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Name: Santos, Dhexter M.

Date: 03-20-24
Year and Section: BSGE 2B Score:

Geographic Information Systems Familiarization

with Raster Data Laboratory
Exercise No. 4

Question 1: Based on the Layer properties of QBPansharpUPsubset, give the following

details about the raster:

CRS: EPSG:32651 –WGS 84 / UTM zone 51N

Unit: Meters
Image Dimension (Width X Height): X : 4000, Y:4000
Number Of Bands: 3 BANDS
Origin Coordinates: 290725.2000000000116415,1622266.1999999997206032
Spatial Resolution (Pixel Size): 0.5999999999999999778,-0.5999999999999999778
Corner Coordinates (EXTENT): 290725.2000000000116415,1619866.1999999997206032 :

Question 2: What is/are the difference/s of the two styles Multiband color and Singleband

Multiband color and singleband pseudocolor is located in Symbology Tab, the multiband
color allows the users to see the natural feature/color of the QBPansharpUPsubset, that gives the
red, green, blue color. However the singleband pseudocolor Similar to Singleband-gray, render
type is appropriate for displaying numerical data. In order to classify the different ranges of
values to be represented, it is possible to select a color ramp in addition to a number of classes, in
color ramp there are plenty of color ramp you can choose but in this laboratory we choose the
spectral band that gave us mostly red color and blue for some region.

Question 3: Describe the images resulting from each symbology style based on the results of
steps 12, 13 & 14.

The map's contrast varies again in step 12, when you set Band to Band 3 (Blue). This time, blue,
orange, and red are combined. In addition, there are places with a lot of blue and other areas with
a lot of orange and red. The color of the map turns a mix of red and orange when you set Band to
Band 2 (Green).
Question 4: List down the grid codes and their corresponding land use names.


1.2 AREA Decimal Real 12 11
0 (Double)
1.2 1 PERIMETER Decimal Real 12 11
123 LANDUSEO_ Integer (32 Integer 9 0
2 bit)
123 LANDUSE_I Integer (32 Integer 9 0
3 bit)
abc LandUse Text (String) String 50 0
123 5 GRIDCODE Integer (32 Integer 5 0

Question 5: Based on visual inspection, which land use constitutes the largest area?

Based on my visual inspection, the land use that constitutes the largest area was the
agricultural region of the area were most of the picture shown was about 80-90% was occupied
by red color band.

Question 6: What is the range of values of this raster (minimum and maximum)? Explain
what is represented by your converted file.

The lowest value in this raster is 1, and the highest value is 7. Its purpose was to give
information about temperature and the kinds of land that are being used. It can be arranged in
groups based on the various color ramps that the map creator has employed.

Question 7: What is/are the similarities and/or differences in the raster and vector files of
the Land Use layer that you notice?

The raster and vector files for the land use layer are similar in that, from what I could see,
each region is classified differently but not exactly in the same way. But I've discovered that they
vary in terms of texture shift and color quality. For instance, raster files have pixelated color
instead of solid color, but the color intensity in vector data is still enough to distinguish the small
wetland—the smallest area that is being used.

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