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1. Resolution in Support of Education Freedom – NDGOP Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: An increasing number of American parents are seeking alternatives to

traditional public schools and many are inhibited by financial constraints; and

WHEREAS: Public funding for education comes from the pockets of taxpayers and is
meant for educating students, not for maintaining the status-quo education system, and

WHEREAS: Using taxpayer dollars exclusively for public education discriminates

against citizens who reject the secularism in public school and instead want to instill the
values ascribed by private schools or homeschool curricula, and

WHEREAS: Universal school choice allows taxpayer funds to follow students to the
schools that best fit their educational needs whether that is a public school, private
school, home school, or any other learning environment that families choose; and

WHEREAS: Funding for government schools continues to increase regardless of the

academic performance of students; and

WHEREAS: While less than half of American students are proficient in math, science,
and reading, government schools are prioritizing social programs that politically and
ideologically indoctrinate students; and

WHEREAS: North Dakota is filled with dedicated educators and hardworking students
who have no choice but to stay in an antiquated, one-size-fits-all system that continues
to fall short of rigorous academic standards; and

WHEREAS: Implementing universal school choice improves academic proficiency for

both program participants and public school students while saving the state money; and

WHEREAS: Parents should have the ability to choose, regardless of income or zip
code, an education setting for their child based on their child’s individual needs,
academic goals, and religious beliefs; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party recognizes

the necessity of educational reform that empowers all families to choose their education
providers—whether that is public, private, charter, or homeschool—that best meet their
education needs; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party urges

legislators to pass a bill that provides for universal school choice that contains strong
protections from government regulation for private, charter, and home schools.

2. Resolution in Support of Medical Freedom and Public Health Accountability – NDGOP

Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: The North Dakota Republican Party platform pillars of individual liberty, personal
responsibility, and limited government were largely ignored during the government’s response to
the COVID-19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS: Local, state, and federal governing bodies imposed unscientific and arbitrary public
health mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic that significantly limited individual liberty and
bodily autonomy; and

WHEREAS: U.S. government health and science agencies have a history of violating the rights
of citizens in studies conducted without informed consent; and

WHEREAS: Pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers have presented

fraudulent claims and research to U.S. health regulatory agencies leading to tens of thousands
of preventable injuries and deaths; and

WHEREAS: The CDC and FDA demonstrated contempt for the public by mocking the
long-standing practice of off-label medication use when doctors attempted to treat patients
outside the government-approved protocol; and

WHEREAS: The CDC made recommendations that were unscientific, experimental, and
harmful, such as forced masking, social distancing, and blanket recommendations for the
experimental COVID-19 vaccine regardless of patient risk level and a lack of long-term safety
data; and

WHEREAS: As a result of CDC recommendations:

- citizens were coerced into receiving experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against
their preference and without informed consent
- healthcare professionals were forced to choose between keeping their career and
receiving the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccine
- Covid-19 patients were denied their treatment of choice and coerced into receiving
medical interventions that were experimental and dangerous
- nursing home residents were isolated against their will and denied access to loved ones,
some even in their last moments of life
- small business owners were denied the right to provide for themselves and their families
by being forced to close their doors during the pandemic
- the right to assemble and worship as a congregation was severely restricted
- schools locked down contributing to significant learning loss and an increase in mental
health issues, now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party urges elected
officials, health care providers, public health officials, and all citizens to beware of the dangers
posed by automatic obedience to the recommendations of the CDC, FDA, and other official
2. Resolution in Support of Medical Freedom and Public Health Accountability

agencies; and urges the consideration of qualified, independent voices who disagree with the
government-approved medical narrative, and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That we call on elected officials at both the state
and federal levels to follow the example of the Florida Grand Jury by studying data relative to
lessons that can be learned from the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic to
ensure the loss of individual freedom of North Dakota citizens never happens again, and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party affirms the
inherent right of individuals to make medical and healthcare decisions on behalf of themselves
and their children without interference or intimidation from any branch of government,
governmental agency, or official, and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party rejects

mandates of any medical protocol, experimental drug, medical procedure, medication, or
medical device on any citizen; affirms the right to informed consent of the nature, risks, and
benefits of healthcare options which include declining treatment or vaccinations, and affirms the
right of doctors and patients to use any and all legally available therapies for treatment without
reprisal or punishment, and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party rejects

discrimination of any kind against any citizen based on their medical decisions or vaccination

3. Resolution on Illegal Aliens and Border Security – NDGOP Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: Amnesty for illegal aliens is a violation of the rule of law and an affront to those who
have worked diligently to legally enter the United States; and

WHEREAS: The federal government has been openly trafficking illegal aliens into our country
and state; and

WHEREAS: A lack of adequate enforcement of immigration laws at the borders represents a

real threat to national and local security; ICE has been rendered useless under the current
administration, and deportations have been lacking and weak under current and past
administrations resulting in continual illegal immigration, and

WHEREAS: Illegal aliens introduce costs and burdens on our society and are a threat to the
health and well-being of Americans because of the significant increase of illegal drugs and
crime; and

WHEREAS: The State of North Dakota and companies in North Dakota should deny
employment of illegal aliens, and fines should be levied against companies that are found to be
employing illegal aliens, now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Republican Party of North Dakota reaffirms its
continued opposition to illegal immigration; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Republican Party of North Dakota calls upon
the North Dakota Legislature and the United States Congress to implement legislation to
effectively stem the tide of illegal aliens into this country, including legislation that will:

● Physically secure our border and coastlines, increase patrols, complete the wall on the
southern border, and employ other measures necessary to control entry into our country;
● Enforce visa rules, requiring immigration officials to track visa holders and deport those
who overstay their visas or otherwise violate United States law; and
● To record and publish all illegal alien identification and activity in the state; and
● Deny amnesty so that illegal aliens are not rewarded for breaking our laws; and
● Protect illegal alien children from being exploited by sex traffickers; and
● Deny welfare and entitlements to illegal aliens, so that taxpayers do not bear the
financial burden of those who use our hospitals, schools, and social services; and
● Clarify that illegal aliens are not “subject to the jurisdiction [of the United States]” as
required in Section 1 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, and
merely giving birth on United States soil does not grant citizenship to those born to illegal
aliens present in the United States; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Republican Party of North Dakota calls upon
the North Dakota Legislature and the United States Congress to pass immigration reform to
create an efficient and fair system for those who enter our country legally and work for the
American dream.

4. Resolution to Defund Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs – NDGOP

Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs have been installed in
almost every college, university, school, and corporation in America and wield
significant power and influence over students and professionals; and

WHEREAS: DEI programs exist to indoctrinate captive audiences of people to embrace

neo-Marxist Identity Theories in order to install political officers within American
institutions and corporations who will create and enforce Leftist policies that achieve a
socialist redistribution of resources, status, and wealth; and

WHEREAS: DEI initiatives prioritize the filling of identity quotas over safety,
competence, and merit which is directly leading to the lowering of standards in every
field of study and professional setting; and

WHEREAS: A significant amount of resources is devoted to DEI bureaucracies at every

level of public and higher education with little to no oversight nor evidence that DEI
initiatives benefit individual citizens or society as a whole; and

WHEREAS: The average U.S. college employs 45 DEI officials who work to further
narrow and radical political agendas rather than promote welcoming and inclusive
environments; and

WHEREAS: Legislatures in Florida, Texas, Alabama, and Utah have approved bans on
DEI efforts in higher education and public offices; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party calls on

legislators to draft legislation that prohibits the use of state funds for programs and
offices that promote DEI offices, staff, programs, and initiatives, and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party

urges a return within academic and professional settings to meritocratic principles that
favor excellence over racial and gender quotas in order to encourage a marketplace of
diverse ideas, freedom of speech, and rigorous intellectual pursuits which promote
human flourishing and progress.

5. Resolution on Energy Freedom for America – Rep. Anna Novak, D33

WHEREAS: Affordable, reliable energy is essential to North Dakota, America and to human
prosperity because it gives us the ability to use machines to become productive and
prosperous, and

WHEREAS: American energy leads to a better economy, a lower cost of living, more well-paid
job opportunities, a smaller deficit, and greater national security; and

WHEREAS: Fossil fuels are, and for the foreseeable future will remain the most affordable,
reliable, scalable, and secure source of energy—the only source that can provide plentiful
energy to billions of people in thousands of places, and

WHEREAS: Energy poverty is a crucial problem at home and abroad, affecting tens of millions
of Americans and billions worldwide, including the three billion individuals who survive daily on
less electricity than a household refrigerator, and

WHEREAS: North Dakota, America and the world require an energy policy that ensures plenty
of fossil fuel energy to maintain a reliable power grid, particularly during adverse weather events
when intermittent energy sources are not reliable, and

WHEREAS: America can enrich itself and empower billions of people with policies that free
human ingenuity to produce energy in as low-cost, reliable, plentiful, clean, and safe a way as
possible, and

WHEREAS: The fossil fuel industry contributes over 54 percent of North Dakota’s state tax
revenue, funding education, health and human services, infrastructure, and the majority of our
citizens’ critical needs, and

WHEREAS: The fossil fuel industry employs over 61,000 North Dakotans, and

WHEREAS: The Biden administration has restricted investment, production, and transport of
American fossil fuels on the false promise that they can be replaced by solar and wind; has shut
down reliable power plants and created unprecedented electricity shortages; has sought to
excuse their policies from fault by blaming price spikes on “Putin’s price hike,” post-COVID
demand, or the supposed greed of oil companies, now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party urges the United States
Congress and the White House to take the following steps to promote American prosperity,
increase energy security, improve our environment, and enhance the well-being of billions
around the world through energy freedom: (1) Liberate responsible development of domestic
energy resources; (2) End preferences for unreliable electricity; (3) Reform air and water
emissions standards to incorporate realistic cost-benefit analysis; (4) Withdraw from climate
agreements that punish America instead of fostering innovation, and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party urges the
North Dakota Legislature, the United States Congress, and the White House to advance energy
freedom policies that liberate American energy for the benefit of all.

6. Resolution in Support of Establishing Equal Protection for the Unborn – NDGOP

Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: All human beings are created equal and endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable rights, the foremost of which is the right to life; and

WHEREAS: The Fourteenth Amendment affirms the right to life with the following
guarantee: “Nor shall any person be deprived of life, liberty or property without due
process of law nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the
law.”; and

WHEREAS: The life of every human being begins at fertilization; and

WHEREAS: The right to life should be protected regardless of a human being’s size,
stage of development, environment, degree of dependency, or circumstances
surrounding conception; and

WHEREAS: Abortion is an act of violence that purposefully and knowingly terminates

the life of a human being inside the womb; and

WHEREAS: Unborn human beings are entitled to the full and equal protection of the
laws that prohibit violence against other human beings; and

WHEREAS: Establishing equal protection for the unborn requires that anyone who kills
a pre-born human being is legally answerable for the crime, whether they be a principal
offender, accomplice, or co-conspirator of the act; and

WHEREAS: Because medication abortion is readily accessible to all citizens regardless of state
law and now accounts for the vast majority of all abortions, and abortion will remain widespread
and legal in North Dakota as long as abortions can be self-administered with impunity; and

WHEREAS: The state of North Dakota has a fundamental and compelling interest in
protecting the life of every human being from the moment of fertilization; and

WHEREAS: Legislators have a God-given duty to administer justice fairly and equally;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party supports

efforts to abolish abortion in the state of North Dakota by establishing equal protection
under the law for the unborn in accordance with the 14th Amendment, and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party

calls upon all members of Congress to support the end of federal taxpayer funding for abortion.

7. Resolution Opposing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Supporting Private Property
Rights, and Condemning the Use of Eminent Domain for CO2 Pipelines – NDGOP
Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: Corporations within the energy sector are capitalizing on the false premise of a
looming climate apocalypse by introducing CCS projects into North Dakota which would require
the acquisition of land across various states, affecting numerous landowners and communities;
and eminent domain is being considered to acquire the necessary land for the pipeline; and

WHEREAS: The affected landowners and communities have expressed strong opposition to the
use of eminent domain, arguing that it unjustly benefits a private entity at the expense of their
property rights and local autonomy, demonstrating that there is a need for greater transparency,
community involvement, and rigorous environmental and safety assessments in the planning
and implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects; and

WHEREAS: The North Dakota Republican Party supports the right of individual citizens to own
and benefit from private real property ownership and further affirms that the individual's right of
ownership should be the "primary purpose" inherent in the use and value of their real property,

WHEREAS: The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution protects private property from public
use without just compensation; and

WHEREAS: There are substantial unanswered questions about the environmental benefits of
these projects, their associated risks, and the long-term viability of CCS technology; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party condemns the use of
eminent domain for carbon dioxide pipelines and calls for an immediate halt to any such actions,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party urges relevant governmental
bodies to seek alternative solutions that do not infringe upon the property rights of individuals,
that respect environmental and safety concerns, and that involve meaningful consultation and
consent from the affected communities; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party opposes the use of State
funds to educate the public on the benefits of CCS that are contrary to the will and interests of
private property owners; and opposes the fascism of mutually beneficial partnerships between
government and private energy corporations created under the pretext of climate change, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party supports legislation that
prevents the infringement of individual property rights without just compensation and provides
legislative oversight of administrative rules that carry the force and effect of law.

8. Resolution on Abolishing Property Taxes – NDGOP Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: North Dakotans do not truly own their homes as long as they are forced to pay
property taxes to keep them and these taxes disproportionately affect seniors and individuals on
fixed incomes; and,

WHEREAS: Property tax increases, and their existence in general, has become the #1 biggest
complaint by North Dakotans as it relates to their tax burdens; and,

WHEREAS: Promises to properly address and fix issues related to property taxes made by
leadership and various special interest groups while they stood in opposition to the 2012 ballot
measure have not substantially reduced the property tax burden for most North Dakotans; and,

WHEREAS: Various exemptions, appraisal caps, and other proposals do little to eliminate the
unnecessary burden on most families and property valuations have risen in general; and,

WHEREAS: The cost of merely collecting these taxes is a waste of millions of dollars, and only
serves to provide profits for a special interest group of assessors and collectors; and,

WHEREAS: Easing the ability of young families to acquire real estate and reduce their
mortgage is the most common mechanism of wealth creation for most families; and

WHEREAS: Consumption-based taxation, which exists already in our state, allows the people
greater control over their tax burden and revenues already exist to “replace” property taxes and
provide core constitutional services; and

WHEREAS: If business costs are reduced and made predictable by abolishing property taxes,
North Dakota will be more competitive in attracting business, adding jobs, and developing our
economy for the future.; and

WHEREAS: Due to massive state government revenues, abolishing property taxes can be
accomplished without any loss of discretion or local control by local subdivisions, and without
any cuts to existing services; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party supports legislative
efforts to eliminate property tax entirely or in part by eliminating primary residence property tax.

9. In Opposition to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Bills

(SOGI) – John Trandem, D45

WHEREAS: The North Dakota Republican Party advocates an affirming approach to biological
identity and supports the restoration of gender dysphoric individuals, that they may embrace
and be comfortable with their natural biological state; and

WHEREAS: SOGI bills seek to pacify gender dysphoric individuals by compromising the comfort
and safety of an untold number of bystanders; and

WHEREAS: SOGI bills do not provide means to test the veracity of the claimant who identifies
as other than his or her biological gender; and

WHEREAS: SOGI bills do not typically contain provisions whereby individuals who make the
claim to be opposite or other than their biological gender shall be prohibited from entering
facilities designated for use by members who are biologically the opposite sex; and

WHEREAS: SOGI bills open the door for non-gender dysphoric individuals to exploit the
opportunity to enter opposite-sex facilities for purposes other than those for which they were
designed, which may be impossible to detect or identify; provide legal means to initiate action
against anyone who may question their motives in entering an opposite-gender facility,
effectively rendering such inquiries impractical for fear of retribution; and grant protection to
non-gender-dysphoric voyeurs who wish to prey on members of the opposite sex; and

WHEREAS: The North Dakota Republican Party stands in firm opposition to any effort that may
lead to or facilitate sexual assault; and

WHEREAS: SOGI bills in some cases criminalize non-use of certain preferred pronouns and
can be weaponized against religious and individual liberties (Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado
Civil Rights Commission), now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party opposes the passage of
legislation that adds sexual orientation and gender identity to our Century Code as protected

10. Resolution on Privacy – Doug Sharbono, D11

WHEREAS: We believe the biggest threat to our privacy is the government, and we
must drastically limit the ability of the government to collect and store data regarding
citizens' personal matters; and

WHEREAS: The role of government in our constitutional republic is to protect the

privacy and liberty of the citizens of the United States while keeping us safe, not to
protect the government from our citizens; and

WHEREAS: Through recent Grand Jury testimony and adjudication in criminal cases, it
has been discovered key members of the Democrat Party, using the full force of
government through the CIA and FBI, electronically spied on President
Donald Trump while sitting in office; and

WHEREAS: There is a powerful move towards establishing a national identity card

system, the establishment of which will likely lead to far more intrusive invasions of individual
privacy and liberty; and

WHEREAS: The Patriot Act, USA Freedom Act, Executive Orders, and federal legislation have:
● Expanded the federal government's ability to use wiretaps without judicial oversight; and
● Allowed nationwide search warrants non-specific to any given location, nor subject to any
local judicial oversight; and
● Made it far easier for the government to monitor private internet usage; and
● Authorized "sneak and peek" warrants enabling federal authorities to search a person's
home, office, or personal property without that person's knowledge; and
● Required libraries and bookstores to turn over records of books read by their patrons; and
● Further centralized the power of the federal government at the expense of states and
individual United States citizens; and

WHEREAS: National Security Agency programs have been intrusively and illegally collecting
significant amounts of data from major internet companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft,
and Facebook pertaining to personal computers, computer software hacks, emails, texts,
phones, etc. from ordinary Americans, and further illegally passing that raw data along to other
countries’ intelligence services, all outside of the legitimate privacy guaranteed by the 4th
Amendment; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party calls for the Patriot Act,
USA Freedom Act, Executive orders and federal legislation that enhance the power of the
federal government and diminish the privacy and liberty of United States citizens to be repealed,
and the national ID card movement, in any form, be rejected; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party urges the
reining in of unlawful data collection on United States citizens and a return to warrants procured
only in open courts in accordance with the Constitution.

11. Resolution on Safeguarding Parental Rights – NDGOP Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their
children without undue influence of the state is a natural and fundamental right; and

WHEREAS: The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that “the Due Process Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right of parents” and has long
recognized parental rights to be a fundamental right rooted in this nation’s tradition and
history; and

WHEREAS: House Concurrent Resolution 3049, which was passed by the 67th
Legislative Assembly of North Dakota, recognizes parents as the chief stakeholders of
the future and education of their children; and

WhEREAS: The federal government is enacting destructive gender ideology policies in

both education and healthcare that undermine parental authority and endanger
children’s minds, bodies, and family relationships; and

WHEREAS: Prominent North Dakota educators have publicly expressed a willingness

to defy state law by keeping important information about students from parents; and

WHEREAS: The Biden Administration’s Department of Justice was weaponized to

target and intimidate law-abiding parents who expressed concern over education
policies; and

WHEREAS: The current standard of care for transgender-identifying minors is a threat

to parents’ custodial rights as officials in other states have cited parents’ disagreement
with gender-affirming care as a basis for terminating custody; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party affirms that
parents have the fundamental right to direct the education, medical care, and moral
upbringing of their children, including on questions of sexuality and identity; to access
and review all medical and education records of the child; and to make and consent to
physical and mental health care decisions for their child.

12. Resolution on Monetary Policy – NDGOP Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution vests in Congress the power,
“To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights
and Measures;” and

WHEREAS: The stability and economic benefits of this sound money system caused the U.S.
dollar to become the world standard; and

WHEREAS: The passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 has resulted in the depreciation of
the dollar and has accelerated the process of removing the dollar as the Global Reserve
Currency; and

WHEREAS: The removal of the gold standard, in addition to unbridled spending by both our
state and country, has caused further devaluation of our dollar and an increase in national debt;

WHEREAS: The Biden administration has developed policy objectives for a U.S. Central Bank
Digital Currency (CBDC) system, which reflect the federal government’s priorities for a potential
U.S. CBDC system; and

WHEREAS: Central Bank Digital Currencies are being considered as an alternative to our
devaluing dollar which would allow the government to monitor and control every single
transaction citizens make, which would lead to a social credit system; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party urges the North
Dakota Legislature to draft legislation that prohibits the use of a federally adopted digital
currency by excluding it from the definition of money within North Dakota’s Uniform Commercial
Code; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party urges the
North Dakota Legislature and the United States Congress to support legislation to prohibit deficit
spending and practice fiscal restraint.

13. Resolution on Opposing Cronyism - NDGOP Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: Capitalism is the best economic system, and the free market allocates resources in
an economy better than any governmental body, and

WHEREAS: Any governmental body that takes money from some to give it to others for any
reason whatsoever is distorting the market, and a government that picks winners and losers in
the marketplace is inherently unfair, and

WHEREAS: Distortions in the market caused by governmental interference harm economic

growth and liberty, and

WHEREAS: The platform of the North Dakota Republican Party establishes its clear support of
the American free enterprise system and opposes all efforts by any government to redistribute
wealth, and

WHEREAS: Current policy in the state of North Dakota, as pursued by both the legislature and
local political subdivisions, violates this principle by granting special favors to the
politically well-connected through “economic development” policy and the Department of
Commerce, now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party opposes all
government bodies picking winners and losers in the marketplace; and,

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party calls upon the
State of North Dakota to ensure that the government contract bidding process is conducive to
participation for all businesses and that the results of the process are transparent and readily
available to the public.

14. Resolution in Support of Religious Freedom – NDGOP Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS: The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the United States
explicitly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof”; and

WHEREAS: In an act of judicial activism, the Supreme Court of the United States created a
constitutional right to same-sex marriage in its Obergefell v Hodges decision; and

WHEREAS: The Respect For Marriage Act further codified same-sex marriage into law and
paved the way for activists to bring lawsuits against religious individuals and organizations who
believe marriage is solely between a man and a woman; and

WHEREAS: As Justice Clarence Thomas noted in his dissent to Obergefell, “In our society,
marriage is not simply a governmental institution; it is a religious institution as well…and it
appears all but inevitable that the two will come into conflict, particularly as individuals and
churches are confronted with demands to participate in and endorse civil marriages between
same-sex couples.” and

WHEREAS: The IRS could potentially use the new law to remove tax-exempt status, take away
government grants, and revoke licenses from religious organizations, Christian orphanages, and
adoption ministries; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party calls upon our
attorney general to vigorously oppose in court any attempt to restrict the religious freedom of
individuals and organizations who hold the sincerely held religious belief that marriage is
between one man and one woman, and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party, in alignment

with its platform, reaffirms the state’s constitutional definition of marriage as the union of one
man and one woman.

15. American Sovereignty and the United Nations – Rep. Rose Christensen, D24

WHEREAS: Certain efforts within the United Nations represent threats to national sovereignty;

WHEREAS: These efforts include the pursuance of an expanded international judiciary,

including the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice, legal
jurisdictions that do not include the safeguards required by the United States Constitution; and

WHEREAS: The United States’ sovereignty is increasingly threatened by a never-ending supply

of United Nation’s treaties and conventions; and

WHEREAS: Our federal government has limited its rights of sovereignty over many of the
United States’ revered heritage sites which have become world heritage sites under the United
Nations; and

WHEREAS: The United Nations is striving to control all of the United States’ land, to tax many
areas of commerce, to control all natural resources, to influence environmental and election
laws, to outlaw guns, to educate and control our children, and to enact population control; and

WHEREAS: United States armed forces are fighting wars or standing guard in many nations, all
under the command and control of the United Nations; and

WHEREAS: The Constitution of the United States specifies that no law or treaty can properly be
made unless it is “in the pursuance thereof” and “under the authority of the Constitution,” and
which has been supported by five U.S. Supreme Court rulings that treaties cannot authorize
what the Constitution forbids; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party believes that
American soldiers and citizens should be subject only to domestic legal entities, and urges all
public officials to ensure United States’ sovereignty over people, property, and policy during any
interaction with the United Nations; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party respectfully,

but firmly requests all members of the North Dakota Congressional Delegation, and all
candidates seeking public office to:

- Diligently work to limit and control the United States’ financial support for the United
Nations; and
15. American Sovereignty and the United Nations – Rep. Rose Christensen, D24

- Ensure that United States military service members shall serve only under the authority
of the United States civil, military command and law; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party reaffirms our
loyalty to the U. S. Constitution, and to our national independence, and hereby relays to our
elected representatives in Washington, D.C., our directive to withdraw America's moral, political,
legal, and economic participation from the United Nations.

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