With time, people in the company routinely make their decisions within the framework of the
organization's strategic vision and mission. Strategic planning becomes an organizational norm,
deeply embedded within the organization's decision-making process, and participants learn to
think strategically as part of their regular daily activities (Lerner, 1999). Strategic thinking
involves "arraying options through a process of opening up institutional thinking to a range of
alternatives and decisions that identify the best fit between the institution, its resources, and the
environment" (Rowley, Lujan, & Dolence, 1997).

2 .0 Back ground of the organization

BHMMN Company is a well-known Electric Automobile manufacturing and Assembler in the

country. The company has established in December 2020. The company is located in Addis
Ababa at Yeka Abado. BHMMN Company desire to give Electric Automobile related programs.
Such importing Accessories mentioning and servicing Electric automobiles in order to give the
customers’ needs some laboratory equipment’s from abroad due to the delay of approval unable
to start immediately. The Company is registered under the Addis Ababa City Administration
Control Authority with a license Number SMBBS/182/2013. And has got VAT registration
number 130897 on September 2020 by the Federal Inland Authority and has a tax payer
Identification number 0000025109 issued on September 2020 by the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa City Government Finance and Economic Development
Bureau and Revenue Agency. Despite to the delays the government provides access for the
company to start in the new year of 2021G.C. Federal Ministry of Technology of Ethiopian has
issued a registration certificate by the virtue of the authority given to it by sub article 44/8/ of
proclamation No 95/2019 provided for the definition.

3.0 Components of Strategic planning process

As we now the common(Goal based) strategic planning model is used for the company
BHMMN, which have different components :-

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3.1 Vision
To be one of the best electric automobile manufacturing and assembling companies in the
country by 2040 G.C

 Our Annual Revenues will raise to 14,400,000,000.00 birr

 We will maximize the future growth with a best manufacturing and assembling
practice through using quality and innovative technology for our customer.
 BHMMN company will be respected company all over the country.
 Providing safe, quality and cost-effective automobile product for the motherland.
 To deliver annual product of 7,200 Electric automobile

3.2 Mission
By the help of experienced manpower, modern technology to provide high quality electric
automobile by optimum sale price for those with middle income citizens.

Who we want to be

 A creative and best competent company in the country

 Highest quality product provider in the industry
 Respected worldwide expert developing
 A boundless manufacturing and assembling electric automobile for the country .
What we want to do

 Be the best electric automobile manufacturing and assembling in the country

 Provide high and quality technology on manufacturing and assembling on electric
 Provide technical and experienced manpower in the industry.
Who we want to do it for

 For the comminute

 For different corporate company’s
 For the government
Why we do it

 To provide transportation accesses for the society

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 To enhance the development of the country

 To help middle-income society to culture saving.
 To be profitable
 To provide career opportunity

3.3) Core Value and Believes

 Team work: the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete
the task in an effective and efficient way for the success of the company
 Profitability: - great value provision for a fair return. Strategically reinvest profits to
maintain operational excellence and for the development of Ethiopia.
 Customer focus: Providing quality product at an optimum price while being responsive to
our company‘ needs creates added value and improves customer satisfaction.
 Ecological and work area Safety: Working safely and protecting the public, our
employees, and the assets we manage is non-negotiable.
 Accountability and commitment: Take ownership and responsibility for actions and
 Integrity: Being ethical and holding ourselves accountable to conduct business in a fair,
honest, open, compliant, and environmentally responsible manner is at the core of what we
• Operational Excellence: Engaging employees to strive for excellence and continuous
improvement ensures that we provide reliable product and service while managing costs and
creating a rewarding work environment.

 Sustainability: Maintaining financial integrity, minimizing our environmental impact,

and supporting responsible economic development in our company communities ensures
the long-term sustainability of the company and the communities we serve.

•Innovativeness: Supporting the development of technologies to promote the efficient

production and assembly of electric automobile, protect the environment, and create work
opportunity for youth.

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3.4 Strategic Issues

The company determines its strategic issues based on its vision and mission within the
framework of environmental and other analyses. Strategic issues are the fundamental issues the
organization has to address to achieve its mission and move towards its desired future.

4.0 Planning contextual /Environmental Scanning

4.1 SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses ,opportunity and threats to provide
a comprehensive assessment of Company BHMMN internal capabilities and external market
position. The overall picture shows the balance of positive and negative factors. By cross
referencing strengths with opportunities and weaknesses with threats, the SWOT analysis helps

identify potential defensive and offensive strategies.

Strengths Weakness
Internal to company BHMMN

1. Experienced and talented staff 1.Usage of Old equipment and machinery

2. poor communication on the subordinates and top
2. High accumulation of assets
3. Long -standing presence in local market
3.Poor on employee motivation
4. Strong support from the government
4. Foreign currency shortage
5. High quality planning and monitoring
culture 5. Financial capacity limitation
6.Strong logistic system
6.poor productivity
7.High productive age population (Human 7. Presently does not have Battery production
resource) technology and knowledge
8.Already active and established e-car
9)Real time monitoring and Evaluation culture

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Opportunity Threats
1. Increase market share
1. Expansion of advanced technology
2. New innovation due length of time
External to company

2. Raw material import challenge

3.Knowing the customer needs by
manufacturing quality product 3. Market turn down challenge

4 .First entry market advantage 4.poor understanding customer on local product

5)Collaboration with internationally well
established e-car industry through investment
systems 5.Compitative company with equivalent product.

6)Regional market and partnership opportunity 6) Market price inflation

7)Availability of charging outlets across the
7) Lack of dominant competition country

4.2 PESTE Analysis

External environment scan has been carried out to analyze the implications of external factors on
the business environment in which BHMMN Company shall operate. These external factors
have been analyzed along five dimensions Political, Economic, Social, Technological and
Environmental aspect (PESTE analysis) mostly applicable in strategic planning preparation.

4.2.1 Political aspect

Ethiopia is the second-most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa with a large and diverse
population of more than 120 million. The Government is working on ambitious reform effort to
initiate a transition to a more democratic system of governance and decentralize authority. But
there is a lot of problems arise when you come to people peace security and an equity issue.
Because of the mentioned reason the BHMMN company operational should focus on central
cities. However the government commitment to security is critical due to the objective of the
company on the nation development .

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4.2.2. Economic aspect

As set in Ethiopian Home-grown Economic reform, Ethiopia aims to achieve middle-income
status coming five to ten years. This increase will require growing agricultural productivity,
strengthening the industrial base, and fostering export growth. BHMMN Company is one the
industrial base company which contributes in developing saving culture in middle –income
society and reduce importing cost by manufacturing assembling electric automobile which is the
major pillars of Ethiopian Home- grown economic reform.

4.2.3 Social & Cultural aspect

Social factors contribute towards healthy living and prosperity of the population and are directly
linked to the productivity of the population. Currently Ethiopia has large number of young
population and this population can be trained and guided properly so that it can be absorbed into
various industries and can contribute effectively to the growth of the country. As mention
BHMMN Company have huge work opportunity by integrating skilled with trained candidate to
increase the productivity on the industry and provides electric automobile product for middle
income society by long term credit . Because of economic development of the nation, the life
style of new and existing customers needs satisfied the product demand arise and due to its no
air pollution the people have safe healthy advantage.

4.2.4 Technology aspect

The Continuous improvement of the technology services is a aback bone in developing Country
like Ethiopia, economic and social development successful if it can work on continuous
improvement and innovation to benefit the State, BHMMN company have serious strategy to
integrate the man power with modern technology to increase the productivity and quality of the
product which is supported by information communication technology system in all work unit .

4.2.5 Environmental aspect

Ethiopia has been an outliner in the East Africa region, with 100 percent of its fuel consumption
coming from import, and the Government is committed to ensuring green growth for the future.
The country has a significant comparative advantage for attracting climate financing, of which it
is already a recipient in this case one of the best option is using the BHMMN company product
(electric automobile).

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It is commonly acknowledged that the earth faces growing hazards from carbon emissions and
the availability of oil. Regarding energy users, the transport industry has the largest overall
environmental effect, contributing more than 25% of the world’s energy usage and greenhouse
gas emissions. Road transport accounts for over 70% of the sector’s emissions . To find answers
to the problems of dependency on oil and emissions reduction, the concept of “sustainable
transportation” has been promoted . The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) claims that
even in contrast to more efficient conventional vehicles, the widespread use of EVs would
considerably reduce greenhouse gas emissions . Additionally, EVs on “tank to-wheels” often
have an efficiency three times greater than those powered by internal combustion engines.
(ICVs). Additionally, noise and vibration are reduced with electric automobiles .

5.0 Set the organization goal and Objective

5.1 )Goal
1) Maximize the profitability of the BHMMN company

2) Successful implementation of electric automobile in the country

3) Gaining popularity on electrical automobile BHMMN brand

4) Develop saving culture on middle –income Society

5) To avoid carbon gas emission which is danger for human life and to have health

5.2) General Objective

I- Increase the profitability of the company from 10% in 2024 to 15% each year.
II- Use best practice from foreign countries by customizing to our country condition
to implement the manufacturing and assembling electric automobile.

III- To provide quality and standard product to satisfy the customers need sustainably
with in the country
IV- Deliver electric automobile for middle income society and Company with long
term credit.
V- To enhance smart city initiatives is to drastically cut emissions and enhance the
air quality in urban areas

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5.2.1) Objective Over the short-Term

 Everyone in the company will know about our vision, values and goals, and
each person will understand how to contribute to our future success
 We will sustain the momentum of our strategic plan with an ongoing team
effort to execute and track our action plans for maximum results.

5.2.2) Objective Over the mid-term:

 The organizational structure will have been continually monitored and

updated to meet the increased demand of our planned growth. The
company’s job mix will be re-defined and job descriptions updated in
alignment with clearly documented levels of responsibilities and required
competencies for each job. We will invest in the success of our employees
with career and leadership development programs by training and upgrade
based on the performance.
 The company processes and systems will have been modernized and
consistent for maximum efficiency.
 The operation process should be supported by modern technology to
optimize productivity time.

5.2.3) Objective Over the long term

 By the end of 2040 we will have exceeded 34,560,000,000 Birr in gross revenue
delivering a consistent 15% profit-sharing.
 By the end of 2040 the productivity increase to annual production 7,200 at end of
the total cumulative deliver of electrical automobile by the organization will be
115,200 customers.
 At end of 2040 the company provide 50% of the total cost with credit access to
increase saving culture of the middle income society.
 We will raise our profile with more recognition of our logo. Our existing
branding will be amplified all over Ethiopia.

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6.0) Strategic planning approach

The strategic plan was developed using the consideration of internal and external environmental
of the BHMMN company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In this sub topic
discuss how to achieve the goal of the company set previous topics in this document.

The main strategic Goals of BHMMN Company are:

1)Maximize the profitability of the BHMMN company

2)Successful implementation of electric automobile in the country
3) Gaining popularity on electrical automobile BHMMN brand
4) Develop saving culture on middle –income Society
5) To avoid carbon gas emission which is danger for human life and to have health

Strategic goal 1:Maximize the profitability of the BHMMN company

Objective 1.1) increase the profitability of the company from 10% in 2024 to 15% each year.

Strategies for objective 1.1

 Optimizing manufacturing process to minimize production costs without compromising

quality or safety.
 .Meeting production target and efficient managing manufacturing and assembly capacity
to fulfill the market demand.
 Efficiently managing the flow of raw materials, components ,and parts to ensure
uninterrupted manufacture and assembly and minimize inventory costs.
 Develop clear communication between top management and all employee.
 Design and implement reward and appreciation system to motivate the employee.

Strategic goal 2) Successful implementation of electric automobile in the country

Objective 2.1) Use best practice from foreign countries by customizing to our country condition
to implement the manufacturing and assembling electric automobile.

Strategies for objective 2.1

 Establishing standardized production processes and components to enhance efficiency ,

reduce errors ,and facilitate maintenance and repair .
 Incorporating environmentally friendly manufacturing and assembly practice, using
sustainable materials ,and reducing the environmental impact of production process
 Build infrastructure for charging outlets across the country
 Build and customize the standard battery production technology in the country

Strategic goal 3) Gaining popularity on electrical automobile

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Objective 3.1)To provide quality and standard product to satisfy the customers need sustainably
with in the country

Strategies for objective 3.1

 Meeting customer expectations by delivering electric automobile that provide reliable,

enjoyable driving experience and offering excellent after -sales service.
 Ensuring that each electric automobile produced meets or exceeds predefined quality
standards and specification.
 By the help of advertisement ,awareness creation on the local product to invite new
potential customer .
 Use modern technology by integrating experienced manpower to take competitive
 Assess the technical requirements of the system, conduct thorough testing, implement
appropriate security measures, and have contingency plans in place to mitigate
technology risks
 Evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the technologies or practices being adopted, seek
expert advice, and ensure proper training and support

Strategic goal 4) Develop saving culture on middle –income Society

Objective 4.1)Deliver electric automobile for middle income society and Company with long
term credit.

Strategies for objective 4.1

 Building strong relationships with suppliers and fostering collaboration

 Perform financial analyses, establish c credit fund for middle income society, and
conduct cost-benefit assessments to work with financial institutes
 Develop comprehensive financial plans, analyze cash flow projections, establish strong
banking relationships, and implement effective financial management and risk mitigation
strategies to address financing and cash flow risks.

Strategic goal 5) To avoid carbon gas emission which is danger for human life and to have
health environment

Objective 5.1)To enhance smart city initiatives is to drastically cut emissions and enhance the
air quality in urban areas

Strategies for objective 5.1

 The product has reduced carbon emissions by replacing traditional gasoline and diesel
vehicles, which are major contributors to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
 As electric vehicles become more prevalent and the electricity grid becomes cleaner, the
potential for even greater carbon emissions reductions will continue to increase.

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7.0) Implementation Of the Strategy

This strategic Plan Should be evaluated by Strategic management of the company and approved
by BHMMN chair person in order to implement in the company level.

7.1) Implementation Strategy

It is important to establish a robust Implementation and Strategy monitoring system to monitor

the implementation of the strategic plan at the company levels. This will help in tracking
progress towards the achievement of BHMMN goals and objectives, and identify any deviation
or bottlenecks.

The Company have the responsible for Implementation of the strategic Plan. The approved plan
cascaded to all functional department based on Balances scorecard system.

All top management should committed to implement the plan as individual levels and should
follow their day-to-day activities.

7.2)Performances Reporting Structure

The Performance Reporting structure will be determined in all functional department ,each
department should summit their performances to top Strategic management in monthly basis.
The results score provides performance and impact indicators for the company operations along
with their corresponding justification on the result . The Strategy Monitoring and performances
Evaluation Plan include:

• Quarterly/Semi-Annual and/or Annual Bases Strategic Management Meeting

• 5,10,and 15 Years Strategic plan and report Evaluations by Strategic Management

• Monthly Bases Performance report evaluation by Strategic Management meeting.

• Project Implementation Progress report and evaluation by BHMMN Strategic


• Customer Service Centers Performances evaluation on Monthly Bases.

• Project implementation reviews,

• Supplier chain management review

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• Financial review reports,

• External independent evaluations,

• External independent impact evaluation

Generally, the BHMMN strategic management Report in monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual and
Annual bases for internal and external stockholders based on measurable indicate and evidence.

8.0 Action plan

10. Conclusion

[1] Strategic planning hand book and Manager implementation tool
Southern university at New Orleans [Revised December 2,2010]

[2] Electric Vehicles: Benefits, Challenges, and Potential Solutions for Widespread Adaptation

by Fayez Alanazi. Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Jouf University, Sakaka 72388,
Saudi Arabi

Submission received: 22 April 2023 / Revised: 10 May 2023 / Accepted: 11 May 2023 / Published: 13
May 2023

[3] Company ABC Strategic plan Sample, Octobers 2015

Addis Collage, Department of project Management Term paper on Strategic Management Page 21

Addis Collage, Department of project Management Term paper on Strategic Management Page 22

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